Aired 14 years ago - May 20, 2010
Cristina and Meredith's surgical skills are put to the ultimate test.
(crying) hold on, okay?
Hold on. I love you.
April, come on. We're taking
derek wn to the o.R.
Your hands
killed my alison.
There are only children here.
Press them to the wound and...
There are only children here.
There are only children here. There
are only children here. (ruby whimpers)
Yeah, and when-
when she smiles at you,
Does the name gary clark
mean anything to you?
Good. 'cause that would be
the worst breakup ever.
he's down here.
It's half instinct
and half improv,
This floor is clear.
I'm gonna need to
move you over to holding.
Stop crying.
Give me some suction. No, no,
no, no, no. (suction gurgling)
We're gonna get him
on the elevator,
The elevators aren't working!
You have a plan,
right, dr. B.?
We can't get to the o.R.
Am I dying now?
You are not alone.
(voice breaking) no.
(monitor beeping rhythmically)
I'm the closest thing he has
to a daughter.
Dr. Grey, is owen dead?!
Can you do something
for me?
You tell her
I was a hot, hot catch,
I won'forget.
You're gonna be fine.
That's what I've been try.
Come on. Are you gonna
help me or not? Let's go.
I've been looking for you.
I bought a whole bunch of it
You want some?
You sure
you don't want a drink?
You shoot me,
s.W.A.T.'s gonna get you.
I've gone to hell and back.
Aired 14 years ago - May 20, 2010
Seattle Grace Hospital is hit with a crisis like no other in its' history.
Uh, ruby kendall, age 9.
And you could be nicer to me,
'cause he peed his pants,
(sighs) honey,
are you hearing this?
(laughs) okay, we're gonna get
some blood and urine.
(elevator bell dings)
Call the o.R. Tell them
we're on our way.
(man) watch out.
(man) coming through.
Sir, you know, I have a patient
having seizures in there.
I would love to have something
jammed I brain.
Dr. Altman, mr. Linehan
has hemolytic anemia
⪠it pulled us in âª
You don't get
how m-how much blood-
I can't seem to rember
how to get there.
You, too.
But what if you get shot or-or-
I'll be right back. I'm the chief.
Oh, come on. Well, it's a joke,
right? It's a drill or something?
Bill hasn't come back
with my pizza yet,
I don't want you to say a word.
When the patient is stable...
Won't make it as a surgeon
So I'll tell him
later tonight or something.
To do the auditory
evoked potentials.
Come on! Come on!
(elevator bell dings)
A shooter took down
one of the doctors.
(grunts and gasps)
I, um, I-I can't.
It's just...
That's the fifth time
you've checked your pager.
(man) sir!
Oh, no, no. No.
(gun cocks)
Oh, my god.
With a very attractive bear
from down the hall. (girl) cool.
But that's the biggest load of you know what
I've ever heard. I have spent the last month
He shot me. I'm shot.
You are going to be okay.
And look and see if there's
anybody out there
Where-where is that
water coming from?
In the hospital. We're supposed to stay here
- there's a what?
When are you gonna forgive me
After you stink up this place
with your vomit.
(lowered voice) meredith,
the guy with the gun
You hurt me when you decided
to kill my wife.
I will be right back.
(breathing heavily)
Okay, yeah.
Aired 14 years ago - May 13, 2010
An elderly patient admitted into the E.R. for a heart condition sees a familiar face, a long lost love who happens to be in the E.R. as well for a fractured arm, and the staff find themselves caught up in their love story. Meanwhile, Karev treats a
troubled teenage patient (guest star Demi Lovato) whose parents brought her in for schizophrenia, and Meredith can't help but tell Cristina about her suspicions of Owen -- which inevitably messes with Cristina's head.
okay? And a lady
does not show her drawers
My post-op
dissection repair coded.
Between owen and teddy.
oh. Hey, I gotta run.
well, love you, too,
darling. Bye-bye.
You have what's called
sick sinus syndrome.
Oh, she died...
Ten years ago this August.
You don't believe me.
Nobody does.
Hayley is schizophrenic.
She was diagnosed months ago.
And she was pinned under it
while it burned.
Y- you're bummed out about
getting a couple of x-rays?
And I went outside
to look at the stars,
The friendship
was ruined anyway.
nearly 50 years later,
and still all of those feelings.
So I'm leaning toward crazy,
Four hours. Go dig.
What this is.
So I can talk to you about you? I'll
talk to you when you actually talk.
It's like
the computer froze.
Hirring continues)
(voice breaking) no.
Take care.
That's how we get through.
We stay positive.
And I think altman
is a good judge of character.
Come live with me.
I got over you.
Do you think your mom
ever got over the chief?
And I told you
what I said this morning
I'm saying, when he threw her
under the bus,
But then a patient gets asked
to move across the country
Once it has a chance to heal.
because I do.
But I can't tell you that
See what a freakin'
pretty woman you are then."
Look, you don't want
50 years to go by
Oh, nothing.
Nothing is-god.
With men being blown apart
in front of me, with beth.
he was talking to me,
You can't do that again.
I'm good.
She doesn't schedule me
for work on Tuesday mornings
Exhausting, stressful,
time-consuming divorce.
Aired 14 years ago - May 06, 2010
Bailey preps the team with mandatory sensitivity training prior to admitting a 700-pound patient with compounded medical issues, and the case proves to be challenging in every sense of the word. Meanwhile Derek has to come face to face with a former
patient's husband in a wrongful death deposition, and spending time with a heart patient's daughter opens up some old wounds for Cristina.
No... just the elephant.
All right, both of you. I've
got a consult in the pit.
And now you show up, which
means I owe her 20 bucks.
- you're having a heart attack right now.
- Oh, my God.
Okay. Don't worry.
If we can't get an image, then we'll
go with clinical labs and tests.
He tried to find work for two years.
They have no case. Gary Clark is grieving.
Thank you.
- in case he goes south.
- What is the surgical risk calculation
Derek, he's me,
a professional recommendation
about a fell attending,
You know, they can still
do it the regular way.
Okay, well, she's gotta be on top.
while you dance around with her, you know?
Oh, hey, peanut.
You wanted me to sign discharge papers?
- that he couldn't get out of the house?
- What?
you just want to sit on the couch and die.
Karev, Percy, retracting the abdomen.
I never declared her brain dead.
With respect, Dr. Shepherd, please
stop trying to give them one.
Bailey, Webber, scrub in... fast.
You did everything you could.
I'm on drugs.
Cristina is still my best friend.
I'm just keeping you
here till Clark is gone.
What happened?
for post-op infections,
Aired 14 years ago - Apr 29, 2010
Sloan returns to Mark's apartment, just as she's going into labor, and Teddy, Mark and the still-fighting Callie and Arizona are there to help with the birth and to get Mark through his grandson's pending adoption. Meanwhile Teddy sees Derek's
invitation to illustrious cardiothoracic surgeon Tom Evans' as a threat to her future employment at the hospital, and the team work on a crab boat captain who has been stabbed with a giant shark hook.
You'll meet anywhere.
Quite a recommendation. Are you
scrubbing in with me today?
That dr. Altman doesn't have
a permanent contract.
What is it?
Consider me? For--for my job?
I had to run a search.
Did you buy all this
for the baby?
No, no.
I'll take care of it.
Big hook!
Who the hell's fault is it?
(grunts) I don't--
I don't feel so good.
You want to hold him?
Learn to fish yourself.
30% attempted murder.
People change their minds.
This baby needs parents,
not an 18-year-old child
How's he doing?
His temp's high.
I-I can't figure out why.
That baby's parents...
Or--or overwhelmed by
heartfelt pleas from her dad,
No, I-I don't know
how to do this. I don't--
It looks like he doesn't
have to lose any lung.
Snagged an artery--
I'm sorry. I'm--I'm sorry.
Oh, would you like me
to cut the last suture?
I gotta have 'em all.
I don't make the rules. I'm just
telling you, it's a thing.
I don't know either.
There's a large hemothorax
where we took the hook out.
All right. Well, then we're
gonna have to go back in.
I don't know,
encyclopedia brown.
And on top of it,
you're a good doctor.
We need to start
to imipenem, stat,
Why? You don't need evans.
You got teddy.
And tell 'em
to come take my kid?
You think that helps me
save the patient?
Unimaginable pain
She's on her way.
She misses you.
But if that is your decision,
if that's what you want,
That I think, uh...
She's a fine surgeon.
And it's okay to rub it in
a little bit.
What are you doing
with the shades?
Aired 14 years ago - Apr 01, 2010
When Alex's younger brother, Aaron, shows up at Seattle Grace-Mercy West with a hernia, it's up to Alex to get Bailey's approval for his pro bono surgery. Matters are further complicated when Aaron discloses that his family has not heard from Alex
since he arrived in Seattle, and parts of Alex's past long kept secret are revealed to his friends and fellow doctors.
You had sex?
that was the most boring conversation
I've ever been a part of.
Thank you.
- Why can't you?
- Fair enough.
I told those guys I was gonna be fine.
So, what'd you find out at the scene?
- Dr. Kepner, are we boring you?
- No. sir
which is why I'm
spending it with my child.
for the next...week if you want.
I need to be more manly about all this.
and she was...I guess she was
doing her best, but my dad, he...
- Dude, are you talking crap in here?
- No.
we're gonna buy a house,
have a kid, and settle down.
What...Dr. Webber,
what's happening to her?
Teddy, I'm looking at a devastator.
Okay, we're done here.
No one's family came.
Last-minute switcheroo and all that.
I never...I didn't even touch the bullet, I swear.
I don't know what happened.
I don't need your crap!
I mean, people wake up
from comas all the time.
specifically requested
no mechanical ventilation.
Who's in charge here?
I'm not easily
impressed, but I'm impressed.
but do you not care?
I can't see past the clots. Avery?
That was, um, that was our fault in there..
if you give him time, which you
should, because he is in love with you.
They never sleep.
the irrational, unbridled, joy...
I don't care about that.
take all the time you need
to call your family...
He's my sister's husband.
I am this close to being a real surgeon.
in order to do that, we had to
You're gonna be back
on the beat in no time.
Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
So you'd be good.
And I...I can't talk about lotion
or pound cake or anything else,
Aired 14 years ago - Mar 25, 2010
When Teddy's patient seeks to end treatment and her life, she turns to Hunt for help. The situation triggers Hunt's memories of his life at war and his past relationship with Teddy. Meanwhile, Callie and Arizona have a difference in opinion on what their future holds, and Richard tries to adjust to his role as a surgeon.
We are there, sean.
She's had it off and on
for about six months.
Man, i'd love to hit that.
You're her doctor. You shouldn't
be pushing her to do that.
on your four!
Me and the guys
are running with the bulls
No, i'm fine.
You hate helicopters.
Uh, dr. Altman
said you requested
Then maybe you don't
really want--
I don't need wine.
I want the wine.
In a wine glass,
not a plastic cup.
Deep bredeep breaths.
And then you move on
to the stalk--
Anything, sergeant?
No, sir.
P.F.T.S can give you
false positives,
We gotta be.
I sell insurance.
Can i scrub in at least?
You're on nelson's service.
Ugh. My lunch
is making me s,
What is your problem?
You missed it.
We've put you
in a twilight state,
You're gonna
go into that surgery,
it's not about the arm.
You should go home.
Here we go.
But i can't ruin it.
We're a team, you know?
But it just
makes me feel alone.
Just for a moment...
When i really wanted to go
wine tasting in napa.
The adrenaline.
living is better
than dying...
I'm in whoville.
This thing i have to tell you
isn't bad.
I helped my patient
die today.
Aired 15 years ago - Mar 11, 2010
A patient who needs an extremely difficult surgery comes to Seattle Grace, and it's Richard and Owen who vie for the opportunity to tackle it. But the decision lies in the hands of Derek, who deems that Owen should take on the surgery, leaving
Richard bitter. Meanwhile, Bailey deals with her own personal struggles when she nervously prepares for another date with Ben.
Work on it together.
Well, the harper avery
is an individual award.
You're adorable
when you're slow.
(elevator bell dings)
come on. Now try it.
And now the other one's
crapping out on me.
Like what they use for--
fake boobs.
The tumor has compromised
the organs to the point
But I didn'think you were
the type to go for it.
And I wanted to use the implants
to stabilize his heart.
This might be
the best idea I've ever had.
(elevator bell dings)
So you think about it.
Wow. You ready?
Walk of shame to the car
under cover of darkness.
He needed a painkiller, jim.
I'm telling you, he needed it.
Oh, god.
I was watching him!
I mean... (laughs)
well, I, you know, I...
(elevator bell dings)
Ooh, that's good.
And then she said no again,
(speaking indistinctly)
Come up with something.
(owen chuckles)
But I don't think you play
around with something like that.
We were--I-I hugged him.
I keep my surgical field
the way god made it. Okay?
(voice breaking) what if
I'm not cut out for this?
They won't hear a word.
derek's waiting for us.
You want to go in
through the chest?
Richard, uh...
No, but it would be nice
if we didn't let him die.
I feel the same way.
Is that a plan?
I wish that I could be
more specific, but, uh...
They're trying to offer you
a life--a whole, long life.
He can't foresee
what he'll find in surgery.
I hugged himdo I not hug him?
Do we not wrestle?
You should bring 'em.
Always bring 'em.
You want me to scrub in?
I need webber.
Where's webber?
It was about her, not you.
Let's take the liver out.
After I stormed out? How did
he seem? Did he seem upset or...
It's exactly what
my grandfather had in mind
I was... (exhales)
she's my friend,
Leave this
to the bioengineers.
When I--when I married
an intern in vegas,
Yeah, but his parents? They're--
they're--they're a hot mess.
I'm not taking you
to dinner.
⪠...Home âª
So whatever expectations
Aired 15 years ago - Mar 04, 2010
When famous surgeon Dr. Harper Avery is rushed to Seattle Grace-Mercy West, the staff is surprised to discover that one of their own is related to this legend, and his unorthodox request for his surgery causes tensions t between Derek and Richard.
Meanwhile Callie and Arizona try to help Teddy and Sloan move on from their pasts and find greener pastures.
But ever since christmas,
with the guitar and the singing
Elliot meyer.
He needs a lung transplant.
For keeping me from my surgery.
It could be ascending cholangitis.
I just need to operate on
my motorcycle daredevil guy,
which is why She won't learn sign
language or get a hearing aid.
Are you the same shepherd Who did
the clinical trial on the gliomas?
unfortunately, he is, uh,
he is not available today.
I'm sorry, dr. Webber.
A condition that he
developed as a side effect
That are lower risk.
Yes, I-I humiliated myself
in front of harper avery.
In the first place--
Still no call from little sloan.
You don't sleep with
another man's girl.
I can fix it. I'm that good.
Did you check the s.M.A.
? Yes, it's okay. Dr. Avery, stay calm.
Don't you dare sleep
with that woman. No?
With, uh, c-o-2 and
nitrogen from the pump.
Uh, I gotta go. All right, yeah.
Why is that such a bad thing?
Your affairs are not in order.
Don't you dare say that.
Or the best thing
that happened to you.
I hate it.
At the greatest hospital
in this country,
Look, it could've been my
mistake in there, derek.
And suddenly, you're
supposed to just move on,
I'm moving out, mom.
By suggesting a
highly experimental,
I, um, wanted to introduce
you to some friends
Aired 15 years ago - Feb 18, 2010
In his new role as Chief, Derek restores the hospital lecture series, and Richard, Bailey and Callie present to the group pivotal surgical cases from their pasts Bailey reflects on her first days as a shy resident, Callie looks back on a polio case,
and Richard recalls a case in which he and Ellis worked on a patient diagnosed with GRID, a virus later called AIDS.
Would you recommend we do it open
or laparoscopically?
Boy, your parents wanted you
to work for it, huh?
Here's a news flash, overly enthusiastic
intern guy, l don't have to do anything.
You learn from everything
in your residency.
l was checking his wound when he
went into SVT with respiratory distress.
The biggest influences in your life
are sitting next to you right now.
instead of better. You people
better figure out why, and fast.
- Patient history.
- Thank you! Catch!
Dr. Baylow, your intern
is doing a hell of a job.
- Dr. Grey and l did mountains of scut.
- Mm-hm.
We hadn't seen a case
in Washington State. Ever.
Successes or failures,
which teaches you more?
[Richard] l'm glad you decided to come
to Seattle Grace.
The whole lower right quadrant
looks good.
[whispers] You were there. Help her.
- You're on.
- [girl] Mommy! Mommy, look!
Well, yeah, months of severe
untreated pain can be... depressing.
Well, l suppose we'd handle it
the same way as with a kid, right?
and your guy's bleeding out. What are
you gonna do? Are you gonna just quit?
- [bartender] l really don't know.
- [sobbing] l'm a minnow.
[young Richard] l'm afraid
you're stuck with us.
l used to be scared that people
would find out that l was gay, and...
for being scared when l'm
the one that's been living a lie?
...eventually, we were ready.
[Callie] OK.
requires the exchanges of bodily fluids.
But back then, we had no idea.
Don't touch her.
Just because she's had
previous surgeries
l, too, am at fault for not looking
at the whole person.
l mean, after the final surgery,
we were just...
- Sorry.
- lt's my job.
Well, um, l won't speak for her.
You took the physician's oath.
...with conscience and dignity.
Aired 15 years ago - Feb 11, 2010
It's Valentine's Day, and the doctors must treat dozens of injured people after the roof collapses at a popular romantic restaurant; Derek tries to manage his busy schedule as Chief of Surgery; Meredith wrestles with her new duties as the Chief's wife; and Mark and Callie team up to convince Sloan to do the right thing for her baby.
Shut up!
Restaurant roof collapse. Ooh.
His doctors will let us know more soon.
All right? Let's book an o.R. Chief.
I'm not his flunky.
Come on. I have a second.
I-I don't like people staring at me.
A 3-0 silk tie, please.
If you want your official form,
it is, sloan.
She must be one hell of a tipper.
It's my dad's. He has my dad's nose.
He decided that we were
going to start a family
Except that my family
treated me like I'm pretty.
He flew you to l.A. He deserves to know.
And I know I-I don't have
the best track record,
He's still asleep,
She's gonna wake him up.
Oh. What did she say?
What? There's too much
Has that ever been done before,
above the elbow?
You going into surgery now?
You remember when I tried
to wax myself-- okay,
He won't be dancing anytime soon.
Oh, he's gonna lose this spleen.
Okay, lap pads.
You are? You want to be
an executive assistant?
Actually, we could.
And look at him now.
But then I met bob,
I made a choice.
Push another atropine. Damn it.
How many stars you think you possess?
Yang is still here. Can she do it?
Might owe you a lot of money.
Aired 15 years ago - Feb 04, 2010
As Derek begins his role as interim chief, he faces a potential lawsuit when Bailey and Meredith's patient awakens from anesthesia mid-surgery. Meanwhile, Teddy refuses to place Cristina on her service, as Arizona tests Alex out in Pediatrics, and Mark refuses to speak to a heartbroken Lexie.
I want you to work with me today so I
can see if she's right. What did she say?
Really mature, mark.
Pendii need some time to think.
Which means she won't
remember to sue us? Exactly.
I couldn't move. I was
awake and couldn't move,
Like, right after breakfast.
(man) which, I might point out,
Um, leslie, hi.
Grey, redress the wound, okay?
Don't touch me!
No, he's not being fair. Hey,
seriously. Go easy on the cast padding.
He presented with severe
but intermittent abdominal pain,
But I think
that's what she's do-
Look, you are not my boss
and you are not my chief.
The type she has means
She won't let me touch her.
Mark sucks.
And it's hot-
(sobs) please
don't cry on my ass.
He's got nervous stomach
and crappy grades. That's it.
If he has mesenteric ischemia
and you take him home,
But the dressing I did earlier
is only temporary.
While I was in l.A. Dealing with my sick
daughter? Well, according to meredith,
Oh, you haven't heard
that story? That's a good story.
(sighs) you know...
There isn't anything that says
All right. Well, hurry up
and finish scrubbing in.
What's going on? Sir, you
need to leave right now.
All right. Jump on.
We're moving to the o.R.
� but still I am dancing �
� I am still dancing �
In case you were wondering.
I wasn't.
You know how big a step
that is for me.
(exhales) tough first day.
Everything okay?
Well, his heart symptoms
presented as abdominal pains,
Uh, all due respect,
Then I have to stop drinking
If you want to work in peds,
you can't get emotional.
� wait til you see
my smile �
I don't expect to win
your trust overnight.
(elevator bell dings)
(door closes)
'cause you don't give me
anything. I give you everything.
Aired 15 years ago - Jan 21, 2010
After learning of Richard's drinking problem, Derek confronts him for the sake of his friend and the hospital, Izzie returns, hoping to reconcile with Alex, and tensions run high between Teddy, Cristina and Owen in the aftermath of Cristina's startling confession.
Alex and I, we've done it before.
I was recycling.
are understaffed and the autoclaves
have been breaking down.
I realize now that I was wrong
to blame you for getting fired.
You should be happy
you don't work there anymore.
That way Dr. Grey will be fresh
when she dissects the neck
I've lost my upper register completely.
- What?
- She's an amazing teacher.
And then you're gonna scar.
is a seven-hour procedure
with a 20 percent complication rate.
Heart failure and cancer could also
cause this much fluid to occur.
And he's been gone a long time.
As your superior,
I'm ordering you to take them off!
Because this pain is need
to scratch an itch that I can't scratch!
So I thought I'd join you for lunch.
It's just a job.
It's the thing you come home from,
But it's also possible
they won't have to remove any.
With indescribable rage
and unbearable sadness
You do the right thing,
and sometimes that gets you a medal.
You want me to drink that?
has been researching its applications
as it applies to pleural mesothelioma.
Sloan's OK and the baby's
gonna be OK, too.
- That's amazing!
- No scar.
Loving a man, taking care of him,
doing his shopping, making his meals,
- Go ahead.
- Ten blade.
OK, I'm gonna go get Derek and show
my scans before he calls Tacoma.
- If we're being honest here.
- I didn't know that we are.
She... she is beautiful
and talented and kind of amazing.
Growing up in my family,
that's what they told me.
I left you, like, ten messages.
I won't let you.
Aired 15 years ago - Jan 14, 2010
Mark flies Addison to Seattle to help with a difficult procedure on his pregnant daughter, Sloan, Owen questions Teddy's motives when she assigns Cristina the lead on a complicated surgery, and Derek's suspicions are raised when the Chief recruits Meredith to assist with a high profile operation on.
Nobody forgets it.
Uh, porcine or...
Not anything at all.
So, um, why don't we go
upstairs to--
Got it.
Oh, there's pain
and crepitance in the knee.
Because there's something wrong
with the baby.
How about we don't answer
any patient questions
Look at that. He thinks he's got
an opening behind martin,
Hey, wait. What about you?
Can't you find her someone?
Hi, ruthie.
This is dr. Yang.
(normal voice)
because I think the redhead
The bands will cut off
his circulation.
You told her?
She's my kid.
We were bonding.
There's bound to be
a surgery in there.
I'm messing with him.
Karev knows it, and I know it.
That can't be what you want.
True, but I do have
a patient
Because it turns out I like
sleeping crosswise in the bed
I'm in tip-top shape.
Dr. Webber did your surgery?
You want me to get
someone else?
Let's get an e.K.G.
Just in case.
Give me a break,
because if you are,
it's gross.
Hey, tom kates
is having panic attacks?
Yeah. I don't know why.
He's not talking.
Can I do that?
If you're not comfortable,
we can postpone it.
Oh, come on.
What's the matter?
Shut it down. Now, addison.
That was the chief's mistake.
It's too risky.
She's just a kid.
I should call her.
No, no, no, okay? No.
And when I said you'd be
back in the game next season,
Oh, come on. Two years
into a pro career?
I'm scared of the hits.
Do you know izzie stevens?
How's it going?
Yang's killing her patient,
(beeping continues)
He was the chief of surgery
back then.
Sloan, you coulda died.
Well, I can't have
a gimpy kid.
Passionate people.
After the baby's born,
live with me and lexie.
Not worth what you paid
for it?
Shut up.
Oh, that was
the lamest assist in history.
How am I the bad guy here?
I-I just...
I don't want this.
I think he's scared
to operate.
I was--it was like I had
air in my lungs--
she's leaving... Seattle.
Aired 15 years ago - Nov 19, 2009
As Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's pass, Miranda gets a visit from her father, William who disapproves of her choices in life. Mark and Lexie cope with an arrival of a woman from his past. Thatcher questions the Chief's recent behavior as Meredith comes to his defense.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Wow.
Dr. Altman attached two, um,
devices to her blood vessels.
Yeah, I know.
Nicholas has what is called
an arteriovenous malformation.
So we're just gonna... send him home to die?
eating all that pie in the nurses' station.
Welcome. Happy Thanksgiving.
Who wants wine?
Now just... Just ease up.
Great. Good.
Really tired.
I might die. We all know that.
All right, well, then I'll
admit him and keep transfusing
He got an electric shock
from some Christmas lights.
Shut up. What are you...
And for the first time in my life,
You set your son up to fail.
Her pressure's too low
for general anesthesia.
and if I don't look like I have some sort of life,
and he is an alcoholic.
Surgery with only a local
anesthetic is not ideal.
Hey, don't play the race card with me.
I had to do a laparoscopic bowel repair
And staying in an unhappy marriage...
My child is healthy, and I'm happy.
Here I would advise a one-hand tie.
It's okay.
You said I just had to make it
to New Year's Eve.
There you go.
Happy new year!
I love you. I'm in love with you.
This is not a celebration. Come here.
I'm with you because I love you.
Uh... so how was New Year's Eve at Tucker's?
Aired 15 years ago - Nov 12, 2009
Owen recruits Dr. Teddy Altman, a former Iraqi veteran, as the new cardiothoracic surgeon. Cristina questions her abilities in the E.R. and relationship with Owen. Izzie returns to Seattle Grace with her high school mentor seeking treatment for his dementia. Richard's responsibilities, post-merger, are taking a toll on him.
and he didn't call.
and suddenly, my father died.
The school only let him go six months ago.
I wish Dr. Stevens would give me the details.
I'm sorry. Where were you
before, Dr. Altman?
Ooh, what's happening? What's happening?
I do.
Great, it's all yours.
That's all I know.
none of whom seem to please you
and all of whom you ran off?
but he has a girlfriend,
and I have a girlfriend,
Already there.
Yeah, not that I had any choice.
That makes two of us.
You'll probably never even
make it out of Chehalis.
Before I left, there were
five people to compete with,
so let's not make this accusation lightly.
Hmm. Dr. Shepherd wants to
put in a permanent shunt.
You don't think it's Bailey?
Come on, that was...
one of whom... just happens to be...
I need someone who's gonna
take me to the next level.
You are no longer
a doctor here, Stevens.
Hey, Casey. I'm just gonna take a listen.
Cardiac asthma, Dr. Yang.
And you know that because?
That's why you fired her.
Stable, for now.
I just hope you get a handle on it soon.
And after today, Dr. Yang,
I snuck her into the gallery
so she can watch.
Okay. Here we go. The moment of truth.
Okay, charge to 20.
get you out of that nursing home.
than getting your surgeries
stolen by Mercy West residents.
He's not having an affair.
I just wanted her to stand on her own talent.
I just... I thought that you would call me.
And, um...
Aired 15 years ago - Nov 05, 2009
A generous 25 million donation is offered to Seattle Grace by the parents of Arizonas 10-year-old patient, she finds herself in a conflict of interest when his condition worsens. Cristina tests her boundaries with Owen at the hospital. Alex is left with all of Izzies hospital bills to contend with.
These are the tiny
humans. These are children.
Dr. Yang, why don't you present?
And, Dr. Wallace, can you tell me the proper
dose for this patient if she were 42 kilograms?
Dr. Robbins helps me with my math and
science homework by letting me go on rounds.
You treated their son, right?
and half to the hospital itself.
Cheese omelet, extra butter,
cinnamon toast, crispy bacon.
Bad idea.
Two days post-op. Resilient little guy.
Bad dreams, bad dreams, go away.
Uh, 100 mics of fentanyl, please.
All right, show me.
Magic mushrooms.
So, yeah, you're bummed I miscalculated
'cause it reminds you of your own fallibility.
Eping drives me nuts.
In my opinion, Wallace isn't strong
enough to handle another operation.
So you need to prepare yourselves
if they want surgery for their son,
they'll get surgery for their son,
Want to hear about my childhood?
- Dr. Yang...
- I've done this before.
Out. Out.
Will someone please step on the fluoro?
Waiting for a C.T. surgeon who would've been
able to take a more minimally invasive approach.
I need you to tell me I'm great,
and make me... make me hear it.
- You're not Evan.
- And Chloe... the heart girl?
This surgery... not a good idea.
- You get that, yeah?
- Yeah. Yeah. Fine. Whatever.
You got lucky today, Cristina.
- No.
- What do you mean, no?
that you fell off a roof 'cause you were so
high that you, what, you thought you could fly?
Hey, in retrospect, I realize now, that surprises
parties are hostile and this was a bad idea.
any of it. It just... it
just doesn't feel real.
Are you really so messed up that you
can't let one person be nice to you, ever?
'cause of the whole embolus
thing and you in general...
Aired 15 years ago - Oct 29, 2009
When Isaac has an inoperable tumor wrapped around his spine, he wants Derek to do the impossible. Derek tests the Chief's authority when Richard objects to moving forward with the risky surgery.
Aired 15 years ago - Oct 22, 2009
After a burn victim unexpectedly dies in the midst of a chaotic ER, the Chief and board member Jennings interrogate the residents to find the culprit, as all the Mercy West and Seattle Grace resident defends their actions in an effort to save their jobs.
- Everybody is all right,okay?
- everybody's safe now.Can you say "ahh" for me?
I need both hands on this handle.
Clean that up.
then loose gauze--
loose,not too tight.
and then I joined dr.
Sloan and dr. Robbins.
Thinyou k I can't handle this?
Yeah,no problem.It's
a full house anyway.
Did you ever hear mrs. Becker
say anything about pain?
Holong do I have to work here
before they insert a bug up my ass?
Let's keep the trauma rooms
clear for the burn cases,please.
It's hard to say.The next entry on her chart
was dr. Grey putting in a chest tube,so--
Okay,evan,you're just
gonnatalk to me,all right?
- She--she was a little
distracted,but-- you were distracted?
He's gonna be--
almost had him.
- who was watching that kid?
- That's what I said.
Come here.Hey,can you sit
with him until his dad comes?
Then you find someone who
can and you send them to me.
Um,get me a smaller tube,a 6-0.
it usually just drizzles.
Uh,hit the carotid.Hit the carotid.
I'm asking if you gave
blood today,dr. Karev.
so what was the problem?
After another doctor got there
first.A patient was dying.
Iz... just come home.Come
home and we can talk about it.
what are you--
you're going in blind?
Uh,no,no.This is alex karev.
Everything was failing--
the--the kidys,liver,lungs.
Somebody call it.
What--what did you tell
them?What did you say?
and die from multisystem organ failure.
how did mrs. Becker's throat look?
You're okay.
That has been the system that has been
in place since this merger... your system.
Aired 15 years ago - Oct 15, 2009
The residents of Seattle Grace and Mercy West vie for surgeries and their careers as day one of the hospital merger begins. Meanwhile, Arizona stands by an enraged Callie when her father, Mr. Torres, employs a priest to help convince her to date men, and Izzie experiences the brunt of her new surgical competition.
- At this point, anywhere is good.
- At Mercy West, we do zones.
l have two hospitals to run.
Hey, do you happen to know the key code
to the research library?
And you'd tell me everything.
All about your crazy adventures.
lf he wants to throw away our
relationship after 30 years,
Give him room to be a little shocked.
- [Lexie] Roll him.
- We'll keep the cop.
Come on, l was gesturing!
You ran into the knife!
- l'll just add this to the chart later.
- lf you can find it.
l have the biggest crush in the world on
her and she doesn't even know l'm alive.
These exact words. Don't deviate.
is greater than 50 percent, which
implies both ALL and PLL are disrupted.
lt's not a crime to do to her
what she's doing to you.
and correctly diagnosed carotid
stenosis. Book an OR for the afternoon.
l sprang this on you.
lt's a lot to take in.
- l thought you came here to apologize.
- l can't apologize, Calliope!
And Jesus would be ashamed
of you for judging me!
- This is her open window.
- l don't want her open window.
Good luck finding it.
- And read it.
- She's not a very nice person.
l hurt... The neck...
how they screwed it up.
lzzie, it wasn't personal.
That stuff, it just...
[man] This?
l'm, like, chasing after surgeries
l don't care about.
And l got picked
not because of favoritism,
She's a great doctor. ln fact,
she's the future of medicine.
was about honoring that sacrifice.
My father believes in country
the way that you believe in God.
may have led you to read the labs wrong
or not read them at all.
You promised my nieces
l was getting this kidney.
- And Dr. Karev has questions...
- Alex? Alex said something to you?
You're ready to leap.
Aired 15 years ago - Oct 08, 2009
When Meredith and Lexie's father, Thatcher, returns to the hospital with a failed liver, it's up to Meredith to save his life. Meanwhile, Izzie empathizes with a patient riddled with tumors, as Mark, annoyed with Cristina's competitive zeal, tricks her into assisting on an unusual surgery.
(slurring words) mer-meredith,
oh, I heard you got...
Did you check his I.N.R.?
Okay, hang 50 mics
of octreotide.
You already had a cup, dad.
If you're having symptoms,
write you a prescription.
Than eating pudding
and watching "csi."
I'm ready.
He's in pre-op.
He needs a transplant,
doesn't he?
What--what is the point?
He already fired me once.
What is your problem?
Well, my problem is,
you don't just jump in
(izzie laughs) nice.
You want to die, huh,
over an erection?
We might not even know
if the surgery is an option.
Are you whoring yourself
out for surgeries?
If we could
just to the cancer,
Um, plus, she has a history
of d.V.T.,
She'll understand
if you can't... Perform.
With marion.
So, no, I will not lie,
not for you, not for anyone.
I mean, I'm--I'm telling her,
we're moving back to meredith's.
Three, I can go seven hours
in the o.R.
'cause this merger thing?
It's important to all of us.
And I'm--I would never ask you
to give him anything.
But somehow...
So we're gonna schedule
the surgery for tonight.
You have a disease,
You owe me at least that.
Thank you, dr. Sloan.
Yeah, putting a bicycle pump
in some old man's junk...
But this is my wife
that you're cutting into.
I was wrong to put you
on this case.
Well, well, well.
Aired 15 years ago - Oct 01, 2009
Several weeks after her near-death experience, a recovering Izzie returns to work. Meanwhile, nervous that there will be layoffs in the hospital in the wake of an announcement from the Chief, the Seattle Grace residents compete to survive the cuts,
including Cristina, who attempts to work alongside Arizona in pediatrics. And Bailey and Alex's patient's already complex case is further complicated by her schizophrenic son.
Sleep is for wimps.
Sleep is for Mercy West residents.
She can't handle it. Just don't stare.
When Jennings came to me,
you were done. Out of loyalty to you...
Aliens have impregnated my mother.
- You know, you don't look ready.
- No, I'm ready.
What kind of fruit do we need?
Tom, what kind of fruit?
- If that's a triple-A, I want in.
- I can do the wrist.
- How'd she do last night, she sleep?
- [Woman] She did. I didn't.
I wanna know how a paranoid patient
got out of the ER. Where were you?
- It's only a little after nine.
- It's 10:15.
extracorporeal shockwave therapy today
to break up stones in his ureter
Yeah. Dr. Yang will get you something.
is that her mentally ill son
is loose in the hospital!
You're already amazing.
I'm just starting out!
I can't leave Tom.
He's injured, he's upset,
He likes shopping, but they can't
take him to the place on Lee Road
She doesn't have to. She's Cristina.
- I'm on post-ops and she's babysitting.
- I can't stand it any longer.
Plus, you're really pretty.
[Mumbles] If I am? There can be no "if".
I have to be on the "stays" list.
because when I went in to take the baby,
I pulled the arm...
That's not supposed to be there. But...
- Oh, my God.
- No more fighting in my OR.
No, I'm not letting you cut me open.
she will die and you will be alone.
It's not a good idea
to piss off your attending.
Apples, pears, strawberries.
HR is sending an e-mail to
the first round of people to be let go.
- I knew none of us would get cut.
- Yet.
- I didn't, but she did.
- What? How?
- OK. Let's go home.
- I can't. I just got kicked off Peds.
Am I your girlfriend?
Aired 15 years ago - Sep 24, 2009
Everyone is struggling after losing one of their own and are turning to any distraction they can find. Meredith and Derek seem to be consummating their marriage anywhere and everywhere, while Cristina and Owen have been instructed to abstain from sex by Dr. Wyatt.
Walk away, Karev.
- Withholding sex?
- Why would Derek withhold sex?
My first day at Mercy West.
I wanna look nice, you know,
- about Seattle Grace than...
- [horn honks, tires screech]
- Yeah. You could need surgery.
- It's a sprain, Torres. [groans]
You like working
in this place, Dr., um... McKee?
So I'm asking you... to wait.
I can hit the call button and have
the nurses take you into surgery.
We don't sleep anymore.
And Dr. Robbins said that what she needs
you to give us is a 3D MRI of his spine.
It's expensive!
There was no indication!
- It's driving me nuts.
- So take a break. I miss you.
I just want to be a person
who isn't wishing for a brain tumor.
Are you really gay?
The first thing he used to look at
when I walked in anywhere
I'm the one who's got your back.
- Did the chief deny that request?
- Several times.
but now... I get it.
Your protocol is working
very effectively.
We wait.
We hope it doesn't start to grow again.
You should make the cut.
- You have to get her admitted to Psych.
- Committed?
Every day, all day.
Just go do something with your life.
'Cause if I see you sitting
on this bench ever again,
- Well, it's... pretty dark.
- Come on. I'm dark?
I was...
[Mark] It isn't just death
we have to grieve.
I can't... If you won't...
somehow, impossibly,
you won't feel this way.
I just have to stop caring so much.
Aired 15 years ago - Sep 24, 2009
The hospital staff is left to deal with the aftermath of George's passing. Hitting the staff hard, they all find unique ways to get through the various stages of grief. George's mom returns, faced with the difficult task of deciding what to do with his organs.
You know,in my hand. He wrote "007."
There are lives on the line.
Oh,my god,jojo. That was so gross.
She lives with her mum in london. I
have her backpack in my car.
I know.
How's his neuro exam?
Did torres decide about o'malley?
So yes,i am ordering u to be her
friend,'cause i'm sure as hell not gonna do it.
Oh,the rules are stupid.
- Now i'm gonna ask you one more time.
- No.
They're about to put him in the ground,and
the priest is doing classic rock lyrics.
I am buying you time.
I just... i... i
abandoned him completely.
You are gonna come back in 12
days for another round of i.L.-2,
And believe me,your
mom,she's gonna want to know.
I'm sorry. I assumed you'd heard.
- Oh,well,sir,i only thought that-
I don't want to hear it,dr. Robbins.
He... he was very fast on his feet,and he could
think and act simultaneously under intense pressure.
Clara,i know that it doesn't feel like
it,but it is a miracle that you lived.
The dictionary defines grief as,"keen mental suffering or distress "over affliction or loss.
But it seems to have formed an abscess,which means you need surgery right away.
- We could maybe,just possibly-
- Chief,this kid's been in the e.R.Four times in the last three weeks
I'm not looking forward to the hurling that's about to happen,but i feel okay. I feel good.
Ooh,i don't know,sir. This lac looks pretty deep.
Which is when he enlisted,at the age of-
So... i'm asking you to wait.
And i don't know what else to do,'cause i feel like a terrible mother.
The post-It,that's for real?
"I miss george. " Nice.
Did the chief deny that request?
I haven't cried yet.
Day 37
I'm still living with cancer.
I... i don't know how.
I wasn't trying to hurt you.
It isn't just death we have to grieve.
'Cause i can't keep fe-
Feeling like this,n-Not at work.