S7 E2
Comedy Central

Season 7  "A Farewell to Arms"  7x2

Aired 12 years ago - Jun 20, 2012

An ancient prophecy predicts the world will end in 3012.

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Recap of Futurama Season 7 Episode 2 (S07E02) - 2
I'm slipping!
Recap of Futurama Season 7 Episode 2 (S07E02) - 3
We made a rope from my shirt and jacket
Recap of Futurama Season 7 Episode 2 (S07E02) - 4
Fry, my friend, I found your pants.
Recap of Futurama Season 7 Episode 2 (S07E02) - 5
A huge pyramid under New New York?
Recap of Futurama Season 7 Episode 2 (S07E02) - 6
No, no, no, no, no!
Recap of Futurama Season 7 Episode 2 (S07E02) - 7
Sorry. I was eatin' a can of breakfast and lookin' at porn.
Recap of Futurama Season 7 Episode 2 (S07E02) - 8
I think it means... "The sun will erupt...
Recap of Futurama Season 7 Episode 2 (S07E02) - 9
So the world will end in 3012.
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Before Fry blew his pants out of the sky,
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So long, Earth. Thanks for nothing.
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Damn thing just won't turn over.
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Whatever time we have left, just live it with me.
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it's a rocket ship!
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How many people can this thing carry?
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It's close, with lots of open space and no Woodward or Bernstein.
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valuable appliances... even janitors.
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Who shall live and who shall die?
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Ooh, me next!
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- Sigma Beta, see you latah! - Sigma Beta, see you latah!
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Well, might as well get it over with.
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extreme combat training. Rejected!
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You can't reject Leela! Give her a badge, you stupid box!
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Wait, I did it. I got Leela a ticket.
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Boo! Don't come back!
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We come to your planet to construct a gleaming city,
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No. 'Cause as long as Leela lives, I'll be alive, too, in her heart.
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I am Singing Wind, chief of the native Martian tribe.
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I translated your warning that the world was doomed.
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You guys got ten, 15 minutes max. Well, so long.
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You had it dismantled to build that statue.
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My God, one of the hundreds of contradictory prophecies is coming true.
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And these Piña Skulladas are fantastic.
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Very near!