
Season 6

Aired 10 years ago - Apr 24, 2014

Leslie, Ben, and Andy head to San Francisco for a National Parks Conference. Tom opens his restaurant, Ron has another run-in with his ex-wife Tammy 2, Andy lives a rock and roll fantasy, and Leslie makes a huge decision about her future.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 21 (S06E21) - 1
Ben, we don't like to say the word "no"...
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Please, Ron?
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That was the best lunch I ever had.
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You know, they get hundreds of millions of visitors each year.
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Please don't stick to that policy.
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Ooh, we could tell 'em that there's buried treasure
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I invented Cones of Dunshire.
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Your timeline is way off.
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- Don't say it. - Unincorporated territory.
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Restaurant superstition...
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But it doesn't even matter, because I won
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with a clear conscience.
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My main investor pulled out.
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because you are smart and talented.
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You've been thinking about this job in the abstract.
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so millions of people could enjoy them.
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Find all the "A" -list peeps at the concert
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Your mission, should you choose to accept it,
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The reason I wanted you guys to stick around is, I wanted to tell you...
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Leslie Knope, champion of the Pawnee-Eagleton merger,
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- What? - Judge gave me
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they call themselves "Cherry Pie."
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♪ low, low, low ♪
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That was the best performance ever.
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♪ the comfort of a knowledge of a rise above the sky ♪
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and Chicago seems like there's a lot of stuff to do and people,
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We have been Bobby Knight Ranger!
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please welcome Mouse Rat!
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♪ and once we've all said good-bye ♪
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Speak for yourself. I once got into a cab
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'Cause there's nobody here.
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And I said, "you don't need a towel. You need a washcloth."
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so we formed a "C" corp and registered it in your name.
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I was hoping tonight would be magical enough
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given the almost embarrassing level of success I've attained,
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Well, cheer up.
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- you're not listening to me. - Oh, and by the way,
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in the Midwest region, and it's got Tom's Bistro...
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 17, 2014

Leslie and Ben run a charity auction to raise funds for the unity concert. April steps in to manage Andy's schedule, while Donna asks Ron for help with her ex-boyfriend.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 1
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Oh, I forgot, other hand. Crap.
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Dude, it is nothing. I don't have anything.
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in case I ever need to blackmail you.
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Oh, my gosh, Donna has told me so much about you.
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- It wasn't a competition. - All right.
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No, you're not, 'cause look who's hiding over here.
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Ha, a nightmare.
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I always knew we were one in a million,
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So, doctor, um, what do we--
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need a lot of rest and especially avoiding stress.
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The numbers got a lot higher.
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I checked a few neighborhood parks.
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and 15 minutes for you to take a wet-nap shower in the car.
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and let him carry all your stuff.
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Our first item up for bid is two all-access V.I.P. passes
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We're all just calm and happy people
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- No, I'm doing really fine. - Okay.
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- Oh, Ron! - Ladies.
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Children their age respond positively to melody and rhyme.
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connected to a small piece of hackberry.
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Well, jeez, yes. Thank you so much.
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Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?
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Can I just please tell just April?
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Okay. Bye.
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with a diamond-encrusted eye patch just raised her hand.
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and there's no old lady with a diamond--
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Well, earlier today, I was licking icing off of my finger,
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I've gotten very good at passing it.
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This is signed by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
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You know the EMT said that if flea had sent you his bass,
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Come on.
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- have sex again. - Enough.
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and he's definitely not dying.
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Ben is dying--he has the same disease Larry has.
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- Leslie is a spy. - No.
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Museums, opera, nightclubs.
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You can take me to dinner Friday.
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to raise money for the concert, right?
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and I am looking a cold, hard facts.
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Leslie, I have been trying so hard not to stress you out,
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- Breathe. - I mean,
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- I'm so sorry. - What?
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all of it has just been preparation for this.
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 10, 2014

In the midst of flu season, a sick Leslie and Andy struggle to book performers for the Unity Concert. Meanwhile, Tom heads to a wine competition in search of a sommelier for his new restaurant, and Ben seeks drunken help from Ron with a personal problem.

Aired 10 years ago - Apr 03, 2014

Leslie helps organize the high school's Senior Prom, and battles with Ron over the future employment of a bright high school senior. Andy takes an unwilling April as his date, and Tom is tasked with DJ'ing and agrees to let Ben help.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 18 (S06E18) - 1
you're just gonna put your iPod on shuffle?
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Were any acoustic instruments used?
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'cause I'm bringing 10,000 maniacs.
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Oh, I hope that this prom is exactly like my senior prom.
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full of smiling, dancing people
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♪ but you're as cold as ice ♪
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some very cool before and after pictures
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Basically, it's a summer internship program.
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God, this fake club I'm inventing is amazing.
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Oh, no, no, no, no.
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He's always looking for bright young employees
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because her annoying kindness and generosity
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I need to plant seeds for the next generation.
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Does your mom want to take pictures?
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Mom, stop embarrassing me.
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I specifically requested elliptical cartridges
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I think I'm still messed up from it.
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We just wouldn't have had a prom without you.
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- I'll give you $40. - Yeah, sure.
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we slow-danced to a Merle Haggard song,
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This is awesome.
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Third time, it was okay.
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but you can dance if you want.
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Oh, my God.
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in a rope-pulling motion.
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about the power of the hard-earned dollar.
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to buy shelter, fuel, and medicine.
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I didn't go to my prom.
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That's not true.
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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
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She pulled the rope. There's no turning back!
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so much as persistently tormenting.
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and I will bow out immediately.
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Now it is time for the most magical moment
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Can we get a little music here maybe?
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I'm gonna pat you on the back and say,
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I'm stepping in.
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I just got us invited to Damian Keating's barn party.
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Because this prom reminds me that...
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and I don't like thinking about that.
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We got that limo for three more hours.
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I observe your behavior,
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A seven is when I lock you in your office
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that the future is secure around here when I leave.
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but any foreman with half a brain
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 20, 2014

Leslie throws a hasty Galentine’s Day in an attempt to find a replacement for Ann. Tom and Ben look to finalize a deal on tents for the Unity Concert, while Ron finds himself looking after Andy.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 17 (S06E17) - 1
Actually, Ann called while you were in the bathroom.
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That's exactly what they'd make you say.
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It's a podcast where the kid who played Urkel
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Except for now, because now is lady time.
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and I have accepted it, and we are gonna have Galentine's day.
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Side note, do not Google that phrase.
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It's robots.
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No. All good. All good.
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- Gayle made it for me. - Irrelevant.
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Who's this little genie right here?
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80 of 'em are striped,
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Yeah, I think we're gonna need to take a look at this.
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because he decided to stay with his wife.
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Donna Meagle. Confident, worldly, we go way back.
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I don't know her last name. Honestly we just needed bodies.
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and answer a couple of questions I've compiled.
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Everyone is so happy and perfect.
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It costs extra to have people inside the tents?
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but for every line item that you two idiots disagree with,
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Wait, wait. Let me try one more thing.
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Wait, wait, wait, real quick, real quick.
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Here, let me help you.
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I've gotten two annulments.
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by smiling through the pain.
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Yeah, that is really lame, and I'm leaving.
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Well, by default, it's Shauna.
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According to her, it's the best view.
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It's kind of scary. But in a good way, though.
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Smells like a hippopotamus took a dump on a skunk.
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I don't know, I think my tooth looks fine just like this.
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you're like an old brother to me.
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What kind of a business-- uh-oh.
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Tent Emporium.
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You've reached the Tentagon. How can I help you, buttface?
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Okay, well, we both went to college.
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I don't know, I read a book once
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the most beautiful, glowing sun goddess ever.
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Let me just wolf down this peanut brittle real quick.
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Look, I was double-checking all the paperwork that Tom gave me
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Never thought I would say it,
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Well, I thought maybe I could
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He took the fall for his brother.
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and there's so much stuff I want to talk to you about.
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I'll call you from the car.
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I'm getting some for a 30-year-old who works for me,
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I can tell that you're bluffing.
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 13, 2014

Leslie aims to create a new town slogan, but runs afoul of local shock jocks. Andy scouts bands to play the Unity Concert and discovers an interesting secret about Ron, while Tom looks for a restaurant locale with Donna and April.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 1
Good! I hate paperwork.
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Italian restaurant--
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Tom, that's so sweet. Thanks.
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Now that Eagleton and Pawnee have merged,
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Yeah, see, that's the super cool thing about this website
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we need to hand out fliers, and canvass.
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That's where the politicians will sit,
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Come on, I'll show some places in your price range.
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Leslie, your poll is designed to choose a new slogan.
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Well, the story of my interest level is: It's medium.
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No, it means "flower."
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Wow, that's a very thoughtful question, Crazy Ira.
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put your jazzy hands together for my man, Mr. Duke Silver!
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come with me and find safe haven...
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- "Storied past, bright future"? - No.
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I'm not a dictator. If I we're a dictator,
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I like that.
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On a scale, from 1 to ga-ga-ga-going!
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The only other people who know are Tom and April.
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this office would be waist-deep in women's undergarments.
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Hard to believe this is a fan game for your radio listeners.
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I never knew that objectifying women could be so much fun.
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Like, you know, "Storied past, bright future"?
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Up Leslie Knope's butt!
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Just delete the poll. Let the slogan thing go.
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I would rather never play again
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You can say that.
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in a haunted nursing home, but...
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I think you may have misunderstood what people liked
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- You wanted to see me? - Yeah, real quick.
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Are you crazy? What a crazy talk you just did
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He's wearing a hat made of penises.
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about the national parks job, and he mentioned
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swim in a bigger pond.
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The public forum will be run by...
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so I'm kind of--I'm kind of stuck to it now.
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and you don't have to worry.
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When they say 2% milk,
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I didn't want Tom to leave,
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Hello, everyone, and welcome
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I think the slogan should be
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Let's keep our eye on the ball here, Douche nation,
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 06, 2014

After Leslie tries to take down the wall separating Pawnee and Eagleton, her life takes several unexpected turns. Tom and Ben meet with potential corporate sponsors for the concert, while Ron brings a surprise to the office and finds a new office hobby.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 1
ahead of schedule!
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You think I wouldn't notice? You look fly as hell, girl!
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Oh, my God, he's so cute.
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Um, where do you think you're gonna stand,
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We're supposed to be uniting the two towns,
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I've taken great pains
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Ooh! This place is a paradise!
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But I'm also looking to invest in other ventures.
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This spring we will be holding a massive unity concert
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Now it is time to tear down this wall.
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Nobody panic!
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I got stung once, I'm immune.
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How did you get your bees into the wall,
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Everybody...should check their walls for bees.
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because I am trying to fix my bee hole disaster.
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No. We have everything under control.
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Okay, how about this one-- Lasik for fingernails?
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The only business idea I have
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No, I'm not. But I do have an idea.
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You're right, man. That is not sexy.
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You can't lean in to whisper and then yell.
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is very moving to me, and I will follow your advice
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Who's a big guy?
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Just have your tools and materials brought up here.
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Okay. Guys, let's go!
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What if it's a cleaner who wants to buy glycol ethers?
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is to sell something mind-numbingly dull.
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Thanks for coming, Knope. I knew we were besties.
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Tell me when. Is my hair okay?
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Really? Because all we see is you talking to your friend,
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As a matter of fact I say we should secede from Eagleton!
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Don't touch my camera, you Pawnee animal!
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at the next city council meeting.
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It's just like a big, fun...
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Now I shall meet with a very important person
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That's what makes businesses work--
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Classy, authentic ambience in a small-town setting.
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I would like to apply to turn some of our new land
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I came here because I wanted to meet you.
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he's kind of a bad boy.
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We're opening a new office in Chicago.
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an oak bar, live music,
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See, there's plenty of real estate available
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your boss here sure knows his stuff.
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By myself.
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But the more I try to fix it the more people fight me.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 50
What is wrong with me?
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 27, 2014

Ben attempts to surprise Leslie with a special anniversary gift. Tom and Adam try to help Leslie bring positive light to the Pawnee-Eagleton merger, while April asserts her new authority as Donna’s boss.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 1
Yes, there were some bumps and bruises.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 2
You must admit, Ms. Knope, that the merging of the towns
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Thank you so much
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to a gorgeous woman.
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What kind of pet are you interested in adopting?
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children are terrible artists.
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Well, Donna can help you get started on the paperwork.
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Well, yes, there has been some confusion
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Oh. Yeah, then I hate the merger.
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- I'm Derry Murbles. - And I'm August Clementine.
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I'm not sure that's how you should go about this.
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I very maturely and straightforwardly
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Just have to work harder, I guess, huh?
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that will show that there's light at the end of the tunnel.
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you look really old in this picture.
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is a perfect symbol of how our towns can get along.
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Oh, well, she seemed kind of stressed out.
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Okay. I have been kind of tense lately.
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I would love to.
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Hello, Mrs. DeMarco, I am Leslie Knope,
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No, and I'm now just realizing how misleading this giant check it.
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Just give me the IP address of the dude
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I'm about to come down on this dude like Thor's hammer Mjolnir.
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about things I disapprove of, and I am using the internet
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Be ice cream or be nothing. Zero stars."
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- Hello? - Oh, hey, Leslie.
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Well, it's not too late to cancel the waffle buffet
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God, that movie really was amazing.
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Okay, let's relive that day.
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Oh, my God.
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- Oh, man, that is so good. - Oh, yeah.
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Ah, the playful banter of a couple on the same team.
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Got about 20 minutes before I either get really tired
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and I was hoping that your marriage could show people
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because I thought it was too sad for you to have six cats.
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- Who's it going to? - Canada.
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Isn't love grand?
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- Ahh. - Okay.
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I had no prospects, and Dougie here had an alcohol problem.
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but at the end of the day, they're worth it because...
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Gah, I don't know what to do.
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"Veganism is the sad result
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at the bottom of the letter I nailed to his door.
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how much I care what happens to Kyle.
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is to focus on the future.
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It makes the shellfish taste delicious.
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fun e-hangout.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 30, 2014

On Ann and Chris's last night in Pawnee, Leslie throws a grand farewell party and attempts to fulfill one last promise. Meanwhile, Tom, Ben, Ron and Andy struggle to find the perfect going away gift for Chris.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 1
Tell Ann about the groundbreaking,
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this party is a celebration of every event
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so I snuck into your house and packed a bag for you. Bye.
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We have been on the prowl for some amazing pots.
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I'll go get changed.
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I feel like those are perfect gifts for you.
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By the way, you're out of Easter ham and Thanksgiving turkey.
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There's also a sign that says "Especially Leslie Knope."
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I love them both equally.
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before bedtime because it gets her too hyper.
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trying to pull off an elaborate, thoughtful surprise for you.
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Yeah, we lived together for two years.
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to a city manager if he can't wield unfettered power
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It's quite a ride.
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I'll be opening my latest mega club.
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And you're kind and you're thoughtful
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Is that anything?
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Now we can start enjoying this party.
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to the project that brought us together.
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Love it!
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who can give you anything you want.
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- Deal. - Easy.
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but we really need the key, and we can only get the key
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Yeah, Pinewood, that's right.
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Damn, Perkins.
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It's called "Sweetums dunktastic
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There is such a thing as journalistic integrity,
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by putting my mouth on your mouth."
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Now Chris feels bad, he's buying us gifts.
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Listen, Chris, we have to tell you something.
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Because we're always gonna be friends.
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which means that you get your sodas back,
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Bye, Harold.
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like a puffer fish.
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but that probably won't happen till we're, like, 100.
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I love you too.
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- What's happening here? - Okay, Leslie's coming back.
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 45
You're starting a new life with your new family,
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That's Garry Jerry Larry Gergich Gengurch.
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will be my baby's first memory.
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and every Oscar red carpet coverage
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- how to be patient. - Mm...
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 50
Well, I don't think this ceremonial ribbon cutting guy
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 23, 2014

Leslie fights with Ben over questionable sales techniques at the local farmers market. Ann searches for a way to vent about the annoying aspects of pregnancy, while April supports Andy in a new creative venture.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 1
That's the new chard stand.
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What do you want me to do?
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but I'm very good at vegetable puns.
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♪ I shouldn't tell her that I gotta take a crap ♪
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- How much? - 75.
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and getting drunk at work.
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to discuss workplace disputes with my employees.
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♪ how'd things go for you today? ♪
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That sucks.
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I want to be Pac-Man,
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Okay, Harrison Ford movie night.
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but the point is,
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like a firewall system.
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- Mm-hmm, yeah, uh-huh. - But still, it's like--
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So if you're looking for a reason to kick them out,
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Good day, colleague.
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Also, I just read Brooke Shields' book
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Yeah. Thanks.
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Oh, my God, you have to stop using the word "nipple."
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Sit down. I need to vent.
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♪ sex is cool
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You said we were playing at a festival.
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Umbilical school?
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"No visible cleavage.
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and therefore you cannot sell your goods anymore
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I like to think of it as celery with B.O.
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I know what you're trying to do.
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Ugh, and Lamaze class,
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It's sushi and cigar club now.
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and he just wants to help me,
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Is the nurse upset?
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"when you hear this. I will see you in the car.
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which is located on the fourth floor of city hall.
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Bank! Private property.
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The Pawnee reservoir.
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ruining whine & cheese club.
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instead of just listening to what they are!
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reading instructional books about relationships
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I'm not 100% sure you have a case.
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I mean, now I'm your boss.
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I should have considered your side.
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Okay, babe, here's what I did.
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Oh, it's sex! Oh, crap.
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And this party will determine his social status
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I already had cake.
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please welcome--
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♪ It feels super good
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Aired 11 years ago - Jan 16, 2014

Leslie and Ben both face new challenges on the first day of new jobs. Donna, April and Andy play a prank on Ben, while Tom prepares for a big presentation. Meanwhile Ann and Chris contemplate taking a big leap together.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 1
And when I see a couple who look at each other
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I would like to spend the rest of my life with you.
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to think of my office as a clubhouse,
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Now, Chris was always the nice guy
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- Oh, nice. - That are also super mandatory.
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That's not fair, my cell phone is how I avoid doing work.
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I came up with a way better game.
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Either way, hell of a game, right, guys?
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- It is my very soul. - Well, I have my own system.
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that led to-- and I quote--
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and things are a little different around here,
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We got a tip about some food
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Let's just-- this is really good cheese.
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Oh. No.
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And that's just for the rehearsal dinner.
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Hey, Tom, I don't mean to bug you or anything,
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about your presentation.
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I got this.
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and watch this terrible thing happen.
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Seems you're wanted for tax fraud in Colorado?
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- Classic! - You seemed a little uptight.
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and I am here to ask you to reconsider.
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Retirement is for the birds. You're gonna be so bored.
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Thanks, Leslie.
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Congratulations. This is a beauty.
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When you think about it, we are already
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which is that we love each other?
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- Hey, boss? - Hey.
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I know that you're the governor or whatever,
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Dude, okay. Well, I could help you.
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in front of the committee and rip it,
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No, I use the juicy space thing--whatever you do.
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"Maybe we should. I don't know anymore."
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- I don't know! - Me either!
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of more stew, but are you sure you wanna do this?
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- and no substance. - That's the old Tom.
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I kind of convinced Ben to prank you guys,
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like you would normally.
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Sorry, can't go through with this.
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I even got these squibs from a special effects guy,
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- Ben, that was amazing. - Really?
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I mean, we've never been traditional.
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but we would like to purchase this locket.
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Why do you think we should renew Hot Stu's lease?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 48
bent over a boiling cauldron of steaming, bubbling meat."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 49
Heck, why don't we give him a lifetime deal?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 50
Hey. Rip it.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 09, 2014

Leslie comes to terms with her last day in office and plans for the future with Ben. Chris and Ann find out the sex of their child, Andy comes home from London, and Tom looks to the future.

Aired 11 years ago - Nov 21, 2013

Leslie goes toe-to-toe with Councilman Jamm in a marathon negotiating session. Ben is in between jobs and takes up an interesting hobby to pass the time. Meanwhile, Ron employs Tom, April and Donna to help sell his cabin in the woods.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 1
shotgun shells or animal carcasses."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 2
"Regal Meagle Realty."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 3
Fashion mogul, energy drink mogul.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 4
Dad! He's here!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 5
Frank seems cool.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 6
You got my message about Jamm being a dinkhead?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 7
He has won 56 times, I have won 56 times.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 8
Maybe I can mediate, like Dr. Phil,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 9
The new cabin I bought has a great tire swing
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 10
I don't want you getting any ideas about us being friends.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 11
and do nothing while they make
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 12
Three competing family trusts, a contested will--
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 13
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 14
And I'm not leaving until we hash this out.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 15
Yeah, so this is my weekend dojo.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 16
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The hem is crooked, but it was 8 bucks.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 18
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 20
Knope, you know the way to a man's heart.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 21
Trees are sticky, and they got bugs in them.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 22
- Oh yeah. - That's what I thought, yeah.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 23
Saturday at the firm with Ben.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 24
Then we dissolve the trust.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 25
Sure, sure. Yeah, I'm with you.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 26
How about if in the Jamm zone,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 27
or Tokyo beans.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 28
Maybe we go home and take the rest of it up on Monday.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 29
I remembered your favorite duet.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 30
♪ She got friendly down in the sand ♪
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 31
No, 20.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 32
wants to put in a luxury glamp-ground.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 33
We are not accepting bids at this time.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 34
Working together? Lockbox, right?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 35
So I did Zuko for you.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 36
And if the economy holds up, you can start construction then.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 37
Jamm, I sang your stupid song,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 38
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 39
But I guess I thought if maybe Ann came back
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 40
Ann arbor sounds disgusting.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 41
Unexpected play here, Superman.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 42
I am leaving now. I am not moving.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 43
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 44
I think it's safe to say I made the right choice.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 45
BFF slideshow?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 46
and that includes Pawnee commons.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 47
No, thank you. I will let him know.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 48
I do not care about the money.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 49
You can't afford that house.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 50
$8, a bunch of loose cough drops,
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 21, 2013

Leslie tries to complete some of her biggest city council goals, like hosting an NFL Play 60 event with the Indianapolis Colts, and trying to add fluoride to Pawnee’s drinking water. Meanwhile, Chris and Ron attempt to bond while building cribs for their future children.

Aired 11 years ago - Nov 14, 2013

Leslie prepares a haunted house on the day of the recall vote. Tom fears the end of Rent-A-Swag and persuades Ron to help save his business.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 1
I've been trying to get Rent-a-Swag in Bloosh for months.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 2
- Do it. - Ron's in Bloosh!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 3
- That was you? - Larry, please.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 4
Nobody wants Gengurch-family-themed Jack-o-lanterns.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 5
we got it covered...
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 6
I just learned that. And if I had known, I would not have agreed to it.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 7
Hey, Ron, baby, what are the hot deets on Bloosh?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 8
You have to go and take me so I can meet her.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 9
"Annabel, could I be more jels of your low-lights right now?"
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 10
I'm gonna stay here and just kind of wait for the results to pour in.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 11
Thank you.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 12
What did he say?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 13
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 14
I mean, I've been boycotting them ever since Pinewood and her goons
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 15
Yeah, I wrote one.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 16
- What? - Oh!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 17
who's a bigger deal than I am.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 18
Well, I'm just a simple former phonebook model who found her calling.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 19
First of all, Mozambique cashmere is the new cast-iron stove.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 20
But my fave new item is a deliciously bold chair...
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 21
- Welcome to the den of horrors. - Where's all the scary stuff?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 22
It's very possible that some of you have already peaked.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 23
Oh, my goodness, we are back with America's greatest leader...
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 24
Yes, mostly you use it for sitting.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 25
like an oat wedge or a seaweed lozenge.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 26
I am scaring you!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 27
- Really? That's even harder to believe. - Just stop, okay?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 28
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 29
I was impeached when I was 18, and it was brutal.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 30
- Yeah. - But, n-no.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 31
- Whoo! - Shots!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 32
Well, I make two a year, so maybe in six years.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 33
- There he is. - Hello, hello.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 34
Yes, and now they will be made by thousands of tiny Chinese hands.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 35
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 36
- You married me in front of people. - I did. I was there.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 37
- But, yeah, sure, I can do that. - Awww!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 38
My store is called Rent-a-Swag. It's a clothing rental service for teens.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 39
But my Bloosh scouts have started trend-tracking for the February zine blast.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 40
I'm not interested in letting someone else sell my work.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 41
Fo' sho'.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 42
and then she has a very classy tattoo of Pat Benatar on her arm.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 43
- Stop it. - Ann's here! Ann wants a tattoo!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 44
- It makes a lot of sense. - Okay, we're leaving, all right?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 45
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singing End of the Road by Boyz II Men...
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 47
- Walk it off. - Fine.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 48
You must have known this would be a possibility.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 49
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 50
"And I will use those days to work as hard as I can."
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 14, 2013

Leslie throws Ben a birthday bash but is forced to leave early for an emergency late-night filibuster. Tom tries to make some memories with his new girlfriend, Ron and Donna go hunting. April reconnects with Andy.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 1
I actually just went.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 2
you have to go on your stupid vacation.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 3
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 4
is about silence, balance, and patience.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 5
and we are far too close to these deer.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 6
Sorry. You probably don't know what that means.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 7
- That's great. - Yeah.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 8
It's like, what is this? A mid-'90s party?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 9
His name is Jeremy Jamm.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 10
The councilwoman wishes to speak on this issue.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 11
She's filibustering on roller skates?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 12
Pretty good, except I suck at skee ball.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 13
No! Get off the ramp, dude!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 14
Politics, right? What are you gonna do?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 15
and no one else can help her.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 16
As I dissect this important
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 17
Also, more importantly, it's in the rules. No sitting.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 18
who doesn't have two weeks to play arcade games.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 19
Donna, please back up two paces
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 20
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 21
This is the first time he's really gone out on a limb.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 22
I just bought it for 50 bucks.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 23
or Cliffhanger on VHS.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 24
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 25
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 26
and, uh, oh, the knob broke off in my hand.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 27
Oh, this is not a good sign.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 28
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Excuse me.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 29
who said, "All we have is the right to vote
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 30
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 31
There is no substitute for the real thing.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 32
may stand a fighting chance on recall day.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 33
We stand on the side of Rosa Parks,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 34
Hey, man, leave my gong alone.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 35
And because I must keep talking, I'm gonna think out loud.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 36
and this is bigger than me or anyone.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 37
"I need your approval on this, Mr. Dwyer."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 38
The parallels between he and I are very eerie.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 39
Deep down, everyone is just faking it
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 40
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 41
- I want that Margarita. - Oh, it's gonna be so good.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 42
Excuse me, worker,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 43
I got to give Nadia something awesome
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 44
Go spend time with her
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 45
Wait, wait, wait.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 46
- Andy! - Ha! Ha! Found it!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 47
unless we bring the bathroom to her--
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 48
Sound good?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 49
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 50
Hey, Ann, can I talk to you for a second? About Tom?
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 17, 2013

Leslie tries to calm a minor scandal that gets blown out of proportion. Tom tries to impress a new love interest, while Ben convinces Ron to prepare a will.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 1
The man who kills me will know.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 2
You know, if you die
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 3
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 4
That is the definition of "personal."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 5
I don't want you to get recalled Knope,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 6
you big, nasty fireman."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 7
This almost blew up in my face.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 8
Those men are heroes who deserve respect!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 9
Ooh, this is bad. I'm gonna get fired.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 10
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 11
What else have you beaten the Western Nile in?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 12
What should I do?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 13
I mean, obviously, accountants are a little more bad boy,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 14
As I've said before, I just don't like puns.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 15
If you don't give me the information I need,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 16
One, to find out exactly how this offensive tweet
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 17
and, uh, that person is very sorry,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 18
you said, "The account was probably hacked
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 19
that there was something called chocolate syrup.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 20
can finally give us the answers we need.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 21
Oh, yeah. It's gone. Huh.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 22
Best way to prevent crow's neck.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 23
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 24
using the most powerful weapon I have--
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 25
What are you gonna do? Huh. Weird.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 26
Ms. Meagle, let me first say
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 27
She was talking dirty to me.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 28
we have obtained access to Ms. Meagle's account,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 29
That's all I need to get started.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 30
Is this a joke?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 31
to tell me what I knew when I was eight.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 32
a selection of Ms. Meagle's tweets.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 33
♪stickers, ♪bitchboss."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 34
Page after page of personal attacks on Leslie Knope.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 35
My things are making friendship bracelets
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 36
after all we've been through the last ten years?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 37
Well, thank you for trying.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 38
But, I also think that driving people as hard as you do
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 39
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 40
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 41
I figure Jay-Z and Beyonce's kid
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 42
Maybe I'll bring a picnic lunch.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 43
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 44
Am I right?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 45
Death does not scare me.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 46
I mean, look, it doesn't matter
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 47
I'd never lose to a boar.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 48
And I'm sorry for writing those things.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 49
and I got the same ones too.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 50
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 10, 2013

Leslie pairs up the Pawnee Parks employees with their Eagleton counterparts. Meanwhile Ben and Chris reunite for an accounting project, and Ann reveals her plans for the future.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 1
You're all amazing!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 2
I said, "Gayle, put that bikini away,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 3
It's so boring. Sounds like someone's cousin.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 4
for years, and I loved every second of it.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 5
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 6
I go to Yonis. Who are Gregory and Wynona?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 7
Last name?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 8
- Hi. - Well, well, well.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 9
What is this, 1990?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 10
Verbal things from my mouth.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 11
because Pawnee has the very first documented case
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 12
I mean, nobody can fill your shoes, Ann.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 13
and we are thinking very seriously
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 14
Just enjoy. Yeah. There we go.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 15
And I have a whole family in Michigan.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 16
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 17
when she can abandon her soul sister like an old shoe
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 18
Tynny and I have been, like, totally bonding.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 19
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 20
I've had so much rejuvenation
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 21
I want Kentucky bluegrass, I want a 10 percent discount,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 22
It's called caring too much!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 23
Recycling and composting and the like.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 24
What is on your foot, sir?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 25
an official loyalty pledge to our new town?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 26
Fast, fun and easy to use.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 27
I think he may have even been to jail.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 28
owned by the Eagleton government.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 29
You know what?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 30
He's crazy intense, but I've never met anyone
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 31
Leslie, I would be happy to go back into retirement
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 32
alone this year.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 33
It seems like no one around here
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 34
50-year commitment, blah, blah, blah.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 35
I think you need a spa day, Les.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 36
Shut your damn mouth.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 37
with the Pawnee town's original colors
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 38
over 30 years ago.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 39
I don't have time for this.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 40
Do you think it would be weird if we held hands?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 41
This really has been a lot of fun.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 42
Oh, my God, me too. Like, so much fun.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 43
and I had been thinking about going someplace warm
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You're like skinny Mother Theresa.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 45
Those who cross the czar feel the wrath of the czar!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 46
She's thinking about leaving, just like that!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 47
You can't force friendship, Leslie.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 48
Morrissey. The Smiths.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 49
I should have seen it.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 50
Whatever you do, I won't fight back.
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 03, 2013

Ben, Leslie and Chris meet with Eagleton city councilor Ingrid de Forest to discuss financial matters. Ann brings April to vet school orientation. Ron tries to get off the grid.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 1
She should be here in three, two, one.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 2
Hey, Dr. Buttons--
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 3
Butch Count-sidy and the Sum-dance Kid,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 4
Kind of like a Jeff Foxworthy-type thing,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 5
I helped April get into vet school in Bloomington
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 6
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 7
We find a little gauche.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 8
People ought to have the right to be left alone.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 9
Places are for being. End of discussion.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 10
Yeah, an empty Sprite can,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 11
So you go with Laura, who seems really nice
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 12
It reminds me of a ridiculous donkey.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 13
Really, that?
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- No, you don't. - Yeah, you're gonna ask me
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 15
the last refuge of the cowardly and black-hearted.
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What other traces of me exist in the world?
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We came from our bankruptcy brunch.
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What is this here?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 20
You may find it very informative.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 21
51 eggs in 20 minutes.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 22
That's too much information.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 23
As you remember, I'm April,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 24
around the campus.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 25
when they stole all our money
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 26
We are willing to provide a bridge loan for $50,000.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 27
Whatever, blondie.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 28
Pediatrician files confiscated and destroyed.
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with what you've done?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 30
What the hell is happening?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 31
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 32
No. It was pointless.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 33
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 34
I've got a few phone calls to make.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 35
I'm just gonna help them out, okay?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 36
Yes, I am mad that you're doing this.
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borrow your husband for the evening.
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that you're just not following through with this.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 39
It was right about marrying Andy,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 40
Well, right now my gut is saying
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 41
Whoa. Wow, I'm really surprised
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 42
And I'm better at French horn too, Eric.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 43
With all the recall stuff happening,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 44
Eagleton player number seven, injured on the play.
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in exchange for a recreational vehicle.
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I've been busy destroying most of my personal effects
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 47
I suppose you wouldn't consider moving.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 48
A lot of people are gonna get angry,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 49
to Eagleton's budget crisis.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 50
I hate their stupid beautiful faces
Aired 11 years ago - Sep 26, 2013

Leslie wins an award from an international Women in Government organization, and travels to London with Ben, Andy, April, and Ron to accept it. Tom hunts down the mysterious businessman who is trying to put Rent-a-Swag out of business, while Ann and Chris settle into the next phase of their relationship.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 1
You have ten seconds.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 2
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 3
I want them gone but not killed--I love animals.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 4
is a miracle.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 5
seems like a pretty intense guy.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 6
and hit them like a bolt of lightning.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 7
- Next London. - London?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 8
trumps my hatred for Europe.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 9
boss man, I want to go home early.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 10
I need some better friends.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 11
Ugh, great. All right, well,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 12
- Shall we? - Yeah.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 13
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 14
Dr. Saperstein is giving me a sonogram,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 15
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 16
but we feel with your help, we can--
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 17
your family owns all this stuff?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 18
do--could we have some?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 19
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 20
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 21
Okay, I need to calm down.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 22
That's probably not relevant, though.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 23
I love her.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 24
is a wonderful town,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 25
It's "alumilum."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 26
and I've heard hundreds of charity pitches,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 27
Oh, it's a plastic bag. Did you see that?
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in the United States,
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I wish I could move to Silkeborg
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 30
That speech was a little rough, don't you think?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 31
It's a very special day.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 32
about what I said, but I do not.
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 34
Now, here's a piece of information that is interesting.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 35
'cause they are rooting around for that nipple.
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Do you like the Lord Fancyface Guy?
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 38
I mean, you should be resting and getting fluids and--
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 39
to be standing in this dope-ass conference room,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 40
all those trophies that you'd won...
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 41
Tell me you love us, and then admit this guy
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 42
Hey, are you gonna be okay with Andy gone?
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Either way, your problem is solved.
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and he just pooped in your briefcase.
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You're right. I mean, I'm basically Babyface.
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I mean, for so long, this little green olive
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Okay, well, before you go, I have something for you.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 49
"Leslie Knope is not one of these people.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 50
"and that's why she deserves this award.