
Season 4

Aired 15 years ago - May 14, 2009

The Season 4 Finale. A dead body is found at a club called "The Lab." The team has to do some unexpected and unusual things that have to do with this club. Brennan and Booth may become a couple.

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You didn't see this guy last night?
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You think that was insensitive?
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Somebody turned off the security cameras.
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I'm a man on the edge.
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Well, Mr. B. Uh, that's what we all call Mr. Booth-
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Now, why would a crooked politician tell you...
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You won't be able to reopen the nightclub for quite some time.
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Otherwise, I gotta pursue this line of inquiry in a graceless manner.
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Except the real reason you didn't hear anything...
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You do not qualify.
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What liquor best exemplifies death by substance abuse?
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Gotcha. Yeah, right.
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Well, dig this. I recognize your personal talent.
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Look, um, I know whatever you're doing is very important.
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Will you two let me do some of the detecting, please?
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No Vincent, no deejay. No deejay, no entertainment.
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I wonder, did somebody tape the door after I checked it?
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Things like this occur when people are not... reasonable.
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So, drink? Or you're gonna leave?
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Something your- your husband refuses to accept.
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A mobster named Vorstenbach. What's the world coming to?
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Finding out who sent him is totally secondary.
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Look, I'm mad because I don't find it hard to believe at all.
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It's like there's no one named Floyd in Pink Floyd.
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# Sinking to the starting line #
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Man, Clark barely talks to me. You dig?
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This guy's got nothing to do with Vorstenbach's murder. Let him go.
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- Oh! Maybe skip ahead a little. - Well, Lance was nervous we'd get caught...
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Met with him over a dozen times. Over 70 phone calls in the past three weeks.
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He came in to ask me out.
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But my gut is telling me you're nobody's messenger.
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- Tommy! Tommy! - Mötley Crüe!
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I don't know how any homicide is ever solved.
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You would never do that.
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- Jared, just take out your gun. - That's exactly what I'm gonna do.
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# Rat-tailed Jimmy is a secondhand hood #
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# He's the one that makes you feel all right #
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# Dr. Feelgood #
Aired 15 years ago - May 07, 2009

The team is on the case when human remains are found inside a barrel of wine during a wine tasting. When the victim turns out to be a wine critic whose scathing reviews were capable of sending a vineyard to its ruin, everyone from the winery's owner to the victim's own wife becomes a suspect.

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Right. Yeah,okay. On our way.
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- Horse. - Enough.
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Exposure to air turned the wine to vinegar.
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Molar,lateral incisor and canine.
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About six weeks I imagine.
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There are six evenly-spaced cavities along the sides of the frontal and parietal bones.
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Fine. Yes. Absolutely.
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I am.
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You and Brennan,you're going to have a baby?
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So she's raising the child alone?
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I've had to sit through tastings at half the places in the country.
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Yes. He tried to break up a fight at the wine expo.
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The report says it was more than an argument,Mrs. Holt.
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- But if you do... - I don't.
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You know,they like singing and,uh,when you make funny faces at them,too.
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I got a gouge on the third rib and one here on the sternum.
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One of the only critics who didn't dump on my wine.
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He wants to buy me out. He threatened some bogus lawsuits.
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There is no certainty but death and the incomprehensible conundrum that is life.
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You look a little flushed. Are you okay?
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Give me a peek,Booth.
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You sure? I'm good at pretend games.
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I'm gonna do it.
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Like what?
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Seems like your husband had,uh,quite the temper,huh?
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So it's true?
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We were just asking a few questions about Spencer Holt.
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This isn't a high enough concentration to kill him.
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in an amount that could easily have been transferred from the assailant during an attack.
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Right,exactly,you see,'cause we have a... an arrangement.
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There are sperm banks that guarantee high IQs and exceptional physical prowess,
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- I agree. - No,I'm not actually.
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I was going out to dinner.
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*******ever think,what if Booth is the perfect father for your child?
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the glass found in the cask had a lower concentration of dolomite and magnesium dioxide
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We found cases of this in your warehouse.
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Oh,please! He makes wine a homeless person wouldn't cook with.
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I can't walk away. This is my kid.
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No,it doesn't matter now-- we're going to the hospital.
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I just need a moment.
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- Brain tumor. It's usually benign. - Usually.
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Aired 15 years ago - Apr 30, 2009

When a human body is found inside the strung up Otter mascot uniform of a rival school, Brennan and Booth investigate whether the body inside the costume was dead beforehand, or killed during a Middlesex University bonfire event. The body is identified as Jimmy “Beaver” Bouvier, a fraternity brother at Middlesex University. When Brennan and Booth question his fraternity brothers, they learn that Beaver had a money-making operation on the side and was making a killing of his own. Meanwhile, Booth offers to help his brother Jared find a new job after being dishonorably discharged from the Navy. MORE -LESS

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I think you'll find your missing medical school cadaver is over there.
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I owed you for digging me out of crap my whole life.
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Although, despite the similar sound,
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The bonfire is kind of a tradition.
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Me, Dave and Greg stuffed it with cafeteria leftovers in plastic bags.
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William Ayres, Mr. George P. Metesky-- known as the original Mad Bomber.
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We just want to find out who killed your brother.
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Well, we do know that Beaver was with at least one girl.
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is to impress other adolescent males.
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They have to be bad in order to figure out what it is.
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I think you hurt his feelings.
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Beaver's dead?
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Except for the fact that he slept with your girlfriend.
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Who's going to check the kid's sheets?
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Uh, you can take mine, pretty lady.
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You found me a job in less than 24 hours?
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and its shape, which was approximately three inches long by one and one-quarter inch wide...
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Forgot to replenish his fluids.
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Well, they're mostly extinct now.
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What is the significance of this sequence?
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Yeah. It was the third time he hacked into the chemistry page.
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He fell backwards, tried to break his fall
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I produce naturally.
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she planted a fake test online.
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You're a forensic anthropologist, correct?
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No, I'm pretty sure he was dried out before his court-martial.
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Of course, you could always get a motorbike and go with him.
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after only a few trials.
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during the part where you said "No" seven times in a row.
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* I'm keeping up, keeping up with the time-lapse lifeline *
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Booth will want to know.
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Very small hole. Perhaps an ice pick?
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You know, the roads suck in India when they're dry, right?
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You want me to come to India with you?
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Plus, I know it may not have looked like it from the outside,
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not Middlesex College.
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Okay, print it. We'll see
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Because the boy threatened to put the photos of them together
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Yeah, I know.
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Exactly, you know what? He'll get eaten alive.
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Not from the hammering mechanism, you understand,
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* Waiting for circumstance
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Look, everybody went for a coffee.
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But he pulls it out himself.
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Thank you so much.
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Right, so, uh...
Aired 15 years ago - Apr 23, 2009

Booth's detective friend friend from Tokyo, Ken Nakamura, calls him when his sister, Sachi, goes missing while in Washington, D.C. With Brennan, Booth investigates her disappearance.

Aired 15 years ago - Apr 20, 2009

When a Jeffersonian coworker dies of heart failure, the entire team goes to the wake where, upon viewing the body, Brennan realizes the death was no accident.

Aired 15 years ago - Apr 16, 2009

When it is discovered that a stage prop used by a Norwegian death metal band is in fact a real human skeleton, the remains are sent to the Jeffersonian when authorities determine the victim was an American citizen.

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 21 (S04E21) - 1
Absence of blood on the periosteal surface of the fracture...
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Ah, Gordon-Gordon, huh?
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Well, he wants to interview me for the book he's writing on you and the lovely Dr. Brennan.
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Murdered and his remains crucified for the entertainment of people who hate life.
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Dr. Wyatt, I am a huge admirer of your book...
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What-What is that, British understatement?
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I'm sorry I keep saying that. But which one?
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- What about real names? - Well, I imagine they play that pretty close to the vest.
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Okay, sounds great. So Cam says we gotta track down a death-metal band named Spew.
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As a teenager. Not anymore.
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- Then how do we find them? - Aha! Well...
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Wear on his calcaneus and cuboid suggests our victim walked on the outside of his feet.
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So why do I have the feeling that I'm being taken somewhere terrible...
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- I was quite pretty in my way. - Wait. You-You were Noddy Comet.
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And I pulled desk duty until the paperwork clears.
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Do you want to spend time in jail, pinhead?
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so that Dr. Wyatt and I can talk to him and exploit that connection.
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- Gluteus. Yes. - Okay.
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- I've never heard of him. - No. No. 'Cause that would ruin your street cred.
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But you're not gonna tell us, are you? 'Cause we're outsiders.
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- Sweets? - Sweets is there?
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No, don't worry. It's totally fake.
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This just gets better and better. I'm getting credit for that?
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cleavers, all of your stage ware-
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Mayhem's dead and buried under Bridge 6, westbound lanes, State Road 66.
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I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Shh. I'm sorry.
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but they make music.
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Sweets has scars on his back. Old ones.
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- I'm pretty sure it is. - The image quality stinks.
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Not so tough when the blood is real, are you, metal boy?
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Okay? You see...
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You know, maybe someone in Spew. This is totally my fault!
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Would you mind getting on all fours?
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Barbed wire.
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But you're one of the cognoscenti, Dr. Sweets.
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Then uses a knife to gouge out the bullet.
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Completely consistent with the mark it left in the victim's ilium.
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But these were loving, wonderful people.
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I do not share.
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He's, uh- He's enjoying this attention.
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- Whoa. What? Murderbreath? - Yeah. You're free to go. Come on.
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A bisexual spaceman with a taste for six-inch platform shoes, spandex, glitter...
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for your de facto crime-fighting unit.
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But he is.
Aired 15 years ago - Apr 15, 2009

Booth and Brennan are called when an image of the Virgin Mary is found in a bale of compressed cardboard.

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You cut her toe off so she could fit into a pair of shoes?
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Meriel Mitsakos was murdered.
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Meriel wanted everything to be perfect for our wedding.
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but do you think maybe she got cold feet?
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- You cannot just take a- - Fluoroscopy machine.
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- What is it? - A straight pin.
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You two are obviously meant for each other.
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Was she dealing with something else in her life?
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Why? Because she is buying a wedding dress.
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Just trust me on this one. It's none of our business.
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So a woman could be buying her wedding dress with her fiancé...
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She insinuated I didn't know what I was doing...
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He's hardly one to give advice.
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- Come on. - Multiple wives are the norm in most of the world.
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A person's love life is-
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Yeah, right. Hey, buddy. Over here.
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he won't have to subpoena the phone company records.
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Do you know the victim?
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- That was the night she was murdered. - Do you have a name?
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Are you sure about this list?
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I need- I need a minute to myself.
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- Perimortem bruising. - That's a tire tread.
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and his e-mail accounts were canceled.
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Dr. Brennan was being honest. I appreciate it.
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Okay. What should I do?
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Hey, you think maybe we could hug?
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the driver backed up to see where his victim had landed...
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- Most of them are single. - Oh.
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I think we found the murder weapon.
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- That must've made you mad, Joe. - Oh, yeah!
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Well, she lied to him, and he hates her for it.
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There's no way that they could coexist with this nasal bridge.
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I'm not gonna be your boy toy because you have a dysfunctional relationship with your fiancé!
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Well, we're both beautiful people, Lance.
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Someone who had access to all these photos.
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but running over her twice seems very deliberate.
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# The daylight dries the rusted leaves #
Aired 15 years ago - Apr 09, 2009

Booth and Brennan are sent to investigate when human remains are found during a photo shoot. When the team uncovers a meteorite in the victim's ear, they are led to the Collar Institute of Science in D.C.

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Find out how many corpses we're dealing with.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 19 (S04E19) - 2
Why are you listening to Sweets?
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The water in the cells crystallizes and explodes.
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You staying or going?
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- Groundbreaking. - That was a funny joke.
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because it looked to the past, not the future.
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Perhaps the most important venue for scientific publishing in the world. What has happened?
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We have not yet made a positive identification.
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- Is this publishing thing important? - Publish or perish.
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- What were they arguing about? - I have no idea. Could've been about anything.
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What if the cellular damage and the fractures were caused by the same thing?
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She didn't do experiments. She figured everything out through equations.
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Milton Alvaredo suggested that we look at whoever was going to replace Diane Sidman...
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 19 (S04E19) - 19
It's creepy. Everyone there is creepy.
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Because maybe not everybody is so, you know, "adult," you know...
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Or I could have killed Diane for sleeping with Landis.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 19 (S04E19) - 22
It's, uh, unnecessary to say "degrees Celsius. "
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Dr. Lance Sweets. I work for the F.B.I. as a psychological profiler.
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Welding is a real job, unlike psychology.
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Of the 800 threats I studied, 106 of them were from you.
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I got here as soon as I could. What's up?
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Someone accidentally irradiates this poor woman...
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The blues is known as the devil's music because those most adept...
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A possible source of Diane Sidman's leukemia.
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Probably because you feel bad that Dr. Brennan found evidence of a tumor that you missed?
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Yeah, a strong one. Is anyone at that place doing cancer research?
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You gotta be kidding me. It's like Club Med Mensa around here.
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Because it is the rational and smart thing to do, and he is all about that.
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I wonder that about you all the time.
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- Some of my vials are missing. - Hmm?
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Why would a guy like you play on a street corner?
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His project concerns extracting energy from earthquakes.
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The what?
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- What? - Are you all right?
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Uh, is that even possible?
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- Dad- - Could he have stopped it?
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If the murderer had seen blood, he would've cleaned it up.
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Knew it all along. Let's go. Come on. Up.
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- Yep. - I have actual "save the world" work to do.
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Wow, that is cold.
Aired 15 years ago - Apr 02, 2009

When the half-eaten body of Cam's former fiancee is found in the tiger cage at the zoo, Booth and Brennan uncover that his death was far from accidental. Now the team must put the pieces of the fiancee's final day back together, including hypnotizing a suspect in order to spark his memory.

Aired 15 years ago - Mar 19, 2009

The body of a pregnant 16-year-old athlete found buried in a mound of salt in a city de-icing truck leads Booth and Brennan to the discovery that many of her teammates are pregnant or have babies after a pregnancy pact.

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 17 (S04E17) - 1
So Roxie and I are getting a dog.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 17 (S04E17) - 2
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And Ashley was worried that she'd smell like raspberries.
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into the high number of injuries your daughter sustained since puberty.
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- Yeah. - Thanks.
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Very descriptively put.
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Did you, uh, talk to Ashley about the pregnancy test?
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All right, ready? On my count. One, two-
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Becca texted me saying that you think I killed Ashley, but I didn't.
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But it's nice every once in a while to think about the future.
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- Well, we heard you got into a loud argument with Ashley.
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for a teen girl to become pregnant, it's clearly a lapse in judgment.
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And high school has not changed. The fact is, from what I remember...
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The prime suspect would be the person who knocked her up.
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I find myself wondering if the rate of tissue reclamation will accelerate over time...
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get that way by becoming involved in the moment.
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- Conditions always change. - The successful organism is the organism that adapts.
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which is worrying me just a little bit.
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But I'll pay better attention next time.
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- You wrote your daughter a check for $5,000? - No.
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The "walking marriages" of the Mosuo in the Himalayas, for example.
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"Tell her that unless she can think of a way...
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Miss Montenegro?
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And, of course, the finest of the melancholy songs-
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I apologize. I quip sometimes.
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Okay. But you are very close.
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Yeah. And Clinton was there.
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I couldn't see any contusions around the ear.
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- What? - When the vagus nerve is triggered with enough force...
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- Either that, or he's doing a very repetitive yoga move. - Is that appropriate in the lab?
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How long have we been married?
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Oh, it is, definitely.
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So don't have sex?
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As a fireman, I often have to carry heavy-
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# One night of magic rush #
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- He killed her. - God. That's horrible. Wow.
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he seemed more than happy with the arrangement.
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- So he murdered her? Dude. - Yeah.
Aired 15 years ago - Mar 12, 2009

When newlyweds encounter a corpse while bungee-jumping off of a bridge, Brennan and Booth are sent to investigate. After determine the cause of death was not suicide, the team at the Jeffersonian discover an unknown substance coming from the body. This sends the lab into lockdown and have only 24 hours to uncover the murderer before the body disintegrates. MORE -LESS

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 16 (S04E16) - 1
Hemorrhaging into the maxillary sinuses?
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I have no idea. Everyone away from the body.
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- In other words, I need more samples. - We all need more samples.
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- but his skin was moving. - Wait a second. Moving skin on a dead guy?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 16 (S04E16) - 6
Such great gas mileage for, you know, a can-do machine. Are you looking to trade in?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 16 (S04E16) - 7
Desmo- Desmopres-
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 16 (S04E16) - 8
- He- It was an accident? - No. He was-
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Facts are the stitches that hold the fabric of existence together.
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The last two, he dropped to bwana number three.
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There's your motive. That man has an unnatural attachment to his monkey.
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- Makes a woman feel all protected and safe. - That makes no sense.
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No signs of any toxins.
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- Tell me a little-known fact. - What?
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Well, he's lucky the only thing you went after was his windshield.
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Wow. I mean, you expect a car like that to be safe.
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Did you just dare me, Dr. Brennan?
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Right. Strawberry Lust, the one and only.
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- Uh, maybe a client of yours? - Yeah, sure. A regular. What about him?
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Yes, I-I should.
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Ill? No, Dr. Brennan, no.
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What-What is wrong? I- You are very intolerant, Sweets.
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Uh, diatomic gases emit a distinctive ultraviolet hue when they oxidize.
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- Zero to 60? - 4.6 seconds, but, uh-
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Okay, what do you need to know?
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He, uh- He took a cab! He told the driver to-to take him back toJungleJim!
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Well, Alex felt guilty for leaving his brother all alone atJungleJim's.
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- to arrest the destruction of the- - lon chromatography takes time.
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Antacid contains magnesium hydroxide.
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What? You're the one that said yes.
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He punted sales to his brother. Made me number one.
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This defect in the posterior aspect...
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Ninety percent of the world's population have fecal matter on the bottom of their shoes.
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Monkey crap?
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It's a tire cleaner. It's real concentrated.
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They were already jelly when the X-rays were taken. I hate this case.
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"Gee, Angela, this looks impossible...
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 16 (S04E16) - 46
Yes. I even engaged in a very interesting session with Sweets...
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Huh. Jagged crenellations between the seventh and eighth vertebrae...
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- What's going on? - Uh, get back inside, Chet.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 16 (S04E16) - 50
First his brother tried to help, then you.
Aired 15 years ago - Feb 19, 2009

The team investigates a sci-fi convention when a woman in a medieval princess dress is found murdered. With Booth's back injured, Agent Payton Perotta steps in once again to help

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 15 (S04E15) - 1
I wasn't the one who was injured.
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Severe damage to the skull. The mandible's almost completely severed.
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Both feet display erythema and heavy blistering...
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Okay, I admit. I'm a geek.
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- That's definitely our dress. - And judging from...
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No. No, no. In fact, "aggravated" was exactly the word he used.
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Your job is to sexualize software?
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By knocking off the medieval stuff and answering some questions.
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I have to wonder if it's hot- you know, stolen.
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What I thought was that she got it from someone else here.
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Mr. Fisher just broke up with his girlfriend, and he's feeling a little down.
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Oh, hold on.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 15 (S04E15) - 14
Bones, enough! Okay? I'm not "incapacipatated. "
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- Anything else, Dr. Hodgins? - In some ways, you're just like Booth.
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Wow. My kind of silver lining.
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I don't know who you think you're fooling, little princess...
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- Do you recognize this voice? - I don't know who you think you're fooling, little princess...
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My parents call it a waste of my trust fund, which is praise enough for me.
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Abandonment? Abuse? Indifference?
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Just walked up and presented it to her as a gift.
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It's badly balanced. The blade is warped.
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You said that the auctioneer's no longer a suspect, correct?
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We need someone who blends in- someone who looks like they belong there.
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And there is Valerie Daniels. Let's hope she doesn't recognize Sweets.
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Okay. Here we go. Sword is next. Uh, Fisher, find Sweets.
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Or the women! 50,000 to the lady in black.
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- And thank you, everyone. - Good job!
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- They wanted the sword. - Wow. That was actually pretty wild.
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I had enough excitement to last me-
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But, hey, still haven't lost my edge.
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How are you, Agent Booth?
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Booth gets needlessly protective sometimes. I have no idea why.
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you know, you ever-
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I wasn't particularly observant, because during the attack...
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I was wondering if I could also call you Bones in future moments of shared camaraderie?
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- What is it? - The pear of anguish, a medieval torture device.
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As it is opened, it expands the hard palate and mandible in equal proportions-
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The only thing I'm willing to hear from you right now, Mr. Fisher...
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Could've learned them from movies.
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I happen to be very self-sufficient.
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Your car shows you are the person who drove Dr. Brennan and Dr. Sweets off the road.
Aired 15 years ago - Feb 05, 2009

While trapped and trying to escape from a ship in the middle of the ocean, Booth is haunted by strange hallucinations.

Aired 15 years ago - Jan 22, 2009

When a volunteer fireman is murdered at an ice rink, Booth and Brennan begin the investigation, but Booth must excuse himself due to a conflict of interest. When details come to light, Booth becomes a suspect in the homicide.

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 1
- Booth seems to be winning. - Well, it's not Booth I'm worried about.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 2
So, you still seein' double?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 3
Man, this is a great day.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 4
Dad, she- she's bleeding.
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I'm a suspect. Here.
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- Uh, we don't know it's murder. - Huh, look at that. I'm the prime suspect.
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it'll be through a microscope.
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And that made you angry.
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- Did you dump his body in the lake? - No. I did not, Agent Perotta.
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Underneath your affable exterior...
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 13
Uh, yes, mostly-500 bucks short.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 14
There's a lot of bills here: "Final Notice," "Past Due. "
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 15
It's definitely a... bond of trust. You're absolutely right.
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Perhaps the sight of males battling...
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 18
- Yo! - Come here.
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- How long ago did you two break up? - Break up?
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- The rib cage has been bruised. - It has?
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I was signaling you to encourage Wendell...
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Okay, I'd reach for my badge right now, but, you know, I-
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to mop that back room up.
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- Ready? How's that, huh? - Nice.
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We should be able to get enough D.N.A. out of this to confirm the blood is Carlson's.
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- What drops? - Those drops right there.
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It's come to the attention of the deputy director...
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- Chess. - No.
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- Not now. - Hiya, Sweets.
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like a Peruvian soccer team stranded in the Andes.
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- Get a warrant to test his D.N.A. - Here we go.
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which is an unconscious result of intense interest or sexual attraction.
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Keep your head up, Herrin.
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Take a warning, pal.
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 39
Whoa. Wait a second. I can't play hockey with you. I gotta solve a murder.
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You're not your father, Booth.
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Yeah. It's the victim's goldfish.
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You saw the victim's apartment, right?
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Preliminary D.N.A. tests show that the blood mixed in with the victim's...
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There's gotta be some reason these fish died of ammonia poisoning.
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My people are very often at crime scenes. It's what we do.
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Stole from the fire, cleaned off with ammonia.
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Bones, it's all about the team there. They-
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He break some kind of fireman code, somethin' like that?
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Aired 15 years ago - Jan 22, 2009

A shallow grave holds the remains of conjoined twins; Booth and Brennan infiltrate a circus community after they discover that the twins were jugglers there.

Aired 15 years ago - Nov 26, 2008

Brennan's father Max lands a teaching position at the Jeffersonian. When he ends up helping out with the murder case at hand, Brennan is noticeably bothered by his sudden presence in her professional life.

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 1
- That leaves the wind. - Those people over there need to clear out.
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- Similar char marks. - Any fires in the last couple of weeks?
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- So in the eyes of the law, he's never killed anyone. - Why are you defending him?
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- It would've been very painful. - Twenty-something with a bad back-
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I'll just order a search of the controlled substance database.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 7
How are you gonna do that?
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Oh, look. There's the doc that told the jury that I was a sociopath. Hey.
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- Yes, it is. - No, it's not.
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I just got off the phone with Booth.
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Tweak the contrast, find some edges.
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The landlord said that Cal Warren worked crazy hours.
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I don't know. But this is something we're familiar with.
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- Has he been evaluated? - He does just fine.
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was found in the apartment of a victim- a Cal Warren?
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enrich Parker at home.
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Well, how is it that an ex-Special Ops guy becomes a nanny?
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Looks like the work of a plastic surgeon.
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They start Latin in third grade. That's fantastic.
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- Did you have any more dealings with him? - I'm afraid not.
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Oh, lookee there. This one here.
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Yes. Richard King.
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Max had a great idea for an experiment.
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I didn't touch anything.
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if we can plot approximate mass...
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Go! Go!
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You really want me to believe that Richard King killed Cal?
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That's on the edge of Queen Anne's and Kent County.
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- Is she not attractive enough? - Bones is beautiful.
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Agent Booth, over here.
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because he betrayed business secrets or because he had sex with my wife.
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Well, it's all about proximity to forensic evidence.
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He's promising never to abandon you again.
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There was a tapeworm in the line, the one that went to the beer keg.
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The pattern of marks is evenly spaced...
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from the spot where Cal's body was burned.
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Sweets, let me ask you something. Uh-
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He can't say no. He works for me. "
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Aired 15 years ago - Nov 19, 2008

While en route to China to identify prehistoric anthropological remains, Booth and Brennan are called upon to solve a murder in midair when the flight attendant discovers a fully cooked human body in the plane's microwave.

Aired 15 years ago - Nov 12, 2008

Booth’s Brother Jared Booth and Brennan investigate the scene where a body was uncovered during a botched practice police raid. The team identifies the body as a struggling inventor’s father who had recently reunited with his son. But when a second body surfaces, the team is led on a trail of deception to find out who was the actual con-man in the inventor’s life. Clark Edison returns to the lab, and he and Hodgins work on piecing together blueprints from one of the inventor’s potentially valuable inventions. Meanwhile, Brennan likes Booth's brother and goes out on a date with him. She learns a thing or too about Booth's past while out on the date. MORE -LESS

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 1
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Bones Season04 Episode09 'The Con Man in the Meth Lab'
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Mm-hmm,so why'd you come back then?
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Jared,this here is my partner, Dr. Temperance Brennan. That back there is a squint.
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It was filed by somebody named Paul Stegman.
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Well,the only "ex" I care about are X-rays.
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- He used to go on binges. - Honey.
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I teach fifth grade.
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He's placing bets and taking hits off of a flask.
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It's a school of piranhas in here.
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It drove our dad nuts.
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I found a match for our victim's DNA on the felony database.
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Special Agent Booth.
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Well,the FBI is sneaky.
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Because he's Booth's little brother and it would just be a creepy way to have sex with a Booth
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Well,this is Jim Stegman's place.
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Yeah,the real Jim Stegman-- he was shot, killed and dumped in the river a week ago.
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Clark,I was wondering if you had a chance to look at the...
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So,what we're looking for is something heavier.
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They get me for DUI, I lose my job,Seeley.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 25
We think it's possible that he wanted to...
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Cam,let this one slip by.
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Or an apology.
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Middle of the foot, middle of the knee, middle of the shoulder, dead center on the heart.
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Pongetti's dead,good. I'm glad.
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Have you been talking to Cam?
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I thought he was Paul's father.
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Help yourself to whatever you need,P."
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I don't want you to think this is an intervention.
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You have no evidence of that.
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Evidence. I am comfortable with evidence.
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I've heard that about you.
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Forty minutes later, the real driver shows up.
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I'll check with the FBI.
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Agent Booth,you are by far the worst hostage negotiator I have ever run into.
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I would like to propose a toast to my partner, Seeley Booth.
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In working with Booth, I've come to realize that
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Getting an anthropology lesson from you?
Aired 15 years ago - Nov 05, 2008

When the smashed remains of a well known artist are found in an impounded junkyard car, Booth and Brennan are on the case to find out if foul play is to blame for his death. With suspects ranging from the artist’s rival to his own assistant, the team must race against the clock to find evidence of murder before the car is relinquished and put on exhibit as the sculptor’s ultimate display of self-sacrifice for the sake of his art. MORE -LESS

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 1
Yes, yes! And regaining that willingness to take a risk...
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 2
I meant to warn you that Miss Wick came up in the rotation.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 3
- But I'm gonna start. - Right. Yeah. Me too. I mean, like, right away.
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What goes first?
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- If I sold all the crap that was in my garage, I could retire. - It's hard to explain.
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- Damage? - They're crushed cars.
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You should know that. You're a depressed artist yourself.
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- They had a pretty big argument here the other night. - About what?
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- hydrocodone, oxycodone and codeine. - Wow!
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Apparently this is an historic piece of art.
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Where does this leave our investigation?
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Is that what happened? Oh, that-that's hilarious.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 15
Shouldn't you be trying harder to look innocent?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 16
Did you have, like, buckets of coffee this morning? You're very shaky.
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- Are you sure it's Geoffrey? - Prevaricate. Keep her guessing.
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Yeah. It's- It's about one million dollars. Look at that.
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Well, people usually leave money like that to a wife or a lover.
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Did she ever show any interest in men?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 22
Nice. Now maybe you'll be able to rescue the princess.
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Micro fractures are by definition small.
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and then some other color I have never seen before...
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I'll make a note.
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Plugged in the bone fragments' final positions, and, based on those...
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- I wanted to prove it wasn't murder. - But it is.
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Stand back. I am goin' in.
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 33
That's gotta cheer you up. I mean, your friend is no longer our prime suspect.
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I mean, come on. It doesn't get any better than that, right?
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Brush strokes are like fingerprints. You can't fake them.
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I do still have feelings for her.
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you won't have to think about any of that.
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First you destroy Geoffrey's finest work...
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Not dragged, Booth. Rolled.
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- So, no alibi? - Geoffrey's work was selling. I was making money.
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- You have this bourgeois notion- - "Bourgeois. "
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for an ex-lover whose heart you've already broken.
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Excellent. Next you should learn the concept of personal space.
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I didn't agree to see you.
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- Oh. - I'm very comfortable with incompetence.
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Okay. Now, this is the victim's clothing.
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And we do know that that clinic costs a small fortune.
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I guess none of us get what we want.
Aired 15 years ago - Oct 08, 2008

Booth and Brennan go to investigate a body found in the Chesapeake Bay. After arriving, they find only the upper torso, giving the team little to work with other than remnants of the victim's breast implants. Brennan and Booth are led to a small church in Maryland, where they find that the victim was a pastor. When the team finds the lower half of the body, they learn that their initial assumptions may not been incorrect. MORE -LESS

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 1
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 3
- Especially if you have an explanation. - Plastic surgery.
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common to Chesapeake Bay.
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Ah, that would explain the, um, informative tangents.
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Her name is Patricia Ludmuller. R.R. Number One, Maylor Island, Maryland.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 7
If you want to hide, Bones, you'd change your looks as much as you can.
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It's important. I really need you, Patty. Please call. Please.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 10
- Coincidence, I think not. - Based on the lack of hemorrhagic tissue...
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They split the penis and then turn it inside out-
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Let's say some hyper-religious fundamentalist finds out...
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- He had no idea that she wasn't a real woman. - That's very insightful.
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Like the best leaders, she drew us together without even trying.
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lying, vanity, sloth, greed.
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Why would anybody lie about when they joined a church?
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Hey, it's J.P. again.
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You lost your manhood and your religion all in one go. Or did prison widen your tastes?
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medroxyprogesterone acetate and sprironolactone, which is an anti-androgen.
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Though conjecture is not really what we do here in the lab...
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No. He's locked up for the rest of his life.
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Anyway, what I did was-
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This money belongs to God, not me!
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in a cottage on Chesapeake Bay?
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- It's a scenario. - Patrick was a religious man.
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- A hundred dollars a month? - Mm-hmm.
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I have faith that, in the fullness of time, God will lead Ryan back to us.
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Five million is a ton of moola, but Arthur Ford is not a good suspect.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 33
You think the moment Patricia Ludmuller came to exist, Patrick Stephenson stopped?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 34
They are not "gay. " They are not "homosexual. "
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- You think he switched sexes too? - No, no.
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- Twenty bucks. - Deal.
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Which is what exactly?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 39
- So that's Ryan Stephenson? - Yep. Found him in a detox center in Silver Spring.
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One of God's challenges to us is to see past the surface...
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It was a foggy day, she was out there swimming alone-
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 44
she reached up to clasp the gunwale?
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It's absolutely impossible to kiss your own elbow.
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then in death, split in two again.
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they find the woman they've been sleeping with used to be a man.
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Pastor Patricia said I should do something for someone else- someone I love.
Aired 15 years ago - Oct 01, 2008

The remains of a despised office manager are discovered in an elevator shaft, and Booth and Brennan must figure out which employee killed him. After some investigating, they find that the manager had more than a fair share of complaints on file. Meanwhile, Angela and Hodgins try to make peace in the lab after their break-up.

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 6 (S04E06) - 1
Uh, the answer's no.
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- Which man? - You're kidding me, right?
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I was taking her picture.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 6 (S04E06) - 4
So when it went up and down, she-
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So you think the, uh, victim's body could've been, you know, pushed down there?
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And her final meal was lettuce, yogurt, chicken and pita.
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Were you... for or against?
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Great. We're two professionals.
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A difference of about 17 meters.
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She works for the same man as you.
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- It's Patty, Chip. It was Patty in the elevator. - Oh, man.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 6 (S04E06) - 14
See, Booth? Some people accept their position as a drone.
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Locked up in these veal pens all day.
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Right there. See that? That's Patty's car.
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But since you're my best friend, I guess I could fire Hodgins.
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with herniation of the L4-5 disk...
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being a mentor and all.
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triarylmethane dye, a. k.a. brilliant blue- It's a food coloring.
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I work for the United States government, and so do you.
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- You fired him? - That's right.
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But did you ever meet Patty?
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But it's not like I'm the only one that didn't like her.
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Didn't find any hemorrhage in the soft tissue.
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So I just want it to be over with...
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It's gonna take longer than us sitting here for a few minutes.
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So, thank you. This has been helpful.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 6 (S04E06) - 33
I was also given a swatch of carpet from the copy room that had a stain. Also semen.
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Just because tech support is in India doesn't mean I get special treatment.
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I was not having sex with Patty!
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 6 (S04E06) - 38
Look, this tension between us, I hate it.
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No. Cleaning crew came in over the weekend and wiped down the elevator doors.
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There's no way that I could keep that open long enough to dump a body.
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But if it's an accident, it wouldn't account for the elevator or the semen.
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Two tiny punctures approximately seven millimeters apart.
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causing Miss Hoyle's pre-existing aneurysm to rupture.
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- What's a Blue Hawaiian? - Oh, it's a potent cocktail.
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Hey, I think Angela and I are cool now.
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Yeah. Probably more exact.
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Look at this. We have a court order here for your D.N.A.
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opened the elevator doors and shoved her down the shaft.
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All right.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 6 (S04E06) - 50
Okay. Well, we both have roommates.
Aired 15 years ago - Sep 24, 2008

The pieces of a dismembered body are found lying in a purple pool of water, except the head is missing. The team finds that the body belongs to Jared Addison, a science fiction writer who had several mental problems. With Sweets' help, several suspects are hunted down, however the team has trouble finding enough evidence with the victim's head still missing. MORE -LESS

Aired 15 years ago - Sep 17, 2008

Parker, Booth's son, discovers a corpse's finger in a bird's nest, causing the team to launch an investigation to try to find the rest of the body. After finding the corpse, the team discovers that the death was caused by a dog, leading them to an illegal dog fighting ring and a search for the killer dog and its owner.

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 1
He's gonna realize that he had a dead finger in his hand,he's gonnare o.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 2
Partial skull.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 3
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 4
Deep puncture wounds to the trachea pierced the jugular.
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 6
He's middle-aged and he's held every possible job.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 7
I'm afraid so.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 8
- And he never woke up. - No.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 9
He's divorced. I'm single.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 10
I don't know how I'll find thengyo o
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 11
There was enough saliva in the wounds to run a DNA profile.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 12
Assault,possession of various restricted weapons, various drug offenses.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 13
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 14
Drug dealer's dog. Sejet sch n brav!
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 15
I worked as a vet's assistant in college when I was studying to be an EMT.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 16
That is an absolutely wonderful idea.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 17
- About severed fingers? - No. It was a singing frog.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 18
ogarng Qut. Don Timmons?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 19
- It's not his.It'sin - Roie
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 20
Yeah. Dad really trained her great.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 21
You staring at me?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 22
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 23
Ma Setgowa
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 24
Uh,I was raised not to speak ill of the dead.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 25
Fighting pit,spectators.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 26
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 27
m t mead aice hack who performs diagnoses over the phone.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 28
It's an antifungal treatment used on Astroturf.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 29
Mr. Millan,thank you so much for coming.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 30
so we should have expecd is
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 31
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 32
You didn't do anything.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 33
I'm a driller,Agent Booth.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 34
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 35
This is the killer dog,yes.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 36
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 37
I do feel responsible.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 38
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 39
Carry him under her arm?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 40
No one's ever caiemerod ke mke especially a girl.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 41
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 42
He's got warm d asri brn es and he's capable of great violence.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 43
Stitching up wounded animals isn't a crime.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 44
Look at that.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 45
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 46
I just hate everyone.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 47
u' rlaced one way of seeing the world-- paranoia-- with another: misanthropy.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 48
Dr. Elliot took all the photos to turn into the police.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 49
Damn it.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 50
d sndp d gh if it's for someone else.
Aired 15 years ago - Sep 10, 2008

The body of the host of a popular reality TV show is found partially decomposed in an outhouse, and Booth and Brennan must find out who the killer is. Meanwhile, Booth learns that Brennan is juggling two relationships.

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 1
Come on,seriously, who thinks it's a good idea to blow up an outhouse?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 2
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 3
There's powder residue on the bone indicating that the victim was shot at close range.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 4
Whoever did this did not get enough therapy.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 5
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 6
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 7
Cross-section is round, which suggests it's Mongoloid in origin.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 8
I'm, um-- how can I put this-- depoopifying the fragments now to piece together some kind of image.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 9
I'm gonna kill you. You are dead! Dead!
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 10
We're talking about the Ten Commandments here, Bones.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 11
I told Bill not to do that stupid show.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 12
Agent Booth. This here is, uh, Dr. Brennan.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 13
No. It was personal.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 14
Wouldn't you?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 15
Oh, I get it.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 16
Just call me when you find something of value.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 17
Maybe two weeks old.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 18
If I had to take a guess, I'd say the mystery couple were knocking boots.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 19
You bastard!
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 20
Hey, Bones.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 21
Thought maybe we'd grab a bite first. Any interest?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 22
Not if he's straight. Right? Am I right?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 23
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 24
So you think this is a good idea?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 25
Okay,listen,he hangs out with a guy by the name of Jim Dodd.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 26
figured he'd have to be treated for them.
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 28
He went there to warn her that it could be dangerous meeting someone online.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 29
It just happens to require two men.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 30
Oh,of course. I'm the same way. We're two of a kind.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 31
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 32
Not only did he meet up with Dodd, he sat next to him for two hours.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 33
The loan shark's got me down for five G's plus the vig,
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 34
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 35
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 36
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 37
No. I didn't.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 38
Excuse me.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 39
Oh, yeah.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 40
And we can prove that it's yours.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 41
And Pete knew that I wanted to get into TV, so he got me a job as a production assistant,
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 42
he's got a daughter, and right there, you snap, you realize you've been used.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 43
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I don't fraternize at work.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 45
Anyone else have access to the equipment?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 46
Mark, wha-what are you doing here?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 47
but sexual attraction is an involuntary hormonal response
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 48
Oh, yes. See you, boys. Thanks. I'll grab one of those.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 49
- You know, you guys don't know what you're talking about. - Really?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 3 (S04E03) - 50
Aired 15 years ago - Sep 03, 2008

Season four begins all the way in England, with Booth speaking at Scotland Yard and Brennan guest-lecturing at the prestigious Oxford University. Knowing of Booth and Brennan's expertise in their respective fields, local officials ask for their help with a high-profile murder investigation that involves a British heiress.

Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 1
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 2
What do you think, Dr. Brennan,
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 3
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 4
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 5
My soon-to-be ex-husband.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 6
Bioluminescent phytoplankton. Nothing mystic.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 7
So you can put that picture away, Dr. Brennan.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 8
Do stay to the left here, please.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 9
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Dumps the car, body and all, in the river, and rides his scooter home.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 11
How long did yo and Portia Frampton carry on a sexual relationship?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 12
what country we're in, hmm?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 13
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 14
so what's a little dignity?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 15
Your girlfriend sent the naked picture of your daughter
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 16
A keepsake from her childhood, perhaps?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 17
I checked out the skull fragments for microscopic traces.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 18
Well, what do you expect when you rent a car the size of your thumb?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 19
I think you'll find Sarah knew she was dying
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 20
broken arm, concussion...
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 21
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 22
Thanks, Cam. That was very useful.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 23
Well, you know what this means.
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It's a polite country.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 25
Common sense says you don't offend your partner for an hour of fun.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 26
♪ Just trying to stay on the ground... ♪
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 27
He's a very busy man,Booth.
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Even now? A castle,a moat,
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 30
No water in the kettle.
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'cause then it'll seem like I'm hiding it.
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You see,in cases like this,the...
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Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 34
No,a-an English gentlemen's club is for actual English gentlemen.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 35
new bone growth formed a craggy surface on the scapulas and both the left and right lateral epicondyles.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 36
Why should I care?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 37
Inspector Pritchard and Dr. Wexler had a sexual relationship? y,listen,love,
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 38
which Wexler lost after a well-deserved head-butt.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 39
We're still questioning the female students.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 40
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 41
It's a writ of release on Frampton's building site.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 42
Spent two years rooting around in the dirt,
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 43
It's very important to realize that Dr. Saroyan has done nothing to merit your anger.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 44
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 45
What makes you think that you would be knighted?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 46
Frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 47
That makes sense. No,it doesn't make sense.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 48
You really think that?
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 49
Dr. Wexler told us to move on.
Recap of Bones Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 50
but if you leave a message, it wilreach her... me,Temperance Brennan.