Aired 8 years ago - May 17, 2016
In the Season 4 finale, Boden and Jimmy are at odds. Kidd deals with her unstable ex. Dawson continues her quest to foster Louie. Casey's new political consultant urges him to think big. The team responds to a dangerous structure fire.
- Hey, Jimmy, slow down.
- Borrelli, calm down.
Caesarstone countertops. Fancy.
You want me to talk to him?
Yeah, what's that?
you two'll be spending all of
your time outside in the summer.
That makes you family, too, brother.
It's not a crime,
you do a lot of telling
people what to do
and I'm gonna be fine long after you.
Check, check.
but, you know, it's got a special charm
This place is perfect, Herrmann.
- Okay.
- And here we go.
That's right, I would.
You got this.
to get this place the best they could
That is what you said,
and it got him killed.
I don't know. Something's wrong.
Fan out.
in three months, so by
this time next year,
why I still do not have
a letter from you?
that's part of the game
just rolls right off you.
and I want to assure you...
Dawson, Kidd, you're with me.
Top floor is clear, Chief.
We're good.
that was in his locker, you know?
Aired 8 years ago - May 10, 2016
The team responds to a building collapse that's trapped more than a dozen people. Dawson's quest to foster Louie is aided by a familiar face. Otis, who's on medical leave, meets his temporary replacement. Severide and Kidd continue to see each other. Casey is at odds with Antonio.
Brett, let's get a C-collar over here.
Mom and dad are sauced.
Had their kid driving.
Yeah, shouldn't you be on a singles tour
The Evanston guy. Yeah.
But like I said, you're not him, so...
I just got a lot going on.
You were supposed to marry her.
Gabriela, what are you doing here?
That is illegal, Danny.
This is she.
You can't stay away, huh?
Yeah, yeah, but still, you
can never be too careful.
He looks like a mess.
You inspired it, "Stella Bella."
distress, acting out.
most of them still inside.
Help me.
Got multiple fractures on his left leg.
- We get everyone?
- Our side's clear!
Everybody, get back!
Um... I found him.
Augh. Aah! Aah!
Casey and I will be at your
place first thing in the morning,
Well, the family has other children.
They were worried for their safety.
He's got glassy eyes.
Aired 8 years ago - May 03, 2016
Dawson saves a young boy from an apartment fire. Kidd's idea for Molly's doesn't go as hoped. Severide hits a wall while advocating for new fire masks. Cruz and Brett utilize a secret weapon to get Otis to see Dr. Halstead take a blood test.
I want everyone out of there.
That roof isn't gonna hold.
Hon, the building's on
fire and we gotta get out.
She's gonna take good care of you, okay?
By that time,
because they got air bubbles
trapped inside of them.
What do you say, Otis? Hmm,
sound good, thumbs up?
Now I know your name! Louie.
All the same, they'll save lives.
He kept crying for his blanket
he left back at the apartment.
But I'm telling you that
the money isn't there.
It's way down, whereas
cocktails are way up!
Well, I'll make sure he gets
it for bedtime tonight.
I'm going to Dr. Halstead after shift.
What was he doing before this happened?
Aaron, tell him.
The way I understand it,
Wow, that's rough.
50 whole cents?
Okay, so how much extra
would you be willing to pay
Don't forget it.
When untreated, it can lead
to bleeding in the brain.
I have a feeling this was meant to be.
I've got my hands full
with this alderman work,
♪ ♪
You know, I just hope my
body responds to therapy,
And it was scary...
I guess I was more
upset than I realized.
There's no guarantee I'll be approved,
Ambulance 61, Truck 81: structure fire.
I'll do everything, Herrmann.
Wow. Crazy.
Yeah, I love you. Good-bye.
Oh, hey, man! Not the Dingers!
Okay if I hang out with you a little?
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 26, 2016
Firehouse 51 unites to help a young boy in tragic circumstances. A high-powered political consultant helps Casey navigate a potential scandal. Cruz makes a mistake that nearly costs him his life.
Cruz, Tony, make sure you slip your bags
All right, copy that. Stay put.
No, come on!
Yeah, they must want to change that.
You don't have to if
you don't want to...
I've got an important
announcement to make.
I thought you had arranged it.
Officer John Lucas. I'm
with peer support.
Well, that's plenty of time
to make the best damn video
He's gonna be fine,
Yeah, but like I told
you, it wasn't anything,
of this job. of the people.
I called her mom, had
to leave a message.
Fast and steady.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
I just have a few questions.
Well, everyone knows me there,
So when's she picking me up?
I was so pumped to get into a fire
He didn't see what you saw,
Listen, my cousin Stas in Omsk,
Oh, hey, Al. You forget something?
for a full investigation.
It's more likely someone's
looking to jam you up.
why so many rabble-rousing,
grade A misfit dingbats
You're just giving him some more time.
how to enjoy every day while you can.
You know when something bad happens...
I could just use some good news.
I gave you my card.
You know that gallery?
We share our stories.
I'm saving the last one for Mom.
- It's not true.
- I am so, so sorry.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 19, 2016
When a high school student becomes an innocent victim of a gang retribution incident, a very determined Lt. Casey tries all means necessary to resolve the issue. Severide lends a hand to Detective Holloway, who is working a dangerous undercover
investigation, and watches over her 9-year-old son at the firehouse. Brett and Jimmy are called to aid a woman who takes a fond liking to Jimmy. Meanwhile, Otis makes a surprising discovery that leaves him very concerned and Herrmann goes toe-to-toe with Stella to claim bragging rights over who can best run a bar.
Looking better than
the last time I saw you.
Hey, who's this?
He's got nothing to do with gangs.
And the police are going
after whoever did this?
I'll get there on my own two feet.
but is now most commonly
associated with Argentina.
Boom. Boom, boom.
1550 Michigan Avenue.
I'm Jimmy Borrelli, paramedic.
Took longer than I thought it would.
No, I'm good.
- Go ahead, Stella.
- All right.
picked him up on a fugitive warrant.
Is that correct?
You do that, I'm good for a favor.
rounding the bend, she's blowing it up.
You cannot make a mai tai without Orgeat.
This isn't the sort of
thing you wait around on.
Did she feel any part of your body?
I know we talked about it, but...
81, silver bullets. Kidd, bring the sked.
Hey! Hey, you!
That would tear his arm
off before we got him free!
Airbag's ready to go!
Gunny said you wanted to see us?
Buddy at the district
told me about the case.
Look at the alternative.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 05, 2016
Sylvie witnesses a murder and is threatened by the shooter not to go to the police. Firehouse 51 jumps into action when a fire breaks out at a restaurant and traps several people inside a vault. Mouch starts to get cold feet.
Sylvie, the gauze!
Dr. Jones, call extension 257.
Buh, buh. Hey.
Ah, that's how it starts.
You know what? I'm gonna get some coffee.
15 calls and 145 new e-mails.
that my lieutenant keeps nagging me about.
Detective Dawson's unreachable.
Don't worry. We'll get him.
Hey, this way.
What the hell were
those walls made out of?
Think it might have aggravated
Should heal up fine.
the politics game.
If you have any way of
getting a hold of him,
We are gonna figure this out.
find out if cheap styrene insulation
I'm not taking no for an answer.
Trudy and I have ballroom
dancing on Tuesdays.
Then we get married, and all of a sudden,
Would you prefer ballroom dancing?
Uh, that's not exactly what I said.
but no, not bringing Grant.
Sure, and I realize he has a
lot of support on the council,
Sooner or later, this
guy's gonna come up for air,
Didn't work, did it?
Was he responsive when you got here?
You never know. Maybe I can actually help.
That... that... little heavy
on the pours there, pal.
I almost threw up in that thing.
I am pulling this off, right?
Yeah, you might as well be
the one to spill the beans.
He'd been mooning over me for weeks.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 29, 2016
Severide and Cruz find a child's remains inside a chimney while investigating a possible carbon monoxide leak inside a home. In other events, Casey braces for the worst in his run for alderman while Alderman Becks continues to bad mouth him to the press.
Hey, Casey, we're gonna need the aerial.
Oh, man.
Mm, telemarketing! Yes!
My wife is the head of the PTA.
Stella, I can't hire your broken-down ex
even if he's elected.
How many shifts would
you say that you switched
that might catch your eye.
from this morning's call.
He is living off me.
"Sun-Times." Great to meet you.
So, being an alderman
isn't a real job to you?
Oh, yeah. I remember this case.
Their numbers have changed
a few times apparently.
Some community group, Citizens
of Neighborhood Development,
I've done the cocktail parties,
I've gotten the message out.
Yeah, I don't drink straight vodka.
Like 99% of all the other bands.
Detective... is this about Courtney?
Yeah, I know where his office is, Connie.
To test Courtney's body.
it was like the life got
sucked out of the place.
his lackadaisical attitude
toward this office.
Tomas was working underneath.
Sending Squad 2, currently en route.
Nice save, Lieutenant.
Can you find your way to Chief
Boden's office, Lieutenant?
Grant, where the hell are you?
There we go.
Can you talk some sense into my brother?
[indistinct radio chatter]
or vote for someone who gives a damn.
[mumbling] Man...
and the songs, baby, I'm telling you,
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 23, 2016
Casey reconsiders his run for alderman after he's targeted by a propaganda campaign. The squad responds when a man is trapped inside of a burning car. Trudy's nerdy brother plans Mouch's bachelor party. Jimmy and Brett investigate a kidnapping on their own.
On it. Dawson! Kidd!
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
I'm gonna need you to stay awake, sir.
It was an intense situation for him.
- It... it did.
- Okay.
Yeah, it's something you
might have wanted to check
Uh, no, I haven't.
the Peterson Hotel is on?
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Billboard is down by
the end of the day, Becks,
A what now?
"Revolutions," and all
eight "Animatrix" cartoons!
my friend.
First I've heard about it.
South Blue Island and West 13th.
The more you move, the worse it gets.
Hey, hey, we got to do
this the right way, okay?
A new record, closest call we've had.
It's affecting the house now.
That was, let me see,
you know?
"What if I was his
friend and not her cousin?
- Oh.
- Mm-hmm. Yup.
I'm getting real skeptical, Mouch.
Move back. Come on, let's go.
Okay, well, thanks
again. Come on, Teddy.
I can't leave my heart in the locker
You know, this corner is the most
important thing right now.
I see you have learned a
few things, haven't you?
Aww, poor guys.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 16, 2016
The team responds to a suspicious call from a neighboring firehouse; and welcomes a new firefighter, though her addition has repercussions. Casey moves forward in his run for alderman.
She's probably talking
about Chili's empty slot.
Squad 3, person trapped.
989 West Grayson.
- We'll attach it to the post.
- On it.
I'm good.
impaled on a marker post.
Here's where we are.
That's crazy.
They can't do that.
but he's still unconscious.
I was getting on the roof
when McCormick went down.
I trust my man.
in the local political
to afford a slick
new website in no time.
Just make sure you
get it back by midnight.
Zooming about, and then...
Easy, easy, easy, easy.
That's 'cause
he's full of it.
Hey, I've been
looking for you.
Jimmy Borrelli, I'm gonna
tell you something,
so the momentum is building.
but he was a qualified
They are.
How you doing?
but, um...
Pay respects on behalf of 51.
and I can't do that
without your help.
Why, are you cool with it?
Meet the newest member
of Truck 81.
Welcome to 51, Kidd.
are icing me out
I heard you all live together.
Yeah, why wouldn't he be?
It's win-win.
- We're going in.
- Right.
Don't have much time, 81.
51, back that line out.
you're in construction, right?
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 09, 2016
Severide confronts Chili about her erratic behavior. Members of the firehouse rally around Casey, who they think would make a great candidate for alderman. Jimmy squares off against Antonio in the first annual "Battle of the Badges" boxing match.
- Hey, bud, what's your name?
- Tino.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah? Come on.
100 grand? I'll run.
she left a message for you.
But you and me, we got a plan, don't we?
in need, and I love you for that.
That's because you haven't
seen me put my foot in it.
Control the breath,
minimize condensation.
for five more minutes?
- There's no way...
- Just be quiet!
Dawson and Herrmann are
the only two idiots...
- Um, but thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Are you surprised?
Come on, you got this. You got this.
Oh, no.
- Boo! Boo!
- Yeah, whatever.
Look, I'm getting some red flags here.
Yes, I had a rough patch, okay?
Guys, I don't have a driver.
Chief, kids were already
outside when we pulled up.
Bust it open.
We need to tube him.
and the thing is... it is.
What's up?
because I feel like
everybody is watching me.
Just not as a paramedic.
None of this changes how
we at 51 feel about you.
What are you gonna do about it?
I don't even know if you're home,
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 02, 2016
The team responds to a mass shooting; Casey investigates the missing money from the fund-raiser. Jimmy agrees to represent the firehouse in a boxing match against the Chicago PD's 21st District. Chili's behavior continues to be an issue for Brett.
No, just give it a minute. He's good.
Or he was getting a cut.
We need to talk.
you really have to take it seriously now.
and Brett contradicted a direct order.
Century Philanthropy International.
Just a little something to keep in mind.
I just found out that her last house
Chief, we're tracking a situation
All right, come on.
How'd you know about all this?
a live chicken this time of night?
All right, first thing
is you gotta open up, man.
Oh, thank you so much, Mateo.
Am I right that you have
three weeks' furlough saved up?
this is where your road splits, Chili.
Technically, the reception's been paid for.
to help with the evacuation
Checking to see if it was a faulty sensor.
We have an active shooter. Need rescue!
Chief, we can get up there.
I'm back with Truck and some civilians.
- We're clear.
- Target's down.
Good job, Lieutenant.
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 26, 2016
Freddie's father begs Herrmann to forgive his son's assault. Casey discovers that a makeshift shelter housing people displaced by the tornado may close. Casey attends a fund-raiser at the request of an alderman. Dawson and Brett experience repercussions after telling Boden about Chili's erratic behavior.
that's... that's different.
If there is a third, you are done.
Dawson, Mouch... ladders.
Squad, help with the evac.
Borrelli, give me a hand over here.
I did what the state's attorney asked.
Thanks, Connie.
It's an affidavit stating
how we got into the residence
They said, "Wait here,"
but I haven't heard back.
- Well, nothing. I just...
- Exactly.
Probably something prison-related.
Whatever angle he's trying to pull,
Remember me?
You don't deserve what happened.
10-1, 10-1!
All right, you're coming
with us, all right?
I just found out.
Having a first responder
there, especially an officer,
So why are you here talking to me now?
Well, we're all gathered here today
We have a... a saying as firefighters:
The one thing they're not gonna
lose is this city's support.
and just start taking everything seriously.
The fire department's here, okay?
Got him.
- I'm in.
- IV's in.
So... didn't want you
hearing it from anyone else.
and me, I was trying to fill that gap.
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 19, 2016
A tornado threatens Chicago. Chili makes a major mistake, which causes Brett to report her to Boden. Otis asks Dawson to help him solve his women troubles. Severide assists a Department of Homeland Security agent.
and at least three people
are confirmed dead so far.
As you've heard, we have a
potential tornado on our hands.
Hey, Austin.
Did you know that Brett was
still seeing that Austin guy?
You're my only female friend.
I'll be home in the morning, okay?
Stab wound?
like, Romero stuff.
How long has this been going on?
- Is this what you gave her?
- Yes.
I just got a message from Ruzek over at 21,
knocked over the morphine
and broke the seal.
The rest of you, sweep
the area for survivors.
My parents are in there.
I came as quick as I could.
You're in shock... your body's
protecting you from the pain.
Guys, we got two possible victims
There you go, yeah.
Some people are just incapable of change.
or Herrmann.
We've been tracking a residence
here in Chicago for some time,
Everything okay between you two?
Yeah, yeah. I was the wreck.
Funny thing about tornadoes,
they just drop out of the sky,
and Jimmy's making meatloaf.
Let's go, get in the car.
Subdural hematoma. Died in the OR.
I don't even know why I'm here.
that you were a good kid!
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 05, 2016
Members of Firehouse 51 band together and anxiously await word at Chicago Med when one of their own falls victim to a life-threatening stabbing. Cruz urgently works with members of Chicago P.D. to track down Freddie's whereabouts when he goes
missing. Dr. Choi and Dr. Halstead tend to an attempted suicide victim whose condition raises some eyebrows. Meanwhile, Mouch surprises Trudy and Chili's odd behavior has Brett and Jimmy worried.
(Malignant (2) aired on Chicago Med, season 1, episode 5. Now I'm God (3) aired on Chicago P.D., season 3, episode 10.)
What are the cops doing about Freddie?
We got a lot to go on.
We missed you at the hospital.
Ambulance 61. House fire.
Tony, Capp, head around back.
- Cruz, come on. Let's go!
- Alex!
Suicide attempt.
Cruz, you okay?
We need to be sure there's
nothing more going on here.
Look at these grim faces.
Of course.
What's up?
You know what?
Hey, you want to end up
bleeding out on a gurney too?
Sometimes things fall through the cracks.
Oh, Annabelle's the real terror.
and, uh...
"Poor saps on 51 are missing
their two best firefighters."
and it sent him into respiratory distress.
We'll worry about that then.
Yeah, same.
What do we got?
You must have flushed him
out when you went down there.
Now you want me dead.
show a high white count
from stress demargination.
Ideally, we'd take him to angio
You've been through a
lot lately, and now this.
My better half.
marrying you would be my greatest honor.
Aired 9 years ago - Dec 08, 2015
Patterson fills in for Boden, who's trying to clear his name. Severide learns where Serena may be hiding. Herrmann and Otis give Freddie a job that keeps him close by. Jimmy and Chili draw more attention then either bargained for.
I'm sorry.
What'd they do, honey?
Drop the requirements
But I've been helping out.
Never been in no one's face.
Go easy. The job is yours.
Connie, what's all this?
I need to pull my car
around and load these up.
but do you think there's a connection?
to testify against him, right?
I left him three messages
that we were buying.
Just a cooldown, because the Captain...
Why'd you want to be a lawyer?
I appreciate what you're
doing for your friends.
Rope holding it up is about to snap.
It was my fault. I apologize.
They lost everything.
Yeah? How about her?
You seen her before?
and we have the testimony
of a Jeffrey Mulkey
Doesn't seem worth it,
but what do I know?
So, what happens now?
Truck 81, Squad 3,
Engine 51, Ambulance 61,
Slow. Here we go.
the men and women who
make up Firehouse 51.
You know what I love, Mr. Maddox?
That sounds like the delusions
of a woman with an axe to grind.
Is... is this, like, black
guys sticking together?
Chief Riddle. You should know.
Hey, Connie, we're glad to do it.
So, as a latchkey kid in Lake Forest,
I started running around
with kind of a bad crew.
To the badass paramedics
of House 51 everywhere.
Aired 9 years ago - Dec 01, 2015
Boden believes Maddox is behind Serena's accusations. Severide reaches out to Jamie, who's Maddox's lawyer, in an attempt to help. Patterson questions whether Boden can remain chief. Brett and Chili suspect that a man passed out in a garden is connected to a previous call. Otis has problems with his social calendar.
¶ ¶
[sirens wailing]
¶ ¶
[dramatic music]
- Well, I didn't know
what it was.
¶ ¶
Did you think it was,
like, R2-D2 or something?
- The aggravated battery charges
pending against you?
- Doesn't matter.
If you don't clear them up
¶ ¶
- Because now she's MIA.
- That's your lawyer friend
who went to go work for Maddox?
- I got food for the big boy.
but he's making himself a little
too at home around here.
- So why do you stay?
- The money.
- One more time.
¶ ¶
- Uh.
[dramatic music]
- gonna call him?
- You don't own the thing,
I supposed it was empty
when you found it.
something was going on
with you.
Oh, you're really gonna
fight me on this?
You should see her up there
in her corner office.
- What is it?
[dramatic tones]
- I'm sorry, Mr. Maddox.
¶ ¶
I'm taking a hard look
at the person
¶ ¶
He probably felt his blood sugar
getting low, and he pulled over.
if you need to step away
from your duties for a while,
¶ ¶
She looks up at the ceiling.
- Over here.
- Nope, he's right there.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
stop moving!
[cheers and applause]
- Where is it?
but Jeremy
stayed behind in Denver.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 24, 2015
Boden suspects his neighbor is setting him up; Severide, who's still on probation, receives a surprise visit from his father and also learns something about Patterson that could be a game changer. Romance blossoms at a fire department gala.
That guy's the Cal Ripken of the CFD.
Cruz, let's score this.
- Define traffic control.
- I'm sorry, Lieutenant.
Or does it extend to all CFD events?
Hey, there he is. I'm glad you came.
Serena Holmes was my
neighbor, nothing more.
instead of 3-5 years, you're looking at 30.
It took place off shift, at a bar.
Gentleman's request.
That's why.
You cannot be bringing
the streets up in here.
If it had, you'd have heard about it.
Hey, man, just give me a minute, all right,
down at the district... save you gas money.
unholy-alliance theory going.
for the footage from the security cameras.
no psychiatric history...
- Thanks.
- Anytime.
Is this you and Riddle trying to replace
Hey, Boden just rolled up.
He wants to meet with us.
But in my experience,
so if you want to ask her out, go ahead.
The gala... are you going with anyone?
I'll see you there anyway.
When Larson burned up
in the Wood Street fire,
- Be right down.
- Pulse is weak.
- Any day now!
- Ladder's here!
I would love to go with you.
Yo, um... apologies for, you know,
You'll get yourself killed.
so you can get ahead of it.
We're talking about a Deputy District Chief
He set me up. You're the
one that's setting me up.
Look, I appreciate
everything ya'll trying to do.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 17, 2015
Boden's new neighbor asks him for a favor that could have serious repercussions. Severide is upset when he's treated like a candidate by Patterson. Cruz is visited by a gangbanger who knows his brother. The team responds to a call that involves an 18-wheeler; and is thanked with tickets to see Rush.
Copy that!
Okay, watch.
Is that from "Signals?"
My birthday's next month.
The whole year.
to him getting commissioner.
I, uh, uh, I don't know what that means,
- to young beautiful women.
- Okay, okay, okay.
but there was a little
bit of Pitt in there.
Wow. Four tickets...
and, um, I've been in the same position.
Squad will take the SUV driver.
pull him out the window, load and go.
Stay back!
I got you.
Look, I don't know how
many times I have to say it.
into the Milwaukee show
when I met 'em backstage...
and I have been to
Rush, 19 times, mind you,
Stove was not on and she knew it.
made in the moment.
- Okay.
- Dawson and Casey.
in-house dating is something you
have to be very careful about.
Fact is, it's gonna be in your file.
So you got it in the FedEx, whatever?
Grab some food. Meet everybody.
fall back on the fact that
you don't have a choice.
Then honestly tell me, what
are you doing to this house?
Almost everything. Does this hurt?
Did you hurt your arm?
That is a GSW, right?
I know, it was as amazing as it sounds.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 10, 2015
Boden offers to host a wedding at the firehouse after a fire destroys the original location, but it doesn't sit well with Chief Riddle, who also butts heads with Dawson over her ability to perform. Severide fights for his old position. Capt. Patterson finds himself torn between leadership and his colleagues.
confirmed I was on the short
list for Fire Commissioner?
They don't make 'em like that anymore.
She's back! Look! Poom-poom-poom!
Lay on back, lay on back. You're okay.
April, let's draw up a
carboxyhemoglobin and an ABG.
Got it, Chief.
Should I invite Chief Riddle?
So, not a big believer.
is just as important as any other aspect
emotional condition when they
return from medical leave?
- You okay?
- I'm fine.
So how's David doing?
but I know he was just
trying to provoke me.
Okay, the family's pastor can't be there,
Um... okay, people,
let's... let's get to it.
I'm just looking out.
No, he has a pulse, but it's weak.
How do you feel?
You still expect to
release him in the morning?
"With deepest sympathies."
Hey, good to see you.
Anything at all. Wait, I just gotta... oh!
than live on your knees, Connie.
but... she's a mess.
I'm aware of that.
this specific event, this wedding.
at authority and backtalk
their superior officers.
I apologize for that, Chief Riddle.
we got some wingdings,
got some mini-quiches,
And when he does, he'll want to celebrate.
and put the pads on.
having trouble breathing.
Here, this'll give us some extra leverage.
Thank you.
♪ I try to forget ♪
and undaunted dedication to one another.
Cheers. Keep it up.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 03, 2015
The squad members come together to support one of their own. Herrmann tries to figure out how to reopen Molly's after it gets shut down. Severide digs deep into the arson investigation.
- Chief, you don't have to...
- Look.
We'll have to rule her out.
when Dawson comes through
this with flying colors,
do it.
And when you do...
Do you ever just wanna hit something?
Downed power lines. Person trapped.
Everything in there's hot, the whole yard.
We need to rig something up.
Just hold on, Kevin.
All right.
Well, all I got is a time stamp,
Yeah, hold on. You're talking about
The doctor said the
baby never had a chance.
I, uh... think she's still in shock.
- Do you want me to get a nurse?
- No, I just want an update
and call for blood.
I just hated the thought that
a nice girl like Susie would...
Because she was really
worried about this case,
I didn't get rid of those files, Kelly.
I think it's more the power
of a church phone tree.
Eh, you know Dad. This is Chili and Brett.
- Sir.
- Lionel Flowers.
Untreatable Fine V-Fib.
November 3rd.
Molly's officially can't be
torn down or altered in any way.
See you all at the house.
I needed money, Kelly.
Please, Duff.
I, uh...
our friend, Gabi.
I'm sure you have
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 27, 2015
Evidence that seems to exonerate Boden may not be enough. Brett and Chili find themselves in a precarious situation. The team responds to a stuck elevator in a hotel. Jimmy Borrelli's older brother wants him transferred to a different house.
I'm really worried about Crush Syndrome.
- Herrmann, you get the corner.
- Got it.
If there was any other
option, we'd take it.
- Thanks.
- That it?
Thanks for letting me borrow her.
- Strategize.
- Yes.
Some of you.
no one helping you move those cars.
I think we should just be happy
I'm not really a football person.
You never met a camera you
didn't like, huh, Captain?
I'm totally fine.
Hey, Brett.
He is gonna die here, and you know it.
If he's not setting the fires himself,
try building a case against this guy.
Well, what's his name?
You know, that duty nurse...
Lucky you, let's go.
for a couple of hours. No luck.
Hello, anybody hear me?
Otis, let them down nice and slow.
Stand here.
That's it. You're doing great.
- I got her.
- All right.
Nice work, Lieutenant.
but he's still so happy.
- Yeah, about that.
- Forget it.
or some psycho with a lighter.
I just want to apologize.
Chief Riddle, how can I...
At least if we were at the
same house, I'd have your back.
real estate developer
Roger Maddox's involvement
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 20, 2015
Boden's job is on the line pending an internal investigation. Severide adjusts to Patterson, his new commanding officer. Dawson shakes things up at the work. Casey searches for important evidence in his investigation of Nesbitt. Herrmann tries to keep the peace with Molly's new neighbors.
I have everything written down.
Hey, anything you need, let me know.
So what's going on?
it is happening.
Got a special delivery for you.
Oh, Chief.
We'll make sure.
Okay. Call it in.
Wait, why isn't he making any noise?
I chose him because I knew
he wouldn't hurt the team.
You know, Chief, I'll take the damn course,
Nesbitt walked.
Your brother was just here.
Sorry, what... what did
you... what did you wanna say?
Both sides.
It didn't even break the glass.
Sit tight.
Truck 81, Squad 3?
I need Engine and Truck
outside that house, right now.
Hey! Open up!
You've got no right to come into my home.
The roof is going.
By not handling it.
Nah, I appreciate the invite,
What is this?
It's an awkward situation for all of us.
Whoa. Whoa.
- Welcome to Chicago.
- Thank you.
- but do you, maybe...
- No, no.
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 13, 2015
Casey is placed in a dangerous situation while working undercover to bring down a trafficking ring being run out of Nesbitt's club. The squad's high turnover rate results in an unwelcome surprise for Severide. Dawson recognizes that her life is
about to change. A new candidate makes an unusual first impression. Residents band together to protest a drug den in their neighborhood.
I have everything written down.
Hey, anything you need, let me know.
- Yeah.
- Good to see you.
I disagree with this, but...
just like the rest of you, to work.
Did you guys hear about Severide?
What the hell's going on?
Oh, Chief.
We'll make sure.
Let's deliver here.
Chili, what's happening?
like he was supposed to
play piano or something.
for the feds.
Dig in, guys.
I'm here to register for the... the...
I threw an 1,100-page
brief at an office window.
Ah, it's your favorite
kind of fire, Dawson.
- Which one of these is yours?
- I'm not telling you.
by any means necessary.
Fire Department.
Listen, you're very close
to an out-of-control fire.
Don't bother.
Here it is.
He's handling it in his typical way.
Hell of a call. Nice work, gentlemen.
Come on, Danny, let's give
the Chief his office back.
Better than I probably would.
You gotta tell him to stay out of it.
Where you from?
Usually people are pretty good about it.
to Firehouse 51.