Aired 11 years ago - Apr 29, 2013
When evil tech genius Christopher Pelant returns to toy with the Jeffersonian team in their newest investigation, they discover that the string of murders that have been occurring are tied to FBI agents close to Booth. Meanwhile, as the
investigation unfolds, Sweets realizes that the evidence seems all too familiar to him and Brennan starts evaluating her relationship with Booth when signs begin to point to him as a potential target of Pelant's.
Okay. We're on our way.
Projectile trauma to
the base of the occipital.
Got another one.
Okay, Dr. Brennan said
Great. Any questions?
There are similar
puncture wounds
More than just similar.
I highlighted the section.
All right.
And he had a-a tattoo
on his arm.
I told Booth we should stay
on the grid--
Same Harris lines.
and victim
central servers that
were wiped clean.
Ever. I mean, since
the beginning of time.
But I have indicators
You got the blood
of two FBI agents
So you think Pelant has
his claws into one of our own?
I... I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.
but they have
no marginal abrasions.
I used simple
evidence-based logic.
What we thought was
Well, it could cause him
to slip up, too.
a marksman first class
by the time she was ten.
to have a daughter like you.
Well, is Sweets there?
He went to meet Booth,
Got it, ma'am.
What are you talking about?
Yeah, yeah, I'm fine,
but Sweets never showed up.
Watch out, buddy!
Get off of there!
preying on a wounded
child like that.
Plus, I speak Latin.
You know, I'm gonna find you
and I'm gonna kill you.
♪ I would
Aired 11 years ago - Apr 22, 2013
The Jeffersonian team rushes to prevent a viral outbreak while investigating the murder of journalist Mia Garrett after her infected body is found at a biohazard facility. When the mutated virus that killed Mia infects Jeffersonian intern Arastoo
Vaziri, their only chance of saving him is by solving the murder. Tension and passion build as the team races against the clock to find the killer - and the cure.
Aired 11 years ago - Apr 15, 2013
The Jeffersonian team investigates the murder of Jack Spindler, a successful employee at a brokerage firm by day, but a stripper by night. When the team learns how Spindler's moonlighting affected his personal life, they start to question the people
closest to him, including his stripper friend, Storm. Meanwhile, Booth's mother shows up after a 24-year absence in his life and makes a special request of him.
And you're really happy
to see her?
Think our victim was
a firefighter.
on the level of
this man's misfortune.
I already said that.
No. I mean, look,
it's got to be complicated,
He was reported missing
yesterday by his boss
Wait a minute.
for about 20 years, you know...
♪ Something different,
something new ♪
Must have been so hard for you
He's the strongest
man I know.
Jack missing two days ago,
am I correct, Mr. Harrison?
And, as his boss, I'm surprised
you didn't know that.
The victim was educated and
had a successful profession.
Looks like he had
a girlfriend.
Spindler had painful
body image issues.
You're not a very good
shrink, are you?
Duh, Sigmund.
And you're going to
have a sister
But you know what,
hey, I guess I was just
Well, unfortunately,
most of the bills
I was fine before,
I'll be fine now.
Well, you have an
alluring personality
FBI. Let's go.
I wouldn't be a smart-ass
if I were you, okay?
that he couldn't handle
'cause of his finance thing.
so we can't do
anything but disappoint you.
'Cause I... I wanted you
I thought it was gonna be fine.
who was booked and
released for battery.
Damn, was there a hidden camera?
This has been
a banner of a day.
You know? He-he would blame her
for everything.
Maybe it's just simpler
this way, Bones.
So, I finished going through
the victim's work computer.
I've got a bad feeling
about this.
I don't care.
I supervised the purchase
of a few million shares.
to his girlfriend?
You know, opulence,
throwing money around
They don't seem to be the
injuries of a random beating.
That's where the murder
must have taken place.
Jack met you there
after his gig.
But now, who cares?
Aired 11 years ago - Apr 01, 2013
The Jeffersonian team investigates the murder of a TV producer. Meanwhile, Brennan has trouble accepting the fact that Christine might be an "average" child, when her daughter gets accused of biting another classmate. Then, Hodgins uses all of his tools at the Jeffersonian to chemically recreate Finn's special hot sauce.
so how long has
Mushroom Woman
mushrooms grown locally
on corpses.
she had expensive tastes.
No. Christine bit someone.
multiple fractures
on the distal
Because it's great drama.
I didn't know it was yours.
I would love to let it go.
Good. Let it go.
Well, that is just
one woman's opinion.
- eject her now.
- Uh, you can't do that.
Alone. Just
being truthful.
What? No. No, no, I'm
still working on that. No.
No. Fi...
come on, hey...
and both of us thought
she was really...
Problem is, now she's gone,
they're gonna stop.
Rebecca was the one
who was really pushing it.
The release of adrenaline and
noradrenalin in your system
See how calm I could be?
And I turned out okay.
look at the admitting
doctor's note for cause
Did they get complicated
around the time
And then you
smacked her in the face.
You don't accuse
anyone, even a child,
I noticed, uh, perimortem
hairline fractures
I find for the plaintiff
You're more than
a social drinker, aren't you?
even when your career
is at stake.
and I will be able
to submit evidence
Uh, well, since
the flesh is malleable,
Oh, my God.
Not from a baby catfish.
these micro-fractures.
I can... get impatient,
that's all.
Hell, she even got her promotion
courtesy of Rebecca's death.
Uniform and equidistant.
Small spikes.
to be exact.
How did you...
Like his arm
or his heart.
I went to pick her up...
She was all I had left.
Please accept our apologies...
that this sauce tastes
every bit as good
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 25, 2013
An undercover police officer, who was investigating a string of ATM robberies, turns up dead in a van with a bag of diamonds found inside his mutilated body. So the Jeffersonian team must figure out whether or not the ATM robbers are also murderers,
or if the cop was crooked. Meanwhile, Brennan is the subject of a documentary commissioned to raise funds for the Jeffersonian, and she struggles to be likeable on camera.
The camera sees and feels
what I see and feel.
That's kind of my call.
I did a film on the
Colombian cartels.
And you dress a lot better.
That's okay, you already
ruined my experience anyway.
that you'd want shots
from my point of view.
They have no bearing on
our immediate investigation.
My, my...
I'm FBI Special Agent
Seeley Booth.
Uh, I have to call the police.
Commander Dinco,
just to be clear,
more difficult,
so I got my marching orders.
Don't worry about it.
And we have a shrink here
of the bone splintering
concrete aggregate,
traces of dried algae
They're not on the endangered
species list anymore,
that the next case
would be his last.
We had all these plans
when we got married.
and I thought they might give
you some environmental hooey
But it keeps my hands free.
What is it?
It looks like a bullet hit.
in her early 20s.
No record
The foot was blown
off by a shotgun.
you are without question
the most brilliant
to spit out
all their cash
Uh, an "excuse me"
would be nice.
I hope it was
ugly and painful
and the guy
Hey, don't get me wrong;
I'm on your side.
So this is what it means
by "FBI cooperation"? Okay.
Do you see these molds?
Someone he trusted,
someone he worked with.
I stopped.
You think I was gonna kill that kid?
A man with a
shotgun. Right.
Do you understand?
of aerosolized alcohol
that was mixed with jasmine.
your husband, and
the serial numbers on the money
quit his job
as an undercover cop.
Ah, I like a woman
with an appetite.
I love a woman who knows
how her evening's going to end.
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 18, 2013
When the Jeffersonian team investigates the death of a former Marine sergeant whose remains were found burned to a crisp, they discover that she was discharged after a fist fight with another Marine. When Booth and Sweets go to question the other
Marine involved in the altercation, they learn that Deanna was obsessed with the idea of the apocalypse, which leads the team to a following of doomsday preppers who become key suspects in her death. Meanwhile, Sweets thinks he has landed his dream apartment but Brennan and Booth are not convinced that he will actually move out.
probably what caused
this place to go ablaze.
that's a rough way
to be remembered.
Oh, my God,
a gunshot wound.
that Booth, Christine and I
like the same amount.
Oh, a victim identification
from a chest X-ray?
Please clean the
bones, Ms. Wick.
a pattern of misconduct,
including assaulting an officer.
And then we both got discharged.
I wish I had the chance
to tell her I'm sorry.
from the Veterans
I'll be testing
my theory later
Very impressive, Ms. Montenegro.
Sure, I'll e-mail you
all my information
It's just pomegranate juice.
I was thinking
of penicillin.
Maybe he was done with
the whole "do no harm" thing.
Okay, everyone, stand back!
which is exactly what we want
as scientists.
Global events such as
a nuclear attack by terrorists,
We searched his house
and found out
The economy, race wars,
ecological disasters,
For what?
Venereal disease.
No, not necessarily.
We already have enough weapons
Now, under this plate here,
there's this singed paper,
Angie, at these temperatures,
a human body would've
Deanna was outspoken.
You're so... thoughtful
you're pretty wonderful
yourself, Daisy.
Daisy just found this on
Deanna Barbieri's clavicle.
the emergency routes and hatches
were proprietary designs
Yeah, if we can find it,
we can find the escape hatch
That explains why
Dr. Apocalypse's arm
in an emergency,
but it would take
Well, that is what
the door is for,
I think we have
enough proof now.
So you taught her
how to make booby traps,
She'd have residue
from making the booby traps.
Am I allowed
to use a flash of light
Deanna was aggressive,
I'm sorry, I-I can't help
but read what I reconstruct.
♪ When you've got so much
to lose? ♪
We'd be incinerated.
What if someone
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 04, 2013
The Jeffersonian team investigates the death of Symchay Conteh, a young man whose remains were found in a barrel at a hazardous waste disposal facility. They discover that the victim was an immigrant from Sierra Leone working numerous part-time jobs
in order to make ends meet. Meanwhile, as the team gets deeper into the investigation, Cam and Arastoo find it even more difficult to keep their relationship a secret and Brennan and Booth try to decide on a vacation destination.
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 25, 2013
When extremely educated new intern Dr. Oliver Wells (Brian Klugman) starts working at the Jeffersonian, his quick-learning, enthusiastic personality challenges Brennan as he gets under her skin with his eccentric but undeniable observations, causing
her to try to be more open-minded about many scientific questions. Meanwhile, Booth worries she may have gone too far when she accepts the possibility of time travel as a factor in a murder investigation.
FBI. Get your hand out
Is there a problem
with Dr. Wells?
which could have severely
compromised crucial evidence.
- or they eat your brains.
- There are
I know, but still, to face
a pack of wild animals alone...
That's my little
brother Benji.
His ex-girlfriend.
around the time of death.
Again, please,
Yeah. He wanted to be
the first to do it.
by sporadic episodes
of extreme aggression,
I'm pretty sure
you care about that.
Then let's deal with our tribe.
So, I looked into Benji's
hard drive.
That's right. What about you?
You sure you didn't want to go
back to some other time?
I... I wish I could,
Are you saying
that I'm narrow-minded?
Professor Hunter got fired
I'd love to help
you here, Bones,
This is ludicrous.
You can't be serious.
Professor was cooking with some
Vernor Vinge's
Technically, it's not a fire
until the amps make sure the...
if time travel existed,
and you could make one trip,
I wanted to have tea with Jesus.
It worked.
Yeah. Looks like
someone broke in.
Texturing of the
sternal rib ends
- Excuse me?
- Quantum physics
when it hears
the word impossible,
Okay? He's gonna be gone
when this case is over.
I'm just curious.
Just like Benji.
when you and Benji were young.
He needed Benji
to bail him out.
Well, maybe you should try
being less of a douche.
But you said that time travel
was impossible.
Wow. Right here?
Mm... no.
near-Earth asteroids
like 4660 Nereus
Mr. Garcia,
I loved my brother.
Why would I do that?
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 18, 2013
The Jeffersonian team investigates the remains of a 15-year-old boy. Although his mother and few close friends saw him as intelligent with poor social skills, the team discovers that this seemingly innocent boy was actually involved in illegal
activity and had attended a high school party two weeks prior where drugs were present. The investigation takes an ugly turn when an underage girl confesses to being raped and the deceased boy’s reputation is compromised. Meanwhile, with the case’s spotlight on deception, intern Finn Abernathy contemplates telling Cam that her daughter Michelle is in town visiting for the weekend.
Dude, you are
totally blushing.
and throw himself off a bridge.
I don't know.
I understand that this
is a difficult time,
It's you.
Or I can come spend the night
at your place.
Manny mostly liked
playing video games.
I guess sometimes
there's more than meets the eye.
Uh, there's no name.
It's just a number.
Hmm. So, if Manny did all
the work, what'd you do?
The brace is applied
to stabilize cervical vertebrae
I don't mind.
The one he wishes
It was very amusing.
during the teenage years
when they're most fertile.
when I got a picture
he comes in and shoves me off
and yells at me.
boats and rocks.
But these...
Dr. Sweets?
Why don't you just trust
my judgment?
There was blood.
I'm not a virgin anymore.
We have reason to believe that
Manny had access to the drug.
Sounds more and more
like a drug deal gone bad.
Okay, the victim
was in possession
Excuse me?
I'm mighty confused right now.
I saw the way that Manny
was looking at her.
people call her a slut,
say she's asking for it.
No. But the patterns indicate
You knew you had to tell someone
who would listen,
I-I didn't want to have
to explain myself to you
You can't possibly promise
something like that.
Manny is watching.
Depending on stomach contents,
between five and 15 minutes.
Why didn't you
just tell me
Maybe we should just tell each
other everything from now on.
I suppose you want me to keep
this a secret from Finn?
Well, the measurable unit
is called breakout strength.
Whoa, hey, you can't,
So let's just start
from the top, huh?
She's 15.
to rape, he's gonna
get away with murder,
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 11, 2013
When Brennan is shot while working late at the Jeffersonian lab, she is rushed to the hospital in critical condition. While at the hospital, she struggles with visions of her mother that defy her usual logic. Meanwhile all evidence suggests that Brennan’s attacker may be linked to the Jeffersonian.
But since he suffered
a prior heart attack
♪ Move you to come see
it's all fine ♪
Bones, wake up.
Stay with me. You gotta fight.
Oh, Tempe, I'm afraid
it's not your decision.
not have her end up
in my autopsy room.
a small caliber, maybe a .22
Yeah, well, my middle
name is danger.
white cauterized tissue,
and a vanishing bullet.
All right? You were shot.
Look, did you see anything
before you got shot?
how long before my heart
started beating again?
She's awake.
Set up the test.
He's a good guy.
The ice bullet and the metal
fragment-- yeah, for now.
I found a tiny antemortem
puncture on the sternum
Okay, but then who killed Hal?
How did you get from a clock
to our failed romance?
He's living far
above his salary.
with a special
tracking number?
Of course you did.
and I never saw you again.
Did you give her
the wrong blood?
Calling you back from where?
I just want to sleep
for a little while.
Well, only if you define
"ice bullet" as frozen water
Let me shave
the hair.
The wood is from an olive tree
grown on Crete.
because he thinks that she's
the only one smart enough
Right, this one's a fake.
The real one is missing.
such beautiful artifacts
like this one.
Well, you know what? All this
belongs to the Jeffersonian.
Why isn't there any
attending paperwork for the icon
the concept of a question,
do you?
Those two things are opposite.
it's not
about surviving anymore.
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 04, 2013
Brennan and Booth investigate the death of a female roller derby skater whose body was dismembered. In order to get more answers, they enlist Angie to go undercover as a derby skater. Meanwhile, Cam tries to uncover the details behind Booth's secretive hospital appointments. a base
of sodium hydride
Because we neutralized
the enzymatic cleaner,
Sort of stagnated at 29.
The serial number on this bridge
Bones said the victim had
telltale signs of abuse.
is if you intend
not to sin again.
peaked at 186.
But you just said hospital.
No, sir, she was dismembered.
Okay. I think you told me
Wall it out!
That's Pummel-ya Anderson.
Ivanna Kick Ass. She didn't show
up for practice today, either.
I didn't know that was a thing.
Hey. Are you busy?
No, they wouldn't.
but actually,
we make men look pathetic.
after his rounds at 2:00 a.m.
There might be another way.
What do you think?
You look
'cause I'm pretty sure
a personal question, which I
don't normally do, as you know.
Well, typically handsaws
are one of two designs
to the right acromion.
All right, but I liked it a lot.
Let's go, honey.
but it wasn't me.
so he could see us.
From Seeley?
Neurofibromatosis-- NF.
and I hope you understand
it wouldn't be my choice.
but not enough evidence
to arrest anyone.
I can't get no satisfaction.
Yeah, to make sure
there would be no arterial spray
I loved her.
the main constituent found
in plasma.
Okay. I'll get the skull
so you can take a swab,
Come on, girls.
Let's give him what he wants.
Whoa. Booth? Positive.
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 28, 2013
The Jeffersonian team investigates the remains of two bodies that were found at the same burial plot: one of a female cancer patient; the other, the cancer patient's "doula," who was guiding her through her grieving process with the illness.
Meanwhile, with a spotlight on the case, Brennan and Booth start discussing their individual choices for after-death arrangements. Also, Daisy Wick returns for her first case after her break-up with Sweets.
Someone must have thought
That would be fine.
you ever hear of green burials?
But... how do you know
that Monica Craig was
pass on my condolences
for your recent loss.
They were very close
before Monica died.
"Everything goes to Bones."
I made a mistake.
Just go...
Uh, yeah, yeah. We'd been
doing this for about two years.
that existence
is impermanent
Special Agent Seeley Booth.
More like a stick of
dynamite in a balloon.
not only under stereo,
Because we're
investigating a murder.
Little loony with all
the New Age stuff, but sweet.
When you say "takes up with..."
but I don't think we...
Now, I must get these
details to Dr. Brennan.
no strings.
and to her spine,
amongst other areas.
So I took a 3-D impression
of the wound to the sternum
And we know who made it.
I don't want to leave
anything out this time.
They're obese, which is
entomologically impossible.
You didn't let me finish.
And I'm glad
we're mature enough
I've been... I've been
sort of seeing someone, too.
We don't belong together.
They were never physical
around you?
Like Dr. Brennan,
I need clarity.
It would also be
evident in bone marrow.
You're messing with me.
You know it?
But I did not stop her.
His grief is very real.
they were all
about Monica.
With Rachel Knox.
you don't have smeared mascara
on your cheek from crying.
and be as good as it ever was?
Well, she thinks that it's a...
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 21, 2013
After Hodgins and Angela are drugged and wake up to a bloody corpse hanging in the canopy of their bed and flower petals around their son Michael's crib, they are forced to believe that Pelant is back for revenge against Hodgins. Although Hodgins
wants to go after Pelant directly, Booth knows it's best to work within the system and not go against protocol. Meanwhile, as the Jeffersonian team investigates the corpse, they discover the victim was a Special Forces agent working for the world's biggest supplier of mercenaries, and Angela and Hodgins decide to start an investigation without the rest of the Jeffersonian team for the sake of their family.
We can't keep
Cam out of this.
Are we good?
If the hematology warrants it.
Victim is male,
185.4 centimeters tall,
Yeah, it looks
like the iliacus.
How did you get through it?
Right-- now, all
records of Alfayat
Which could mean he did
a significant amount of diving.
you need me to give you.
No, he didn't.
A SEAL would never do that.
I ran a tox screen--
no poisons,
I'm sorry, gentlemen.
Let the team do its job.
We can't tell you what we're looking
for until we go back there and find it.
And yet you feel compelled
to see me about it.
Then let Cam do it.
I mean, she's an MD.
I want to register
my disappointment with you.
What did he say?
Pelant doesn't want to kill me,
at least for now.
Honey, that is not possible.
Of course it's possible.
There are two suppliers
who are licensed to sell
That's got to have
some significance.
and found the one
You know, there's
ego gratification here.
Excuse me for one minute.
That's Pelant, right?
He's there right now?
Lock down every exit,
get those Gatlings offline.
Can you magnify
the Vesalius?
He's got the tool set.
and I'm patched
into the Serberus system.
This is Pelant.
They're young.
Oh, God. No, no, no.
Been looking for you.
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 14, 2013
The team investigates the murder of a well-known archaeologist with a questionable reputation, who came upon a career-defining discovery right before his death.
How do you explain this, huh?
Whoever drove this car
It's difficult to see.
The crashed vehicle was
registered to a James Sutton.
while they consume
the foliage.
Adventurous types get killed
all the time.
Um, okay, so what Sutton does
is he writes these books,
They happen to have a voracious
appetite for webworms.
to the U.S.
about a month ago.
Let's go find out.
Oh, what, you can tell that
by licking them, too?
I told him to take
the remains back to his lab.
Can we get back to the murder?
Dr. Edison is going
Well, I'm thinking one
that wanted to make money
It was quite successful
in the youth market.
My paper would definitely be
enhanced with illustrations.
Texas oil money,
spends a lot of time in D.C.
Gonna do my shrinky thing.
Seems to me you're gardening.
And I have the femur, mandible,
humerus, and skull
This Homo sapien was murdered,
which is a crime.
This happened over
25 millennia ago, Dr. Brennan!
can have access,
Who you gonna believe?
all ten of them.
because he was after bones
that were 25,000 years old.
to all of those who listen.
or a sister
gathering nuts and...
This is her father.
but this man was murdered,
Yeah, I got this
from the Russian history room.
Which would definitely
place him in Chechnya.
Our son will be named Valentine.
that your father
followed you here?
to really see anything.
The murder weapon nicks
the coracoid process,
I know how to defend myself.
To restore the family honor,
How could a book cut through
How could he possibly be an
expert on the perfect murder?
I'll tell the judge
you cooperated.
We are extremely gratified
It was a warmish morning
Hey, honey, it's not Shakespeare.
She suffocated to death.
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 14, 2013
The Jeffersonian team investigates the death of a professional ballroom dancer who was murdered three days before her audition on a popular dancing competition show. In order to solve the case, Brennan and Booth go undercover as dance competitors to see if they can find potential suspects.
with the shallow creek water
No, looks like it's her partner.
But not you.
His story checked out.
Look, I, uh, put myself
through college teaching dance.
or they would lose
their balance.
A friend who never
contradicts you?
Oh, I love going undercover!
to win the competition,
why stop at her?
Excuse me.
Buck and Wanda Moosejaw.
What we're dealing
with here is nucleation.
quick, quick rhythm with a
hip-sway over a standing leg.
and then mimic her exactly.
I understand that this job can
be stressful, Angela.
Hey, so I've heard!
The trick is going to be
to dislodge the crystals
Oh, uh, she's, she's
just a frustrated dancer.
That's a beautiful dress,
by the way.
So we might as well practice.
Okay, just remember,
Uh, would you please take a look
at the victim's teeth?
I think I found that,
Dr. Brennan.
♪ ♪
Right, okay.
Are you, uh,
taking a late lunch?
Have fun.
Isn't lead acetate used
in men's hair dye?
I'm sorry, it's just my plan is
up and I need a new...
Come on, let's go,
let's go.
And you wanted me back here,
so... I can go.
Seems like she always wins.
Just today.
Can I have the cone of silence?
You can't
rush science, Booth.
with your whole body.
I said don't talk.
The boyfriend's strong enough
to break her neck, okay?
♪ I know what you asking for ♪
♪ I know what you want me for ♪
I am happy.
No, no, I'm just cutting
your hours.
I think the arm
should probably be...
Aired 12 years ago - Dec 03, 2012
The Jeffersonian team investigates the death of a young boy whose soul remains very much alive. When psychic Avalon Harmonia attempts to help the deceased's spirit cross over, each member of the team begins to question his or her own beliefs about life after death.
♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
you're talking to him.
Makes sense, since he
was probably murdered.
Yeah, Brennan says
teenage boy, 13 or 14.
Hey. This'll help us
dial in time of death.
After Hodgins removes the
wasp's nest from his cranium.
Of course. I'm... sorry, Angie.
Got kind of
a crooked little grin?
If you're done,
I can remove the excess tissue
Brennan could feel
your presence?
The victim was killed
oh, man, it's a glorious mess,
But then I thought,
"This is their son," so...
It was, it was just like
every other day.
When the Missing Persons
police asked questions,
by extending his arms forward.
before or after you
snapped your neck?
I'm... intrigued
by Angela's idea
Oh. Um... excuse me.
What do you make of this,
Dr. Hodgins?
Oh, great...
You were booked for a good life.
You're still here
after my beautiful speech.
but you wouldn't
expect there to be.
Look, I don't want Colin's dad
to be the bad guy, but...
And then what if
her boyfriend found out?
What's the break?
Oh, well, what can't wait
until tomorrow?
I find your musical taste
Look it.
so not from behind.
I'll go tell Booth.
She figured out how
Colin Gibson died.
You can't live
with the guilt.
For a while I was okay,
I thought,
Dying isn't what
made him sad.
I don't understand.
Oh, the loud... yeah.
Hey, Miranda...
♪ Where do we go
if I didn't tell you
how I really feel.
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 26, 2012
A street artist who is plastering his work on a billboard falls into his glue—and onto a corpse—so the team try to get him unstuck from the remains as they also work to identify the body. Meanwhile, Booth takes a stab at stand-up comedy at a club's open-mike night to look for suspects; and Angela finds herself attracted to the street artist.
on the pubic synthesis
indicates early 30s.
The ends of the arrows
You're-you're Zed.
Donnelly's dead?
Dead, dead?
And how do you know?
Tears for Fears song
about shouting.
en route
to your destination.
Did he get crushed by a falling
anvil or something?
Did I do that
when I fell on him?
Almost as good as when
that Asian chick kissed me.
Can you tell me how
Morgan had an amazing
sense of humor.
That wasn't his?
No way!
Notice the large number of chips
and fragments.
practical jokes.
you used to have some
ideals of your own.
It's called "life."
He's the bartender
at Laughtastic's.
Sure sign you've transgressed
the unwritten rule of comedy.
has to watch other comedians
on stage do their thing...
I know what is a joke
and what isn't a joke.
And let me tell you,
You really do
hate this guy, huh?
Thank you for
proving my point.
So let's hear it.
are the best place to
steal fresh jokes.
The black ones...
All right, uh,
let's give it up...
Laugh. Laugh at the
emptiness of my pain.
well, how about the guy
who invented tanning beds?
Were you having an affair
with Morgan Donnelly?
He was about to move to
New York, do comedy full time.
are nearly identical.
Death blow.
Math people forever, right?
♪ We got to go, got to go
He and Elliot were gonna watch
some soccer game
He was drinking a lot, you know,
to work up the courage.
Then I wrapped him up
in a shower curtain,
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 19, 2012
When a crime scene cleanup expert’s remains are found mysteriously sealed in an impenetrable pod that washed up on the beach, the team tackles one of their most challenging investigations. Meanwhile, Angela and Hodgins learn of a secret romance in which Cam is involved.
I mean, age is impossible
to determine as of yet.
Man, this seems
to be some kind
So, what now?
Do we just tip it over
the flesh to ferment.
Uh, I'm gonna filter out
that big stuff
You can, uh... you can
read something a little bit
You got it.
because I'd like
to enjoy Thanksgiving,
They were stamped?
Was he a contractor or...
Sort of.
besides wood, but
he was married,
Can I see him?
I'm angry that bitch
took Lucky away from me,
We'd die for each other,
you know.
Yeah, next I used an algorithm
to compare the size and shape
So, what are these?
and a man who will lose his job
if we don't get back to work.
Davey; I'm a psychologist.
And Lucky must have known that
you knew he was cheating on...
My mom didn't kill Lucky,
and neither did I.
the anger he's sublimated
has paralyzed him
Thanks, Sweets.
You couldn't have
taken that off?
What kid?
including Lucky and his stepson.
Remember when you wrote
my name out in Farsi?
What did you find
on the tools?
all we care about
is preserving evidence,
or you can remain silent
Oh, Lucky and I looked
for it, but there wasn't any.
Based on what?
I'm not sure that
this is translated properly.
I'm so sorry.
I'm your wife.
Old lady, home invasion.
doesn't mean anything.
The D.A. likes evidence.
# Whoa, yeah, call me a beast,
you don't want me to explode #
Looks to me you are.
Who dreams about murder
at 3:00 in the morning?
in the substrate to liquefy
There are some anomalies
'Cause you don't strike me
as that kind of guy.
Nah, I don't speak Farsi, but...
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 12, 2012
While investigating the remains of bodies that have been deemed unidentifiable, five “squinterns” uncover the identity of a man who died as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, propelling the Jeffersonian team to determine if he was a perpetrator or a victim.
because you don't have
their respect?
to give as many of these people
as possible
cowboy thumb.
and this is Sarah Mahony.
and that's why
he has no identity.
What, me?
Criminal victims,
The police report says
that he was beaten...
I can't believe this.
based on decomp,
death occurred between three
Yeah, but not really.
The soft callus
hasn't consolidated yet.
The first Gulf War was
9/11 conspiracy.
All of them.
I had to talk to wives,
All right, okay,
there's got to be
Because I'd be more
than happy
are these events guided
by a religion of peace?
Thank you for taking the time
to set me straight.
Your friend at the
Pentagon identified him?
I promise.
There's no recognition
for what he sacrificed.
in his personal effects,
one of the few things
You're gonna faint.
I'm almost done.
If he was standing
that close to the building
9/11 was a trauma to us all.
It was, uh... before school.
But my hurt didn't
seem like nothin'...
See how the injuries
are connected.
"Walk in Moore Park"?
Coroner probably cut them off
when he examined the remains.
but it would have no meaning
to anyone else.
the injuries took place
Wait. Didn't Murphy's wife say
he was trapped in an ammo dump?
That's him.
confirmed that he
probably was lifting
It took him ten days
to bleed out.
Tim knew that.
♪ I need only one light
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 05, 2012
The Jeffersonian team investigates the death of a woman whose body was found mutilated and discarded in a city garbage can. Meanwhile, Booth invites Sweets to stay with Brennan and him while Sweets searches for a new apartment.
It's like an olive branch,
that tissue, muscle and viscera
have been ripped from her bones.
We should get whatever flesh is
still on these bones removed.
And while searching his home,
Thank God.
Well, yeah, it's wiped out
all the other evidence
There's a pickle maker
and a candlestick maker.
In the 1930s, Joseph Ball killed
I can't believe
she's dead.
She went in
for her monthly checkup
No, I don't think so.
Well, artisanal products
are more expensive to produce,
for the craftsmanship that
goes into making a record.
I'm sorry.
I have to tell you? Legally?
butchered the victim,
he might have done it
carotid artery.
By the light of a lantern?
And people think I'm creepy
because I'm a pathologist.
You know, fear of nudity
is called "gymnophobia"?
We have a serial killer!
My true passion are bugs
and slime and yours is art.
Old Tom Gin is an old-fashioned
English gin
These people all seem to be
following their dreams.
Drop it.
It's psychologists like me
that understand that you are--
to rip the handcuffs
from the bedpost.
These antiques are beautiful,
but the edges are far too rough
In a moment, Mr. Fisher.
Oh, it really is.
I gotta find an apartment.
These are all the photos of the
drivers caught running the red
I saw my face on the news,
turned myself in.
After that, I paid for
two years of college.
This close.
Try the legs, Angela.
that this was done
by some kind of machine.
sliced her at a
45-degree angle
I turned it off,
but it was too late.
It gives us time
to be alone, huh?
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 08, 2012
The Jeffersonian team investigates the death of Jared Drew, an animal expo employee, and in the course of their investigation into his death, they enter the world of illegal animal trafficking. Meanwhile, Brennan thinks she would make an excellent presidential candidate, and Sweets and Daisy take on a big change in their relationship.
I've never seen a Presidential
candidate I.D. remains before.
His stomach acid could be
destroying evidence.
♪ Bones 8x04 ♪
The Tiger in the Tale
Original Air Date on October 8, 2012
1.6 centimeters in
What is this?
At home tonight.
which tells me that our victim
was at some kind
you just looked at me with pity.
Oh, it's great.
I mean, all I had was
Oh, no need to get
all shrinky, Dr. Sweets.
uh, shotgun pellets,
camels and this gravel,
looking to pick up
some unskilled labor.
uh, Andrews.
I only have work for two.
and her dad
was a hard-core criminal.
that the candidate
is on their side.
No, he was just...
No, that's not it.
So far, I've found
monkey cells, cougar
These animals
aren't domesticated.
See here?
or he was prevented.
It's... It's not like
we're getting married.
A Siberian tiger.
A hollow-point bullet.
I'm not sure I agree with that.
I was thinking
more along the lines
All of Neibling's permits
It's not the same, okay?
And I thought you didn't have
a lot of range
Booth, the cages are over here
but... I don't see a tiger.
I hope I can find a chimp.
Okay, it's all right.
Right, let's do that.
I don't know.
He waited in the truck.
named Juan at the fairground,
A sliver, probably in his face.
You know what?
I'll wrap my arms
around your neck and hang on.
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 01, 2012
After an explosion occurs in a hotel garage, the Jeffersonian team must research the remains found at the crime scene in order to match them to the victim. The investigation only gets trickier when they discover that the man whom they thought was
dead is actually alive. Meanwhile, Booth has to take on a desk assignment to get the department’s budget approved in order to land a promotion, so Sweets is given a temporary partner, FBI Special Agent Olivia Sparling.
the blast wave bounced off them
and shot out like a cannon.
No, I'm not. Am I?
And your bosses say you are mine
until further notice.
when my boss came up steaming
that he was going
You do like money, right?
This could be part
of the detonator.
This is a murder investigation,
Mr. Franklin.
But you'd be behind a desk.
You'd hate that.
the Bureau goes through
in a three-month period.
Thank, Angela.
That is my husband!
This is...
All right, this better be good,
'cause I'm really in no mood.
Point your little shrinky brain
at her and pull the trigger.
until the bones
were cleaned.
What was his name?
Where did he live?
She likes to have final say.
I was a coroner in New York.
all the major suppliers of
hydroprene in the region.
Well, I input the key data
points that you gave me
We aim to please.
Oh, Angela helped.
Uh, uh, who killed him?
Hey, let's see how something
a little more substantial
That thing goes back
to the Hall of Patents
you know, to the hotel and back.
She on the tapes?
and here he is
at reception.
This promises
personal freedom.
to deceive the FBI in the course
How much did you give
No! Oh, that was a joke.
I didn't mean...
Someone witnessed the blast.
You do these budget
presentations all the time.
$20,000 is about the going rate.
My husband isn't dead yet.
Sparling and I could
get there in five.
the overpressure
of the blast
Hey, Booth,
Brennan has him.
Oh, my God!
They're saying the wound
is mostly psychological.
Aired 12 years ago - Sep 24, 2012
The Jeffersonian team investigates the murder of a high-powered divorce lawyer with a lot of enemies. The plot thickens when the team discovers that the attorney's wife and assistant have been hiding crucial evidence which could help solve the case.
Meanwhile, Brennan tries to adjust to life after being on the run, and tensions start to rise between her and Booth as the impact of their three-month separation begins to take its toll.
Don't step in the brain, Booth.
Bones, explanations like that
are sort of my thing.
A shoe with brain
all over it.
The victim's stomach may
still be intact enough
Um, since Dr. Brennan returned
and we'll go talk to
the next of kin.
Why? Was your husband
an attorney
No holds barred.
Yeah, she makes sculptures
out of materials
To that end, a floor
that a man works on
Knock it down.
It's Ms. Sandoval. FBI.
You're gonna need
a warrant if...
Look at this.
making up for lost time,
You didn't even know if you
were gonna see Booth again.
I need you to identify
Bartlett was loaded.
Gavin Carmichael and his wife
had an extremely ugly divorce.
What about Melanie's attorney?
She represented herself.
Forgive my partner.
She's a bit cynical.
red peppers, a fairly rare
Russian tarragon,
as I was married;
three and one-half years.
Oh, my God.
What happened?
The cascading horizontal
lacerations to the ribs,
but I was able to clean up
the central image.
Maybe 'cause of this?
This picture.
that the victim suffered
an extremely steep fall.
we can go to
the carousel.
We'll talk when you are capable
of being rational.
Don't drop me.
I won't.
I get it.
when building
polystyrene models.
Suck it up, Gavin.
♪ Just look at what
I turned my back on ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
Aired 12 years ago - Sep 17, 2012
Having been accused of murder, Brennan is on the run from the FBI, with help from her father Max. Booth and the Jeffersonian team are convinced evil tech genius Christopher Pelant has manipulated key evidence in the case to pinpoint Brennan as the
prime suspect. Then, an anonymous tip leads the team to the remains of a high school guidance counselor that may hold the key to proving Brennan's innocence.
Look, just come into my office.
And I need you to put it
in a binder
So if you want to stay here
and use this facility of the far left column.
to the trouble
of disguising
What is it?
By messenger?
I'm sorry.
you wanted
to have happen.
Da-da? Did
you hear that?
That's why I have to pack us up.
So if we ID what
caused the fracturing,
because I figured out
how Pelant did it.
I-I have to examine the bones.
When you analyze the idiolect
used in this letter...
Little toad liked
getting his way even then.
I-I don't want to get into it.
Angie, come on.
Sounds like you're
threatening me, Dr. Hodgins.
That brilliant
brain of yours.
No, I did not.
No matter what he says.
Which makes it extremely
valuable information.
to clear Dr. Brennan
and bring her home,
I understand. Totally.
Tell me you didn't
try to kill him.
All right.
If I go after him
with no cause...
Okay, so you're saying
she was hung, gutted, and bled?
As she fell backward,
her head hit the rock.
Don't be so surprised.
Ethan Sawyer if that
didn't scare him in some way.
All right, so right in the
dumper with that one, huh?
In fact, he was heavy.
that the weapon
was made of tamahagane;
♪ I been trying to do it right ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ You're my sweet ♪
Ho! ♪
♪ You're my sweetheart ♪
Um, it's, uh, it's
not my house,
is no longer a suspect in the
murder of Ethan Sawyer