S9 E20
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 9  "The Missionary Position"  9x20

Aired 12 years ago - Apr 10, 2012

Following the murder of a Marine, Tony and Ziva join Ziva’s longtime friend and mentor in Columbia in a search for a missing Marine Lieutenant and Navy Chaplain. Meanwhile, Jimmy Palmer decides who will be his best man.

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Recap of NCIS Season 9 Episode 20 (S09E20) - 2
The diner, the office, anywhere easier.
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Dropped from a great height.
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But we're glad to have you onboard.
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About a month ago, she left on a relief mission to South America.
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But take my advice: mentors make terrible wingmen.
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I saw them lodged in his throat.
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is a bunch of free corn nuts and an Xbox marathon.
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a single-engine Cessna registered to Alfred Holbrook,
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Drunk driver T-boned me, and here I am.
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She and the group were headed there.
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There's a phone call for you in MTAC.
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Exactly why are you down in Colombia, Monique?
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Yes, fortunately, my Interpol clearance
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Wade's merely a chaplain, not Navy Intelligence.
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I speak fluent Spanish,
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It's just...
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I'm sorry, really, I-- it's-- I can't help myself, it's just
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Señor, no, no, no, no.
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NCIS Special Agent Tony DiNozzo.
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What else do you love, Agent DiNozzo?
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They don't want anybody knowing about the shipments.
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She was fearless and strong,
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Don't make me sound so noble, Ziva.
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I knew this was a mistake.
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...you can carry a gun if you want.
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'Cause if you keep piling it on,
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Could have made a mistake.
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Marines-- we have our fingers in a lot of pots.
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All right, just one second.
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Right. So, I found the cartel connection
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I'm involved with something I cannot get out of.
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and accept this is a case you may not solve.
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Blood means DNA.
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You want me to guess?
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Who better than a clergywoman to create one?
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The happy couple is leaving so soon?
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Elvis was in the building.
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Yo no pudiera ser esto sin ella.