S2 E9
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2 years ago
Fridays 9:00 PM on The CW

Season 2  "Crazy Lady"  2x9

Aired 5 years ago - Dec 21, 2018

As the Carringtons track down a dangerous enemy on Christmas Eve, Fallon and Blake clash on how to best handle the situation, stirring up unresolved grievances. Meanwhile, Cristal suspects Alexis may not be telling the whole truth to the authorities, and Kirby is cast out by Anders for having an immature reaction to the grave situation at hand.

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Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 2
WEll, darling, I'll- I'll phonE you froM RoME.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 3 #3 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 4 #4 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 5 #5 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 6 #6 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 7
WEll, Who Was it?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 8
NoW, gEt thE hEll out of hErE, Fallon.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 9
What rights, undEr thE laW, doEs a husband havE to stop his WifE
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 10 #10 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 11
HE suddEnly had to fly baCk for a vEry iMportant final MEEting
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 12
This is a vEry dEliCatE situation.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 13
Would Want you to throW all of that aWay bECausE of soME slight dElay?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 14
LikE HuMpty DuMpty. ArE you surE you knoW hoW?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 15
And With What l'M doing to this Car, you Can't losE.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 16
- BlakE? - No, thank you.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 17
Just What is your ConnECtion With Rashid AhMEd?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 18
And is that all thErE is to this?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 19 #19 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 20 #20 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 21
MaybE a sECrEtarial job.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 22
What do you Want ME to say? ThE abortion's your dECision.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 23 #23 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 24
All right.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 25
I'M sorry.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 26 #26 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 27
MatthEW's lovE.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 28 #28 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 29 #29 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 30 #30 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 31
WEll, likE it or not, I aM nEWs.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 32 #32 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 33 #33 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 34
CoMpEtE for My fathEr's lovE.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 35 #35 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 36 #36 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 37
I aM so sorry, but it siMply Couldn't bE hElpEd this dElay.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 38
NoW, l'vE storEd up soME things to gEt off My ChEst.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 39 #39 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 40
only WhEn thE transaCtion is CoMplEtEd.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 41
Sir, did you CoME hErE to MakE a dEal or to disCuss My CrEdit rating?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 42 #42 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 43
All that I knoW is that your fathEr lovEs you vEry MuCh, Fallon.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 44
I havE soME problEMs of My oWn, EMotional problEMs.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 45
If you'll just havE a sEat, hE'll bE With you in a fEW MinutEs.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 46
ShE sEEMEd upsEt suddEnly.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 47
I'M gonna forCE you to WatCh ME Cook.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 48
All right, StEvEn!
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 49 #49 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 50 #50