Aired 5 years ago - May 06, 2019
Bull helps mount a defense for Taylor’s brother-in-law, Ralph Kelly, a prison guard charged with manslaughter for the drowning deaths of two inmates in the middle of a hurricane. During the trial, Bull aims to convince the jury that his client tried to prevent a “greater harm” when he abandoned his prison command to evacuate his own family.
My brother-in-law, Ralph, is...
my house, my apartment...
Yes, I've eaten. Did you not
see all the empty slots
I'm good. Is-is this you?
And, usually, when the warden is gone,
get my wife and kids to safety,
and then go back.
But the police report said
you weren't the one
but let me tell you how it's gonna go.
The Honorable
Judge Elsa Maynard presiding.
Hannah, why don't you take
the boys in the other room
Good afternoon, Warden.
Now, how long do you think
from the first floor to the third floor,
And do you know what time those
two men perished in their cells?
You're right.
I couldn't see my own hand
in front of my face.
it was when the sun came up.
"I got to figure out
a way to get out of here
Call Kristen to the stand
first thing tomorrow,
Why? Wha-What are you thinking?
The tree fell right on it.
Thank you. No further questions,
Well, she wasn't able to fill
in any of the blanks for me
with a group of evacuees.
We need to talk.
Of course I did.
You may not be able
to tell me how he got it,
I have to tell Dr. Bull about this.
Your wife lied on the
stand yesterday, didn't she?
you need to tell me everything.
Yeah. 'Cause then,
I realized how easy it was.
But no one was supposed to die.
He doesn't have to talk about the money,
that even if he had been there
all by himself,
Your Honor, Mr. Kelly is being
charged with manslaughter
And there's always the home office.
So... uh, in-in a way,
I was the most senior.
The ride could get turbulent.
The prison was dry as a bone when I left.
And Thomas?
a breath of fresh air before
we have to go back in there
and the taxpayers
get to take care of that, too.
Put their houses back together,
have their babies.
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 29, 2019
Bull fears that his client’s family ties will negatively impact the jury when TAC represents the seemingly innocent young heir, Connor McCandless, of an infamous crime family on trial for murder with his brother. As the trial begins, Bull aims to
convince his client to sever his trial from his brother’s, which would pit the siblings against each other in court.
with... a whole lot
of witnesses around
identified at the scene
of the crime.
So you just want me
to help the one,
the getaway car.
I knew my husband and Brendan
Yes, but in this case,
the accused
I put two and two together.
So you didn't tell them
If you won't
speak up for yourself
The boy does not want to be
pitted against his brother.
So, who do you like?
I'm in the mood to see a movie.
I know, it's like I'm
a traitor to my generation.
Do not rat on each other.
That's when I saw him,
as he was getting into his car.
When the car took off,
it drove right by me,
'Cause he certainly hasn't
said anything to me.
Your Honor, the defendant,
Brendan McCandless,
that the death penalty would
be back on the table for him.
Benny. Brendan McCandless
has a rap sheet
that I can interview
who might be in the area?
where nobody cares
who my husband is.
I think you've seen enough to
know how Brendan's story ends.
Maybe he was afraid of what
his father would think or do.
but we can't prove
that Connor listened.
in the habit of waiting
for a witness,
His death may have
actually saved our case.
We went to Catholic school
with the one person
who could contradict
we'll find out who ordered
the hit on your brother,
all the stuff
that happened after.
Yeah. I could see
the running guy
It's because they
don't know Connor.
He betrayed your family.
will soon be forgotten.
He'd do anything for me.
Makes me very proud.
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 15, 2019
Danny enlists Bull’s help with the assault trial of her former FBI mentor, Trent Bolton, a bounty hunter who kidnapped the wrong mark during his first assignment. After Bull learns their client received an anonymous tip that led him to nab the wrong
person, he decides on a “Mistake of Fact” defense, which asserts their client’s actions were based on factual error.
Thank you for coming.
and you're still hanging
around with bad people,
And then the seventh,
he goes back to his mom.
He's been licensed for over a year.
Text me the name
of the prosecutor who filed
Uh, thanks for making the time to see me.
And the victim should absolutely
file suit in civil court.
This is a ridiculous conversation.
Well, gosh.
that I believe he actually deserves
Mr. Bolton. My name is Dr. Jason Bull.
what you did to that fella...
but... No, I-I... I have no idea.
Frontier pragmatists.
Never heard of them.
I need to leave.
My wife's having a baby."
we need to identify jurors who would be
Four times more than anything
else on the menu.
someone holds you against your will,
this really isn't necessary.
- Knocked me out.
- And then?
I'm a New York City firefighter.
Mm. Well, you'll get no argument from me.
Well, I've been working all afternoon
This is exactly almost
three minutes later.
Can we help you with something?
The wisdom of our elders.
and she's betting the weaker
her case will get, so...
Even after you get your training,
And, of course, now, no one
could find this guy Lankford,
Except of course, it isn't him.
Just one question,
I'll withdraw the
question, Your Honor, and I have
it won't take more than 30 seconds for me
So, you're not a full-time MMA fighter,
also worked out at Pharell's Training?
And where did he punch you?
Maybe when you came to, you felt okay?
And he had 15 years of experience
Jury will disregard defense
counsel's last statement.
holding someone's passport gives you.
I'm sorry.
Your Honor, the prosecution
Aired 5 years ago - Mar 25, 2019
Bull’s romantic rival, Diana Lindsay, jeopardizes her career when she secretly has Bull come to Texas to assist a couple fighting against her former client for custody of their grandchildren.
- Thank you, Ms. Lindsay.
- Mm-hmm.
♪ You say you feeling flexible
Bring a week's worth of clothes
and don't tell anyone...
Not yet.
You want me to help
this colleague of yours?
When will that be?
Thank you.
Derek Reed paying you?
it's really just something
I need to attend to.
BULL: Forgive me, Your Honor,
we will commence with trial.
Being able to tell the jury
that Derek murdered his wife
Did you... ever witness an incident
are made of stone, you got to be
If you're implying
my wife and I want those girls
do you happen to know
a woman named Nadine Johnson?
Did you have any role
in raising that child?
If you had just filled us in,
we could've gotten ahead of it.
Not when we decided to get married,
Come here, baby.
'cause 40 years ago a 19-year-old kid
You won't sleep with me.
You and your ex must be pretty amicable
Amanda's social media feeds.
I let my drinking get
out of control for a while,
Actually, interestingly, I found
a peculiar absence of photos.
Mr. Powers, you just spent
the entire morning questioning
Amanda fell and-and she cracked her cheek
POWERS: Your Honor.
I gathered as much.
It's a text.
the integrity of this trial
has been compromised?
So I did some research.
Well, I may circle back
and take you up on that offer.
You may very well be facing suspension,
I don't want to hear it, Mr. Colón.
It says we have to surrender the girls
I'm trying to keep
a good attitude, but...
I spent a lot of time looking
at CCTV footage without audio.
You remember the other day,
you got upset,
JUDGE: Dr. Bull, Mr. Colón.
Ah, you're right...
you can't be tried again
Aired 5 years ago - Mar 18, 2019
Bull and the TAC team represent a teen boy raised in complete isolation when the young man goes on trial for murder after engaging in a deadly shootout. As the trial gets underway, Bull looks to select jurors who believe his sheltered client acted under the misguided influence of the only other person he has ever known, his survivalist father.
Aired 5 years ago - Feb 25, 2019
The TAC team works tandem cases when Chunk represents his first legal client, Darius Lambert, a young man facing federal counterfeiting charges, and Bull represents Darius’ grandfather, Willie Lambert, who may lose his business to the FBI for owning the barbershop where the fake goods were sold.
Aired 5 years ago - Feb 18, 2019
Bull gets to work alongside his idol, Walter Franklin, a legendary lawyer who asks him to help a family bring suit against the U.S. government for the wrong death of a man killed while in witness protection. As the trial gets underway, Bull’s admiration for Walter is tested when the eminent litigator begins to deviate from Bull’s advice in court.
You sure you don't want to
pick on someone your own size?
Felt it was his obligation.
Felt it was his civic duty.
The government made their case
and you go in and present yourself
Tiffany, my name's Dr. Jason Bull.
for the second time in her life?
They say it has no relationship
It hit the side of the
tollbooth, then ricocheted.
It's a legal principle that states
And they did this by not
assigning more security to him
we are arguing breach of contract.
If you say so.
Look, the truth is,
And every so often, one of them wakes up
You know? Your dad?
Well, it may have been on the nose,
you have a delicious meal, and, uh,
Aren't we being a little bit dramatic?
I'm looking.
You need to be ready
My father absolutely followed protocol.
talk about what her father meant to her?
11 weeks ago?
He wasn't trying to hide
anything from the marshals.
she's the reason her father's dead.
he practically handed me his file
and you know the government
has access to the only guy
I'm starting
to make you nervous, aren't I?
All of it.
No, I don't smoke.
Anthony drove to Chicago,
somebody saw him in Chicago,
that you heard about Tiffany's visit?
At that point, no, but even if I had,
We will reconvene this afternoon.
So you think Stokes was an inside man
You say that
the ballistics report indicated
Well, your theory, your witness.
Well, I wanted him to be a witness.
and according to this,
you've been disciplined
you sought out Mr. Gibson?
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 11, 2019
Bull aims to raise reasonable doubt among the jurors in his friend Nathan’s trial when the man is tried for his wife’s murder and the prosecution’s case is based on circumstantial evidence.
Your story? To an outside observer?
Glows fluorescent under black light.
You can't leave your New York apartment
Okay. It's a knife from our kitchen.
an exit strategy... for both of us.
She didn't want to be done
with the marriage.
Sorry. This is not the sort of thing
Doesn't make sense to me.
the most desperate to believe
Ava is still with us, you know?
Marissa, is there a reason not to?
Free spirit. Doesn't hold a grudge.
How long have you been her assistant?
every aspect of Ava's life.
I... went over the next day
an exorbitant amount of money
and puts an undue burden
And in their minds, you're
the reason they're here,
They aren't supposed to anyway.
and that creates a groupthink mentality.
- it was the knife.
- Sustained.
If not, I'm gonna turn
this witness over to Mr. Colón.
That's why we call it expressive.
Forensic Specialist
how many times
Where did Nathan
say he was gonna meet us?
And it will.
More reasonable doubt.
So, what's our play?
Mr. Raynor,
this pair of reading glasses
found in a forest preserve
living our lives.
You haven't failed anybody.
"I'm just gonna tell her
A female killer.
Good morning, Ms. Larson.
And what does being a personal assistant
- Which, I suppose, was to be expected.
- Mm.
offer to show your work to her publisher?
Ava Lewis Raynor was murdered?
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 04, 2019
Bull’s new relationship with Diana, his on-again romantic rival, is complicated by his renewed feelings for his ex-wife, Isabella, when they’re reunited by the sudden death of her and Benny’s father. Also, a deceased tech billionaire’s brother comes
to TAC for help in bringing suit against the doctor he holds personally responsible for the tycoon’s death.
My office?
Go home, Benny.
but he had a heart condition
that he discovered
that treated my brother
after they found him
I want to make sure he never does
this to anyone else ever again.
Think we're gonna take the case?
I don't really have much
to say about my dad;
I believe it was that,
in combination with
Well, I assumed as much.
It's been a strange morning.
nitroglycerin ointment on his hands?
And one other thing, I'm hoping that...
none of them ever knew him to use drugs.
Was the sole beneficiary.
cared for himself without
incident his entire life
your late boyfriend's brother.
And how many calls or texts?
and we should know something by morning.
not as an ongoing course of treatment.
how many squirts of sanitizer
would it take
that was significantly more thorough.
No further questions, Your Honor.
There's no evidence. There's no nothing.
By tomorrow, when we
basically have to rest our case
"Holding together a company
if someone knew exactly when
he was going to die?
Now, if I can, I'd like to go back
Your Honor, if you'll allow me,
but... it made me uncomfortable.
Ah. Well, that's funny.
- In theory, I guess.
- Okay.
I'm simply asking her
to use her expertise
to create a string of shell companies
I forgot to say anything.
Insurance fraud, murder, the
whole kit and caboodle.
Speak for yourself. I'm still stupid.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 21, 2019
Bull mounts the defense of New York City’s chief medical examiner, Julia Martin, when she is charged with tampering with evidence tied to the years-old case that made her career. As Bull worries that his client’s propensity for brutal honesty could
affect her chances in court, he aims to fill the jury with individuals inclined to believe she made a mistake rather than conspired to tamper with forensic evidence.
Hi. Welcome to Billy's.
truth is I have
a pretty good shot
Remember the "Bathroom Stall
Butcher," John Malford?
I'm getting ready to start
my own Irish rock band.
You keep that in mind.
And after they popped
their champagne,
Okay. You know that
it was a pubic hair.
I ran every test myself.
That was his hair.
Do you think she'd accidentally
forget protocol?
It was...
Okay, all right.
Well, then someone else did.
Good afternoon.
She's a little uptight.
But then,
something happened.
But frankly, she was
very hard on people.
That's not how
I would describe it.
But she has the right to work
with whomever she chooses.
Every piece of information
about the hair that exists.
I'll be in my bed.
someone will come up
with a scenario.
I have a really
particular skill set,
Here's another reason
why saying you find
There is truth and fact,
and there is falsehood.
to keep herself out of jail.
was done
with precision and care.
It's solving the puzzle,
it's making the crime stop.
If you cheat,
you never find the truth.
Total strangers who begin
to believe they have
to the evidence
storage facility.
So what's
the game plan here, boss?
Oh, I think we're all
very clear about that.
Oh, you know.
Because he's innocent.
There is no inside man
at the morgue.
We never did do a deep dive
into any of their finances,
I feel the heat all
the way over here.
What are you thinking?
initiated this whole trial.
that other cases will be
reexamined as a result
so yes, it's possible,
it sounds possible.
I'm moments away,
Your Honor, I promise.
I-Isn't your brother Trevor
one of your clients?
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 14, 2019
Bull and his on-again, off-again romantic rival, Diana Lindsay, join forces to create two separate but collaborative defense teams when Diana's niece and her husband are charged with armed robbery. As the trial gets underway, Bull's reunion with Diana is strained by his new post-heart attack regimen.
Yes. Yes, thank you.
But... what is this dire emergency
- Oh, my God.
- DIANA: Your Honor.
So, both of you will be
representing both of us?
Sometimes he forgets
who he is.
One for petty theft.
with 15-year-old charges from
when he was in middle school.
he's gonna do
what he's gonna do.
that the real robbers slip up
and somehow reveal themselves.
Come here.
Where's the big guy?
I think I'm gonna just
slip in there and, uh,
Ah, well, I wouldn't want
to deny you that.
Or... Area 51.
Government hoax?
He works as an actuary
at an insurance company.
♪ Heaven only knows that ♪
♪ Cool, yeah ♪
If it wasn't you, who was it?
That's the only time
you can recall?
of the people who were
at the reunion.
Lot of times at night,
I can't sleep.
the two defendants,
seated over there?
What did I just tell you
about the truth?
of knowing if the Randy.
Is it supposed to do that?
You're in better shape now than
in all the time I've known you.
Diana's client wanted some time
alone with her attorney.
Okay, honey.
I dated him
for almost two years,
See that?
Oh ye of little faith.
Honestly? That was
a whole lot of nothing.
Okay, let's just call
for a recess.
And you're roughly
my client's height and build.
we'll just throw him under
the bus in front of the jury?
Oh. Yeah.
told him over the phone.
Breaking and entering, assault.
What kind of perfume
were you wearing?
Finish your drink.
Aired 6 years ago - Dec 10, 2018
Bull agrees to have TAC represent a priest who is charged in a fatal hit-and-run after he’s found behind the wheel of the church van involved in the crash. But the case is complicated when the priest claims that the actual driver confessed to him, but he can’t reveal that person’s identity due to the confidentiality that comes with confession.
Father Andy saw whoever it was,
saw that they were upset,
Fine, he-he's guilty
of drunk driving,
of privileges that we deal with.
after the sacrament
of confession was performed?
But this confession
You're being charged
with vehicular manslaughter,
but day in and day out?
and we sit here.
They're gonna feel like he's
hiding something, which he is.
What we want are
moral objectivists.
Your Honor,
We keep it in here.
Your Honor?
No further questions,
Your Honor.
No. Sorry. It is like that.
It'll give the jurors a chance
to see who you really are.
It was over two years ago.
Go to a wedding,
everybody's dressed up,
But frankly, the jury doesn't
want to hear excuses,
and I was determined
to help her. Period."
praying to God
that he would fix me.
So what I've been doing
is looking for other trips
It was a mistake, and one
that I don't take lightly.
A window was open
The person... the-the driver...
Father Andy...
I know how much it must ache
Yes, that's correct.
It's obvious what the intent
of the law is, Your Honor.
I instruct you to disregard
the testimony of the defendant
to render 20 centuries of
Catholic sacrament irrelevant.
behind which to hide
his own criminal behavior.
Don't you dare judge me.
Jacob drove it here.
He was super excited,
because he got in. He got in!
What else do we know
about this Jacob?
I think you might be
in the wrong place.
Will he die in prison or will he
live long enough to get out
I'm the first person
in my family to go to college.
And what happened
after you borrowed the van?
I knew I should,
I should get out.
And there's Father Andy.
Not Father Andy.
Aired 6 years ago - Dec 03, 2018
Danny enlists her colleagues to help when her boyfriend, Gabriel, is arrested for being in the country illegally and threatened with deportation. Also, Bull represents a German national who is being sued by a museum over possession of a valuable painting.
still hoping she'd...
pull through.
Additionally, you won't have
to set foot in a court of law
of Immigration and Customs
Enforcement just showed up
Although he did do that thing
where he patted his pockets
He's in a detention center.
trust me,
it wasn't the plan.
we became the bad guys,
you know?
Not if I cared
about staying alive.
Geoffrey Schreiber is a VP
Being the new kid,
just curious.
You take a ticket,
find your space.
Your window that gets smashed,
your things that get taken.
Now if we can just get four
or five more like him.
and should not receive bond
under any circumstances.
Benjamin Colón.
Saw you at Cable's funeral.
You do know
it's almost 10:00 at night?
Your friend picked
a terrible moment
and I guess I blacked out.
Hmm. I'm not sure changing
his mind is even on the menu.
The final stage
of her cancer was so...
his will names you as his sole heir
when he passes?
not shame him for wanting
to send him away.
He needed to hide
his fierce intellect.
the right to stay alive.
That's not what I asked,
Ms. James.
The laws of the very country
he's asking to take him in.
Does he speak
for you?
You know,
Who are we kidding?
It doesn't matter.
and interviewed them for hours.
Once the 24-hour waiting period
is up, you're free to marry.
Apparently, her husband never
really liked the gold leaf frame
Or were you simply gonna
return it to her home?
Uh, yeah.
Okay, so...
How do you expect him to
stay alive where he's going?
Are you kidding me?
I'm still trying to figure out
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 12, 2018
Bull takes on a pro bono client who was poorly advised by his public defender to plead guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge and is now facing felony manslaughter after the victim dies.
- Chris Coleman.
- Yes.
he almost certainly would have
been found not guilty.
Unless he gets some high-powered help,
Kind of reminds me of me at that age.
your early Christmas present.
Uh, what-what can I do for you, Dr. Bull?
when he was attacked, all he did
Well, we always have a choice.
to revoke our client's guilty plea.
I will be reporting her to the state bar.
That is how this process works.
Uh, no. She has filed
a petition for divorce.
Voltaire. Flaubert. Proust.
♪ Juntos hasta el final ♪
Okay? I need something strong and hollow.
Okay, then we need
to get out of here now.
No, it's a fact. Objection.
If my client had known it was
gonna turn into a homicide,
I think he might have been
a little drunk.
In the meantime, stop helping their case.
- your free representation...
- Bull...
Must've hit the guy pretty
hard; he broke his wrist.
As a matter of fact, I do.
Look, the truth is,
I didn't see the whole fight.
It never helps, it only hurts.
You want to tell me about last night?
I unclog toilets for a living.
Because I don't...
I don't want to go to jail.
We are batting .500.
BENNY: Objection.
Probably keeps a running tally
of his cases on the wall.
I wasn't there. These guys
are playing some kind of game.
I'd submit that it's
very relevant, Your Honor,
Why are my client's initials on it?
I'm asking you what you think.
Never mind.
And everybody has their own theories
the jury right there goes,
"Boom, not guilty"?
None of the above, ladies and gentlemen.
A man that had already
punched him in the head.
the prosecutor decides, let's call it
Was it perhaps because
the sidewalk was uneven?
standing in that line that night.
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 05, 2018
Bull confronts his guilt over closing his psychiatric practice to start TAC when his former patient, a young woman who is a clinical sociopath, goes on trial for killing her brother. When Bull and Benny’s client has no memory of the crime due to her
mental condition, they enter a "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity" plea and aim to seat jurors that are sympathetic to mental illness.
I'm sorry if you felt abandoned.
Well, I was mad at him.
to wake up lying next
to somebody, you know?
That way, you can get in here
whenever you want.
So go, please.
saw them going at each other.
from fugue state blackouts
since she was a child.
With any luck,
I'll fall into a fugue state.
she's dead.
were wiped clean of fingerprints.
in the blood on the victim's neck
No further questions at this time.
Our client didn't do this.
I fear you're gonna
confuse and frustrate the jury.
this trial is proceeding
tomorrow morning at 9:00 sharp.
but I fear the only way
to prove she didn't do it
But in the meantime
I'm tracking him down.
and some were partying quite hard.
from one green juror to three.
I-It's what I said before. They'd argue.
Well, what else could it be?
Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
I really need to leave now.
You keep saying that she
couldn't have done this.
Well, at least we know
the jury won't be out long.
And my art has
Order. Order, please.
I'm a part of a world
that I don't totally understand.
You sound surprised.
in the middle of the trial?
I'm serious.
Yeah. And next time
maybe I'll show you my yacht.
in a dissociative fugue at all?
Well, I have trouble
sleeping when I drink.
Yes, Your Honor. Of course, Your Honor.
that trace amounts of flunitrazepam
Your Honor, please.
- No.
- Did you rip her shirt? Bruise her skin?
"that prevents a judge or a jury
her arms bruised. And he was
and left Tally passed out on the bed.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 29, 2018
Bull and the TAC team help one of their own when Marissa’s restaurateur husband, Greg, is charged with involuntary manslaughter after one of his employees dies in a kitchen fire allegedly caused by negligence. During voire dire, Bull and Benny aim
to select jurors who will believe the fire was an accident and not a pattern of irresponsible management.
which suggests the perpetrator
was a known acquaintance.
through their internal database,
and they came up dry.
Perfectly admissible in court.
Look, I know that this is difficult,
Michael had nothing to do with it.
People spend time with me,
and they can't help themselves.
"We need a warrant
for this particular company."
And the A.D.A. here signed off on it.
But if the defense takes it up
with anyone,
who was working in a factory,
manufacturing cotton swabs.
we all use to make decisions
throughout the day,
- Affect heuristic?
- Yes.
I believe jurors with pessimism bias
We'll see all of you here
that in the absence of any other link
I need to know about it.
the AMA would not look kindly on that.
he sees multiples on the oxy,
he is gonna make the case
the most common gateway drug to heroin,
Just your neighbor?
This was a few months after he broke it.
Yeah, that's true,
but it is not unusual for...
Most often heroin, which is
exactly what Joseph Lowell sold?
And it happens because
the average person sheds
No. We'll need something
concrete, some kind of proof
we know that after he dropped
his son off at school,
I no longer work with Homeland.
with his fingernails.
you opened your bedroom
door and looked out.
The simple truth is
they have... your DNA.
Well, that's not much of a deal.
I mean, you are asking me
I was not there, I did not do it,
my family's history,
in good health.
You were not alone in that.
You are a social worker
and addiction counselor.
So, what did Brandon McKay
have that my client didn't?
A 100% match.
yours would do the same for him.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 22, 2018
Bull joins the defense team of a seemingly unwinnable case when a doctor is put on trial for murder after his submission to a DNA database links him to a homicide. While Bull and Benny work on selecting jurors who are predisposed to trust their
instincts instead of incontrovertible evidence, Danny and Mackenzie research if their client’s DNA sample may have been contaminated.
Só representamos
os melhores clientes.
o que suspeitavam ser
o DNA do assassino
É legal entregarem
informação privada assim?
Não quer parecer
que se esforça.
É isso que o júri precisa saber.
Disseram que receberam
uma amostra duplicada
para todas as empresas do ramo,
se passando por cliente
- Todo o caso está baseado...
- Exatamente!
Alguém precisa
ser responsabilizado por isso.
não faziam ideia
de quem ela era.
do que parece ser
uma evidência irrefutável.
- Sim.
- E quanto aos jurados,
mas precisaremos ampliar
a busca.
Não vou sofrer um acidente
de avião se eu não embarcar.
Dr. Harper?
Nunca consumiu heroína?
Nunca tentou comprar?
e ameaçou ir embora com
as crianças se eu não parasse.
e nunca ouvi falar
desse homem.
Eu não gosto,
mas que escolha nós temos?
Mais ou menos a mesma idade
e a mesma profissão.
Na verdade não tinha como saber,
não é, dr. Parsons?
Quero lembrá-lo que está
sob juramento, dr. Parsons.
o mundo dos analgésicos
sobre a senhora
com os cotonetes,
Maçanetas, botão do elevador,
na jarra de leite da cafeteria.
Taylor, pode tentar refazer
os passos dos dois naquele dia?
Baseado em onde ele morava,
percebi que ele pegou o metrô
Há milhares de pessoas
passando por lá todos os dias.
uma lista atualizada
das testemunhas da promotoria.
Eu vi...
e criaram
uma relação plausível
O cara tem uns 40 anos.
Está me pedindo
para voluntariamente concordar
Eu não estava lá,
eu não fiz aquilo,
Para no final ler
o histórico da minha família.
Não consegui parar de pensar
no coitado do dr. Harper.
Dr. Harper chegou na vida dela
quando ela tinha 28.
Mas lhe garanto
que estou atraída.
Dê-me a sensação.
é o que esses dois homens
eu gostaria de pedir
um breve recesso
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 15, 2018
Business becomes personal for Bull when TAC assists with a civil suit against the bank that funded the terrorists responsible for Cable’s death. Also, Marissa enlists her former homeland security co-worker and international banking cyber-investigator, Taylor Rentzel, to help with the suit.
I'm Greg.
To America.
into prison?
He bought it in 2008
after the financial crisis.
for that bridge collapse
apparently used our bank
you might want to discuss it
with your husband.
Look at me.
It seems... callous and final,
And yes, you'll see me in the morning
I promise. See? Credentials.
goes to my ex for two days, so...
That is the working theory, yes.
or personally responsible.
All of the victim's families...
400,000 pages of transactions,
He knocked on my door.
We're making progress.
Can you take me through
the steps involved
Now, a man has a fox, a duck,
A problem with the program?
Hard proof.
is either afraid to speak
or has signed an NDA.
About Thoreau Financial?
- That's correct.
- And at that time,
so that he can defeat
government safeguards.
Uh, every bank is required to have them.
really green with our mirror jury.
Will do.
I'm trying to put this all behind us.
We expect him any minute now.
that that poor man
was found dead this morning?
Our key witness,
a whistleblower Danny found,
If you introduce that photo,
of setting up
far more rigorous protocols.
that was supposed
to spot the transactions.
then how do you explain this photo...
Okay, then. Mr. Colón,
Is that you in the photo or not?
I'm sorry.
I can't verify those numbers.
in the amount of $100 million.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 08, 2018
Bull and the TAC team are at the center of a federal civil suit dividing the city when they consult for the NYPD on the defense of a police officer accused of excessive force in the shooting of an unarmed man. As they aim to select jurors who will
focus on the shooting’s circumstances, the social politics surrounding the case create tension within their own ranks.
She takes home maybe 47 grand a year,
And I am disgusted with myself
that I have given people
TAC's not really gonna help
defend the police officer
She had to defend herself.
- I'm...
- Dr. Jason Bull.
jackasses will line up
on both sides of the argument
And that's what I'm really after.
that supports the idea
that Officer Harris...
the more we will have started
I want you on this jury.
We also want jurors who believe
people have a fundamental right
You know, Anna,
I have to pick something up for
my boss and get it back to him.
Had a few more drinks.
Truth be told, I like him.
after Officer Harris grabbed
her gun but before she shot you,
She only got me in the arm.
I don't take drugs. Ever.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Certainly, Your Honor, certainly.
Thank you.
I just...
Nice work.
That's a terrific question, and
one I don't have an answer to,
was standing over you while
you went to the toilet,
L-Look at the bodycam footage.
I'm thinking this is, uh, about a tenth
the color of his shirt?
That was not great in there.
And it's your testimony that
that did not contribute
I sense the attorney is trying
to make a point; I'll allow it,
- The point, please.
- 14?
and moves for my gun...
I'd say it's fairly catastrophic.
You were right, so, let's
move to plan B, shall we?
but sometimes, that can indicate
I want to give it another look.
- We have not.
- I don't understand.
to get shot by Officer Harris?
You people are supposed
to be defending me.
of a history of Cal Peterson's
ridesharing customers.
remembers checking you in
at least 23 times
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 01, 2018
Bull finds himself on the opposite side of voir dire, when he serves jury duty while simultaneously mounting a defense for a woman on trial for killing her daughter’s murderer.
See if there's any juicy
pro bono opportunities
When I... think about the things he did
And didn't even try to flee.
of telling the court what
a dangerous person you are.
20 minutes.
Only to find that he's not
really an attorney.
to conclusions whoever hires you
needs them to come to.
You advise lawyers
on how to try their cases.
Yes, I have heard of it.
Trust me, I tried.
she was lying in wait
for this guy for days.
The tattoo new?
I don't think that's a very good idea.
And he carried me to the closet
and locked me in.
You have to be it in here and
not just in the courtroom...
and be by your side as soon as I can.
Did you happen to notice what he
charged for his legal services?
Yes, juror number four.
What can I do for you?
Our juror wants to know if any
of the defendant's clients
He did.
I don't think either side
is carrying the day
Okay. I'll walk her
into the courtroom again
and piercings in her face.
on a New York City sidewalk
in broad daylight,
this was no vigilante killing.
who's on trial for breaking it,
but it is the truth.
And as we, uh,
left the courtroom, this guy
Not just people with money
who can take seven years
Also, this will be
the first case I ever lose.
I am back on the team.
Which I believe with all
my heart is the truth.
It's a pretty simple system.
Uh, four cameras.
the witness to speculate.
weirdly, kind of the best.
I remember my mother holding me
F-For a few months.
so I stopped at the bodega.
That was on June 10,
Ah, you see, well, that makes more sense.
Aired 6 years ago - Sep 24, 2018
Bull returns to work following his heart attack with a new rich client for the firm to represent: an insurance company being sued by a dying mother for denying coverage of her liver transplant.
I'll bet you say that to all the acute
I'm in one place.
There's a Marshall
Hitchcock here to see you,
But as you might imagine, all
of those are going to take years
If she doesn't make contact
by the end of the day,
you have green drinks to pay for,
because I just went through
a horrible experience,
Of course one problem
with that: she didn't hire us.
but nobody seems
to be able to locate her.
I couldn't sleep,
so I started to take a walk,
Found out late last night
that the plaintiff,
Who are these magical jurors
we're looking for,
You can't swim.
The swimmer in their 70s, maybe ten.
and really felt confident
that we'd be able to treat it.
Not short of getting her a new liver.
The liver has to be carefully
matched to the patient,
The counsel is asking the witness
show him how to tie his shoes.
I'll be able to kiss them good night
But, honey, I can't
take you in the men's room,
I kept hearing this voice in my head.
It's about making sure that
there's something for everyone.
people like Mr. Hitchcock
always manage to get theirs.
approving what amount
to Hail Mary medical procedures,
So you've been waiting seven
months. And forgive me,
Um, I need to get into
my friend's apartment again.
Whatever you say.
from the bay and are in the
process of notifying next of kin.
before a liver could be located
This isn't about jumping the line.
Well, the month's not over.