S4 E10
The CW

Season 4  "Heaven and Hell"  4x10

Aired 15 years ago - Nov 20, 2008

"I'll Kill her gentle." The angels want Anna dead, so Sam and Dean go on the run with the frightened girl, determined to discover the secret that has set the furies of Heaven on her.

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Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 2
that's not troubling at all.
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 3
what did you find on anna?
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 4
why don't you just ask me to my face?
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 5 #5 Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 6
oh, well, not really.
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Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 8
rich milton.
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 9
wake in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 10 #10 Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 11
wait a minute. i don't understand.
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 12
and hell just wants her.
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 13
why do you ask?
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 14
it's godzilla and mothra.
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 15
well, then you better prr pray that anna gets her groove back,
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 16
i don't blame her.
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 17
a bunch of miserable bastards...
Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 18
beats being an angel.
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i was stationed on earth 2,000 years.
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union, kentucky.
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Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 22 #22 Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 23
what, forever?
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to what? to kill them?
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hey, let's can the "thanks for trying" speech, you know?
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about you...
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* rolling on to the bitter end *
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* oh, baby, i'm ready for love *
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i'm surprised to find you out in the open like this.
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this angel business is none of our business.
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full-blown angel now.
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angel food cake.
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no stink of blood or sizzle of flesh
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Recap of Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 40
it's 2:00 a.m. somewhere.
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don't you touch a hair on that poor girl's head.
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i won't say it again.
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potestas inferna, me confirma.
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angels and demons.
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i know you heard him.
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i don't know. time's different.