S4 E12
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2 years ago
Thursdays 10:00 PM on CBS

Season 4  "Behind the Ivy"  4x12

Aired 4 years ago - Jan 20, 2020

Chunk's friend, Reggie, an elite boarding school's counselor, asks Bull to help the parents of an athletic scholarship student bring a wrongful death suit against the school after the teen dies suddenly while training.

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Recap of Bull (2016) Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 2
Uh, it's a 16-year-old kid.
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 3 #3 Recap of Bull (2016) Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 4
He was always good at sports.
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 5
Especially in the schools.
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We took a look at the documents you sent over.
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 7
they are offering you a half a million dollars,
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My son was a healthy teenager.
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Recap of Bull (2016) Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 11
Wow. Playing hardball.
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this woman has ever uttered or written
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 13
Let's start with a hypothetical.
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And what about you, sir?
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And we'll drive the point home with our own medical expert.
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Mrs. Garcia, do you recall submitting
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No further questions, Your Honor.
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Antonio was thrilled, and we were thrilled for him.
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No, but...
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Didn't they ask you whether he'd had
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but intentionally misled the school
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was no big deal, just standard practice.
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Now go back one more year.
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Ah. So tell me, how is it possible
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And-and what about Ryan Tissen?
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has started to wane in the last few years.
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Well, it must have been very exciting
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 32
If you found out that some of your athletes were doing things
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But when I looked through her corporate accounts,
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So in the words of the good doctor, Antonio's heart murmur
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So, in your expert opinion,
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Anaerobic pathways.
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at the time of his death.
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He grew up stepping over strung out junkies on the sidewalk.
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but I'll hate me if I don't put a stop to this.
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Every notation, every complaint.
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Sure. Send him in.
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You knew that that boy was taking drugs?
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How could you just leave it at that?!
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I'm guessing you mean unusual behavior.
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told you that Antonio was taking amphetamines
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You didn't confront Antonio Garcia,