S9 E15
The CW

Season 9  "#THINMAN"  9x15

Aired 10 years ago - Mar 04, 2014

A teenage girl is killed and the final selfie she took before the attack shows a ghostly figure in the background. Looking for something to keep them busy, Dean and Sam head to Washington to find the ghost. While the two interview the girl’s mother, Betty, they are surprised when she starts talking about cold spots and fritzing. When they ask her about bringing up paranormal signs, Betty replies that the "supernaturalists" who called earlier brought it up. Enter Harry and Ed, the famous supernaturalists.

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Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 2
TV on the Fritz?
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 3
I owe it to Casey...
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 4
No, it's just -- she changed her profile pic,
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 5
Ahh, first of all,
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 6
Oh, my God, Menudo. Will you guys relax?
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 7
Amazon me, bitches.
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 8 #8 Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 9
Right, but the house was next door to power lines,
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 10 #10 Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 11 #11 Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 12
Oh, so, it's about your ex eating her words?
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 13
Oh! You are so money right now.
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 14
So, Thinman's stalking folks?
Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 15
How did that photo end up online?
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But the coroner has the death at midnight.
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Recap of Supernatural Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 20
Okay, all right. All right.
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- Whoa. - Whoa.
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in the comments section of our blog.
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And -- and quit raining on my rainbow.
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Oh, by the way, speaking of which,
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Well, good times.
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in the woods.
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so I needed to give him a reason to stay.
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became a crowdsourced legend.
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Time's right now, chief.
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I mean, I shouldn't have to connect the dots for you guys.
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Saved me? From what?!
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and then we go back to Ghostfacers.
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Sam and Dean caught something,
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Oh, God, Sam, make him stop.
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You're the busboy from the diner.
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Fancy Fed, coming in here,
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we blew up all over the message boards.
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And what we have here is a "Frankenstein" situation.
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Wait, no! No! No!
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This could be our shot to start the old Ghostfacers again.