
Season 3

Aired 13 years ago - May 19, 2011

Leslie and the parks team put together a memorial service for a dearly departed friend. Meanwhile, Tom makes a big life decision, while Chris reacts badly to a health problem.

Aired 13 years ago - May 19, 2011

Everyone in the office is unhappy when Chris decides to make some big changes in the parks department -- especially Tom who starts to question his career choices. Leslie is caught off guard when Ben has a meeting with her mom.

Aired 13 years ago - May 12, 2011

When Chris sends Leslie and Ben on a trip to Indianapolis, Leslie is afraid she won't be able to deny her feelings for him. Ron teaches a young student about his views on government. Meanwhile, Andy gets his feelings hurt by April after playing Tom's new game.

Aired 13 years ago - May 12, 2011

When Leslie tries to get Ann a job at city hall, her lukewarm reaction causes their first-ever fight. Tom invites the entire department to the Snakehole Lounge to help him promote his new alcohol, "Snake Juice."

Aired 13 years ago - May 05, 2011

Leslie's ex-best friend, Lindsay Carlisle Shay, launches an attack on Pawnee, banning residents from visiting a nearby park in the neighboring city of Eagleton with a large fence, causing Leslie to go to war with Eagleton. Meanwhile, everyone finds out that it is Ron's birthday, a fact that he went to extreme lengths to conceal.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 1
so I'm there every eight days.
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But the worst one by far is how thoughtful she can be.
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- Why? - It would give us...
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This woman's right.
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I have a question about your inflatable saxophones.
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I would never make a work-related call.
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still loveable, but grimy.
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Oh, I'm sorry. It's just, nursing...
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There's only so much you can do.
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Come on, Lindsay, this isn't you.
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- just small ideas. - Mm.
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Pawnee is and always will be a dirty, little nightmare
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What did I say instead?
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- Wow. - But...
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finding the smell unpleasant and the soil untenable,
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- I was just at the stables. - Oh.
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Oh, the forum is beginning.
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My house is not even on a street.
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These were for a sick child at the hospital.
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Hello. I'm Bertram Rolands, a citizen of Eagleton.
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regardless of wealth or status.
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- Uh, I can wave with this arm. - No, you can't.
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Here's to you, Joey, and your mother
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So cute and so good.
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Why don't you tell me what she did for your last birthday?
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and she had this great guy doing face painting,
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Can I try the andouille sausage?
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Yeah, what exactly happened between the two of you, anyway?
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and she took it and disappeared.
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Is Leslie's work unsatisfactory?
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and then try to find some dirty stuff in there.
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Let's just stop this.
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Wait, Leslie. I've got this.
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So here's what you could do, lady.
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or whatever rich people have,
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so I suggest you both apologize to each other,
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we're gonna have to toss the both of you in jail.
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Can I offer you anything... herbal tea, Greek yogurt?
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How about a free birthday shoe shine?
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but we're adults, so we hang out,
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- Well, I respect that. - Mm-hmm.
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Oh, my God, are you kidding?
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And punching Lindsay in the face
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it's like it never happened.
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and I will beat her senseless with a baseball bat.
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Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter.
Aired 13 years ago - Apr 28, 2011

Jerry’s contribution to Leslie’s community art show causes a stir. Ben moves in with April and Andy and attempts to teach them how to be adults. Meanwhile, Leslie is frustrated by Chris and his interoffice dating rules.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 1
- Ecch. - We sit down.
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No personal phone conversations.
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She is-- 'cause it's hard to tell.
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Ugh. Ron, can you make the opening remarks?
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Okay, everyone, shut up!
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when they could just go outside and stand in it.
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You forgot to paint a painting, son.
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And subconsciously, I painted you.
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This guy's in it too. He's the little fat baby.
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and told me she wouldn't leave until I got this done.
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I don't know how to fix printers.
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Every great work of art contains a message.
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It's pretty cute, right?
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Okay. All right. Here's the deal--
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Is this art, or is it pornography?
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with what some would say are human breasts.
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Where's your laundry detergent?
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Also joining us today is a different person,
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Um, there's a big difference between an oil painting
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but I know it when I see it."
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- Why? - So they won't get lost.
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Okay, I am going to teach you how to open a bank account.
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You're the fat baby!
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That's good to hear, because, recently,
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However, this... thing... is... disgusting...
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good afternoon, and good art.
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they in fact demonize art itself.
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so it just seems like we ought to be safe and destroy it.
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Why don't you just do it?
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You've made your point, okay?
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Miracle Hand Repair, Big Top cookie,
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- Oh, hi. - Hi.
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Why do they want to destroy it?
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Leslie, you have the painting,
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- Hehe - Manipedi--
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which is cute, but also super annoying.
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then you're the dumbest woman I know.
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- Me too. - Ha ha.
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'cause you're my boss and my friend,
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No. Did you buy plates?
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just regular friendship... develop-- development.
Aired 13 years ago - Apr 21, 2011

Leslie tries an online dating service, but doesn't end up with a stranger as she expects. Also, Chris challenges Ron to a grilling competition as part of his plans to make Pawnee healthier.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 1
Bye, babe.
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And then he walked into an office that wasn't his.
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You know what? Maybe you need to cast a wider net.
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Who the hell is "Forp"?
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- Do you want to come? - What is grain 'n simple?
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Sexy, well-read blonde
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It could be anywhere in the world--
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No opinion.
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Ah, Nirvana. Hey, guys.
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I came here for the same reason people go to the zoo.
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I've never seen anything this high before.
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let's see what you got.
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We have a very sophisticated algorithm
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Why do good guys hate me and gross guys love me?
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A douche-vestigation.
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And I was just wondering, what do you look for in a woman?
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What does this do?
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Another, please.
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Yeah, I'm calling to lodge a complaint
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♪ Forever young ♪
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- What's this? - A peach.
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No, I call it Andy's mouth surprise.
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Um... What's up?
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Air conditioners are cool blasterz, with a "z."
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Root beer is super water.
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and gives you three wishes-- What would those wishes be?
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and drinking espressos in a terrycloth robe.
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based on our friendship called Tommy and the Foxx.
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I'm gonna say stuff about me,
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Where I graduated Summa Cum Laude in history.
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Hey, can I get these?
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98% match.
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why only sleazy guys are into me right now.
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it has that dream closet you've always wanted--
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What do you guys have for health tips?
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at lunch.
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You know, anything to get their heart rate up.
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Leslie, it's the workplace.
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particularly between a supervisor and an employee.
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So just type up those ones we talked about,
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And I was messing with her. She got pissed.
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- Good-bye. - It felt like--
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papaya chutney, black truffle aioli,
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- Sorry. - Here's mine.
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- Way better. - Mmm. Yep.
Aired 13 years ago - Apr 14, 2011

April and Andy host a dinner party for the Parks Department. Meanwhile, Ann tries to move on from Chris at a singles' party.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 1
and head back to Indianapolis or...?
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Okay. All right.
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I make fun of you a lot, but credit where credit is due.
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So if you end up talking to him,
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But did they ask you to bring a vegetable loaf or a cake?
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I am so excited to see you here.
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Dating is a zero-sum game.
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I don't know. I'm thinking about it.
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So you can put that one away.
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Uh, it's supposed to be a big surprise.
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- No. God. - Oh, God.
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- She's fine. - That is a great story.
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I love Andy and April as a couple.
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Whoa. Secret wedding.
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I'm a manager at a sporting-goods store.
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So you just laughed and said, "Yeah"?
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Thank you, Tom.
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Look, I know that I cannot tell you what to do.
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You relax all the way home and get into bed.
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- Roberta! - Such a loser.
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And he was married.
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You want to seem available, but not too available.
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Would you be one of my best men?
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Jerry. Ah, I'm so glad you made it.
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Non-dancers but you're feeling a little bit drunk?
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April and Andy are getting married tonight.
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is because I was dating a guy once,
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Wow. My Brita filter is older than their relationship.
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Attention, everybody. Madames and...
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Oh, my God. This is really happening.
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You're at our wedding.
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to marry Andrew Maxwell Dwyer and April Roberta Ludgate.
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"April, you're the most awesome person I have ever known
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I'm getting mad right now even thinking about it.
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By the power vested in me by the state of Indiana,
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So that one is dead. We know that.
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I could've yelled something or tackled someone.
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And a burning effigy.
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I get to burn another effigy.
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My sister is lame, but Andy's sort of cool.
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I got to nail the speech.
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Quote from Love Actually. Hold back your tears. Pause.
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So thank you all for all the talking.
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I just found out Andy's getting married.
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about a man you didn't want to marry?
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most importantly, my best best man,
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Anyways, oh, my God, I'm married!
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I mean, seriously, I cannot emphasize
Aired 13 years ago - Mar 24, 2011

Leslie takes the whole department camping in order to brainstorm new ideas. Meanwhile, Andy attempts a romantic gesture for April, while Ann gets nervous when Chris returns to Pawnee as the new city manager.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 3 Episode 8 (S03E08) - 1
Where you going?
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I betcha I could get you to love it too.
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Uh, well, it looks great.
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You know, when he saw me, I swear his face lit up.
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I'll give you first dibs on s'mores.
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I just wanna get the work over as soon as possible
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I don't really go camping, ever, Jerry,
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I ordered a bunch of crap off Skymall.
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so I went ahead and set up the ultimate
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I propose that we take all the money we made
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Oh, I know this one.
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How much would that cost?
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We're inside the main entrance.
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Sweetheart, just hold tight.
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All right, maybe it's not the sexiest idea, Todd,
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- Why? - Because!
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Take an hour, go clear your heads,
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Why not?
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They're filled with small ideas!
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You're probably right.
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help triangulate the phone call.
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That... that just seems too young to be on birth control.
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One second, I'm just in the middle of a head massage.
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No, no, no. Not at all.
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she saw that, even though it was her own private property,
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- Hey, guys. - What are you doing here?
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Chris, do you want to maybe just talk for a minute
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Leslie, just tell us your idea.
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I-I could come up with something.
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because this is an all-nighter.
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with his loud personal stories.
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Hey, um, listen...
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We can have egg white omelets,
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Excuse me, gentlemen.
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so now you're telling me I have to go unpack it.
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Yes! Let's keep brainstorming.
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I'm Elsa Clack.
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homemade tomato slices with dry seed and leek jam,
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I hate this place.
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This place is lamer than outside.
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♪ I found you ♪
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And I had to drink most of it to survive.
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- No. - Ann Perkins...
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You indicated...
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No. My room is filled with cat hair and cat smell.
Aired 13 years ago - Mar 17, 2011

It's make it or break it for the Parks Department at the Harvest Festival which is full of surprises.

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with shooting galleries and fried dough stands.
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I completely understand you.
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Got sweetums to donate another 15 cotton candy machines.
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of the Harvest Festival before we open tomorrow.
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Okay, let's go get 'em everybody!
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Bought $700 worth of candles from Anthropologie.
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Looks like a very impressive festival.
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Pawnee corn, and it's organic.
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84-year-old aunt Tilda will be
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- Tom! - How are you?
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Well, you'd better practice. You gotta win me a Teddy bear.
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The Snakehole Lounge.
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I was also short-stop on my JV baseball team.
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Hey, Tom. Where's Li'l Sebastian?
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and as far as this reporter is concerned,
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It's Li'l Sebastian. He's gone.
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And then you add the Wamapoke controversy.
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Maybe Li'l Sebastian got upset
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This big, beefy dude just came in to the first aid tent
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being held on top of an ancient Wamapoke burial site.
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Number one in curse coverage.
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Ludgate, something is upsetting you.
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Are you experiencing abdominal pain?
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Use him, abuse him, lose him.
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Wow, first Ice Town. Now this.
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You were in charge of
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we have moved the shooting gallery, per their request.
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We'll get this up and running in no time.
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I'm the curse, I think.
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Ron, will you please tell me why April is mad at me?
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- I'm sorry, Tom. - I'm sorry, Jerry.
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No! I got the TMK-2500
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Ken, I'm coming to you on my knees.
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It's been really awesome looking at you.
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I'm just trying to do something good for this town.
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And in other good news, he gave us a scare,
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It took the horse 15 minutes.
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this is as much yours as it is mine.
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- Oh, wow. Thanks. - Yeah.
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Am I crazy?
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Aired 14 years ago - Feb 24, 2011

Ron and Leslie take a road trip to the big city in order to visit Ron's favorite place which happens to be a steakhouse, but Leslie has alternative motives for the trip.

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Why don't we go to Tom's thing?
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chocolate, booze,
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- All right. Bye. - Bye.
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I've come to Indianapolis to accept your commendation"?
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Well, we had a really good conversation
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But what if I'm not? What if I'm not?
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But that was because of my haircut.
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Yeah. You should probably get out of that.
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Oh, something totally different.
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to Dame Gervin's Misshapen Celebrity Castle.
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we are heading for the most special place on earth.
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Damn it, woman!
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And the front door provides energy flow and opportunity.
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Could I use your bathroom really quick?
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- Tom who? - Tom Hammen... Hammenstein.
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I'm coming up there.
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Do you think they got eaten?
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- Okay. - Okay.
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Oh, his real name is Dante Fiero,
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Yeah. That might actually work.
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Plus, I can get free drinks anytime I want.
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Cool. I kind of want to drink alone.
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Maybe. So how's your mom? Is she visiting?
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- I'm gonna kill him, Ron. - Why?
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Sweet! Pigs in a blanket.
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And I try to keep up on current events.
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I don't know what to say.
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I'm the organizer of this soiree
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branch out in other states,
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It's a gag scent. Hilarious.
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Leave perfumery to the real men.
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That's a healthier option. It's organically grown.
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Hey, uh, six beers for, uh, table 12.
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- All out, sir. - Then mints, I guess.
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that we saw on the way up here
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For whatever reason, men's razor technology
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Sometimes I get blemishes. I'm not perfect.
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and you said you didn't want to make me do that,
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when he broke up with her, she just didn't realize it.
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This is humiliating.
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Listen, that guy is a jerk,
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I smell like the guy who's always coming up short.
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And honestly, they smell ing terrible.
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I got... boom!... $38 in tips.
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Aired 14 years ago - Feb 17, 2011

While advertising for the Harvest Festival, Ben has to deal with some troubling questions about his past. Meanwhile, Andy continues to try to win April back.

Aired 14 years ago - Feb 10, 2011

Tom tries to get back at Ron by going out on a date with Ron's ex-wife Tammy, while Leslie tries to protect Ron from falling prey to her charms. Meanwhile, April is assigned to work with Chris.

Aired 14 years ago - Feb 03, 2011

Leslie wants to bury a time capsule that encapsulates life in Pawnee, but an odd suggestion from a local man causes unforeseen consequences. Andy seeks help from Chris about how to win back April.

Aired 14 years ago - Jan 27, 2011

While planning for the local Harvest Festival, Leslie is struck with the flu and is forced to go to the hospital. Ron and Andy have a day of male bonding, and Tom hits the spa.

Aired 14 years ago - Jan 20, 2011

Leslie and the Parks Department return to work after three months to discover that the budget crisis still looms. After unsuccessfully trying to have their budget restored by using Ann to charm Chris with a date, Leslie decides to make an all or nothing play by resurrecting the Pawnee Harvest Festival. Meanwhile, Ben restarts the youth basketball league and instates Ron and Andy to coach the only two teams. April returns from a vacation with a new boyfriend. MORE -LESS