S13 E20
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 13  "Charade"  13x20

Aired 8 years ago - Apr 05, 2016

After Tony’s identity is stolen by multiple perpetrators, the fake Special Agent DiNozzos begin blackmailing Senators.

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Recap of NCIS Season 13 Episode 20 (S13E20) - 2
that's protecting the greatest country in the world.
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It's obviously a fake.
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My guess, the guy was drunk.
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meets a unstoppable force?
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part-time Uber driver.
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And I just hung up with the senator,
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Massive damage to multiple organs.
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that his last contact was with the pole.
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Do you know what that is?
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and inference filters and a stepper motor...
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Not hilarious.
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Special Agent Gibbs.
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Well, if I gave you access to my phone,
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The guy stole my identity, Senator.
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He kept this e-mail?
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Senator Bransfield just got a new e-mail.
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I don't know. Couple dozen.
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Let me guess. Senator Shawn Kelly?
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we will be there to arrest them.
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Well, I see you.
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No, no, I didn't do any bribing.
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along with your badge and I.D.,
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Mm-mm. No, no, yeah.
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Not even close.
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So, we've got three extorted senators,
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Senior does.
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Oh, yeah.
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Don't give up.
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instead of a screw top.
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Where is she? I don't know.
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in 1990, his ship was sent to the Gulf
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Don't know, but...
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Back in the vehicle! I understand.
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Bigger mistake was you playing fake agent on my watch.
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I mean...
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I mean, what is this?
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You'll be able to both hear and speak to us.
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Yeah. That's what I'm worried about.
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Then I heard screaming, and the phone went dead.
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So there's no way to definitively say
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