S2 E3
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2 years ago
Fridays 9:00 PM on The CW

Season 2  "The Butler Did It"  2x3

Aired 5 years ago - Oct 26, 2018

Fallon gets in over her head and needs Liam and Culhaneā€™s help. Kirby makes a shocking discovery that changes everything, while Blake wines and dines a new guest.

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Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 2 #2 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 3 #3 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 4 #4 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 5 #5 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 6
MakE that tWo bottlEs.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 7
REally, JosEph? Why?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 8
and thE Ming- WhErE's thE Ming?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 9 #9 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 10 #10 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 11
That Man MurdErEd My son's, his son's, bEst friEnd.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 12
BlakE Carrington has to tElEphonE CECil Colby
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 13 #13 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 14
AndrEW, I Want you to drop ME off doWn thErE first and thEn takE My Car.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 15 #15 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 16
You think thEy CarE.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 17 #17 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 18
But don't Worry, thEy'll find thEM.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 19
WEll it's a rough tErM. ThEy'll Call you an unfit MothEr.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 20 #20 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 21
HE sEEMs to think so.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 22
you thought that you knEW EvErything about EvErything.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 23 #23 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 24 #24 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 25
Not funny, AndrEW. Not funny at all.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 26
It's Worth it. Just gEt hEr out.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 27 #27 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 28 #28 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 29 #29 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 30 #30 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 31
Claudia? - HErE.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 32
Walk, that's right, that's right. Good.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 33
I Want you to brEathE, brEathE dEEp. CoME on, brEathE dEEp! That's it.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 34
And hE'd look at ME, and hE'd gEt this inCrEdiblE look on his faCE.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 35 #35 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 36
It's ExaCtly thE saME Color and stylE
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 37
Shall WE go insidE and havE a drink togEthEr WhilE WE talk?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 38
CoME on, AlExis. You havE no rEal rEason to stay hErE,
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 39 #39 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 40
But thEn again, aftEr 39, Who Counts?
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 41 #41 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 42
MoMMa Would throW us into thE bathtub, uno, due, tre,
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 43
ThErEsa's gotta takE a bath bECausE shE has a datE With Nunzio."
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 44 #44 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 45
You Could'vE CallEd an aMbulanCE. I'M a psyChiatrist, not an intErn.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 46
CoME on, you'vE got a CouplE of MinutEs.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 47
to say nothing of your tEaM's favoritE shrink.
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 48 #48 Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 49
I figurEd if our baby's going to bE born With that silvEr spoon in his Mouth,
Recap of Dynasty (2017) Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03) - 50 #50