S1 E7
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Tuesdays 10:30 PM on TBS

Season 1  "Lemon Drops"  1x7

Aired 6 years ago - May 15, 2018

In an effort to support the homeless shelter at which Shay volunteers much of her time, Tray resorts to old methods of raising quick funds.

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Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 2
That was so fun. You were really vibing with them.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 3
Okay. Say it again, Tray.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 4
This shelter is one of the few places where people can go,
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 5
Yeah, one of them punk-ass bankers or stockbrokers.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 6 #6 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 7
So, it'll recognize what apps you like,
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 8 #8 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 9
to be a positive force in my community.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 10
I'm a felon. Ain't nobody gonna hire me as a chef.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 11 #11 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 12
Yo, saying it had, um, it had your man
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 13
He would rob the rich, and give to the poor, hm?
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 14 #14 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 15 #15 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 16 #16 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 17 #17 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 18
Hey, man. This is... man, I ain't been back here in years.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 19
This is where Clyde's bed used to be.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 20
Is that the same wallpaper from 15 years ago?
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 21
Time to be Robin Hood now, man.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 22
And all that trying to be a positive force
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 23
Hey, how much do you think I can get for this?
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 24
See, crack's image's been tainted.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 25
Only way they would know that if they smoked crack before.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 26
I'm going to work the streets, alright?
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 27 #27 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 28 #28 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 29
That's because it's on some designer drug shipment.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 30
- We'll take four. - I gotcha, I gotcha. Remember, man.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 31 #31 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 32 #32 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 33 #33 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 34
Yo, Conner! Hey, man. What's happening?
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 35
Yo, you straight killing it out there, Tray.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 36
Yeah, I've seen the story play out a thousand times.
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Yeah. Do as I do. I should be your role model.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 38 #38 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 39 #39 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 40
Put some flour on it.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 41
That flip like that came from Africa, the Congo.
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For me, it could have went either way.
Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 43 #43 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 44 #44 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 45 #45 Recap of The Last O.G. Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07) - 46
- Oh, my gosh. - Come on!
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Bobby. Bobby.
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You know, for us, kind of like
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so it seems to me, the better we dress,
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He wore britches.