S2 E13
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 2  "The Meat Puzzle"  2x13

Aired 19 years ago - Feb 08, 2005

A "meat puzzle" starts when Ducky identifies the pieces of three bodies that were stuffed inside a barrel few months ago and they turn out to be bodies of a judge, prosecutor and jury foreman that worked with Ducky on a rape case 10 years ago. Gibbs believes that Ducky might be the next victim of the killer, so he orders the team to keep him and his mother safe. Even so, Ducky is kidnapped during the investigation and now the team must find him before it's too late.

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Recap of NCIS Season 2 Episode 13 (S02E13) - 2
Well, at this point I still have no idea who they are.
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of tissue on these tables, that I... I...
Recap of NCIS Season 2 Episode 13 (S02E13) - 6
A man of small stature and enormous ego.
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who worked at Bethesda Hospital's pathology lab.
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And I testified.
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My testimony was key in putti Vincent Hanlan in prison.
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Jethro, my mother is 96 years old.
Recap of NCIS Season 2 Episode 13 (S02E13) - 12
They've run a funeral home for the last 13 years.
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So why don't you just get the hell out of here
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It is only to be understood."
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Had a good sense of humor, Vincent did.
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You forgetting the Medical Examiner, Jethro,
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I knew that deal was too good.
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Dude always wore a hooded sweatshirt and shades.
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dental x-rays with those from the Maryland Correctional Adjustment Center.
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She works with Tony and me.
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you know, could incur this kind of...
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It's my fault.
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Actually, that search warrant says we do, ma'am.
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We looked under every furry creature...
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What did your mother think about that?
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and compared it to the blood type of the tissue from the corpse.
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the car-crash body, she burnt the corpse beyond recognition.
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If you don't, I will tear every tooth out of your skull.
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