Aired 6 years ago - May 10, 2018
Boden's chances for a promotion are met with potential complications. Meanwhile Dawson and Casey don't see eye to eye on an important decision and Kidd finds herself struggling to find time with Severide. Brett and Dawson respond to a tough call.
Aired 6 years ago - May 10, 2018
Boden takes a big step in the pursuit of a major career decision; Kidd becomes increasingly distrustful of Renee's motives with Severide; Herrmann has trouble bouncing back after a tragedy.
You stay safe out there.
- Copy.
- We're going to make a lever.
One, two, three.
And now, I'm a
civilian employee for the IFD.
I have got a driver's side
compartment to do, so yes.
Concussion, broken
collarbone, couple of ribs.
- Sorry?
- That's the description
thanks to our chief fabricator,
Sylvie Brett.
You sure you don't want a beer?
There are spiders on the floor.
♪ ♪
- Let's go.
- Okay.
This is so cool. We should celebrate.
Lose all this baloney
and get right to the statement
60 percent puts you at 240 per unit
You'd be a deer?
See if you can figure out
the secret ingredient.
Deputy Commissioner, what brings you by?
[soft music]
Come on, yep.
- It's my fault.
- What?
and fell asleep watching TV.
This is our time.
- Hey, help!
- Get us out of here!
Pull! Pull!
Is that crazy?
[sighs softly]
I just got a lot going on right now.
What happened was
gut-wrenching and painful,
[phone clatters]
Back there.
- Can you hear me?
- Okay.
to the day school for the daughters.
I'm sorry about everything.
- wins in the end.
- Hey,
My understanding is,
it's an important case
Well, if we're being fair,
this isn't just your decision,
Hey, what happened?
[soft dramatic music]
Uh, no,
Aired 6 years ago - May 03, 2018
Lt. Severide is shocked when Rene Royce resurfaces; Casey comes up with a plan to help Chief Boden in his latest pursuit; Kidd regrets a decision she made regarding Severide; Herrmann clashes with Lt. Colannino over their son's basketball team.
Fine. Swift and Sons,
Okay, all right, just hang in there.
You're in.
So instead of getting worked up
about things that
- Brett, listen...
- She's married, Joe.
Two firefighters were injured.
Yeah, but...
What was that?
I'm going to do what I can
to help steer that process.
Then I ran into Gina Haskins
at the grocery store,
For commissioner.
Work our contacts, drum up support.
- in that ballroom.
- And you might have
So let me tell you about
the time Boden took on
- Come on in.
- What's up, man?
for my older son,
Just keep the theatrics
to a minimum, okay?
- Because I am freaking out.
- Yeah.
Spend a few minutes...
So you're Joe Cruz?
I hate it when you get mad at me.
an absolute breach of trust.
I know you've been feeling
like you don't have
Bringing the kid in
is a super ballsy move.
The fire is in the trusses.
Fire department! Call out!
Hey, you hear that?
- I got to look.
- Herrmann!
Come on. Let's get him up.
He was a smoke-eater.
It only took a second to unhook it.
And then we're gonna go
be there for his family.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 26, 2018
After saving a girl from a car accident, Chief Boden and Lt. Severide are taken aback when they receive a surprise package. Brett struggles to keep quiet about Cruz reacquainting with his now-married high school sweetheart and Otis tackles his next challenge. A crisis brings Bria back into Dawson's life.
I just wanted you
to hear that from me.
- Come on...
- Come on. Come on now.
- Watch your arm.
- She got a face
full of concrete.
up front and above board
with everyone.
- Let's not forget
she's a teenage girl.
- Meaning girl stuff.
I just went around
and tightened everything up.
a competition for it.
- Doing good, doing good.
She has a leg fracture, but...
[alarms blaring]
Ambulance 61, personal injury.
an errand with me?
- Well, now you have me.
Turns out this guy, Sam,
that I'm on the line with,
I just want to look nice
when we get there.
- That sounds like BS. Mm-hmm.
- Oh, yeah?
- What brought this on?
- Yeah, you too.
I can't get it
out of my head.
Told Sharlene
to meet me there.
Yes, thank you.
Yeah, I'm looking
at him right now.
- Lights and siren...
Lights and siren.
- Ha, uh, okay...
She said she's getting
a hotel room
That means a lot to me.
- [sighs] Why am I just hearing
about this now?
- So I might have done
a bad thing.
Save us any more attention.
- [clears throat]
when I wasn't looking?
- I'm asking...
I'm withdrawing my name
from consideration.
Otis the way
that we always did, the better.
- It's too bad, Chief.
Could have made
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 19, 2018
After responding to a residential fire at a property belonging to a Mexican drug cartel, Casey is skeptical of Cordova after a hefty amount of money was found missing from the crime scene. Elsewhere, Kidd makes a big decision.
- Cordova?
Come with me,
bring your sledge.
- Hey! Stella, what
are you doing?
Still breathing,
but she's weak.
- Who is at the scene of
the fire that occurred
over the garage.
[all giggling]
- Oh, it better be.
- Fine. I'll drop it.
For now.
When we first met,
I'd just lost my best friend
I'm just
putting it all out there.
- Oh, no, I'm--
I'm not with the police.
Not just killing.
There was so much smoke.
Herrman, Mouch, and I
searched the front
I'm responsible.
If-- if it concerns my unit,
recheck the vodka bottles,
make sure they're still vodka.
- Okay, but she told you
not to over-train.
to set foot in that room.
- With some serious
implications, don't you think?
You can talk in front of
the guys; we're all family.
- By being patient
when I can.
- Come on in.
Close the door.
Victim you thought was there,
but really wasn't?
I got carried away.
- So you're saying
it's real.
gunning for someone's job.
- It was
another gang shooting.
- Hey, Otis.
it's that the work we do,
it's bigger than
Hey. Severide.
- Might want to
consider tossing those.
place where
the cartel would stash
I took the lead
as we moved to the back.
Hey, check this out.
that the money's been found.
- 51's a great house.
I hope you realize that.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 12, 2018
When the FBI takes over Firehouse 51 for an undercover mission, Casey and Severide volunteer to assist with the investigation. Kidd attempts to help Severide come to terms with recent developments he's been managing.
and every night, I
am doing the exercises
about 92 points a game,
He's having a tough time.
but your firehouse is uniquely situated
Excuse me?
In fact, we're gonna use
this as our staging area,
Trust me, it's not fun.
staring at an apartment building.
No space.
Ever seen him around the neighborhood?
and just you, not your whole company.
- Hello?
- Hector.
I mean, a sore throat,
but that went away,
Ain't no fire extinguishers in here.
Get rid of her.
CFD Battalion Chief, retired.
about your mom and I
getting back together,
You've been doing it my whole life.
Copy that. Standing by.
Some other time, kid.
Hey, pal,
saved the kid's life.
What happened?
- You sure it's him?
- Positive.
So he smashes a window?
The longer we sit on our hands,
If it goes south and people get hurt,
Love you.
Shouldn't take long.
- Hear, hear.
- I don't know.
for math help.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 05, 2018
Boden has a lapse in judgment in the aftermath of rescuing a young boy. Kidd struggles to win the approval of Severide's mother after a surprise visit. Otis takes on new responsibilities at the firehouse.
Truck 81, Ambulance 61,
People are in there
getting electrocuted!
Come out. Come on, let's go.
were the ones that got... zapped.
Let's take him back with us.
Maybe he'll open up.
Do you like to color?
I was caught off-guard.
I haven't said anything yet.
I would not say he jumped right in.
But you know what?
He's looking at you
like you're the only one
a girl's, um...
Um, I...
Uh, but, uh, you're wrong.
You mean his father?
I gave the go ahead to hand him
over to his father.
Well, I was gonna offer him my room,
So I say that we...
a couple from our congregation
moved back here
Yo! Cordova.
I never meant to put anyone
in an uncomfortable position.
straight to the news channels.
looked like a loving parent.
They're scam artists.
I don't know why I can't seem
to go a week
All right, one to the chest,
one to the abdomen.
- to come over and work private.
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, I wanted to catch you
Sounds good. And, Otis...
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 29, 2018
The crew struggles to come to terms with an injury to one of their own; a temporary replacement must be dealt with; Boden ponders some interesting news; Kidd has a hard time keeping a secret.
My mom just said to call 911
and wait outside.
Thank you. What's your name?
pop right off.
- Hey, were you at Med?
- You stop by and see Otis?
You and Severide are sleeping together.
you're not careful, you can
spend 100 grand or more.
Chief Grissom, our paths have
only crossed occasionally.
Sure, but you have a family
to provide for, don't you?
Hey, you catch Grissom?
Here we go.
The two of you.
in a cast already. All doped up.
Ah, I don't care about that.
Hey, yeah, like the doc says,
I'll get there.
Thanks, Lily.
- Uh, Thursday.
- Great.
No, no plans, 'cause like I said,
Sounds fun, but, uh, Molly's
is gonna be packed tonight.
What's this?
Okay, well, you can stick
to hospital food.
- See?
- Yeah, I see.
Just less action.
I guess, uh...
It's so early.
Whoa, hey! What are you doing?
Mmm, sorry.
It's just not in Otis's DNA.
Roger that. Ready when you are.
You are assigned to Truck 81
going forward.
Cordova is not allowed to set
foot in that kitchen ever again.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 22, 2018
After responding to a car accident, Casey and Dawson become skeptical when a domineering husband continues to answer for his injured wife. Cruz becomes frustrated with Herrmann and Mouch when he discovers they have contacted people regarding his
"Slamigan" invention without his knowledge. Kidd uncovers something meaningful and important to Severide while Brett discovers some potentially unsettling news.
Her name's Holly. Boylan.
What are you gonna do
when third shift comes in?
Yeah, you know, I suffered
a head injury, too.
that sort of thing can backfire.
But the size of it, the sheer si...
from the city or the department,
I'll try talking to Boylan himself.
She swerved and floored it
over a cluster of pylons.
Copy. We're standing by.
We'll reimburse the
department for ink and, uh,
to the Monmouth Women's Shelter
and that they have a spot open.
And what this nursery does
is spreads that light...
that'll make your top three.
I found one, looks like the father!
Truck 81, report.
and boxes of ammunition in my closet.
Increasing to 90.
They better. What, did he think
The bullet is close
to the spinal column,
What's that?
Sure. Yeah, uh...
Is her son finally gonna
get arrested for man...
Increasing to 300.
- Good news?
- He's okay. Thank God.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 08, 2018
While working to track down a bombing suspect, Voight and Antonio meet with Chief Boden, who unwillingly agrees to let Dawson and Brett go undercover. As the investigation continues, Boden, Casey and Severide lend their skilled expertise in the
investigation. Elsewhere, Kidd and Zach's relationship hits a bump and Cruz has a hard time expressing his true feelings for Brett. Meanwhile, Herrmann and Connie are forced to come up with an alternative solution when two birthday parties are booked on the same day at the firehouse.
The crossover starts on Chicago P.D. S05E16 Profiles (I).
That scene was chaos.
Sylvie, you don't know
these guys the way that I do.
No, yeah, no, we understand, um...
- What's this?
- I don't know.
I highly recommend it.
to tap the brakes, just a little.
He tries to make contact with
Shepard, now we'll be ready.
That's a residential neighborhood.
off the internet.
I mean, if Shepard
requires more supplies,
No, I don't, but do you think
you'd have this reaction
Now I know.
Brett, I've known Joe for a long time.
Oh, Chief Boden, Kelly,
unless we thought it could pay off.
Yeah, like that guy
that targeted your sister.
it's owned by a company
named Starlight Properties.
- Move it.
- Let's go.
Here they are. Right here.
I had my chance with you,
Cap said that you and Boden
Is you're worried about me?
Yeah, I...
You get to a different place
in your life, then...
7P? What's 7P?
and means to strike tonight.
Okay, folks, single file.
"CT." Not "Chicago
Telegraph," Chicago Transit!
They're requesting a station
shutdown while we wait for CPD.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 01, 2018
After photos of Casey and Severide jumping off the roof during a heroic rescue make the front page of the newspaper, Boden unwillingly agrees for the photographer to chronicle a day-in-the-life story at the Firehouse. Dawson and Brett are on a
mission to find out what keeps happening to Gerald, a frequent flier they know who lives on the streets. Meanwhile, Herrmann decides to take up life-coaching as a side job and Kidd makes a decision regarding her living arrangement with Severide.
Kelly! Kelly!
All right.
You want hot chocolate? Apple cider?
What'd he say?
- You good?
- Yeah.
- Kelly Severide, Chief.
- Kelly.
Okay, so when are you thinking to, um...
I heard from Hope.
- It hurts.
- You know this guy?
- What do you need, Kidd?
- Oh, uh.
know the stunts
that she pulled in Chicago.
Why a goat?
- Where were you embedded?
- Afghanistan, five months.
- over my furlough request?
- Not yet.
I had no idea that
these were co-ed bathrooms.
You're right. You're right, um.
♪ ♪
- but, uh...
It's my girlfriend, Alice.
to figure out is, is it the kind of heat
Well, my coaches charge
$40 an hour to start.
Because it is not as easy as it looks.
F. I.
Clients are going to pay
a lot of money for this.
I don't want nothing to do with this.
No, this is not your street. It's mine.
I swear you are an angel. [SMOOCHES]
What just happened?
Well, I thought you would like to know.
About what?
And it may get serious.
You stepped in the street
and got hit by a car.
'Cause I'm not.
I am proud of you, Captain.
Listen, I didn't say to say that.
might be the dumbest thing
that you could do.
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 01, 2018
After responding to a time-sensitive rescue, Casey and Severide don't see eye to eye on the best course of action. Herrmann struggles to entertain his daughter on "bring your child to work day." Brett is joined by a surprise guest during a spa getaway, courtesy of Dawson, while Kidd's social life gets a boost.
Get off me!
When Severide sees these
things, he always...
I'm sorry about cancelling that date.
something to consider.
but my take... any difference
would've been marginal.
It's not all fire and glory.
You boys mind if I borrow your
lieutenant for a minute?
On the captain's orders?
They say the CFD bungled
the rescue of a deputy
Based on my years of experience
- I'd like to make an appearance.
- Of course.
He said you pushed
for rapid extrication,
baiting my two officers
against each other?
I'd appreciate the same.
Would you mind maybe ixnaying
on the homidenay
I know it doesn't include
Chinese takeout, but...
Tomorrow, you said?
Come on, man, cool it.
Just give 'em time, they'll understand.
Don't you think it's a little intimate?
are you out of your mind?
And now... what?
Not long.
- he's the guy.
- Mm.
Come on, Kelly.
Apparently, you failed
to properly notify
Has his own plans for my future.
We need an EMS plan one
and a still and box alarm.
You go in, you locate the source.
Over here! We need some help!
ten minutes if the release
rate holds steady.
Hold her still while I cut the brace.
I can't tell if we're coming or going.
Wait... Where are you going?
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 25, 2018
Dawson and Casey do everything they can to locate Bria's whereabouts after discovering important new information. Lt. Severide reunites with Chief Grissom, an old family friend. Meanwhile, Cruz enlists the help of Brett and Mouch to create a new tool and Kidd and Zach go on a date.
That was fast.
- That's a smart move.
- Don't I know it.
It'll only take a minute.
Yeah, and when did "we"
decide this was a good idea?
On and off.
Any idea where Carly might've gone?
Get in here!
on the side of the mechanism.
He's, uh, right behind you.
Seriously, when are you
coming back to 36?
She's underage and it's
an issue of her safety.
That's a design flaw.
until DCFS has approved, but...
Drilled out too much wood.
It weakened the handle.
Would you like me to put an end to it?
He dove through a collapsed roof
I made up your bed for you.
How did you get a table at this place?
Wait, why would I invite you
on a date if I was...
Anderson about blew a gasket.
It was a thing of beauty.
Ah. And?
Yeah, sure. How's it going?
with DCFS as approved guardians...
but ultimately, DCFS is responsible
in a controlled environment.
Gabby, I wanted to let you
know that DCFS has approved
Let's get that door open
so they can get inside.
If the fire gets beyond
the loading dock,
He calls it the Slam-it-again.
You and your guys are free
to get in there and mop it up.
action to this Nick Porter guy.
Lily doesn't work here.
She's not our roommate.
- Bria must be happy.
- Yeah, thanks.
I have a date. With Zach.
What do we got?
- How are you?
- Good. Good to see you.
Just come over there and
thrill 'em with a story or two
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 18, 2018
After learning unsettling news, Dawson enlists Severide to help her out. Elsewhere, Casey and Dawson struggle with communication issues while Brett and Kidd compete to win the heart of Zach, a Hazmat officer. Meanwhile, Otis, Herrmann and Mouch are
on a mission to locate the source of a horrible stench that is making life unpleasant at Firehouse 51.
- Please! Get me out of here!
- Hey, can you get me out?
I'm gonna get you some
medication for the pain.
Well, at least, she used to.
We didn't find her, so...
I guess it was a bad idea.
My guess is that it's the paramedics.
I'm gonna roll squad by that, uh...
Cops maybe got her.
Could be black mold.
It's a total teardown, if so.
I gotta finish these call logs,
and the bunkroom is...
- occlude it with your thumb...
- Mm-hmm.
Make the stretcher with a
little extra length
could flood the whole
basement with carbon monoxide.
The air is clearing,
It's like my nostrils just gave up.
- I don't mean to interrupt...
- Well, you did.
No, she didn't come. Hey!
I didn't have a chance,
and now she hates me!
She's better off.
She's alone! She's scared to death!
but she left him a note,
says she loves him.
Then what are all these extra pieces?
We're the paramedics who were
on your basement call today...
I have had zero luck in love this year.
and that's my fault.
you feel like you've distanced
yourself from their concern,
It was a place to come, shut my
door, and not be bothered.
All the time. Anyway, I'm Stella Kidd,
You know, I got a
Japanese firefighting robot
Hey, guys.
Truck 81! Bunkroom, now, please!
You act like you smell so good!
I'll put it right next to
Burgess' bulletproof vest!
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 11, 2018
After saving a young girl, Dawson is forced to make a tough decision when she finds out the girl's father is addicted to painkillers. Herrmann loses his cool and gets into an altercation with a police officer after responding to a call. Otis and
Cruz are on a mission to find out who Bretton is dating. Meanwhile, Boden is skeptical when Donna's brother Julian unexpectedly comes to town.
It's Antonio.
- It was just a routine stop.
- Ain't nothing routine.
All right enough, you gotta step back.
- Hey.
- What's up, man?
until she gets back.
when we were dating before.
You just missed him.
Then they said if he didn't
show up to work,
And I know that may be hard to hear,
was not messing around
that year, let me tell you.
Brett and I gave her
a ride home from the hospital.
and it's Julian Robbins.
"The Human Centipede."
You said this was
gonna be a one-time thing.
- Henry.
- Yeah, raise up your head.
I reached out to
a fire equipment manufacturer
You will be impressed.
I promise you that.
Yeah, in here.
Not tonight.
Just typical narcotics withdrawal.
- How sure?
- 99%.
Ambulance 61.
Man down from unknown causes.
I spent time with her.
not because of anything
you did or didn't do.
Wallace, I wouldn't even
try to sell you this product
Yeah, it's true.
What's going on?
Even though I think you're great,
I think that's where this leads.
Should I reach out to her school?
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 04, 2018
Brett attempts to make a lifesaving decision in the field to someone near and dear to the firehouse family. In an effort to impress Lily, Otis scrambles to get everything together for the grand opening of Molly's North. Meanwhile, Boden becomes
emotional following the rescue of a famous blues player from a burning apartment building and Dawson struggles to come to terms with how she has been dealing with her father.
A guy was some kind of psycho,
[EXHALES] What'd I tell you?
who would do what he did.
Well, you know,
Mac's went out of business,
So you're going to handle everything?
You know, it's probably
that old nut in 1C.
Don't give these ladies
a hard time now, Stoke.
That big one there,
that's from the mayor's office.
[SCOFFS] I cross my heart.
Thanks, Cruz, I would have
never thought of that.
I think she's maybe riding
herself a little hard
Why do you suppose
he had all those humidifiers?
Oh, well I'd have to run it by Trudy.
Friday. Why Friday?
Oh. Oh I see, not caring.
Would you like to come in?
I'm listening.
And a cashier's check for 25 grand.
He's a morning DJ at 95.8 FM.
This is really good.
- Hey.
- Yeah, great, I'm in.
That's terrible.
Oh, God.
Are you getting
enough time off to go see him?
Squad Three, Ambulance 61,
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Now we're talking.
Hey, hey.
Stoke Porter. Um...
I can still hear his voice
in my ear saying,
Should have held off and
planned this a little better,
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 02, 2017
After heroically saving a mother and newborn baby from a rooftop fire, Kidd receives surprising news when she discovers she is being transferred out of the firehouse. Severide and Casey believe something is off about the turn of events, prompting
them to investigate the situation. Otis and Herrmann discuss the possibilities of taking over a rundown bar and Dawson's frustration with her father, Ramon, reaches a boiling point.
Stay calm, stay calm.
Turn around. There you go.
Hey. Herrmann.
Yeah, and it took us three
years to turn a profit.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
that could take months or years.
In the meantime,
Boden's really passionate about
keeping his house together.
You know, women's issues,
and I still would made that save.
which means that we have $900
Breakfast to go?
It's a shame, really.
Dad, call me back as soon as possible.
- Bye.
- I'm sorry.
I do not remember anything past Molly's.
- Just the man we came to see.
- Wallace.
I'm just glad it's happening.
Something I worked on all weekend.
Now, the cost outlay,
it's gonna be minimal
Hey, it's not a done
deal yet, but, uh...
They're saying that my attitude
Well, yeah, two Ds.
This is Stella Kidd,
We did get slushies once.
Wow, all over.
- How are you?
- Oh, wonderful.
Is that that by-the-book Chief
and the "S" has a flourish.
I just didn't know who to come
to about something like this.
I'm gonna save everyone
here a lot of time.
I've ever had, and you attacked them.
We're the owners of
Molly's bar, and, uh...
Kid who makes fun of
girl on the playground
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 26, 2017
Casey and Severide find themselves at odds after Casey argues with him over the best way to save a teenager entangled in barbed wire. When Casey looks to Boden for help smoothing out the situation, he comes to the realization that he will have to
fix it himself. Elsewhere, Otis tries to convince Casey to participate in the beta test for an expensive piece of new firefighting equipment imported from Japan. Meanwhile, Kidd and Hope come to blows over a payroll issue and Brett goes on a date with a doctor she meets during an ambo call.
You guys better hurry.
Mouch, scrub that. Stay where you are.
- Ready, Lieutenant?
- Go for it.
Hey, watch the barbs.
Nice work.
Of course it has to be
Because we're not talking about
some new tool or piece of gear.
Thanks for the update.
Halsted and West Washington.
I'm a doctor.
Or she wanted to avoid
walking out with me.
You can't leave this stuff out, Otis.
Oh, thanks.
Here's a similar rescue.
You're very respectful.
Can we do this again soon?
Like imminently?
I got into this thing
with Brett at work today, and...
you can stay as long as you want.
Things are good.
I mean this captain thing is...
Yeah, so did I.
Oh, my God!
Will do. Thank you, Chief, very much.
Otis, pick up the jump rope.
Yeah, I wanted to pick up supplies here
She says there's no parking spaces,
It's something all your friends
know and love about you.
If you two are here to gloat,
take it somewhere else.
and you get to keep disrespecting it?
But whatever the outcome,
it's on my shoulders.
The work part of it, at least.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 19, 2017
While running a secret errand, Dawson finds herself trapped in a collapsed parking structure. With all paths of exit blocked, she is forced to improvise and works double-duty to keep a number of injured individuals alive while trying to maintain
peace among those trapped. Meanwhile, pressure is mounting on Casey as he begins to take on additional duties, Kidd grows increasingly skeptical of Hope after learning about rumors circulating and the firehouse receives a surprise visitor.
Tell him there's some crazy chick
- in the field?
- No, ma'am.
Uh... tools I don't have.
Dawson's always raved, said you were
- Hey, hey! That's enough.
- Come on, man.
on that radio of yours?
So, feeling ready?
has any restrictions on firefighters
Said something like,
"The bank's not a charity."
Yeah. Yeah.
I don't know.
Okay, on three. Ready?
Or we get proactive.
and dedication inspires them.
Give or take $10,000.
All right, let's simmer down, Colleen.
There's a woman stuck on the elevator.
I can't... I can't breathe.
Hi, Marisol. I'm Gil.
What are you, crazy?
No shame in it.
Look, you got 63 and 70
right in the collapse zone.
Okay, that's enough.
Anybody got any cash in their pocket?
I talked to her this morning,
said she was at the supermarket
It's her.
- You see anything?
- No.
You can bill me, but blood from a stone.
How's he doing?
You put this in your car.
We never speak of this again.
And then there's Matthew Casey.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 12, 2017
Lt. Casey gets off on the wrong foot with Sam Mullins, a temporary Chief who is filling in for Boden at House 51 for the morning. When Casey later makes a risky move in an attempt to save a distraught man from jumping off a building, Mullins has a
surprise that Casey does not expect. Mouch flies in Cruz's brother Leon as a birthday surprise, but the rest of the squad struggles to keep it a secret. Meanwhile, Brett is caught off guard when she learns new information about her hometown friend Hope.
who served under Mullins
over at 78.
I looked down for one second.
That way Gabby can concentrate,
All right.
is get the birthday boy
to Molly's after shift,
Yes, Chief.
Brett and Dawson, sir.
and if you want me as
acting battalion chief
- Oh, don't beat yourself up.
- Yeah, seemed unavoidable.
he was back in Chicago.
We can still save this.
Number one,
Be my guest.
Well, I guess I found out.
Negotiator's up
there with him,
I like you alive.
Why don't you come back
He'd jump before I got to him.
- to live through today, Dan.
- What are you doing?
and see what she says.
see Sylvie.
There she is.
That's so sweet.
Please thank her for me.
Mullins? He's gone.
I just saw Boden pull up.
I'm not part of
this cockamamie plan.
Oh, he's overjoyed.
Could it get any better?
wants us there now?
and I believe some
of you already know her.
or I don't deserve it.
that you'd be happy
if I got the job.
Ooh, it's rough.
Wreckage everywhere.
I don't turn those in
until the 31st.
Yeah, he, uh...
He talked about you.
He stopped taking
his medication.
Okay, come on.
- Abort.
- We're on the two yard line.
that young man would be
dead right now.
You don't have
to say anything.
that's obviously out of date.
Use your discretion.
Just so you know,
I think it's better
a buy one get one free.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 05, 2017
After learning the school fire wasn't an accident, Chief Boden turns up the pressure on Severide and Casey to investigate the cause of the fire that trapped his wife. Fueled by a competitive bet against Firehouse 87, Mouch pushes all of the wrong
buttons in his need to win the competitive challenge known as the firefighter muster. Meanwhile, as Kidd settles into her new living arrangement, her unresolved feelings prompt her to question the intentions of newcomer Hope.
What does OFI say?
81! We need some weight
on that back end!
Don't make me laugh.
I'll break a rib.
One... two... three!
Are you kidding?
We'll knock you on your ass.
How are you supposed to hold
class when most
You may know
fires, Wallace,
I saw that I was surrounded
As your coach, I have assigned
each of you to an event
- Severide's?
- Yeah, I live there now.
found a fire burning
on the counter.
Casey, isn't that where
we found the teacher?
The fire burned the exposed
portion of the tiles,
Yeah, we just gotta get
the lab results.
[tense music]
What are we supposed to do?
Her clothes were on fire.
I just tried to put 'em out.
Hey, where did you find these
hoses? They look pretty new.
Are you sure
that's a good idea?
I also found out he was one of
four assigned to the lab table
with the guys around
the firehouse!
Ambulance 61, person down.
8133 71st Street.
It's a dislocated elbow.
Rashidi's gonna be fine.
I hate this dumb dummy.
People change.
[bell rings]
and I chucked a match
in the chem lab. So what?
Lab results are in.
Where've you been?
OFI report on the school fire.
You did good.
[both laugh]
Mouch, I don't want to do
what you say anymore.
- I just said I wasn't.
- Huh?
Aired 7 years ago - Sep 28, 2017
The sixth season opens with most of the squad still trapped inside the burning warehouse fire. Chief Boden makes a risky last-minute decision in an effort to save his men. Dawson continues to deal with her father, who has new plans for himself.
Brett's childhood friend Hope visits the Windy City and strikes the attention of someone within the firehouse, while Kidd goes head-to-head with her landlord. Meanwhile, a fire at a high school hits close to home for Boden.
Severide, Kannell, call out!
Order arms.
- Listen, I...
- There's something I wanted...
He's back.
That's really sweet
of you, Joe,
I've got a whole new fitness
and nutrition regimen.
I'm looking for someone.
Renters' rights.
Look them up.
- So, regarding Jason Kannell.
- What's this?
- just doing crazy stuff.
- Keep going.
Just a couple of weeks.
I got an Airbnb.
since I have more of
a mesomorph physique.
You look good in white,
is all I'm saying.
- but I figured you...
- My hands are clean.
She was probably
trying to cough,
Oh, Hope.
I'm so glad you made it.
And before you think you can be
the shoulder that he cries on,
Apparently I violated
the tenant-renter agreement.
Ah. Kelly.
I thought I'd pop in.
Say hello.
then the whole foundation
comes crumbling down.
will you hold my feet
You're letting him put
lipstick on and kiss your ass
got some
urgent business?
Squad 3, Truck 81,
Ambulance 61, Engine 51.
You're with Otis.
Truck, Squad,
search and evacuate.
Clear out.
Hug the wall to
the right to get out.
Come on.
Okay. Let's go.
I need this.
in that burning factory,
of that tunnel ever again,
- you'd get run out on a rail.
- Oh, God, I know.
I overstepped
the rental agreement?