Aired 6 years ago - May 17, 2018
Our heroes, Sam and Dean Winchester, continue to be tested in the battle between good and evil, but one impulsive decision could alter the lives of one the brothers forever.
without an archangel, it's not
like we can go back home.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
But on a beach somewhere,
you know?
I said I'd protect
those people.
we'll figure out a way
to deal with it, together.
I don't know.
No, Michael didn't...
won't admit it,
you need me.
they'll miss me.
But there's something
you need to do first.
It's not always a great idea
because, uh...
Mary, everything's
gonna be fine.
I'll check angel radio.
Does it matter?
Magnificent, isn't it?
- Mom!
- Please!
And now,
this world is mine.
He's gonna nuke our world, Jack,
just like he did his.
He would say anything
to get you on his side.
When he was weaker,
and I was stronger.
- What do you say?
the nougat-loving boy
that you had before,
Cass, I don't have a choice!
and end all life
in the universe.
Hiya, Sammy.
Aired 6 years ago - May 10, 2018
Sam and Dean devise a plan that will save innocent lives. Meanwhile, Jack continues to wrestle with the consequences of his decisions.
Don't say
he's nothing like me.
Well, great.
Does that when he's scared.
Hey. Listen, I'm sorry
about all this.
You are who you choose to be.
I respect them.
I respect their cause.
because not every fight
everywhere can be won.
How many are we talking?
Wow, he just got right to
the -- right to the point.
And, uh, lost
my virginity to her.
My dad,
'cause I told the truth.
No, I need to know about
my powers, my family.
So what, we're supposed
to just let Lucifer
Creeps me out. You know?
Mary said you wanna take
a bunch of our people
Let's go say hi.
But, uh...
We're gonna take you outta here.
but you do know me.
Let's try this again,
shall we?
I've sent for an expert
in these matters.
You wanna try that again?
He's a kid.
That is why
he locked you up,
But you have to understand
And then
all your little secrets,
Hold up.
to take Michael out,
but it ain't easy.
I mean, you just gotta --
Koth Munto Nuntox.
- Huh.
- Hmm.
Aired 6 years ago - May 03, 2018
Sam, Dean, Castiel and Gabriel must work together if they have any hope of bringing Mary and Jack home. Meanwhile, Rowena’s encounter with Lucifer may alter the outcome of the journey for one of our heroes.
That is the jet fuel
of divine emissions.
Gabriel's obviously
running a little low,
with the Devil being
on the loose again.
It's not always like that.
Gabriel, please.
So...we've a little time.
Well, hey, bright side is,
even if we do pull it off,
Which is the room we're in
right now.
It's like he dropped off
the face of the Earth.
♪ “What I'd really like, Dad,
is to borrow the car keys” ♪
♪ I said, “I'd like to see you
if you don't mind” ♪
Okay, you could've done this
back at the bar.
Sorry, bro.
I mean, there is a sort of
old-fashioned rightness to it,
As far as they're concerned,
I'm a screwup.
It's not like any vamp
we've ever seen.
Listen, we've faced worse
than a nest of vamps before.
you froze.
of Sam, Dean, Cass, Mary,
Here. Let me.
Hey. We got a blocked passage
over here.
I'm so s--
We must be
getting close to Dayton.
The rift.
I want a personal apology
from Pop.
to -- to like it
or to like me.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 26, 2018
Gabriel is back and drags Sam and Dean into his plot for revenge on the demigods who sold him to Asmodeus. Meanwhile, Jack's inflating confidence leads to reckless decisions that could put others in harm's way.
No. No. Hey, hell, no.
Hey -- No, not you. That's...
...looking for some runaway,
dumbass archangel
We're running out
of space and supplies.
What gave you that idea?
Well, at least
he got a few licks in
What is going on?
I-I just...
it's time for me to say
Well, ex-except science --
Well, we just broke into
a junkyard
After Lucifer, quotation marks, killed me,
Aw, come on!
By the time I came to,
But you know one thing better
than killing him?
Leaving his plans like this?
It's too sloppy.
This is Michael
we're talking about.
A few thousand epochs ago, I was
out for a hike in the fjords.
It was in his best interest
to go off the grid for a while.!
Well, agree to disagree,
You're you're so hopped up on
this “Kill Bill” fantasy of his.
Hmm. Okay.
We go in, we kill Sleipnir,
and then,
But I learned
the hard way --
I promise.
that when I get to Heaven --
He wants to break you.
I'm the one who delivers
the coup de grace.
Gabriel had to be punished.
With your...
to ask me
to help you again?!
you're a joke.
Wait, you're...
actually gonna help us?
and sometimes,
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 19, 2018
Sam and Dean must stop Rowena, who is on a deadly mission. Meanwhile, Castiel looks to heaven to recruit angels for an impending invasion but is shocked by not only what he finds, but who.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
And yes, the angels,
they loathe me,
Okay, I said if Rowena goes bad
again, I'll deal with it,
But personally? Meh.
Indra, what's wrong?
It's not our Michael.
I don't ask Death questions.
Never goes well.
Secondly, the burger's
for emergency cases only.
Well, you know, we could've
actually used her help.
I'm capable of anything now.
you're all of a sudden
so interested in helping?
Uh, uh, one small mistake can --
can cause all kinds of bad.
No interference.
That's why
I need your help.
Except for James Melford,
And Martin. His reaper.
because you stole
my memories,
Well, forgive me
for taking a few years
Well, then, let me make it
divinely simple for you.
You wanna know why
we can't help you?
and all the souls that have
been entrusted to our care
Rowena, this isn't why
I helped you.
Well, trust me, that's not
the kind of attention you want.
Oh, is that so, Dean?
You know she's controlling
your brain.
Rowena, stop!
Oskar, my son.
What are you doing?
You're upsetting
the natural order.
I'm curious to see
what happens.
And if I can't find him?
Yes, about that...
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 12, 2018
Lucifer rules over heaven but things aren’t going exactly as planned, exasperating his first lady, Jo. Sam and Castiel are perplexed by the return of Gabriel. Meanwhile, Dean gets one step closer to finding Mary and Jack.
You didn't tell me
it was this bad.
to my brother Dean Winchester
and me
A technique for feeding
recalcitrant children. And...
for want of a better word,
First Lady?
But the archangel?
You know, the art
of infiltrating
and he thought that
he'd stabbed the real thing.”
and, uh...
Cass, please.
Nunquam suade nobis vana!
Who are you?
Even then, Sam...
to hobble his prey...
then my family needed me.
merit badge award, okay?
We don't even know
if we'll find this Charlie.
Well, you do suck.
The location and number of
bases the Resistance holds.
I will reduce you
I've come to realize the key
to finding my bliss
Yeah, I-I can't really
do that.
Now what?
One by one, your leaders are
being rooted out and destroyed.
How's he?
And as for you two...
I mean, thank you for the rescue
my father turned
his back on his creation.
You got Michael and a billion
angels on your ass.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 05, 2018
Sam and Dean continue to collect the pieces necessary to open a rift to the other world in order to save their family. Their latest quest leads them to a Men of Letters bunker from the 1920s and a hungry God from another dimension. Meanwhile, Ketch makes a shocking decision about Gabriel after an unruly encounter with Asmodeus.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 29, 2018
Sam, Dean and Castiel are transported into the animated world of Scooby Doo where they join forces with the Scooby gang to solve a ghostly mystery.
Dean, what the hell?
A malt shop. Really?
Except Fred. He's a wad.
There are no words in this newspaper, Dean.
Dude, get over it.
Sweet Cousin Maldahyde,
Cousin Slicker,
I mean, spend the night in
a haunted house for $1 million?
I'll return
to the house in the morning
Relax, Scooby. We'll spend
the night with ya.
- Right, Daphne?
- Not really.
What would a ghost need with money?
Castiel? It sounds like
a great Italian pizza place.
Well, the Mystery Machine is
a lot faster than it looks.
It's a book we're writing.
We should all split up
and search the house for clues.
Like, man, I guess that
leaves me and old Scoob
My brother and I, we hunt them,
The one that isn't painted into
the background of the car--
♪ You know we got a mystery
to solve ♪
We almost did.
Dean had him by the thigh.
Wires. Probably just wires.
but you've fought monsters,
That's okay. We do.
Where'd he get coconuts?
I break things, hurt people.
to the fiery pit
from whence it came?!
Well, that was just
a projector.
Don't think it was
really broken after all.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 08, 2018
Sam and Dean are close to collecting everything they need to open a rift into the apocalyptic world and possibly rescuing Mary and Jack. The one missing ingredient leads the Winchesters to a black market for religious relics where everything is not always as it seems.
Personal relationships are
very important to me.
Rhode Island. My, you are
a long way from home.
Since you had the nerve to come
in here under false pretenses,
you procure said item
for me,
or where the meet is
supposed to take place.
Whatcha readin'?
Sounds a little thin, but you
wouldn't happen to know
Now sit down.
I don't think
he's coming back,
Well, then who's the fake cop?
Who does he work for?
It's good.
[ Man clears throat ]
Right. [ Clears throat ]
You know, my point is that,
He -- he has no respect.
You believe this guy?
And believe me, you probably
wouldn't get a third one.
Oh. Oh, you can feel it.
Why didn't you say so?
He? He who?
So I followed him here.
Try to get it back.
because the world's not perfect?
If somebody stole the Impala,
what would you do?
No, I-I'm sorry.
You can say that.
Mr. Scarpatti, thank you
so much for coming.
You know the deal's crap
when we start drawing flies.
You're worried.
Yeah, or a stupid thing.
So...let's make a deal.
And besides, money's money.
Is he okay?
From the boss, $3 million.
[ Gunshot ]
[ Gasps ]
I...I... [ Groans ]
- You told us --
- Exactly what you wanted to hear.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 01, 2018
Jack and Mary manage to escape Michael’s clutches and end up finding an ally in “apocalyptic world” Bobby Singer. Meanwhile, Sam, Dean and Castiel continue to search for a way to open a breach, not realizing that one of their own may be working against them and costing them precious time.
it has a raw energy.
Cass, hey.
Beautiful, isn't it?
you have to help them.
We got separated, and...
What? No way.
Here are the ingredients.
According to the tablet,
they were ancient warriors
Are they here?
He's gonna bring an army
to our world and just...
You ready?
but now he's trapped
in that place
On it.
Ee vee gee.
Ask 'em where they got
their loincloths.
they don't have hearts.
I've had migraines ever since
they locked me in here.
Make her feel it.
which is...weirder
when you think about it.
The Muppet professor
attacked you? Why?
- 'Cause they don't have hearts.
- That...
This ain't a war.
This is an extermination.
I see how you,
both of you, look at me.
And you wanna take it from me.
Dean! Dean!
I don't mean to stare.
Well, I don't know much,
What is he?
A witch? Psychic?
Look, Mary,
when this all started,
Well, Kevin translated it,
and it was hard on him, sure,
Our plan, Dean.
Y-y-you'll fry us both!
What can we do to help?
Well, I don't know what to say
except thank you.
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 08, 2018
Sam, Dean and Castiel search for Lucifer who, meanwhile, strikes an unlikely deal with a local faith healer named Sister Jo. Asmodeus inches closer to finding Jack.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
You know, without your grace,
you're only human,
Lucifer? No, no, no, he --
No, no, no.
Oh, yeah. Right.
Lucifer wanted to help. Sure.
Hey. Just so you know,
it's your vibe.
You hungry?
Look, I promised Kelly
that I would protect her son.
and destroys our universe.
Uh, something blunt
driven through the body.
You're an angel.
all the angels were a mess,
That is very impressive.
suck me dry and kill me,
isn't it?
And did he, uh...
believe in her?
I had to kill that guy.
Where's her body?
Yeah, I had that experience.
A soul would come in,
I'd push a button,
I was liberated.
I was finally free.
I don't know why I said that.
Yeah. I have determined, though,
that there is definitely
Whatever you find
on that tablet,
Checked in last night.
Do you mind bringing the card
back so I can run it again?
They forced me to tell them
how weak you still are.
I just wanna enjoy this
for just a minute.
and I thought, with Lucifer's
weakened state,
I'm working for Asmodeus.
Not to mention
the whole Michael situation.
Hold on, hold on,
hold on. Okay.
Yeah? It's funny.
of course not, but...
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 01, 2018
Dean falls victim to a couple of witches, sisters Jamie and Jennie Plum, who manage to steal a powerful book of spells from the Winchester brothers. When Sam and Dean go after the book, they get help from a powerful and surprising ally when Rowena, back from the dead, intervenes to assist them.
I love you.
Oh, I love you, too.
Jack was our way over there,
obviously, so with him gone --
Well, that's a nice,
horrifying plan.
to overcome even
your weakest creation.
Hey, uh...
You know, the less attractive
siblings, they fall in love.
Where is it? Huh?
It is gonna happen, 'cause
that's just the way he rolls.
You want truth?
And he did.
limiting aspects of my magic.
Ah. Oh, you Winchesters.
Because of him...
did they get to fifth base?
who knows what could happen?
and crush the skulls
of, like, a million people
I'll keep an eye on her.
Aw, did you lose
your little stick?
Good times.
even if you pull off whatever
plan you're trying to pull off,
His true face.
so I-I keep
pushing it down, and...
I'm looking for these
two girls, uh, in town --
And that feeling...
And we didn't wanna
call you.
Well, we already did
the spell.
Oh, I'm gonna say it.
if I was stronger.
It's just a magical zombie.
End it.
Yeah, not buying that.
And got clocked by
a witch with a hammer.
walk away with a page
from this book.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 25, 2018
Donna calls Sam and Dean for help after her niece, Wendy, goes missing. The three hunters discover Wendy was kidnapped by a man who sells human parts to monsters in a grotesque online auction and race to save her before it is too late.
I'm sorry for calling you guys,
That's what Doug keeps
telling me, but...
Agent Clegg,
this is Agent Savage, FBI.
Now that spike we found
on the tire,
She's redhead,
brown sedan. She's family.
10:00 a.m.
Breaker, breaker, Midnight Rider.
I know you do.
♪ And if you ever
depart from me ♪
the last place
that we can put Wendy
Arrests for lewd behavior,
couple drunk and disorderlies.
uh, once at a station
off Highway 26
Do you think I give
a tinker's damn
- And?
- Couple of D&Ds,
I mean, the Bible doesn't have
much good to say about them.
Just you and a bunch of guys
How about a girl?
I don't...
I believe him.
Try again.
I said I don't --
You vegan?
No, but, you know,
like you don't got bills?
Those guys, they're not
related to you, are they?
All clear.
Now I need
to see this through.
♪ A big flame in my heart ♪
Vampire, actually.
Which means that
he hasn't fed,
Hell, soon as I saw that
fancy car, I knew who you were.
But most monsters...
Yeah. All right.
Go to Hell.
Usually, we do this
next part kinda slow,
Dougie Bear?
But now you know what's
out there.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 18, 2018
When Sam and Dean go missing, Jody Mills calls Claire Novak, the rebellious rogue hunter, and tells her it is time to come home – they need to find the Winchesters. Claire returns and reunites with Alex Jones, who has stayed behind with Jody and
tries to balance a “normal” life with being a part time hunter. While Jody is happy to have Claire home again, she’s plagued by Patience’s disturbing vision involving her adopted daughter. Claire and Alex search for Kaia Nieves, the dreamcatcher responsible for opening the rift that Sam and Dean went through, as she holds the key to their whereabouts. Jody calls her friend, Donna Hanscum, to round out the team and the women head off on the most important hunt of their lives.
[ Squish ]
That's who the hell I am.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Actually, the guest room
is storage now. So --
Warrant out for her arrest.
Sitting back
and making the perfect plan,
Her room needs to be
But you still help Jody
with cases?
[ Lowered voice ]
Two minutes in your system?
[ Screeches, snarls ]
[ Garage door whirring ]
So you fight them.
[ Squishing ]
And we did,
but something went wrong.
It tastes like a lizard.
To go back home,
[ Zips bag ]
I can't do this.
Why are we stoppin'?
[ Chuckles ]
Anyhoo, brought the basics.
Jody: Claire.
Yeah, well,
this universe sucks.
doing something great.
Darth Dickwad.
Something's wrong.
[ Thud ]
relax, and squeeze.
They're gone?
[ Gunshots ]
[ Gunshots, glass shatters ]
Claire: [ Grunts ] No.
We will handle it.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 07, 2017
Jack, desperate to prove to Sam and Dean that he is good and that he can control his powers, enlists the help of a dreamcatcher named Kaia to help him find Mary Winchester and save her from the alternate universe. However, when plans go awry, the Winchester brothers are the ones who need saving.
You can see other worlds.
Yeah. Uh, he says
he's still looking for Jack,
Um...a buyer?
Look, this isn't
an "I told you so."
All right. Where is she?
Yeah, from a dealer.
I don't know.
We've all been exactly
where you are, Kaia,
I'm a...friend of Derek's.
Her mom died in an accident
when she was 12,
What are you?
You don't...
Kaia, she's the key.
Cocaine boy?
This whole time, we should've
been looking for her.
We figured, m-maybe it was
an accident or -- or...
They're going to be
in danger.
But you know what
happened to her.
Your plan does kind of suck.
They were angels.
Bad angels.
And we can save her.
I wish it was like that for me,
but it's not.
Derek thought
that you could help me,
Okay, all right, so then
we go out guns blazing.
Come here!
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 30, 2017
Feeling as if they are running out of options, Sam and Dean agree to steal a mysterious trunk belonging to a demon named Barthamus, in exchange for a locator spell the Winchesters can use to track down Jack.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 23, 2017
As Sam and Dean continue their search for Jack, with Asmodeus hot on their trail, they stumble across a familiar foe. Meanwhile, Lucifer manages to escape Michael’s grasp and finds himself an unlikely and mostly unwilling ally.
But...Jack's off the grid.
We got three murders here
Lord Asmodeus.
Well, if they're not
protecting the nephilim,
I, on the other hand,
am the real deal.
I'm a vertebrate, neither
an annelid nor a nematode.
Yeah, Jody. No, I mean,
we don't know what's going on.
And he's 30 feet away from the girl
who got tortured and murdered.
I'm a prophet, so I serve God,
but there's no God to serve,
Fix this.
along with
the Brothers Winchester,
I'm sensing something.
What's going on is, I survived.
That's what I told him.
That's what everybody's been telling him.
One more time.
How are you not dead?
Arthur was
the family success story.
He had to work twice as hard
to make up for my...
Isn't that
what we Hunters do?
So even if this is weird,
yes, it's weird,
Maybe, uh, wanted to
be like him.
If we had him,
he wouldn't be imprisoned.
But, oh, cowboy,
I'm not that weak.
What? What? What? What?
Will you --
this guy is not the same
Michael that we knew.
We're all we got, in case
you hadn't noticed.
Oh, my Dad.
right after some dude showed up
asking questions about Jack.
I understand your mother is
the one who killed him?
I would like to see you, too,
the sooner the better.
Lord Lucifer.
I, uh, grabbed some weapons
from your toy box
And I saw that look in your eye
when you asked about our mom.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 16, 2017
Castiel is reunited with Jack and together with Sam and Dean, they head to a sleepy old western town to investigate a murder. Dean gets to live out his boyhood fantasy when he comes face to face with a famous, gun-slinging outlaw.
I thought you...
had done something.
begged for him
to come back, but...
And, uh, Curly Bill Brocius,
which -- now, now, now,
Copy, Carl. Will do.
What's it like? Heaven?
Why I trusted you.
I told you.
He's an angry sleeper.
With Kurt Russell?
I made you watch it.
Howdy, pardner.
He's...was my nephew.
Carl was the one
looking in on it.
He's a trainee.
Top of his class.
Pretty much, yeah.
Dave! Not cool.
and it's from
that makeup school.
I could sell this place
if I needed to.
I know who you are.
Answer the question.
You hit that alarm,
you die.
Must be my birthday.
Okay, but what -- what about
the ghoul? I can stay here.
Hey, I robbed a bank
for you.
We need to leave. Now. Okay?
I don't need one.
I'm-a flush him out.
Jack, I've killed people
who didn't deserve it...
Okay, well, your boyfriend,
uh, is not exactly human.
Raise 'em!
No, but he is.
Dave killed him, too.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 09, 2017
While working on a case involving the ghost of a demented doctor, Sam and Dean get assistance from an unexpected source ...
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 02, 2017
When multiple patients of grief counselor Mia Vallens turn up dead, Sam, Dean and Jack investigate the mystery surrounding the murders and, each inadvertently, are forced to deal with unresolved grief of their own.
Jack, I really think this
would be good for you.
we -- we closed that door.
Dean can't even look at me.
His wife, Erica,
died six months ago.
I've lived next to Erica
for six years.
Thank you, Jack.
Did you find anything?
Dean, what's up with
all the orders?
All right, I don't get it.
no EMF.
Across the street.
Food run.
I mean, she's one Kool-Aid
away from Jonestown.
All right, say you're right.
No, today's good.
Like right now.
Right, yeah. Pretty much
the same for us. Um...
You journal?
Sure. Exactly.
And here, I just thought
she was annoying.
or at least someone
who looked like him.
Yes. That's right. Nothing.
So...what's up, smart guy?
Changed my face, my name.
Uh...Tom, my assistant.
Oh, I should, should I?
Your memories,
your little feelings, yes.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Come on, Sam. Pick up the phone.
Damn it. All right.
Well, get back here.
Just let's lay down.
and you can preen
I couldn't let you have that.
Shoot me!
- Hey.
- Hey.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 26, 2017
When her friend is murdered by a wraith with a taste for psychics, Missouri enlists the help of Dean and Jody to protect her granddaughter, Patience, who has no idea she shares her grandmother’s trait and could be next on the wraith’s hit list. Meanwhile, Sam continues to work with Jack on learning how to control his powers.
Hopefully, this is a start.
[ Cellphone vibrates ]
And daydream about my baby.
And I know
you're gonna be okay.
Because we need to stay here.
Come here.
[ Humming continues ]
Missouri, you okay?
[ Sighs ]
You hear me,
Dean Winchester?
Blinking. It just happens.
You stay here, try to relax.
Uh, heinous. Coach kept
riding my serve.
[ Laughs ]
It's just a dream.
No. No, Missouri wanted us
to save her family.
No, I...
You okay?
Did you get a good look
at him?
Me and dad,
right after mom died.
I've already done
bad things.
Why are you being
so nice to me?
Dad, is it true?
This whole time, I could've had
relationship with her.
That's why the wraith's
coming after her.
Hey, baby.
He said they'll keep
an eye out, but...
See, first psychic I ever had
was a total accident.
But you're young and healthy.
[ Object shatters ]
You know I said it before,
but good work in there.
There's nothing but pain,
horror, and death.
It never does.
Uh, Jody told me about Missouri.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 19, 2017
Sam and Dean begin to explore what Jack is capable of doing with his powers. An unexpected visit from Donatello alerts the boys to the fact that Jack will need more protection than the Winchesters can provide. There is a new Prince of Hell in town, Asmodeus, and with Lucifer out of the picture, he sets his sights set on Jack.
in the first place,
which is end the problem.
you gotta pick up the pace.
So I'm gonna exchange you
for my son.
We scoured all of Hell.
and I-I can assure you,
from personal experience,
Eager to please,
I freed the Shedim.
it forged an eternal bond
between us.
See...he turned
on his father, God.
make people or things move
with your mind.
Why are you here?
Maybe less human than
we thought.
Yes. I understand.
I'm just saying,
Jack doesn't have to be evil.
I love you so much.
And right now,
we need to protect you.
I've just -- I've seen you
around the hotel.
so I figured it'd be better
to have him stay in your room.
So he's not bonded
to Lucifer.
- What?
- You were just here.
You sure?
Do it, Jack!
Yeah, there is.
It's not my fault you were
born a wimpy little human
This place is nuts!
Howdy, boys.
Uh, I'll buy that
you're Michael,
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 12, 2017
Sam and Dean are left to pick up the pieces after the loss of their mother, the demise of Crowley and the heartbreaking death of Castiel. Meanwhile the birth of Jack leaves the Winchester brothers with differing opinions on how to deal with a Nephilim. After being dragged into the breach, Mary must learn to survive Lucifer and an apocalyptic world.