S1 E21
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2 years ago
Thursdays 10:00 PM on CBS

Season 1  "How To Dodge A Bullet"  1x21

Aired 7 years ago - May 09, 2017

Bull makes a deal with top criminal attorney J.P. Nunnelly to defend Benny when he goes to trial for misconduct in a case related to his former career with the District Attorney’s office.

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Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 2
Well, well, here's the twist.
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 3
to the defense counsel.
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 4
I was talking to one of the FBI guys
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 5
Fine me, suspend me for a year for not reporting that call,
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 6
The hell is he doing here?
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 7 #7 Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 8 #8 Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 9
involving the Department of Justice, the FBI.
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called the office, thinking they might have an emergency line,
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 11 #11 Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 12
involved all kinds of ridiculous and illegal activ...
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 13
checked my e-mails and called Europe.
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with offices in three states.
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We've won you your freedom, Mr. Colón.
Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 17
Let's reframe the question.
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we can put a ceiling on how many
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Am I being released?
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but you and Atticus Finch decided to go to trial anyway.
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Oh, right.
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Recap of Bull (2016) Season 1 Episode 21 (S01E21) - 24
Please. I've been up since midnight.
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You assemble a narrative to support them.
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Independent, none of your damn business,
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It's pretty dependable.
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And perhaps learn a little bit about trial science
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He's my friend and I'm frightened for him.
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would you say you visited Hayden Watkins' apartment?
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and I'd like to see him make it. Objection overruled.
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to Mr. Watkins' apartment prior to Mr. Colón discovering
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That's what this is about to you, huh, Will?
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amount of pressure.
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Because a day later he recanted.
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and put on my gloves and reached underneath.
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The question is, is it good enough?
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he could have planted that evidence
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Not for me.
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But that wasn't your job during that summer
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I gave you those files.
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That young detective.