
Season 4

Aired 12 years ago - May 10, 2012

It's election day in Pawnee, and Leslie and Bobby Newport are separated by a razor-thin margin. While everyone waits with Leslie for the race to be called, they ponder their futures, and their new opportunities.

Aired 12 years ago - May 03, 2012

An important person in Pawnee dies while Leslie is on a bus tour for the final day of her campaign. Meanwhile Andy investigates a security threat, and Chris finds a cure for his depression.

Aired 12 years ago - Apr 26, 2012

Leslie goes toe-to-toe with Bobby Newport in a debate. Ann, Tom, and Chris work in the media spin room, while Ron goes the extra mile to save a party for Leslie's donors.

Aired 12 years ago - Apr 19, 2012

Leslie discovers that the Parks Department budget is about to be cut, and she later meets the City Council member she is running to replace. Chris and Ron visit a meditation center.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 19 (S04E19) - 1
whoever gets to the emergency first
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I'm not quite sure, but Tom can answer that if...
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- My last name is Guiles. - Are you sure?
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that the position or the entire government should exist.
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The bigger ones will be tougher,
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No, I am sure. I am not interested in that.
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Okay, I really wish we would've
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What is... what is that?
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I'm just really into you. Gimme a spin, baby.
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She says, "you get out of a job what you put into it."
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We bought a bunch of zima when the factory shut down.
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Did you ever participate in meditation with Chris?
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- Well, they'll be... - Fine.
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Now I am not saying that Leslie Knope is a dog murderer,
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'Cause "Weswie" Knope gonna kill you.
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No, no, no, no.
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I adopted 32 cats and dogs. Do you want pancakes?
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Actually, this strip mall has surprisingly decent chi.
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After you, Ron.
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Don't want none of that animal dander
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since 'N Sync, Aerosmith, and Nelly performed together
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and we're gonna find something expendable.
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There were no thoughts in my head whatsoever.
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Donna, did you put the info sheets on all the cages?
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- Hi. You like this little guy? - He's so cute.
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Realistically, I'm guessing we dropped
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This is it.
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or on retainer.
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but using a bigger bottle would be considered cheating
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Don't try... so hard.
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Oh, I didn't expect you to enjoy it.
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But first, there's a hot, spinning cone of meat
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I'm just gonna put these here for a second.
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Hey! Hey, you!
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We saved the animal shelter and the Parks budget.
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and decided that not just Public Works
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You're gone.
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Unfortunately, I cannot give you any more time.
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is gonna make a lot of people very unhappy.
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Oh, geez. You don't take the ship out.
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Turns out that Bobby Newport, if he beats Leslie,
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floating around in random patterns...
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Prepare to experience true freedom and bliss.
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or the animal shelter's gotta go.
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Because you worked hard,
Aired 12 years ago - Mar 08, 2012

Leslie and Ben are thrilled when Buddy Wood wants to interview Leslie for his Indianapolis talkshow. April and Ron prep Andy for his final exam in his Women’s Studies course.

Aired 13 years ago - Mar 01, 2012

Leslie and Ben are caught off guard when her opponent Bobby Newport hires a powerful campaign manager from Washington. Chris forces Ron to start interviewing replacements for Leslie when work starts falling through the cracks, and an unlikely officemate solves a challenging problem.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 17 (S04E17) - 1
In a town of this size, the Parks department
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If she wins, she'll be dividing her time
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or we bring a new person into the department,
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Essentially, we're going to put a ramp
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He lost a third of his body in a motorcycle accident.
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She wants to have a meeting with me at 5:00.
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She's eating egg salad with Colin Powell.
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it'll humanize you and make it harder for her to attack you.
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Nonsense. We are close friends.
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Kiss one water-fountain drinker,
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Ah, open's fine.
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Grab a seat.
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Not to sound rude, but what are you doing here?
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I shouldn't even tell you how much.
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This could be the best case scenario for us.
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that's got the stink of big government all over her.
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I want to be a unicorn princess or a city councilor.
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We are going there to get Ned Jones' endorsement,
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to warn people about diseases.
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that he can't do that to.
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How about no water fountain?
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but not any more, thanks to Ramp Up Pawnee.
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of Bobby Newport's plan.
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That way you don't have to put your mouth so close.
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Oh, my-- dude, what the hell?
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Bobby Newport thinks that the stairs
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I've started meeting with people to fill in for Leslie.
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Donna, don't!
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He's making out with some floozy in Majorca.
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Is there really going to be a weird, new person
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I would never accept anything
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Oh, I don't doubt it. The fact is I don't care.
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Hi, guys. What's so imporant?
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because if it's not there, you can't put your mouth on it.
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I think Ben's already filling the Leslie void.
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Maybe. No.
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They care about whose idea was best.
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which I don't,
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Okay, as a rule, you shouldn't take advice
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I'm sorry, Leslie. She's better at this than I am.
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Well, uh...
Aired 13 years ago - Feb 23, 2012

Leslie realizes that the department has forgotten Jerry's birthday and decides to throw a party for him at a special location. Meanwhile, Tom is flabbergasted when he finds out Ann doesn't share his taste in music.

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Or anyone.
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and so now I'm fluent in German...
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got him shots, got him groomed, and gave him plenty of exercise.
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Who wouldn't?
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I can't believe I forgot your birthday.
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And then, well, we hold hands for a while.
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Anyway, Happy Birthday to Jerry.
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Now Jerry is turning 64 this year.
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Jerry only gets a real birthday every four years.
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How did you know about that?
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This place is beautiful.
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If you follow these rules, we won't have a problem.
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He's an R&B singer.
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is number three on the "oh-no-nos" list.
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Uh, whatever. I mean, anybody can do that.
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I just did a phone interview while simultaneously
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- to his own birthday party? - It did seem like an oversight.
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- She's a monster. - April, this is serious.
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but then I remembered that alcohol existed.
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Yes, Leslie, what are we doing in Jerry's bathroom?
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Oh, did we lose more seniors in the woods?
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And I shall do it with aplomb.
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I don't know. I'm--
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You're right, but using basic logic and human intelligence,
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That's a good sign.
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You make me see terrible movies, and then you talk through them.
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- Oh, April. - I'm drunk.
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- You want some help? - No, I got it.
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Well, you should've thought about that
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We are gonna throw Jerry
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Chris, there's something I have to tell you.
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Andy, if it wasn't for you and April,
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♪♪♪ I rescued you from the pound,
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Dog whistle.
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you correctly pointed out that we were arguing about stuff
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and tell their favorite Jerry story.
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and being the hottest couple in Pawnee.
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I would like to address the fact that rule number seven
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Jerry has a wife
Aired 13 years ago - Feb 16, 2012

While trying to get an endorsement from the Chief of Police, Leslie and Ben awkwardly run into Leslie's old flame, Dave. Meanwhile, Andy and the rest of the office work on a theme song for Leslie's campaign.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 15 (S04E15) - 1
To play the-- you get an injection--
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"who better to be backup singers than Leslie's campaign team?"
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Doubletime, you said?
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- Dave. - Hey.
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Uh, yes, uh, Leslie Knope is a female person
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So we terminated our involvement at that time.
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and get a frozen burrito
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for me and him to hang out with you.
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and Trumple is going to endorse me.
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This happens to be the studio where a local saxophone legend
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So, if you happen to see any memorabilia laying around,
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So we have to play it perfectly every time?
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- You told them. - What?
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When you two spoon, who spoons who?
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I said my thing first.
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Yeah, that's real cute.
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Because it's accurate.
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Whizzingham manor.
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Was that a joke?
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Don't question his methods.
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I just had no idea, and so now I have to...
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So you're leaving tomorrow?
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I would definitely endorse Leslie.
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I think we're good.
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While you were in the bathroom,
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Whoo! To the man!
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I think you sound like an angel,
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♪ Take me out to the ball game ♪
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♪ at the game!
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Uh, actually, Dave, I'd like to talk to you.
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and then we'll all three talk, then.
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and I want you to be my girl,
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I still have feelings for Leslie,
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That's--that information is-- it's not pertinent...
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Okay, I'm sorry, I'm not gonna give my blessing
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- You brought it on yourself. - What?
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Just--look, I got some-- something to say,
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Can you just uncuff him, please?
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No offense, Ron, but what do you know about music?
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Let's just go home.
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I was waiting outside in the rain for you,
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I'm sorry.
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Please, just tell me what you want me to do.
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and I guess I'm just surprised that--
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I'm very happy.
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I wrote a new song-- it's called
Aired 13 years ago - Feb 02, 2012

Leslie works to find Ann a Valentine's date. Ron helps Ben with a scavenger hunt, and Chris becomes depressed over his love life.

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Also you need to find someone educated,
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- I don't think she does. - Would she like some?
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and the combination is a five-letter code
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Still thinking about your ex?
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Cool, so I found a DJ for the dance,
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to do with our third date.
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but it takes a five-letter code to open it-- Andy!
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"The murals with this heart you see,
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But don't let my sadness diminish your night.
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- I'll meet you inside, okay? - Okay.
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"Cornfield Slaughter," "Lament of the Buffalo,"
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- She's weird. - Wait. I figured it out.
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You brought Orin?
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It's Valentine's Day, and I'm single,
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Well, at least the music seems about right.
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Hold on...
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So I'm gonna-- what? Uh, someone needs me.
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I'll be attached with a little gum."
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Good God. That woman is good.
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she and I have been together, and hope we luck out
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- It is. - Listen, man...
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Stop staring at Jerry like that.
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Okay, um, my girlfriend left a clue here, I think.
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Nope. No.
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Well, you didn't tell me that your friend was so beautiful.
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She's not responding to my top candidates,
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So Leslie dragged you
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and he's been to at least 200 Phish concerts.
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Get out. No one's trying to get with jugglers.
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Wait a second.
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I'm sure that Millicent couldn't keep up with you
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No, your best is still ahead of you.
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But it's gonna be okay.
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- Hey. - Hey.
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I just-- I'm gonna go home and watch TV.
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so I'm gonna take Ann out for a drink, you know.
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Wait, the music's better. Have you seen Chris?
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434 00:16:32,854 --> 00:16:34,007 What do you want, April?
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about this date. I mean, so many injustices.
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Ron, you're a genius.
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I'm very impressed with you.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 49
and I'm supposed to let it go,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 50
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Leslie.
Aired 13 years ago - Jan 26, 2012

Leslie and Ben host a bowling night after receiving feedback about Leslie's campaign. April, Chris, and Jerry hold a competition to see who can raise the most funds.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 13 (S04E13) - 1
Oh, I don't know, Jerry. It's Sunday night,
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So tonight is going to be fun.
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Whoever raises the most money by the end of the night
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I am free to support whomever I choose,
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When I eat, it is the food that is scared.
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Is this Deirdre Splatterfork?
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What are you wearing?
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I wrote "tom."
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Hey, this is going really well.
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Oh, uh, I got a weird invitation in the mail.
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Straight down the middle.
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Son, people can see you.
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Leslie, what happened to the big picture?
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Let it go. Okay, I hear you.
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Oh, no. No, I'm just... I'm just being cas.
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Tom, I'm asking you as a man to stop this immediately.
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Well, my name is April, and wouldn't you know it,
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All I know is that I just want to live in a world
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Man, move over, pins. There's a new Sheriff in town.
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- It's going really good. - Oh, good.
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I... I don't work here.
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Hey, do you guys wanna live here with us and Ben
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but if you're going to take a break,
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Yeah, I don't know when, but she is definitely gonna do it.
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I am very angry right now.
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I'm not one to complain about free beer and free bowling.
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But we've been here bowling all night,
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I am a really good bowler. Ask Ron.
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Get me another beer.
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Aw, you got a spare. That's so cute.
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Chris, you might want to take a jacket with you.
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I mean, I did not expect to win by that much.
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I said she's a bitch.
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so it was just what happened. It was just like...
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and extremely awesome, by the way.
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Well, that was Milli. It happened.
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April wins two tickets to the pawnee mono-plex.
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you get to drive the champion home.
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- Okay. - Now when you take questions,
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I do need more whipped cream. Ma'am.
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which was disappointing.
Aired 13 years ago - Jan 19, 2012

Faced with a tough new opponent, Leslie and Ben disagree on the content of her first campaign ad. Ron is very uncomfortable when Chris tries to befriend him, while Andy and April make a trip to the doctor.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 1
My family owns nine square Miles of land in this town.
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in the entire history of western democracy.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 3
We are David.
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We take all our money, we air a TV ad right at halftime.
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I have a meeting at public works,
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Chris, it would be my absolute pleasure.
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I was reading an encyclopedia,
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- Nope. - Okay.
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I once at a twix with the wrapper on it,
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Wow, thanks for nothing, Dr. Harris.
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I think that Donna is having a problem with going negative
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Hey, here's a question,
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Where will all the water go?
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because he's a bonehead.
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I don't know which idea's better,
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Great idea!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 18
So just think of this as Christmas and your birthday
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 19
And this is going great. We're really positive.
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Coffee mug shape.
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No, he's not getting glasses.
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But yours is also very good.
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Bobby Newport's never had
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- Bobby. - Bobby.
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that you want to get accomplished.
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I'm thinking something raw and cucumber-based.
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president of being on every channel all the time?
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I'm pro-parks, pro-public safety,
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His 60-foot boat, Bobby's boat,
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Now, people, this is an ad.
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I might be allergic to getting stabbed by needles.
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You know what, it seems like we're kind of evenly split.
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But you know what, I'm actually feeling
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 39
Tommy needs a mango. See ya.
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you weren't losing an election by 70 points.
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on the art of the japanese tea ceremony...
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for the foreseeable...Ever.
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 44
Let's see here.
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This is city council candidate Leslie Knope
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People keep asking me:
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vote Knope for city council.
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This is a great friend of mine.
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I was eating rice, and Ron made me come up here.
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And 4,000 Facebook friends and a hot girlfriend.
Aired 13 years ago - Jan 12, 2012

Leslie enlists everyone's help in staging an attention-getting event. Ben takes up a new hobby, while April and Andy adopt a pet.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 1
but how many legs did that dog have when you found him?
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where he can be put down and killed forever.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 3
So Leslie and I have come up with the theme
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You should soak that in bleach and burn it.
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Yes, ma'am.
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Seal the edges by crimping the fork--aw, crap.
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- Do you want one? - No, I find calzone fatty,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 8
I'm teaching myself how to do Claymation videos.
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and noticed that they wear a lot of dark colors.
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In 1992, Pistol Pete's last-second dunk
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Everywhere I go, I'm walking on red carpet.
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- I'm excited to be here. - Ah! We're excited to have you.
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- This is unsafe. - Ha ha!
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And then, you come out, and you dunk the ball,
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But the past is great. The jitterbug, stagecoaches,
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Let's talk about what you want to do.
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but what laws are we breaking exactly?
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on what constitutes a law.
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Sit tight. I'm on my way.
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He must dunk, Ann.
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- So, Ben...Why Calzone? - Glad you asked, Chris.
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because pizza is old news, Chris.
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And I will call my new Italian fast casual eatery
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And that girl, she tried to get that gimp dog to bite me.
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I'm in the middle of a campaign rally, and this is my team.
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Everybody in this town still calls me "Pistol."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 30
Just, sort of, kick out the cobwebs,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 31
And, right now, you need help.
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Do you think a depressed person could make this?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 33
That's what life is like
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I've sunk myself into my hobbies.
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♪ Stand in the place where you-- ♪
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I emailed Leslie two days ago
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April, I need a status report.
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because he was stupid and I hated him.
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I'm not sure, I couldn't hear through all the crying.
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There are almost a hundred people out there!
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I just wanted to say thank you.
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- Oh, it's karaoke tonight! - Yes!
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We're a team. We're all going out together.
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He is peeing. He is now peeing.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 49
♪ And take some action ♪
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 11 (S04E11) - 50
♪ get on your feet ♪
Aired 13 years ago - Dec 08, 2011

Unable to get work done from inside the Parks Department, Leslie forms a citizen action group and fights from the outside. Meanwhile, everyone in the office brainstorms ideas for what to get Leslie for Christmas.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 1
Every year, I give Leslie the same present I give everyone:
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She had it installed over the weekend.
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Okay, so let's talk about damage control.
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just how this, uh, incident has affected the voters.
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Another use for sal-gar!
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Would you be willing to come back to meet the division head?
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 10 (S04E10) - 9
Correction, darling. You had some right here.
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I fed all of Leslie's emails, letters, and memos
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I will build a small wood model of the parks department.
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and we can decorate our offices with candy canes
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First, they won't let me work in the parks department,
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The commute is a little long, but that's okay.
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You can't work right now, or run a campaign.
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- See, because-- - Yes, because,
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reads letters, except for one person,
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and that's what we're gonna do.
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I made a marshmallow Ron Swanson.
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Obviously chocolate, 'cause I'm sweet, smooth,
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Ultimately, I decided to go with a little gourmet fudge.
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- Go throw up. - Throw up.
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Well, uh, I've been in government accounting for more
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but I might fire him and hire you.
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- What are you talking about? - What am I talking about?
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for new games at the rec center?
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No, no she's not. Hello, I am Leslie Knope,
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Speaking of which, the fact that yahtzee is not
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but we need to keep this momentum going.
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and I need someone in every GNC within a five-mile radius
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as a concerned citizen and founder of PCP.
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Prepare for battle.
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Oh, this is just a little militant citizen group
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I'm looking at it like it's 1% full.
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It's obvious, with all your glances and your sly smiles.
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- about how much this sucks. - One year--you said one year.
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Getting a Brazilian. By the way, there's a woman
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about to take a job doing in-house accounting
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- True or false? - True.
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- very smart woman named Kim. - The lady who waxes you?
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You don't have to apologize. You were very fair.
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Anyway, now, for your Christmas present.
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Uh, I just wanted to tell you something in person.
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What are you gonna do instead?
Aired 13 years ago - Dec 01, 2011

Leslie has to face an ethics committee about her secret relationship with Ben after they come clean to Chris.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 1
and you'll know I'm sitting there
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and dynamite blew up his face.
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Well, you're radiating pure joy.
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Although she felt the law unjust,
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Last May, at your request, Ben and I drove to Indianapolis
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did you ever receive special treatment
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 9
Thank you. Ms. Knope, that is all.
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lead to fraud, corruption, and misuse of public funds.
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Okay, guys, we need to counter every charge
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Where are you looking? Look here, focus here.
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- that everything's gonna be okay. - Okay.
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unless someone's planning to lie or slander us.
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when my relationship with Ben Wyatt began.
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Could you play the attachment, please?
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and the future president of the United States--
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Call me later! Bye!
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 20
Did Tom Ford turn around the House of Gucci?
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of becoming involved with her co-workers.
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But we never had any other romantic contact after that.
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I will hold myself in contempt of the court!
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I have here a receipt from Pawnee Supersuites Motel.
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your basic white people clothes.
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and we need to pull an all-nighter.
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It was gonna be such an awesome moment.
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Ron Swanson to the stand, please.
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Ron, don't be ridiculous. This is very important.
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Who's here?
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They will definitively prove nothing.
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And I am very happy that I have not uncovered
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I once bribed him to keep my relationship with Ben quiet.
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And what happened after this incident?
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- And did you use it? - Yeah.
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Could it be because you weren't wearing glasses?
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but we're nearing the end here, Ms. Knope.
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In 1856, the city council banned all sexual positions
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but I think Ben could be really helpful with this.
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- No, you're not. - Yes, I am, Ron.
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They try to learn something from it, and they move on.
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I'm proud to call you a friend.
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I have no objections.
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I should've gotten fired. Why didn't I get fired?
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are focused on core strengthening.
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You know, the meeting that Ben and I had--
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Okay, fine. I'll stop.
Aired 13 years ago - Nov 17, 2011

Leslie uses her new tourist attraction as a way to spend more time with Ben. Meanwhile, Ron and April encourage Andy to go to college, and Chris tasks Tom and Jerry with revamping the Parks and Rec logo.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 1
Because I cannot tell you how many ceremonies get derailed
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 2
we tried working together, and it just...
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 3
to take over all Parks and Rec business.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 4
No, see, I think that Comic Sans always screams "fun."
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 5
What about a top-to-bottom makeover
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 6
but I'm not some boring, Jerry Gergich-type guy.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 7
Uh, maybe you should be in the advanced class?
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Oh, my God. Four weeks.
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The only thing we have left is work.
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No, what I'll do is I'll get the neighborhood all riled up,
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Your quiet support means the world to me.
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Thank you for coming to this very important
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Whoa, wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
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Because there's a definite type of person
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I'd like to hear from each and every one of you
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Where are the lasers?
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And will we start with the small lasers,
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the Sopranos option.
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in her early 30s.
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Okay, that'll do it. Thanks, everybody.
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Why would I take a class
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She did not beg for mercy.
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as a glorified form of slavery.
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"Women's studies."
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This flyer has hundreds of events.
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I do, Joe. Yeah, that's how I know
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he just wanted us to choose a new font.
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I hate to say this,
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a quiet patch of grass, harming nobody.
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And that might be a very good team,
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Wow. That was very hard to hear.
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Hello ma'am, who is just as equal as man,
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And we'll need a check or money order for $940.
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Everything in my life is going wrong right now.
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you keep starting all these sentences and not finishing--
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When we go out to a bar, you order my drinks for me.
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No, you're very passionate.
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That's what he says he wants.
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Got you a little pick-me-up, Tommy.
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with my three beautiful daughters.
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Oh, my God.
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Over two phone calls came in unimpeded.
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You have just won a Ron Swanson scholarship.
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Okay, is this health department business
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08) - 50
This... is amazing.
Aired 13 years ago - Nov 10, 2011

Leslie enlists the help of Ben, Andy and April to host a Model U.N. for Pawnee Central High School. Chris asks Ann for her advice on love when a date cancels on him. Meanwhile, Ron struggles to find a replacement for Tom.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 1
- Hey, Chris, how's it going? - Not good.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 2
I think the relationship may be in trouble,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 3
Glad I could help in these trying times.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 4
But most importantly, have fun.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 5
Boyfriends just... love you and marry you.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 6
And then suddenly, I just stopped hearing from her.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 7
This says you retired in 1968.
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That about brings it up to date.
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and I need to make sure it's protected.
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Tommy's place.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 11
- Oh! - Ow. - Sorry. - That's okay.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 12
Leslie and I aren't dating anymore,
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 13
for 50 lions.
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I definitely have more lions
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Let's say 10 or 15 to be safe.
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I got cut out of my own treaty?
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We can still spend time together as friends.
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But I have been nothing but straightforward with him,
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Attention. This is an urgent world matter.
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don't let people know how you feel nonsense.
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and I thought you would be a tremendous addition
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Here's an anecdote...
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I'm a boy.
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Would be... would be just right.
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I think we've all seen enough.
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Global politics can change, and scenarios can arise
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Well, well, well, look who is brave enough
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Oh. Okay. Fair enough.
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Really, anything would be better
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Tommy trees.
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excuse me, Madame Ambassador.
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Oh, cry me a river.
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because Denmark no longer recognizes the authority
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The Moon shall join your coalition.
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 38
The big three.
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 40
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 41
He takes really long sadness baths
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that I intimidated you?
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- Jogging's amazing! - Jogging is the worst, Chris.
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Well, I'm glad.
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I know that you're angry with each other.
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How do you know about Camp David?
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but the thought of us not being friends is...
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We totally ruined their club.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07) - 50
I saw you spraying cologne samples at Macy's.
Aired 13 years ago - Nov 03, 2011

A local Pawnee group predicts the end of days, causing chaos in the Parks department.

Aired 13 years ago - Oct 27, 2011

Andy and April host a Halloween bash at their house. Tom emcees an event for Leslie's campaign. Andy and April receive an unusual wedding present from Ron and Ann.

Aired 13 years ago - Oct 13, 2011

Ron takes his boys-only troop of Pawnee Rangers into the wild. Not wanting the girls to feel left out, Leslie also takes her troop of Pawnee Goddesses on an adventure weekend. Meanwhile, a reluctant Ben joins Tom and Donna for a day of relaxation, and Chris spends some time with Jerry.

Aired 13 years ago - Oct 06, 2011

Leslie's book about Pawnee comes out just in time for her campaign. Ann tries to bond with Ron and April.

Aired 13 years ago - Sep 29, 2011

Ron's first ex-wife, Tammy One, reenters his life and tries to control his every move. Meanwhile, Ben helps Tom balance the books at his new company, and Ann makes a PSA, with help from Chris.

Aired 13 years ago - Sep 22, 2011

Leslie is torn between Ben and her dreams of running for public office, while Ron braces himself for the arrival of his first wife, the original Tammy.

Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 1
- Anchors away, ladies. - What?
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Before, if people found out, we would maybe lose our jobs.
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Fine! I'll do it. God, who keeps emailing me?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 4
He's gonna be so embarrassed. I mean, that's a crazy accident.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 5
Ben and I are launching a full investigation.
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Ho! She can do Perd Hapley.
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I came here today to talk to you.
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Let me ask you this. Are you living your dreams?
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 9
So don't put it in your wallet. It will erase your credit cards,
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I didn't know who to come to with this,
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They're enlarged.
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and that question is this.
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Maybe it's time for more women to be in charge.
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Friday. In three months.
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let me just show you what I got at Doug's Donuts.
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Well, I started crying because he gave me an eclair.
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Joe, I've determined that the lewd picture was sent by you
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There's an old sewage department saying.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 20
you should know this, that one of our female employees,
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His ex-wife Tammy came, and he got scared and ran away.
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So take it.
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You're welcome.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 24
Oh, my God.
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Which is out of the question.
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And I think I know what you're gonna say.
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- Ron. - What are you doing here?
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for City Council, and I haven't told Ben yet.
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What is going on with Tammy one?
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And so effective immediately, all male employees
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- That would be harassment. - Fair enough.
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Brand-new day, brand-new merch.
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Drum roll sound effect key chain.
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Here. Have an umbrella and some breath strips.
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is working for a company that puts logos on stuff.
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- I might not win. - You'll win.
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Given your hunting abilities
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my brother shot me in the pinky toe with a nail gun.
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The point is the doctor said if I had come in right away,
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I'm Ron Swanson. And you're Leslie [bleep] Knope.
Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 43
Shoe shining has been a... been a pretty wild ride.
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a shoe shinist.
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- Hello. - Hey, Ron! Welcome--
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Will you pledge right now not to raise taxes?
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Recap of Parks and Recreation Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01) - 48
in the shape of your face.
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There's no need. She'll find me.
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That man has the largest penis I have ever seen.