
Season 3

Aired 11 years ago - Apr 07, 2013

Fiona and the family prepare a surprise high school,graduation party for Lip. Frank wins a bet and uses the winnings to take Lip out for lobster and some quality father/son time.

Aired 11 years ago - Mar 31, 2013

Fiona takes the kids on a camping trip. Essentially homeless, Frank seeks out Carl who sneaks him into the Gallagher van for the night.

Aired 11 years ago - Mar 24, 2013

Fiona's job has brought structure ito her life, but when Jimmy drops a bomb on her things fall apart. Frank is happy with his newfound celebrity as the face of the gay rights movement.

Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 1
- Be good for Jimmy. - Hey, thanks.
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You've seen his story on the news, on Twitter feeds, on your Facebook walls.
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And I, like all of you, have experienced it firsthand.
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And-- And it's time for that arousal to happen within marriage.
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You saw what I did here. I'm your new rainmaker.
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I can't get Karen getting hit by that car out of my mind.
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Actually, yeah, my boyfriend just kind of sprung some news on me as I was leaving.
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- She ain't gonna need a workplace. - She'll have servants bringing her coffee.
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You're taking Mandy for granted.
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Mason Preparatory Academy, thank you so much for hearing our story.
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The swelling appears to have gone down. I'm killing the meds that induce the coma.
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Well, can we help her wake up? Can she hear us in there?
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Someone's pregnant, someone got them pregnant...
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I go where I'm supposed to go and do what I'm supposed to do.
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Go ahead, go ahead and mock...
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They're addicted, not oppressed. And we can pay you more.
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...and deliver women to you to have sex with until you're cured.
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How did we get this mixed up with two people from the Milkovich family?
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Whatever you need while you're here, please do not hesitate to ask.
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...because we selfishly want to have a baby with some of our DNA.
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Debbie, they don't look so bad.
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Look how much you care for all of us, without getting much in return.
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Okey-dokey. I'll get started on this one, pronto.
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To invent a disposable cup so he wouldn't have to wash...
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Okay, fine. Text me where the field is and if I feel like blowing out a knee, I'll be there.
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I'm not going to stop fucking men to start fucking women who look like men.
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...please use the condoms I've provided for you in the bathroom.
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So, what can we do to get you where you need to be?
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She hates that.
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Actually, I, uh, kind of ended it.
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It could be with her things. I think, um...
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I know people, Frank. I put the word out, they call.
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Bathrooms have doors. I'll do the whizzing, you do the waiting.
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I can apply for schools here, but I'd basically have to start over.
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And wait for the kiss of true love. And when it came, she would smile and say:
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- Uncle Matt encourages drunkenness. - Yeah, please. Drink with us.
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- Please. Don't be that guy. - Yes. Probably. Not for sure, but yes.
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I'm tired. I gotta get up early in the morning. Selling cups.
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Aired 11 years ago - Mar 17, 2013

Fiona starts a new office job but has a hard time fitting in with the corporate culture. In an attempt to get medical coverage, Frank inadvertently becomes involved in the gay rights movement where he meets Abraham Paige, a powerful activist.

Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 1
You okay?
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Calling people by their name is not, nor should it ever be argued as, offensive.
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Not my choice of words--
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Wait, wait, hang on. You applied to all those schools for me?
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- V, don't start that shit. - What are we talking about?
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I, uh... I gotta go.
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Yo, chief, I asked for a bone-dry cappuccino.
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You're not my mother.
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That's the copy room, the warehouse, the kitchen, treadmill, water cooler.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 13
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 14 can push around with your homophobic rhetoric.
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If they say this, you say this. If they say this, you say this.
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Can't you shut the baby up?
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Which means for me, it's stand in line at the free clinic or suffer.
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My daughter's a mean girl.
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...I'm not allowed to share in his insurance benefits.
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Hi. Fiona Gallagher.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 24 it is trying to find a way to participate in this conversation...
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Help me maintain that reputation as a hard-ass.
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...thinking it would give you a leg up in business negotiations.
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- It was on the 12:00 news. - What?
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You're right. He's right, man.
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Gay is when you part the ass cheeks of a man and use your dick as a divining rod.
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No 200-seat lectures taught by TA's. I just want the shit out in front of me.
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Great things don't happen in tiny little increments.
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May I transfer you to Sales?
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I know you're not meant for this life.
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Even if you don't take me with you...
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Oh, you wanna fag bash? That make you feel like a man?
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I'm with Mandy now.
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Jesus. What-fucking-ever.
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And I'll survive, I will survive Hey, hey
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- I'm sorry you had to deal with that. - Is Frank really gay?
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...and I'm sorry that I missed so many of your school events...
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Christopher, why? It was so good between us.
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Aired 11 years ago - Mar 10, 2013

The family gathers for the real Aunt Ginger's fake funeral.

Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 8 (S03E08) - 1
Two minutes into the new year and this happens. lt's a sign.
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Liam's behaviour last term became increasingly disruptive.
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Burnage end of Belshaw Lane.
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lt's a sweet trip to the candy shop
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What do you want me to do?
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He isn't real.
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Sheila, it's Debbie. ls my dad there?
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Did you have a nice Christmas?
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- ls this gonna be a regular thing? - l'm learning to read, Jez.
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l don't know...
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Are you mental? What the fuck you playing at?
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- Cos it's true. - Debs, he's a little kid!
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straightforward examples of this rule.
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Cheers, mate.
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Thanks ever so much. Ta.
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Stop it before it goes any further.
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Hang on a minute... Fuckin'...
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lf we tell people the truth, what's the worst that can happen?
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He needs a mother, Frank.
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l'm gonna have to sit down and rethink... What the fuck...?
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So, how did you get on?
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You told me it wasn't a ringer!
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and, much as l would like to...
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what do you think they did before we moved in, starved?
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Well, good luck, cos l ain't got any.
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And l assume you'll be contributing the profits from the bar.
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do you think they all do it out of the goodness of their hearts? Bollocks.
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Where's your cure for cancer? Where's your cure for cancer, eh?
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- Why didn't you wait? - l didn't know when you were gonna be back.
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lt's full of spods, the class, you know?
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Thousand boxes at a tenner a pop. Pick it up en route.
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You can't rush these things.
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Frank! Frank... !
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lt'd be like l was going along with a lie.
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No. And as far as she's concerned l'm still gonna go to me lessons.
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What's that?
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lt's not my fault l'm irresistible.
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The time is 12.30, the place is Chatsworth, England.
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What the fuck you doing? He's wasted.
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 03, 2013

Frank and Fiona go to extreme lengths in court to claim custody of the kids.

Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 1
To brush up on your math. You're two grade levels behind.
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She forces us to make jewelry?
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Spot test. Anything to keep families apart.
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Thirty days? Frank hasn't been sober for 30 minutes.
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Now it's cleaning your dad's catheter and the graveyard shift at the drug store.
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- What's this? - Nothing. It's for the dog.
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Sure. What's a W-2?
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Open the door! Go!
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Where do you think you're going?
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Sorry to keep you waiting. Wilton. Steve Wilton.
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Father Pete. Just who I was looking for.
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This is what happens when you put a German in charge of the Church.
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- Okay. - Come tomorrow.
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Gas bill. You're going to be here now mornings and nights, yes?
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- Looks like you wrote down the wrong year. - Uh... No, that's the right year.
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- You meet the guys? Be right back. - Yeah, I did.
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Hey, I can't stop thinking about it. What happened.
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And he told me this would happen and I just pushed him and pushed him.
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Okay, well, take a day or two before you have to move out.
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Mama Kamala sees everything, huh?
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- Debbie? What's going on? - Are you okay?
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- What's going on? Why's Tommy here? - We're here because we care about you.
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Handcuff yourself and sweat it out.
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We were gone for a few days. We found her when we got back.
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It's the only way we can keep you from resisting your urges.
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And Ms. Gallagher has filed a petition to terminate the father's parental rights.
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- Where is he? - He's with his daddy.
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Did his disappearance make you sad?
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That's why I had to leave, Your Honor.
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Fiona has been hurt by my behavior too many times to believe I've changed.
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They said Ian had a fever of 104.
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I'm not asking for your pity or your admiration...
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...which would give you legal rights to make decisions about these kids.
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...but I wouldn't want that for my daughter.
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 24, 2013

Fiona is desperate to get the children back after the Department of Family Services hauls them away.

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- Like a whore's period, late again, bitch. - You're wasting your talents, Patty.
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- Your word against mine. - Actually, the girls will back me up.
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Good day, gentlemen. My name is D'Andre and this is Gunderson House...
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So I can take in all his babies don't nobody else want.
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Rule number two: No sass, you hear me?
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I'm Cassius and this is Lanier.
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- What's with the bag? - Uh, going fishing for a couple of days.
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The fact that you had a foster child in your home...
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- Why do they all have mustaches? - Out. Now.
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Yeah. Yeah. Sounds nice.
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See, I could smack you across the face, but I think it's better I get out your way...
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Oh, come on. I'm not helping you up. Get up.
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I'm sorry, did you just say you need me?
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Hey, Strawberry Shortcake, get on in here and cut my toenails!
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Are you okay? Did your foster parents hurt you?
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First order of business:
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Or not. I used to run away all the time when I was little.
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- Kind of messy. - What about a straw? Silly straw.
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This what it's gonna be like when you sneak me into your dorm?
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Uh-uh. No, honey, this is an express bus to The Maury Povich Show.
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- You-- First of all, get out. Get out! - Just hear me out.
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I wish I was drunk as you.
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How am I supposed to--? Whoa, hello! Ooh, ooh!
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So I will get the class registration. I'll be right back.
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Sister. I just want to say hi. May I see her?
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These were like gold when I was in my first foster home.
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- Carl, Liam! You have a visitor. - Hi there. I'm Lanier.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 38
Why is my seat wet? Oh, no, Liam.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 39
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 40
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 41
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Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 43
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 44
I'm old and fat and unattractive...
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 45
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 46
Here. Christ.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 47
Okay! We're gonna do this shit, and we're gonna be done with it.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 48
Remember that? It was just like yesterday.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 49
Uh, sorry, the shower ran out of hot water.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 50
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 17, 2013

The city needs to work on the sewer main and Frank must find Aunt Ginger's bones in the yard before they dig.

Aired 11 years ago - Feb 10, 2013

Carl says his goodbyes; Frank is on babysitting duty; Sheila wants to introduce Jody to toy time.

Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 1
Pack your bag. We're leaving.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 2
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 3
...before I went with the whore thing.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 4
You still someone I can trust?
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 5
- Really? - Yeah, I'll grab it from upstairs.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 6
For comfort and convenience, not as weapons.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 7
I don't know, maybe you should call her, tell her he's not coming?
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 8
There's a coupon in the flyer for this. Do you have one?
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 9
...past the doctor's original dire predictions.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 10
- One, two... - One, two, three, four, five--
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 11
...mix into snuggle time a little toy time.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 12
- Sure. When do I punch out? - Bobby will tell you.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 13
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 14
I'm talking about what you and I used to have in bed.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 15
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 16
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 17
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 18
- Language, please, Carl. - There's a range on the pamphlet.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 19
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 20
You start messing around, you think you're under control.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 21
I already have cancer. This camp blows.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 22
I think everyone at work, other than me, is blowing the manager.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 23
Good luck with that.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 24
- What's my name? - Have you forgotten your name?
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 25
Is Daddy here?
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 26
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 27
Or I could throw away some meat and pick it up from the dumpster.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 28
- Any chicken nuggets? - I love nuggets.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 29
- Well, I'm off to work. Mm-mwah. - Okay.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 30
You brought a girl to my house without asking me first?
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 31
Don't let your emotions completely obscure the barbaric roots of the sexual act.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 32
Right. What are we doing again?
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 33
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 34
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 35
Shut up. This is a camp that's supposed to fulfill wishes.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 36
And I just, I want to say that we, collectively, have a voice.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 37
An end to feeling like we have to give him whatever he wants...
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 38
- To hell with his flowers. - It's once a week for 10 minutes.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 39
...than the dick we might have to suck instead.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 40
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 41
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 42
How could this many of you vote for blow jobs?
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 43
- Okay. Good night. - Good night.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 44
It looks exactly like a boy penis.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 45
Your mother...
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 46
Okay, Sheils, you're good to go.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 47
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 48
I mean, now I'm gonna have to spend more time with both of them, so not good.
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 49
Recap of Shameless (US) Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 50
I met him at a club. We've been hooking up for a while.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 27, 2013

Frank tells Carl he has cancer to scam a charity foundation; Lip hunts down pedophiles in the neighborhood.

Aired 11 years ago - Jan 20, 2013

Fiona is stressed about the money she used for her club night; Frank makes his way home.

Aired 11 years ago - Jan 13, 2013

Fiona struggles to accept the new Jimmy; Frank wakes up in a place completely foreign to him.