S7 E19
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 7  "Guilty Pleasure"  7x19

Aired 14 years ago - Apr 06, 2010

The death of a Navy officer leads Gibbs and the team into the world of high-priced call girls, relying on D.C. Madam Holly Snow to help them catch a killer.

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Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 2 #2 Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 3
Whoa. Silence of the lambs.
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 4
Ma'am, we're going to have to ask you to step back.
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 5
Justin wanted to write about how they lived, how they worked,
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just before meeting her in the motel room.
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Charlotte Cook.
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I'm really friendly and... and I'm a really good listener and I like men,
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unsolved homicides of a similar nature to this one.
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She is off the grid.
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Well, I'm sorry.
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And now I'm paying for it.
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(Satisfied sigh)
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That's rich, instructing a DiNozzo how to act around women.
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and rather than refuse the job...
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Charlotte: You've been a bad boy.
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Yeah, that's him improvising.
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Hey, you can take all the time you need. She's staying.
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Look, I've been with the violent ones.
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in another line of work.
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Well, you were right, Holly Snow.
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No mistake. Just being thorough.
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Do you think that he's gonna stop with them?
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you know him?
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Let's go, Holly.
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How's that for a case-cracker?
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if you were stabbing someone, it's hard to grip.
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Pick him up.
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People are gonna see this.
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Well, the only connection between our five victims
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(Clicks tongue)
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Holly received was from Charlotte Cook
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My lawyer.
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Kasdan reps the former owner.
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Oh, hey, there, McCadden.
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That was very nice.