Original name: Bull
Dr. Jason Bull is the brilliant, brash, and charming founder of a hugely successful trial consulting firm.
Aired 7 years ago - May 23, 2017
Bull and the Trial Analysis, Corp. team travel to Miami with J.P. Nunnelly to work on a controversial drug trafficking case in which both the clients’ and the jurors’ lives are in danger.
Aired 7 years ago - May 16, 2017
Bull works with J.P. Nunnelly on the first of three cases to repay her for defending his brother, Benny, at trial. However, they clash over their client, a computer cloud company that is battling the F.B.I. to retain privacy over their client files that could help identify the source of a recent eco-terrorist attack.
Funny, I don't recall
asking for your opinion.
No one's ever gonna find out.
by the way.
This morning, before we headed over.
And as big and powerful and brilliant
I know who you are
and I know what you do.
by one of the biggest companies
in the world.
That would be...
no matter how voluminous the data,
Not for them.
That is why I think
Don't you trust
the people we're working for?
you have a right
to keep that to yourself.
We are, uh... ready downstairs.
5211, 52nd floor.
They messed me around really good
See? Dreams do come true.
So, I think the key is
to find people who
Three? But so much of it is free.
It's weird, you know.
harboring killers,
I'm sorry I threatened your job.
And then Marissa explained to me
Well, some of that was for effect.
You might be
onto something there, Cable.
Nothing she's saying
is resonating with them.
I interrupted your summation to the jury
'Cause you know what happens
in a country like that?
We've managed to do it
for a couple of hundred years
we find the defendants not guilty.
Case is closed.
Want to see what we've got?
into a high-security office
on Sixth Avenue
I know.
received a wire transfer
immediately following
Aired 7 years ago - May 09, 2017
Bull makes a deal with top criminal attorney J.P. Nunnelly to defend Benny when he goes to trial for misconduct in a case related to his former career with the District Attorney’s office.
Yeah, look at me.
Well, well, here's the twist.
to the defense counsel.
I was talking to one of the FBI guys
Fine me, suspend me for a year
for not reporting that call,
The hell is he doing here?
involving the Department
of Justice, the FBI.
called the office, thinking they
might have an emergency line,
involved all kinds of ridiculous
and illegal activ...
checked my e-mails and called Europe.
with offices in three states.
We've won you your freedom, Mr. Colón.
Let's reframe the question.
we can put a ceiling on how many
Am I being released?
but you and Atticus Finch
decided to go to trial anyway.
Oh, right.
Please. I've been up since midnight.
You assemble a narrative
to support them.
Independent, none of your damn business,
It's pretty dependable.
And perhaps learn a little bit
about trial science
He's my friend
and I'm frightened for him.
would you say you visited
Hayden Watkins' apartment?
and I'd like to see him make it.
Objection overruled.
to Mr. Watkins' apartment
prior to Mr. Colón discovering
That's what this is about
to you, huh, Will?
amount of pressure.
Because a day later he recanted.
and put on my gloves
and reached underneath.
The question is, is it good enough?
he could have planted that evidence
Not for me.
But that wasn't your job
during that summer
I gave you those files.
That young detective.
Aired 7 years ago - May 02, 2017
Bull aims to prove temporary insanity at a murder trial for his client, Troy Dickerson, a young man he believes was brainwashed by a cult-like spiritual learning center to kill his father. Also, Danny and Chunk go undercover at the learning center to find the perpetrator responsible for their client’s reprogramming.
Aired 7 years ago - Apr 18, 2017
When Bull assists Jules Caffrey, a high-powered attorney on trial for his fiancée’s murder, he takes advantage of his client’s penchant for courtroom theatrics by letting him defend himself.
Well, when the entire system
is trying to bring you down,
You don't get my help by
lying about hiring me.
It was recent.
Where'd that guy go?
I don't believe he did it.
Ready to get to work?
Dance squad leader, Kelvin Li,
and power forward, Grant Combs.
You know who said that, right?
- This is about me being innocent.
- Good.
Pageants. Spectacles of any kind.
Come on, defense. Defense.
What was Lauren like?
She was helping Kelvin and Grant
hide their relationship.
No, Canadians. I know.
I'm s...
Is he flirting with Miss Selfie?
- acceptable to you or not?
- Do you want to win or not?
culling research and data
No one wanted to make a procedural error
I actually don't know guys.
They're a complete mystery.
I followed him to Washington Square
He's trying his case in the
court of public opinion.
Okay. Let's focus
but I was often preoccupied
with my clients.
you're gonna get to
cross-examine your ex-wives
I provided a lifestyle.
Even Kendall was moved.
What you want me to say?
That's your jury.
Mr. Miller,
But he did punch a wall.
as an angry jilted lover.
Bull, you need to stop him.
through her prints.
Approach the bench.
There was a 20-year age difference.
to introduce the following
photos into evidence.
and Robin Cleary from Indianapolis.
Answer the question, Mr. Caffrey.
on your fourth wife?
You're gaming again.
I know it happens. Just not to me.
Yeah, a video.
We, the jury, find
the defendant, Jules Caffrey,
Aired 7 years ago - Apr 04, 2017
Bull and Chunk’s bond is tested when Bull helps the prime suspect in the murder of Chunk’s fashion mentor, Nella Wester, a model-turned-designer who was killed during her own runway show.
after the sudden death of
renowned designer Nella Wester.
Brent. She's been clean
for ten years, shut up.
- Bull.
- Excuse me.
Uh, neither. I like Pictionary.
He's not a chess player.
Please. Please.
dozens of contractors,
several million in loans
Do you know
if the police will be returning
Yeah, I got myself a pair of your pants
It requires the jury to
look at a bunch of dots
the doodler?
Four creatives.
Monday, black pants, black shirt.
that your high heels
flatter your lovely figure,
is to make the jury comfortable.
What are you gonna
say in court tomorrow?
Said it would change
the face of couture.
They broke into the safe.
Hope so.
- Now, that's what I call a party.
- Kira.
Bull, I got to go.
For a revolutionary new kind
The jury that was gonna save our
client's now gonna hang him.
What about Orlov?
stealing Nella Wester's property.
Let's chat.
It's our client's fiancée.
For this to work,
I need to come after her.
Well, right now, I'm reading the news.
Of course. Sorry.
She is hiding something.
that Nella fired her,
of a substance identified
as trivalent arsenic.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 28, 2017
When Bull fronts the money to help thousands of people bring a class action suit against a corrupt bank, he stands to lose his business if he doesn’t win at trial. Also, Benny hurts the case when he’s distracted by his attraction to a client and his anxiety over a secret he’s keeping from Bull,
You want us to track this guy down?
the SEC, the U.S. Attorney,
First person under a microscope
of 275,000 employees.
I was planning on buying a Sea Ray,
Class actions don't fall
into your lap every day.
Yeah, out $100 million.
So how are we gonna explain that
to a jury without the aid of
Let's call it Hagen Tool & Die.
But the brokers had already
cashed out tens of millions.
people who understand
So what's this?
Good morning, everyone.
I have to state that this
lawsuit is nothing more
Benny did a good job in voir dire,
- Shopping for witnesses. Fun.
- Mm-hmm.
It'll be good for her
to get hour story out.
You know, 'cause I'm young.
- And donates to charity.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Just like the stockbrokers,
you exaggerated the positives
My mom needs that money.
You're lucky you're not
at the defense table.
to accept the consequences
of their decisions,
None of the other witnesses
are ready to testify.
Someone who won't settle for
My parents made me come up
Sofia Dern, come with me.
an average of seven times per call?
so we could pitch them
on a last push into wealth
Was anything I said unclear
when we discussed this?
a man who made $76 million last year,
supported by Brannigan Trust.
Our brokers didn't sell penny stocks,
It's all about the approach.
I'm an accountant.
Uh, we're allowed to talk, aren't we?
and replaced with an alternate.
True, he's embarrassed.
and sophisticated marketing
tools to con the people
Okay, we're fine.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 07, 2017
When a state governor and the co-owner of a skydiving company die during a jump, Bull helps the co-owner’s brother, Max Hyland, and daughter fight a lawsuit filed by the governor’s widow by trying to find who sabotaged the parachute. Also, Bull and
his frequent trial collaborator, Liberty Davis, find themselves on opposing sides in court for the first time.
I'm intrigued, and a little hungry.
Max, this is Marissa Morgan
and Dr. Jason Bull.
due to wear and tear.
You look exactly the same.
Believed in redundancy...
two sets of keys,
And if that's the case,
and former treasurer Avery Tottenham
gets justice.
to hear you took this case...
pro bono, I'm assuming...
raise your hand if you've ever
purchased bear repellant.
Raise your hand if you think
you deserve a raise.
I'm very proud of what we've built.
It was a chaotic time.
I-I don't remember.
Everybody's afraid of something,
I think he's a perfectionist,
but outside the box.
Mm. That'd be nice.
At the time of the accident,
That class lasted about four hours.
They walked directly from
the lockers to the plane,
♪ It's all right, baby... ♪
Testify against the boss
to gain immunity.
We have been put on notice
I've been working with him
on his presentation,
So do I.
This is clearly a cheap stunt
Did you murder your boss?
I was just telling you about our
meeting in chronological order.
I mean, you could've given me a warning.
during the former chief of staff
Travis Robbins' testimony.
Uh, I'm on the right side
of this one, Liberty.
Benny, you have a call.
Ms. Hyland,
No. I had no idea.
All good?
You heard him.
for the governor's death.
“My brother...
He blamed me.
It was all his fault.
She's lost her father, now her uncle.
Which was a little heartless,
by the way.
Well, I'm on a short leash here.
I guess we'll never know now.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 21, 2017
When Bull assists the U.S. Attorney’s Office with a manslaughter trial against a real estate magnate, Andrew Withrow, he finds himself once again opposing Diana Lindsay, his romantic rival. As the case gets underway, Bull’s penchant for winning goes
into overdrive when he realizes the defendant is a clinical sociopath determined to use Diana to antagonize him during the proceedings.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 14, 2017
When Bull has Benny defend a whistle-blowing army analyst, Lt. Tamsin Dale, who is being court martialed, the case causes trust issues between them after Benny won’t share redacted government secrets with the rest of the team. Also, Marissa forces the office to work without its usual technology to avoid being hacked during the case.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 07, 2017
When Bull helps a professional eSports video game player accused of throwing a championship game sue his former team manager for defamation, his trial strategy is to prove his client is a compulsive winner who is psychologically incapable of losing on purpose.
I've suspended him from the team.
Jace threw the game.
team owners like Vin,
they can accuse players
But no eSports.
Handling the first big eSports case?
I'm still gonna win.
All right. Now that you
know I didn't throw the game,
We put his character on trial.
Vin's the team owner, the man in charge.
so we have to guess who
the other side will strike.
Makes me think he might have
a problem with authority.
Five minutes left, guys.
Connie's 65, secretary by day,
and we take our chances with Connie.
it's a good thing we
love challenges, isn't it?
Understatement of the year.
Jace is old, like, 25.
- No.
- on the stand.
Hey, so, I called in a favor
from a friend at the Bureau.
So I'm gonna go.
It's called the Pinocchio effect.
An introduction to the
masterpiece known as Titanfall,
Now, though, it's all
about the competition.
in front of the screen.
Roger's hating on Vin.
Jace make a mistake before that night?
He told me before the
game he had a headache.
Yeah, but why would Yuna lie?
Every bit as stupid as me trying
Yeah, what can I say? I still love it.
when you first signed him.
not even Jace Rundle.
First I don't pay my players enough,
of $8 million.
Maybe it's time for another key chain.
It was my fault.
I do that, too, in my
head, 50 times a night.
There are medications.
Disease can't make you a loser.
just to get a win?
and commensurate raises
for Yuna and Mendel.
See the slight reddening
around the nose?
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 24, 2017
The wife of a man who Danny helped imprison for manslaughter detonates a bomb at the TAC offices and takes the team hostage in order to force Bull to prove her husband’s innocence.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 17, 2017
An attorney for one of Bull’s former clients, Liberty Davis, asks him to consult on a couple’s civil suit against a teacher who had a sexual relationship with their son. However, his trial strategy suffers a major setback when the teen switches to the teacher’s side.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 03, 2017
When Bull assists CEO Ginny Bretton, whose company is accused of killing an employee with its self-driving car, he discovers his client is keeping a major secret that could sabotage a trial win
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 13, 2016
Bull confronts his past when he returns to his childhood home to assist in the arson defense of a young man whose contentious ties to the town mirror Bull’s own.
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 06, 2016
Bull’s efforts to assist with his ex-wife Isabella Colón’s defense in a wrongful death lawsuit are hindered by unresolved issues from their marriage and her longstanding rift with her brother, Benny.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 22, 2016
As Bull assists a man facing vehicular manslaughter charges, he uncovers a connection between his client’s trial and a corrupt state assemblyman who would greatly benefit from a guilty verdict. Also, Danny and Cable team up to investigate why Marissa is suddenly acting and dressing differently.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 15, 2016
Bull must find a way to reverse the negative effect his egomaniacal client, a surgeon with a God complex being sued for malpractice, has on the jury. Also, Bull hires Liberty Davis, a previous client’s attorney, when he decides Benny may not be sympathetic enough to the jurors.
I'm assuming that the good doctor has
that little pulsing vein is the giveaway.
Terry, you were supposed to
call me when you got here.
Like I said... acquired taste.
I see you did your due diligence.
Well, your friend may
have saved Erica's life,
people who are comfortable with jerks,
a sympathetic young woman
who wanted nothing more
See if we can pump a
little life into it?
Here we go. We need some of that
But don't expect a line out the door.
of trial science, too?
I'd say Nikola Tesla.
that threshold.
Everything about him is expensive.
the high-fashion designer,
I finished the deep dive on the surgery.
Robeson pulls Atticus out of
the surgery, steps forward,
here's the thing. We're
having some trouble
to help you save it.
Why would I bring in people
that would cause a disaster?
is a bag of nerves. He drives me crazy.
When I finally left him,
And he's gonna say something like...
- We have no further questions.
- Robeson's outburst
to perform the emergency procedure.
Isn't it true that the
waitlist for Dr. Robeson is
We are not out of the woods yet.
I'm suing him because he made a mistake.
Terry violated her standard of care.
from there. Have fun.
a plane ticket to St. Barts,
and a new Mercedes is not discreet.
This is ridiculous!
Where is juror number four?
So, what does it take for
someone with a big heart
Okay, clear.
Is anybody in here?
so they patched the
software and bribed Dionysus
None whatsoever.
Dr. Greyridge?
of the Atticus Surgical System,
I... don't have to answer that.
And Aphrodite is the
most influential juror.
Well, that was
the day I fell for you.
You'd have to ask them.
Blood pressure 100/65,
normal but dropping.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 25, 2016
When the parents of a murdered socialite attempt to hire Bull to help prosecute their daughter's working-class fiancé for the crime, Bull turns down a major payday when he chooses to help defend the fiancé instead. Also, Marissa, Cable and Danny try to convince Chunk to let them investigate the new guy he wants to date.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 18, 2016
When Bull and Trial Analysis Corporation (TAC) help a young woman fight a drug patent lawsuit, they’re forced to travel to Callisto, the small Texan town where Bull suffered the only trial loss of his career.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 11, 2016
Bull and his team tackle jury bias against their client, a woman on trial for the murder of a star athlete she very publicly accused of assaulting her. Also, the case brings Benny face-to-face with his former flame, Amanda, a fellow attorney he hasn’t seen since their breakup
Aired 8 years ago - Sep 27, 2016
Dr. Bull and his Trial Analysis Corporation (TAC) team must formulate a new defense strategy when they discover the jury has a subconscious gender bias toward their client, a female pilot accused of negligence after one of her flights crashes.
And, uh, Bull's a pilot.
The pilot is also being sued.
Thanks for taking an interest
in this case, Dr. Bull.
Wind shear. Wind shear.
The NTSB says
You were in the military?
Lord knows
How you sleeping now?
Guilty of gross negligence.
Uh, ladies and gentlemen,
dial gender bias into Taylor's defense.
Danke schoen.
of what happened.
even though female drivers have
a higher safety record than men.
Look, I know Dr. Bull has
the minute you walk into the courtroom.
that he has some sort of magic formula
And unemployable and never
able to fly again.
Captain Mathison, meet your new lawyer.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
It's his nickel, Mr. Dworkin.
Every time she looks at Taylor,
she has admiration.
I say bounce.
"Rod the Bod,"
Well, Marissa's created an algorithm
retired English professor.
from the biometric watches.
could save them.
weaving back and forth.
Well, what
percentage of pilots are female?
Her husband left her for his secretary.
Pilots are away a lot.
Her husband left her for a woman
who looks a lot like you.
the plaintiffs would argue
that you were distracted
Selfies from 22D, drink orders from 12A,
An accountant for a department
store in Manhattan.
too distracted to help
you with the wind shear?
Look, I'm taking the settlement.
Well, the simulator is gonna recreate
Taylor, you didn't want to relive it
Captain Mathison,
I was in full command of the aircraft.
five different versions in mock court.
Yeah, when I was a prosecutor.
of the kid who confronted the bully?
Just like it's hard to imagine
Aired 8 years ago - Sep 20, 2016
Dr. Jason Bull, the brilliant, brash founder of a prolific trial consulting firm, combines psychology, human intuition and high tech data to create winning strategies that steer high-stakes trials in his clients’ favor.