S18 E7
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 18  "The First Day"  18x7

Aired 3 years ago - Feb 09, 2021

NCIS investigates the murder of a Navy officer who was killed while driving home a recently released inmate. Gibbs helps Palmer deal with a personal trauma.

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Recap of NCIS Season 18 Episode 7 (S18E07) - 2
you're more likely to pick... You know,
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TORRES: And possibly wounded.
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blood results from the scene.
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The only person we could tie him to was, uh, our victim.
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aka an absence of blood where it should be.
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See, Kase? Now I'm impressed.
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NELLIE: First Day is a nonprofit providing reentry services
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His what book? NELLIE: David made a list
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Nope. Had to let my guys go during quarantine.
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Drop it!
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When most people would be locking their door.
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Something on your mind, Jack?
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But you have to trust me first.
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David was just at the wrong place
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so I said yes, of course
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So, uh...
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before my tea gets any colder?
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Cardiac trauma is grouped by the type of injury,
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The main switchboard doesn't log where calls are transferred.
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ALEXA: There's District Diner,
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you get total protonic reversal.
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She's 26 years old.
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His daughter works the night crew.
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And if they find out we're talking, I'm next on the list.
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But they liked my hustle,
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The reason I wasn't able to match the rifling pattern
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Uh... anything in particular you're looking for?
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had to grieve alone.
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Uh, been weighing some things...
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open a bar on the beach, and...
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I think Carter has discovered his inner Martha Stewart.
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Because you don't have enough to do?
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No. I want to talk to that volunteer.
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I don't know.
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You remember when I tried to smash your brains open?
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with another dude...
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How long?
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...the hospital wouldn't let me see her.
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Said I could stay here until I get my own place.