Aired 19 years ago - May 24, 2005
A group of serial terrorists seek revenge and send Ari (guest star Rudolf Martin) on an assignment to kill Gibbs. The NCIS team goes on a hunt after him, but when they discover that Ari has a bigger plan, it is already too late... the NCIS team will have to face the death of one of their team members...
Virginia State Police just got a 911 call, Gibbs.
Almost getting blown up tends to do that to me,
I'm not going to pass out.
He's supposed to make that noise.
Yep, but these don't.
We'll, uh, still need a copy of the dispatch tape.
What was he working on there?
I'm not suggesting anything, sir.
Ari Haswari is back in country.
Don't you agree, Special Agent Gibbs?
You be a good NCIS agent, I may even tell you where.
It means I'm doing my job.
Make the ringer thing work.
And I will accept it, after you've completes your current case.
I'm not going to let that psycho within five miles of Gibbs.
Oh, what was it about?
Reconnaissance, nuclear and biological agent testing, uh, ground attack.
And I'll bet Lieutenant Westfall's is missing.
I had a weird dream about Tony last night.
Where's Ari?
I've got two NSA satellites in range for the next five minutes, Gunny.
I had no idea you made so much of a...
Tony, I doubt that a drone, even one packed with explosives,
The, uh, drone is on one of three radio frequencies.
Aired 19 years ago - May 10, 2005
When Tony opens a mysterious letter thinking it's for him, a small puff of white powder comes out and it releases a possible deadly virus. Kate calls for help and soon she and Tony are isolated in a bio-hazard isolation room for precausion. McGee
and Gibbs work to discover who sent the envelope and how to cure their friends before its too late for them. Meanwhile, Tony's health gets worse...
at Bridgeport, New Jersey.
Until your blood test clears you, I cannot permit you to leave this room.
At least overnight.
You can't think logically with Abby.
It's not the Four Seasons, but let's hope you're not here long.
Thank you, Nurse Emma.
Ah, beautiful calligraphy.
"since the powder dispersed "by opening this envelope
Y. Pestis needs a host or moisture for it to survive more than a few hours.
Remember, McGee?
How long until it kills?
I feel a movie coming on.
I cannot believe that Gibbs broke protocol!
It's a rape case.
Four years ago, Cassie was Pacci's probie.
She's working a drug sting.
It's a Y. pestis microbe from the powder in the letter.
Oh, yeah, that's good thinking, Abbs.
This is one smart bitch.
Coeds love a... mature man who can bong a beer in under six seconds.
Oh, Kate, I'm sorry.
My notes are in my training file.
Hanna's CEO of Lowell Pharmaceuticals.
Tony doesn't have days.
Now, you admit that a midshipman raped my daughter and this will all be over.
You won't get that antidote until that midshipman...
...played by Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan.
Sarah, this is Special Agent Gibbs.
Aired 19 years ago - May 03, 2005
A young Marine is killed in Iraq, but he was investigated by police for a murder on a young girl in his hometown. While going through his personal belongings, they find the body of that girl. The local police believes that the corpsman murdered the
girl, but Gibbs believes that he is innocent and he will try to prove it with a help of Faith Coleman (guest star Alicia Coppola).
Aired 19 years ago - Apr 26, 2005
After a marine is murdered in the school campus the team discovers a possible suspect for his murder, but they are soon leaded back to zero point when they find the suspect murdered. Tim & Abby discover a trace to a ""Red Cell"" in the e-mails and the team believes that maybe the marine was involved in a serious game...
Do we, Sergeant?
But back then, they made us wear them on our heads.
Broken bones, alcohol poisoning.
Since he enrolled last year.
He lost five Marines in his squad in Iraq.
Yes, bruises round the eyes, knuckles grazed...
but what captured my attention most were these.
Call me when you find out.
Oh, so glad to see you two don't need adult supervision.
Um, I didn't go to MIT, but I think I found something.
Sometimes I feel like I'm a kindergarten teacher.
Who else was Turner tight with?
Blake'll know. They're the only two enlisted men in the unit.
-That was nice.
-But they don't pay us to be nice, McGee.
What else do we know?
...that he started spitting on midshipmen.
-And Sergeant Turner dropped him.
Gotta move on, DiNozzo. They're over.
That fascist nearly broke my jaw.
You planning on arresting me?
Look beyond the surface.
None of these things are your fault...
Oh, Gibbs, I never knew!
Or they were killed together at the same location, Kate.
It means he's somewhere in the quad right now.
So look for somebody with a laptop or a wireless device.
Shut up, dumbass.
An hour later, they were drinking beer and laughing about it.
Find my hacker yet?
Let's roll.
The signal's getting stronger.
It's Blake.
You think that's really necessary?
I didn't ask McGee.
Well, Kate, in all fairness...
-So he's either a member or he knows a member.
-And they're all midshipmen.
Considering he embarrassed me, almost got me fired and ruined my weekend?
What do you think?
That's why we're here.
Aired 19 years ago - Apr 12, 2005
The team investigates a suicide case, believing that the main reason of her death is a nervous breakdown, but Ducky believes that she was actually murdered. FBI Special Agent Fornell helps them in the investigation. The team discovers that the dead woman was involved in a love triangle and that this may have contributed to her death.
We believe it's been triggered by the death of her fiance in Iraq last month.
It was insensitive and rude.
To ask Petty Officer Smith some questions about monsters.
You just keep talking to me, Jessica.
She should've been observed 24 hours a day, Jethro.
She's ready, Dr. Mallard.
If they want to do it, they find a way.
doesn't exist between NCIS teammates either.
Marine term, probie.
Now why don't I believe that?
What kind of game is that, Captain?
Hanging leaves a telltale "V" mark on the neck here... and here.
I mean, she couldn't have fought off a ten-year-old.
What'd you find out about the FBI investigation into Captain Vetter?
That-that would be a huge relief.
W-We've been having sex for three months now.
Tony, go baby-sit our corpsman in Interrogation.
So, the parts are off the shelf, but the execution is very, very sophisticated.
Well, he died at summer camp, so his mother killed everyone there.
Yeah? Well, you ought to try building a boat with hand tools after a couple shots of Jack.
Catherine Reynolds and Petty Officer Lynn Simons.
Very rare in a man.
We need to talk.
She catch you taking the kickbacks or was she just helping you?
Looks to be around $800,000 in a green duffel bag.
Aired 19 years ago - Mar 29, 2005
A petty officer that just returned to his job is found dead in the backstage of the bikini contest. The team finds out that she possibly had a stalker behind her back...
She's in my car back there.
And the Marine Corps does not do wedgies or noogies or melvins.
Has a phobia.
Well, let's get you out of here, my dear.
Right. So, yesterday, she should have returned home to a stack of mail.
That's your worst nightmare, Tony.
Well, I would surmise it was on the killer's hands.
Never known her to date anyone.
Like I said, great articles.
Down to eight minutes.
You know, from Mr. Kerr's Cupcakes.
Redding's former cell mate saw the murder on the news.
How long were you and Jonathan Redding cell mates?
Ohio State. '89.
Shouldn't have to ever waste time deciding what to do next.
We're a little out of place here, McGee.
He's right over there.
Thanks, Abbs.
Jonathan Redding did not kill Petty Officer Jordan.
Who do you think took the photos?
This guy has the life. He spends all day photographing world hottest women.
I take it this isn't for GSM.
Personally, I find it insulting that magazines publish amateur photos.
A serious hatred of wax.
Well, if nothing going on, why the big secret?
He cheated on me?
and we both decided that we'd end it then.
Aired 19 years ago - Mar 22, 2005
When a sailor officer receives a pair of blue eyeballs, the NCIS team starts investigating the case. Gibbs comes on a trace for a past Navy agent that does illegal work.
Package was addressed to a Petty Officer Second Class Benjamin Horlacher.
That's the Tri-Border Area.
When's the last time you saw Petty Officer Horlacher, ma'am?
So what woman is keeping all of her clothes in your bedroom?
So why are we letting him walk?
Well, Jethro, if you slice into an eye
But you can tell me the rest of the story.
Because I know the answer.
(Kid would have a pretty rough time...)
Has head-slapping been effective for you, Jethro?
Pacci's suspect that we were staking-out last year.
You didn't see anyone else enter or leave?
I'm sure you knew that already.
I want to know everything there is to know about both of them. A-S-A-P.
He lied about paying them a visit over the weekend.
Okay, now that we've learned a little bit about recruiting double agents,
either coerced or abandoned, but nothing can jeopardize the mission.
Good. He could use it.
He's traveled back and forth to Paraguay ten times
There's about four hours of online instruction classes
You think this is a joke, McGee?
I got your e-mail, Special Agent Gibbs.
a pair of female eyeballs in the mail from TBA.
Escopeta expresses his displeasure... colorfully and slips up he uses a name.
It'd be the plumbing.
We're looking for the TAT building right now.
He's not in Paraguay on Southcom business.
Bootlegs, drugs, guns, you name it.
You recognize the girl on the right?
He looked the other way while Purcell was molesting a 14-year-old.
Thank you.
$5 for a DVD?
It's government property issued to me, not for sale.
The lead agent never gives up his line of communication.
There are only two things a Marine can do when he receives a direct order:
Aired 19 years ago - Mar 01, 2005
NCIS starts the investigation after petty officer Manda King is found dead in the bartender's bed. The suspect is the owner of the competing club where Manda's sister sings.
Openings in your nose.
Spoke to Manda King's C.O.
I suppose that knife wasn't your knife?
I am telling the truth.
He sleeps with her, he stabs her, and there's no prints on the knife.
Is that who stabbed my little girl?
I'm sorry.
Yeah. I'm a ping-pong ball.
What I was going to say, Kate, was that if Hitch used a girl
a felony Put your hands up 'cause I'm cold-blooded Boy, who does it belong to?
Who are you?
Twinkle Toes, Candy Pants, stay behind your mommy.
Look, there's always something about every woman
I believe him.
Your sister was restrained and methamphetamine
He said he had connexions with record companies, that he'd make me a star.
You and your friend Bruce might want to leave town tonight.
She's a singer and an actress, boss.
If she did, she'd be in NCIS custody instead of dead.
Well, you got it.
It's supposed to be my day off.
Boss, Hitch has got a very good alibi for last night.
Although, her neck was broken on impact, damaging
Well, it's prohibitively expensive and rarely works.
Tony, there were a dozen in here.
We're going to pay Ian Hitch a visit.
And when they dry, you can just peel 'em off like a sticker.
It's a partial from the right bruise.
I got back Summer Diamond's DNA, and it does not match
Aired 20 years ago - Feb 22, 2005
The team takes on a case of a dead Marine who recorded his death while falling off a cliff. The prime suspects are his wife and his best friend with whom he had a picnic in the camp. Gibbs finds out they had an affair behind the dead man's back and
he tries to persuade each of them to blame each other. Meanwhile, Abby reconstructs the case using her computer skills to handler the Marine's camera...
he would eat the exposed tissue first.
Found the camcorder!
No point, sir.
Yes, it is, Doctor.
Well, excuse me for trying to help junior agents.
And for your information, men and women can just be friends.
But I've asked this guy three times to turn his music down.
Either you leave, or we're going to call the cops.
Or was ambushed.
Assault and battery. He nearly beat a man to death with a pool cue in '93.
What do you mean, brave?
Hold it.
but I, I swear to you, Agent Gibbs...
you have to see this for yourself.
No, I don't.
It-it looks worse than it is.
After a brief demonstration,
So, Mrs. Moore, tell us about your husband.
By "with me," you mean in the same sleeping bag?
Abby inverted the image, and at 0900, you can just make out his shadow underneath the trailer as he's coming back.
Put down your weapon, Runion! You're not getting
out of here alive!
Aired 20 years ago - Feb 15, 2005
Erin Kendall (guest star Danica McKellar) claims to have seen a murder of a sailor in an apartment across from hers. Gibbs assigns the case to McGee who believes that he can resolve it himself. However, due to the lack of physical evidence, McGee turns to the team to help him...
Geez, I'm feelin' old.
Make sure you ask her to show you the video.
I work for DOD. I know military uniforms.
We can let ourselves out.
If there's one thing I've learned from you,
it's that sometimes an agent has to go with their gut.
Gibbs tested me.
Two sailors in the National Capital Region
were reported UA today.
Gosh, I can't tell you how may times
I've thought of doing this.
The missing Mr. Thorne is even more mysterious.
Now, you think I could drive a truck like this?
I was able to extract epithelial cells.
Apparently, dead presidents are the only
reference they needed.
Whew! All right, Ducky, you're up.
The ligature marks indicate strangulation
as the cause of death.
Well, uh, we've got to figure out who Thorne is
Most likely the petty officer didn't pick it up from the portable loo.
to test the dog's ability to ignore a false scent or false clue.
Erin, any idea on how to over-clock the processors?
Any way he could've found out?
Mm... My husband doesn't need to find out about Keith, right?
including computer science from MIT.
Bowers was a tough union steward leading a long strike.
Ah, hell, why not?
It'll be last night, when you were talking to Erin on your cell phone.
It wasn't easy,
Probably used the name Thorne
Aired 20 years ago - Feb 08, 2005
A "meat puzzle" starts when Ducky identifies the pieces of three bodies that were stuffed inside a barrel few months ago and they turn out to be bodies of a judge, prosecutor and jury foreman that worked with Ducky on a rape case 10 years ago. Gibbs
believes that Ducky might be the next victim of the killer, so he orders the team to keep him and his mother safe. Even so, Ducky is kidnapped during the investigation and now the team must find him before it's too late.
Well, at this point I still
have no idea who they are.
of tissue on these
tables, that I... I...
A man of small stature and enormous ego.
who worked at Bethesda
Hospital's pathology lab.
And I testified.
My testimony was key in putti
Vincent Hanlan in prison.
Jethro, my mother is 96 years old.
They've run a funeral
home for the last 13 years.
So why don't you just
get the hell out of here
It is only to be understood."
Had a good sense of humor, Vincent did.
You forgetting the
Medical Examiner, Jethro,
I knew that deal was too good.
Dude always wore a hooded
sweatshirt and shades.
dental x-rays with those from the
Maryland Correctional Adjustment Center.
She works with Tony and me.
you know, could incur this kind of...
It's my fault.
Actually, that search
warrant says we do, ma'am.
We looked under every furry creature...
What did your mother think about that?
and compared it to the blood type
of the tissue from the corpse.
the car-crash body, she burnt
the corpse beyond recognition.
If you don't, I will tear
every tooth out of your skull.
Aired 20 years ago - Jan 18, 2005
The team takes upon another strange case when a telemarketer reports a possible murder of a petty officer who appeared to be dying over the phone. However, with the help of Virginia officials, the team finds out that officer's call was just a big joke using the computer skills, until he is actually found dead...
This is too weird.
Trace evidence, bag and tag.
You've gotta be kidding.
What brands you buy, how much, how often...
I shipped a DNA sample to the Armed Forces Registry.
He's an information systems tech, and it could just be
Nope. Somebody stood there, dropped some blood,
A person's health information is very sensitive, sir.
I tapped him on the shoulder to talk about
You, uh, work weekends, Special Agent Gibbs?
For someone with nothing to hide, you seem awfully concerned
Well, because I had Professor Bernbaum for economics.
Summer between freshman and sophomore year,
updating the Navy's medical computer system.
It was Abby Sciuto.
You know what, she's probably not your type tats, piercings, dark makeup...
I've advised my client not to answer your questions, and he won't.
Yeah? Is that true...
Hell, yes.
That's an invasion of my privacy!
His inside trading?
Shooter put one round into the back of his head.
Mansur bought Argente Cosmetics two days before it jumped 28 points.
Four minutes before the Tokyo market opened.
that it's a thick bundle of nerve fibers to transfer information
The last shipment came in two days ago.
Well, if he caught on, I should have.
Aired 20 years ago - Jan 11, 2005
A dead body of a 2-year-missing Navy officer appears on the bottom of a lake. The team investigates the case with a help of a private detective. Meanwhile, a famous family offers a lot of money in exchange for the information about the missing body. The team is surprised when a bullet is found in a car. Now the dissapereance becomes a murder...
Works for me, Sheriff.
You say something, probie?
I have a policy, Agent Gibbs.
Oh, there's evidence of a hairline fracture
which is something that I have tried, but do not recommend...
Washed out of Annapolis freshman year.
Already set up an interview for later this afternoon, boss.
You would.
Could you pass me that socket wrench please, miss?
a guy who just lost his brother, Tom.
Now tell me about your boss.
And they'd have to know he was coming, am I right?
Hey, I'm the one who said that...
till it's almost bankrupt by 2000.
The brother didn't agree.
Do you believe in any of this psychic stuff?
And remember, look and you shall see,
I tried to stop them.
It doesn't work that way, Agent DiNozzo.
Can you tell me what I'm thinking now, Miss Lockhart?
So... how do I look?
Hey, Kate, it looked better the other way.
Actually, I thought we might stay here.
Let's go.
He didn't. Brian was too busy with his naval career.
I'm waiting.
You ask me, we should get 50% of that million.
Ah, we do owe you for finding the lieutenant for us, Cooper.
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Aired 20 years ago - Dec 14, 2004
Tony disappears while doing an undercover operation as an escaped prisoner who is forced to stick to a convinct that owns a key to an expensive ancient Iraqi sculpture. The GPS locator that Abby planted on Tony stops working and the team is forced to find Tony before he gets murdered by the thief.
Aired 20 years ago - Dec 07, 2004
Laura Rowen (guest star Megan Ward), a Marine's wife, shoots an intruder in self defense when he is about to rape her. The team takes upon the case and finds out that the wife is leading a double life while her husband is serving overseas.
Allegedly, she has been chatting with a stranger on the net and had no idea about his true intentions. The team believes that she might have lured him to her home, not knowing that he is a serial rapist...
Is he old enough to be; an NCIS agent?
My husband doesn't like me
to smoke inside the house.
And this is my engagement
ring, Agent DiNozzo.
Lieutenant, this man tried
to rape someone, so...
So why would a rapist
choose a victim here?
He's a civilian, no
ties to the military,
Nothing so far to or from Quantico.
All right, let's find out
who this guy really is.
Here's an e-mail from
Laura Rowans to Davison.
Yeah, I'd say that's,
uh, specific, Kate.
He went on a date last night with
some girl he met on the Internet.
Okay, Abby, I'll of course need
copies of all of them, all right?
Gibbs just said to bring
Laura Rowans' computer;
So you're saying the whole thing
might have been an accident?
Okay... you know what
friends are, right?
What kind of a woman
is into rape fantasies?
How could I send this to him?
I've never cheated on
my husband; I wouldn't.
The files overwritten on her
computer show that it happened
"We're looking for a computer
programmer"with experience in network
Hotjuggs24, but I think
she meant it as a metaphor.
Have you thought about
modeling yourself?
Not anymore.
Yeah? They say anything
about when he died?
Uh, probie... discourage them
from being followed.
Now, why would somebody
hide a camcorder in a vent?
I mean, the policy
they have at that beach
The DNA may be our killers.
a third party set them both up?
Aired 20 years ago - Nov 30, 2004
A strange case for Gibbs and his team opens when a Navy Commander dies after successful surgery. While researching through commander's past, the team finds out that he collected a lot of enemies lately and tracks down a ensign making him the prime suspect. Soon Abby realizes that they got the wrong man...
The silent version or
the British mini-series?
I mean, to sleep, cause
obviously, you were in bed.
If you read my Master's thesis,
you may become a believer.
- True.
- You don't know what caused the explosion?
Boss, plant engineer
says oxygen is supplied
from the victim's upper left torso.
You two are going to Norfolk.
I was momentarily disoriented.
Ooh, wow. Full contact. There.
We saved his life only to have
him die in a freak accident.
That wasn't what happened.
He was restricted to the ship.
I thought I'd show her
something that reveals who I am.
Ensign Hayes was recorded on the
hospital security tape at 0203.
Contact DiNozzo and Cassidy.
We announce, and then we go in.
And collect their car keys.
he's... he's not my problem anymore.
No, I'm certain.
Oh. Is that the Ensign Agent Todd shot?
Thanks, Kate.
In 1995, she was the subject of a malpractice
investigation on a heart valve repair,
A second failed valve repair would end
my career and the job at Columbia Pres.
Aired 20 years ago - Nov 23, 2004
Ernie Yost, an elder Marine veteran confesses to murdering his best friends almost 60 years ago in a war battle and the NCIS's job is to solve all the secrets and save Ernie from prison.
Water cooler's right over here.
Mr. Yost, is this you, again?
"Near exhaustion from profuse bleeding, "he continued to defend his forward
position, "engaging in hand-to-hand combat when he was out of ammunition.
she was a peach.
Decisions over competency to
stand trial are not yours to make.
That Italian kid read 'em to me.
and in one move, he'd jerk
his body- land on his feet.
All right, Mr. Yost.
He was always apologizing for
sitting naked at the dinner table.
If no one witnessed the murder, Yost alleges committing,
they'd assume that Corporal Kean was killed by the Japanese.
We gave the island back to Japan in '68.
Pattern mark's a rough fit.
Well, then, he had better tell me 'cause
I don't understand and neither does Yost.
You all look absolutely devastated.
I've been drinking one of these
every morning for almost 50 years.
I guess our number wasn't up.
Nambu cut him down on Iwo.
miles of tunnels on
this tiny little island.
You think... Yost hit him in
the head to keep him quiet?
Corporal Kean was in
pain from his wounds.
It brings back a night of tropical splendor
It brings back a memory evergreen...
Present and accounted for, sir.
Witness to what?
Former lieutenant,
Japanese Imperial Army.
Ernie, do something!
Aired 20 years ago - Nov 16, 2004
The team must protect an Iraq veteran due to the threats made by the terrorists. While trying to convince an FBI Agent Lina Reyes to help them, the team is convinced that they have discovered the bomber. However, more secrets are about to be revealed...
What happened in Afghanistan wasn't your fault.
No. I see a guy planting a bomb
under her SUV.
I would like for everyone to go about
their normal lives as much as possible.
I'll take the front door.
We ran the identifying taggants on it,
and it turns out that it...
Suspected in planning three
bombings in North Africa.
Well, he was sighted in the vicinity of the bombing
ten days ago and may could just be a coincidence.
And your whole family.
Sorry about that!
Playing Unreal Tournament in the Multiple Threat
Assessment Center is not what they had in mind when....
I know.
Kate and Tony are intercepting.
Jen! Get out! Get out! Jen, go now!
Uh... listening.
If you were placing a bomb underneath a car, your other
hand would be on the side panel.
Well, raising a family and having
a full-time military career--
You don't sound surprised, Agent Reyes.
that Tony and I almost shot.
The best thing you can do for her right now,
Mrs. Boyen, is go home.
Hey, you know, Dorothy Sayers thought
it was the best detective story ever written.
By the way, do you prefer Roland or Mohammed?
so I could take the striker saw to take
the top of your skull off.
Now, once I've... opened you up--
along with your tongue.
Terminal leave is up.
Um, fertilizer and oil instead of C-4.
No. What we did was right.
Aired 20 years ago - Oct 26, 2004
NCIS discovers that an area in the Marine's bombing range is where mafia has been dumping the bodies for a while. One of the victims is an undercover FBI agent. The team sets out to find a mole.
Aired 20 years ago - Oct 19, 2004
A body of a woman in the Navy uniform is found by two sailors. Ducky links the murder to an unsolved case from 10 years ago, and the team is searching for the serial killer who leaves the note promising to return.
-DiNozzo, get their statements.
-On it, boss.
dedicated to the history of forensic sciences,
Dr. Gutterman can confirm that when he examines the soft tissues.
The longest I went was 11 days, six hours.
other way around, it is my prerogative to start without you.
Well, that's the advantage of being me.
He ever do that before?
You went to the men's room 45 minutes ago.
You've been holding out on me, Doctor.
and all this is just some macabre coincidence.
'94 was the first year women were deployed on combat ships.
I've got one question for you, Ducky.
came from the same man, so we are pursuing a serial rapist and murderer.
Isn't ten years a long time between murders?
Search JAG records for sailors incarcerated after October of '94.
The cross polars in my polarizing
Such a sweet countenance.
Abbs, Norfolk got a note from our wacko.
You think I raped and murdered her?
Arrested two months later in Toronto
I told you we should get search authorization.
He took Harlan's hairbrush to Abby
just fraternity bashes and bachelor parties.
No. God, no.
What's this?
all of the sperm samples in just 37 hours.
I know.
Boss, we I.D.'d Janice Santos in a lesbian bar.
No. No, I'm accusing you of murder.
Aired 20 years ago - Oct 12, 2004
Marine helicopter is discovered in the middle of a crop circle in a rural area and the pilots are missing. Soon, NCIS discoveres that only one of the pilots was on the flight, that there is a decade long feud going on in town, and that the missing pilot is out for revenge.
Aired 20 years ago - Oct 05, 2004
A mummified remains of a woman are found in the abandoned compound. The team discovers that the woman was missing for several months, was wearing a wedding dress when she died, and might've been a victim of a serial killer. The search for the
murderer leads them to Florida, where they start looking for another woman who mysteriously disappeared after going to work. One of the clues they have is the old manual for good wifes.
Constantly hyperventilating.
Get you out of this place.
Carlton Halpin, his
wife and two children.
Is your recorder on?
I... I-I-I didn't mean
that I actually read them.
He's playing house with
somebody else out there.
I think he put this room together
based on his idea of a fantasy,
This isn't about music, is it?
Uh, yesterday.
But she couldn't make it to
the threshold of the tunnel.
Mm-mm. The pattern's wrong.
This particular species of darkling
is indigenous only in extreme
He still could be here.
Me Tony.
Whoa, whoa, don't shoot!
No. No, no, no.
What now, Gibbs?
White cotton, probably
socks and purple silk.
I hope you don't mind.
Was there anyone acting strange
around her, any arguments
No, sir.
It's sexist and insensitive
and what the hell
I got the impression they
weren't around very long.
He'd ask Evans where he's
keeping Petty Office Swain.
Sold mine at a garage sale last year.
If he cuts off the O2 like he
did the others, a few hours.
Tony? Tony, you there?
Aired 20 years ago - Sep 28, 2004
A wife and a 9-year-old blind daughter of a Navy captain are kidnapped and the captain is a hostage in his own office, communicating with kidnappers, who watch his every step via computer camera. NCIS team investigates the scheme where large amount of money is involved.
the air conditioning's fixed,
it's a union thing, so...
that I want to ask you. Is she
a pantyhose or a thong girl,
No, it was this weird electronic
voice and then it cut off
Or Watson's family's dead.
- who's there?
Not a very flattering angle.
It's the only link we
have to the kidnapper.
used them all the time
undercover in Baltimore.
Not bad, McGee. Tony hasn't
completely ruined you yet.
I'd work faster if I were you.
You're learning. You may answer.
Oh, um... I think, um...
Ive isolated nearly 1.3 million. Now
I want a gesture of good faith from you.
One move, pop, Waterworld. And the other
ear, pop. Total silence and darkness.
He will contact you soon. Until
then, you have to stay strong.
Sandy, sweetheart, where are you?
-How about an open port scan?
-Done it.
So take it someplace cooler.
Hey, Ducky. My computer died, we
need someplace cooler to set up shop.
Heard who, honey?
Of course, he reportedly climbed out
three times to go to the bathroom.
Well, she's eight and blind, Ducky. It's
not a great help in a situation like.
Team Abby. I'm the smart one.
to my mo and she was crying
and... he kept on pulling my hair.
I'm engaging the audio
filters right now.
Its getting harder
to find open accounts.
Yeah? Howa bout growing up without a
mother, Kate? Hey, Sandy. I need you to -
But your husband cost me six years.
1706. What time's the
next train scheduled ??.
Five minutes left. Tell me you
have the two million, Captain.
Everything does gonna be all
right now, sweetheart. Everything.
Did we, Special Agent Todd? Grayson
doesn't have the smarts to be in this alone.