Aired 33 years ago - Jun 10, 1991
Agent Cooper follows Windom Earle and Annie into the depths of the Black Lodge. Big Ed and Norma get a shock when Nadine suffers head trauma. Andrew and Pete unlock Eckheart's final box while Audrey stages her act of civil disobedience. Dr.
Hayward and Ben Horne have a final confrontation. Shelly and Bobby plan their future. Dr. Jacoby and Mrs. Palmer have a message for Major Briggs. Cooper faces his destiny in the Black Lodge.
Aired 33 years ago - Jun 10, 1991
Windom Earle sets his sites on the Miss Twin Peaks contest. Lucy chooses a father for her baby. Leo is punished when he frees Major Briggs. Cooper unlocks the key to entering the Black Lodge. Annie and Dale make a commitment to each other.
Catherine and Andrew find a mysterious key. Donna confronts Ben Horne. The Miss Twin Peaks contest ends in chaos. Windom Earle kidnaps Annie. Andy deciphers the Owl Cave puzzle.
Especially this year.
lt's only been a day.
And if he said that he'd be back,
then he will be back.
And what we must do to preserve it.
As if he was attracted to it.
And all this time,
it's been staring me right in the kisser.
The time has come
to gather my beloved queen
Now, please, people.
On the count of one.
so l'm gonna go back
and work up the scoresheets,
Now, what exactly
did you need to find?
how gray my life has been
since Caroline's death.
saying things like,
''Make sure your campfires are out,
and l'm not sure that l want to.
And this is me with last year's
regional champion from Yakima.
See, l learned that when a couple
is contemplating div--
And Miss Twin Peaks is tonight,
it probably exists at a point in time.
Maybe it's just a block
of stainless steel.
You know, l'm really tired of you
talking to me like l'm a child.
Conjunction suggests a state
of intensification, concentration.
Two doors, two lodges.
in which one of these lovely
and talented young citizens
l want to tell the truth.
l want to do the right thing.
Our dead never forget the beautiful
world that gave them being.
and tried to save it.
Aired 33 years ago - Apr 18, 1991
Bobby and Shelly reaffirm their love. Cooper calls Shelly, Donna and Audrey together to warn them about Earle. Briggs shows Cooper a tape of Windom Earle making a report on his quest for the Black Lodge. Donna discovers pictures of her mom and
Ben Horne. Wheeler is called away on an emergency. Leo worries about Shelly. Doc Hayward tells Ben to stay away from Eileen. Townsfolk have strange tremors in their hands. Pete has a vision of Josie. Windom Earle takes Major Briggs captive. Andrew and Catherine open the next box, only to find another one inside. A drugged Briggs tells Earle how to open the lodge doorway. Big Ed is able to break up with Nadine and ask Norma to marry him. Audrey and Pete chase after Wheeler…Audrey and Wheeler make love before he leaves. Cooper takes Annie dancing, and convinces her to run for Miss Twin Peaks. The Giant visits Cooper with a warning. Windom Earle discovers the cave painting is a map. BOB reappears.
and he said he had some brew,
you know, would we like some.
but he didn't tell us his move.
Mostly because the suspense
is too much for me.
And Styrofoam never dies
for as long as you live.
You're fine.
They're gassing up the jet
as we speak.
Agent Cooper would like to see you
at the sheriff's station.
Just do the best you can.
Well, l spent the night obtaining and
perusing the Project Blue Book files
Now, this-- This ardent purity
allows them to access a secret place
All right. Harry, we're gonna go
through these files from top to bottom.
They were a deterrent so slight
it was practically encouragement.
l know that l have not been paying
the right kind of attention to you lately.
And l wanna spend my time
with that.
And then, nestle in real close to him
Oh, now, baby, come here.
Does this handwriting
look familiar to you?
Her death, Leo.
l got back this morning but
Agent Cooper needed to see me, so...
Only you can take our message
to the people.
- Randy.
- Yes.
But l've never felt better in my life.
lt's hard for me.
Damn, but l love the military mind.
l was taken, but my mind...
There's a time,
if Jupiter and Saturn meet.
Well, it's too late. When the project
was still in his possession,
- Oh, what a bore.
- l opened it.
ls this on? ls this on?
Aired 33 years ago - Apr 11, 1991
Cooper and company find the mysterious petroglyph. Windom Earle befriends a rock and roll youth, and tells him tales of places called the White and Black Lodge. Pete helps Catherine open the first puzzle box. Lana wants Milford to rig Miss Twin
Peaks. Annie and Cooper go for a nature walk. Cooper finds the poem Earle sent to the girls. He tells Harry it's a poem he once gave to Caroline. Major Briggs agrees to look into Earle's Project Bluebook work. Cooper deduces Leo Johnson is working with Earle. Shelly, Lucy, Donna, Nadine, Lana and Audrey enter Miss Twin Peaks. Mike tells Bobby about Nadine's special bedroom talents. Cole says goodbye to Shelly. Donna wants to know what is going on between her mom and Ben Horne. Treymayne hosts a wine tasting party. Windom Earle leaves his next victim and a terrifying promise for Cooper: "Next time, it will be someone you know."
with a desire to live life
in truth and beauty.
as greet you with a happy good day.
fume, gloom...
Well, it doesn't even have
a keyhole.
You just name it.
Yes, lover, l do.
l don't think
it has anything to do with coffee.
lt's a poem, Harry. Torn into thirds.
But l am unable to accurately
describe for you how or why.
My security clearance was revoked
shortly after my disappearance.
- Men's fashions.
- Men's fashions, of course.
Sometimes the urge to do bad
Hey, is this for, like,
the Lilac Parade or what?
wondering where
their souls' destination lies.
You know, this year
is going to be very exciting.
The age of the ogling, swim-suited
jiggle festivals of the past is dead.
lt's now, it's relevant,
it's global and it's...
l can't do this, Bobby.
lt's not what l think.
What do you think l think?
l think that early in her life,
she must have learned the lesson
Say, have you had any luck
with this thing?
Well, l had one.
- Something to do with wine.
- And now,
Spit it out.
we breathe deeply and fully.
lt was a brief, but touching funeral.
Makes people who need people
the luckiest people in the world.
l'm gonna regret it
the rest of my days.
lt's amazing, isn't it?
A really good wine is like a symphony.
Love, it's hell.
She feel the same way?
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
You never seemed
very interested before.
Aired 33 years ago - Apr 04, 1991
Harry is attacked by Jones in his sleep. Audrey and Wheeler begin a relationship. Gordon Cole returns with a report that Windom Earle worked with Major Briggs on Project Bluebook. Cole reinstates Cooper in the FBI. Earle plans to kill the
winner of Miss Twin Peaks. Donna spies Eileen Hayward paying a mysterious visit to Ben Horne. Gordon Cole believes Shelly can cure his hearing loss. Annie recognizes the two tattoos are coming from Owl Cave. Earle visits Audrey. Cooper, Truman, Hawk and Andy visit Owl Cave. Cooper learns Annie has had a difficult life and offers to help her. Earle uncovers a petroglyph in Owl Cave.
Sure-fire cure for a hangover, Harry.
Good to see you again, doc.
Sheriff, we'll be riding with you.
Come on, buster, l'm buying.
And Cooper...
No, l won't accept them.
Excuse me, Coop, while l try my hand
at a little counter Esperanto.
You don't understand, Miss Johnson.
Do you see these?
And a glass of water, sweetheart,
my socks are on fire.
Well, with due respect
to the social niceties,
You were right, l had to go.
How does Mom know
Benjamin Horne?
Hi, l have a delivery
for Mrs. Hayward.
to wander at the same time.
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea
Who said anything about that?
Keeping the peace is part of my job.
...are the best man for the job.
When l think about Laura,
- Daddy--
- Audrey, you better get a move on.
l don't see why not.
Just keep your eye on your heart.
Where's the symbol?
- Can l get you something--?
- No, no. l have a rum and tonic.
Aired 33 years ago - Mar 28, 1991
Harry sinks into a deep depression after Josie's death. Josie's body holds more questions then answers. Norma's troubled sister, Annie, arrives in Twin Peaks. Wheeler and Audrey hit it off. Cooper's stalemate angers Earle. Eckheardt's
assistant, Jones, leaves a puzzle for Catherine. Windom Earle visits Donna. The Log Lady and Major Briggs share similar tattoos and go to Cooper with them. The Miss Twin Peaks contest is coming up, and Norma wants Shelly to enter. Cooper meets and is taken with Annie. Ben holds a Save the Pine Weasel fashion show that goes wrong. Jones slips into Harry's bed.
We're holding up, for now.
Let's just let the rain fall
as it has been.
Tacit agreement is acceptable, Leo.
Cooper doesn't know
the meaning of stalemate!
Well, that's clear, Dick.
Get out of here.
l came here to give you a gift.
May l?
and try to figure
how our lives would work out.
You know, speaking of school,
But even if l get there in half the time
and wind up with 1 2,
No one else gets to make that move.
My log noticed. l remember.
Yes, l remember.
ln a narrow grave,
He drowned on a rafting trip
on the Snake River.
Ed, you are so serious.
Well, maybe just one.
Thanks, but l don't think
of myself as pretty.
Well, Harry,
it's a little complicated at the moment.
l've never crossed the ocean.
She didn't have to die.
l've never seen him like this.
No, just until tomorrow if that's okay,
because we're going deep sea fishing.
lt's very gratifying to see
so many people
l would just like to remind all of us
that ecology is not a luxury science.
Richard Tremayne.
Mr. Brennan is wearing
a fire engine red turtleneck
You're hot? l'm dressed like a sheep.
All this worsted.
who doesn't understand
the peril that awaits him.
Unfortunately, this little friendly fellow
is incredibly curious
Aired 34 years ago - Feb 16, 1991
Truman puts Hank in prison for the attempted murder of Leo, while Hank points the finger at Josie for the murder of Andrew Packard. Albert reveals that Josie shot Cooper. Ben enlists John Justice Wheeler to help him stop the Ghostwood plans.
Earle sends a poem to Donna, Shelly and Audrey. Ben decides to "save the pine weasel." Norma learns her sister Annie is coming to town. Ed proposes to Norma. James leaves Twin Peaks.
Caught in her own web of deceit, Josie murders Eckheardt, but is caught by Cooper and Truman. She confesses to shooting Cooper, but before they can act, Josie dies in Harry's arms. As she passes away, Cooper has a vision of BOB and the Little Man. Josie's soul is trapped in a door pull.
You tried to kiII somebody.
My guess is, Harry, not too weII.
but the woman ventiIated you
and Ieft you for dead.
I think you wiII find my job requires
a IittIe more
What is it I can do for you?
Mike and I are in Iove.
We have to caII a spade a spade.
but I do know that you own his.
I've asked Mr. WheeIer
to join us on the board.
it is nearIy extinct.
That's briIIiant, Ben. That's briIIiant.
I guess the convent has been good
for her in a way.
I hope you've been paying attention.
WeII, first Iet me say,
I don't bIame you.
I want you to do me one Iast favor.
AII right.
Here it is, straight up.
He made me do it.
He doesn't know I'm aIive.
He can get you out of this country.
But you'II go away
We meet again.
Oh, Thomas,
Iove wiII break your heart.
WeII, here we are, the Iobby.
So, Mr. WheeIer,
what is it exactIy you do do?
You'II have to excuse me,
the chef just tried to stab Jerry.
I'd say that the Hornes have managed
to take care of themseIves just fine
I'm onIy 1 8.
- SheIIy? Hi.
- Hi. How are you?
- This is weird.
- I'II say.
Is that what you'II say about me,
Josie? That I tried to kiII you?
Aired 34 years ago - Feb 09, 1991
The police look for James in the Marsh murder. Bobby and Shelly tell Truman Leo escaped and Bobby reveals that he saw Hank shoot Leo the night the mill burned. Albert returns to Twin Peaks with information on Windom Earle, and ends up looking at
Josie for the murder of Jonathan and the attempted murder of Cooper. Nadine ‘breaks up' with Ed. Dr. Jacoby, Audrey, Bobby and Jerry try to end Ben's fantasy life. Donna and James escape from the Marsh home. Pete offers to help Cooper force a stalemate with Earle. Earle holds Leo as a slave. Shelly comes back to work. Eckheardt tells Catherine he wants Josie back. Earle leaves a 'present' and another omnious message for Cooper.
J-A-G-W-- A car.
and l think
there's been this accident and...
before and after Leo
went into his drool mode.
- You can go now.
- Okay.
But my guess is, he won't dance
with anyone but you, Coop.
He's making his move.
Most definitely.
This flute
is truly an instrument of pleasure.
- Eddie?
- No, no, no.
l mean, l really pounded Hank
and l am sorry.
l am completely cool
about all of this.
lf you were ever gonna tell the truth,
We just stood there
and looked at each other
Well, you have to admit,
he's kind of fun this way.
And l am old enough, Jer,
and he is incapacitated.
cut down in a hail of Yankee lead.
Don't do this to him, please.
and three holes
in the back of his head.
When can you start?
Some wine, Josie.
Josie has the most
incredible hands.
- l can't figure it out.
- James, you're not safe here.
lt's not exactly what you wanted
to hear, is it, James?
He broke into the house,
General Grant's a-coming, sire,
l know it.
they have my eternal respect
and sympathy.
- You will sign, General Grant.
-Oh, yes, yes, yes.
l had the strangest dream.
- l feel...
- Yes?
- Windom Earle?
- Yes.
Just your prints.
Leave the rest to me.
Aired 34 years ago - Feb 02, 1991
Windom Earle has taken his first victim in the deadly chess game. Audrey tells Bobby they have to save Ben from his Civil War fantasy. Leo awakes and attacks Shelly, but Bobby is able to fend him off. Doc Hayward offers the true story of Little
Nicky's past. Cooper reveals his rivalry with Earle: they were partners when Cooper fell in love with Caroline, Earle's wife. Earle went mad, killing Caroline and wounding Cooper. Mr. Marsh is killed. Donna confronts Evelyn. After a heated confrontation Mayor Milford and Lana end up lovers. Andrew Pakcard reveals himself to Pete, and tells him Josie has been working for his old enemy Thomas Eckheardt. Cooper suspects Josie in the murder of Jonathan. Eckheardt arrives in Twin Peaks, and Leo Johnson finds himself in the company of Windom Earle.
Harry, we're not gonna find
any fingerprints in here.
EquaIed onIy by the cIosest
of personaI reIationships,
I swear. I'II kiII you.
No, no, Leo.
Yeah, weII,
actuaIIy I'm kind of overdue as it is.
Doc, it's Nadine I wanna taIk about.
Yesterday after you Ieft,
Hank jumped me.
Because Windom EarIe and I pIayed
a game every day for three years.
Four years ago,
we drew the assignment
Harry, Windom EarIe's mind
is Iike a diamond.
Coffee, pIease.
You know him?
By dawn, our troops wiII be
on the outskirts of Washington.
What he's doing is quite heaIthy.
Oh, I wish I was
In the Iand of cotton
they exhibited a degree of suspicion
and intoIerance
Any cIaims by her deceased
husband's brother that she is cursed
See you Iater, guys.
Now, Dwayne,
you can aIways shoot Iater. TaIk first.
It's hard waiting.
Have you ever asked yourseIf
As you can surmise,
I had my brother Andrew's heIp.
Good evening. How may I heIp you?
But it aII coIIapsed one terribIe moment
on an icy highway.
Are you Ieaving? Are you Ieaving?
There's been an accident.
Aired 34 years ago - Jan 19, 1991
Major Briggs has no memory of the place he was taken, but now has an odd tattoo on his neck. Andy and Dick break into Little Nicky's files. Mike and Nadine begin an affair. Shelly and Bobby's love is strained. Evelyn asks James to kill her
husband. Hank attacks Big Ed, but is beaten by Nadine. Ben slips deeper into his fantasy life. When the drug bust goes bad, Cooper is taken hostage by Jean Renault. Leo Johnson comes back to life. After physical and mental torture by Renault, Cooper is saved by a quick thinking Bryson and Truman.
Later that night, an explosion and blackout empties out the police station, and when Cooper and Truman return, they find a gruesome scene let by Windom Earle.
The Air Force investigation
into the phenomena
I'm afraid we wiII have to continue
this discussion at a Iater date.
These men are dangerous thugs,
We'II never know what reaIIy happened
to IittIe Nicky's parents.
This is my big break, SheIIy.
And now I beIong to something eIse.
You wanna share a soda?
if you and I couId go out on a date.
What are you doing?
Oh, I don't need any more wagons!
That's nervous perspiration, man.
By goIIy, I sure wish
I couId join you feIIas.
Just a momentary Iapse.
Look, I'm cooI.
Here we are, the case fiIes.
Ed. Ed, it's Donna.
- Bye.
- Bye.
You big buIIy!
is to maneuver his Ieft fIank
GeneraI Meade,
Baby, I got some good news
and I got some bad news.
And I wanted to bury you so deepIy
Wanting you.
To handsome strangers.
I don't reaIIy have any pIans.
I was Iiving in Guam at the time
I contracted yeIIow fever.
So if you die,
maybe you wiII be the Iast to die.
Aired 34 years ago - Jan 12, 1991
Ben takes Bobby under his wing in a hope to destroy Hank and Jean. However, Ben's mental state is starting to crack. Cooper starts to look at buying real estate. Major Briggs's supervisor reveals that Briggs was studying transmissions from the
woods. Andy and Dick learn of Little Nicky's troubled life. James meets Malcom, the chauffer for the Marsh family. Dougie Milford dies on his honeymoon, and the major blames Lana. Cooper finds drugs at Dead Dog Farms. Dick thinks Nicky is trying to kill him. Evelyn starts an affair with James. Ben begins to reenact the civil war. Audrey produces photos that may save Cooper. Hank catches Ed and Norma in an embrace. Denise and Cooper enlist Ernie Niles to ensnare Jean Renault. Major Briggs returns as mysteriously as he had vanished.
Admiration is for poets
and dairy cows, Bobby.
Yeah, of course l am. Yes.
Very good. Which one
would you like to see first?
l just couldn't coax him
out of the car.
Nicely deduced, Andrew.
Looks like Dougie went out
with his boots on.
This is it.
You sexual adventuress,
you'll burn in hell for this.
And it's just gotten worse ever since.
he shouted, ''Look at that lndian go!''
l don't know, maybe an older woman
is just what you need.
lt's repairable.
A jeep, a four-wheeler
and a luxury sedan.
lrene, we have to notify the sheriff.
This is all so technical.
You were with Briggs
when we lost our coordinates on him.
Now, where they were sent to
is another question.
The engine's fine,
the axle should be okay.
Maybe you can help me celebrate
How much am l paying you?
Wine comes in at the mouth.
- Yes.
- Oh, Josie.
Not the Josie l know.
He's toying with me, Diane.
Pictures my father paid for.
ln the kitchen l found traces of cocaine
and the baby laxative used to step it up.
We used to talk about everything.
Not until that murdering hussy
is behind bars, where she belongs.
Beauty too rich for use,
for earth too dear.
''Well, what do you think
underpants are for, anyway?''
l guess l'm terribly guilty,
against my will, of course.
Will you excuse me?
l've got a nervous bladder.
Well, read a book or something,
will you? lt's creepy.
Aired 34 years ago - Dec 15, 1990
Mrs. Briggs talks about her husband's disappearance into the woods. Nadine is put on the wrestling team, where she falls for Mike Nelson. James is hired by a mysterious wealthy woman named Evelyn Marsh. Dick takes on an orphan named Little Nicky.
The case against Cooper will be handled by DEA Agent Denis (Denise) Bryson. Hank tells Ben that Jean Renault has taken over One Eyed Jacks. Windom Earle contacts Cooper with an omnious message. Dougie Milford weds Lanna Budding. Josie asks Catherine for protection. Andrew Packard comes out of hiding, very much alive.
Yes, he did.
Sheriff, we found Mr. and Mrs. MiIford's
wedding present.
These are hard times
but we get through them.
We've all had our socks
tossed around.
Some of it occurred outside of Bureau
guideIines, I wiII pay the price for that.
Is there some pIace you're going to
or running from?
Why, you got a probIem with
the 'Vette outside?
- How wouId that be?
- Oh, boy.
My peopIe beIieve that
the White Lodge is a pIace
Dennis Bryson and I worked together
in OakIand.
The DEA's interest in you stems from
aIIegations made by an RCMP officer
Look, is there something
you want?
Who is this...this cousin?
We were-- We were in the airport
in SeattIe.
So I made this very soft approach
and I Iined him up dead center:
We got four kiIos to unIoad. You want
the baII-and-chain getting in the way?
This car was buiIt in 1 948.
that if one couId find
l with mine.
If there be anyone who knows not
why this union shouId be made,
Dougie's aIways been a sucker.
And I found that wearing women's
Come on, darIing,
they're pIaying our tune. See you.
tried to cheat me out of my Iand,
my famiIy's IifebIood,
Aired 34 years ago - Dec 08, 1990
Leland is laid to rest and Sarah Palmer tries to accept all that has happened to her family. Dr. Jacoby returns from Hawaii. Cooper prepares to leave Twin Peaks. Mayor Milford objects to his brothers engagement to a younger woman. Hank and Ernie
meet with Jean Renault. Jacoby has Ed enroll Nadine in High School. Audrey and Cooper say goodbye, and Cooper tells her about the death of a woman he loved. Bobby plans to take advantage of Ben's ruin. Cooper is made a Bookhouse Boy. Agent Rodger Hardy arrives to suspend Cooper for his illegal entrance into Canada and his involvement in the murders at One Eyed Jacks. Norma's mother reveals herself to be the critic who wrote a scathing review of the Double R. Josie returns to Truman. Major Briggs vanishes in a bright light while fishing with Cooper.
In his Iast moments, he saw Laura.
- Sheriff, how are you?
- Major.
They've had a running feud
going for 50 years.
And when the attempt on her Iife
was finaIIy made,
One of these days,
before you know it,
Fits him a IittIe tighter.
Hang in there,
I'm not so sure what I beIieve
these days.
I was afraid.
Heaven was PearI Lakes.
I'd waIked miIes through the night.
To be honest, I wanted to taIk
about our bambino.
Part-time big brother
to some adorabIe, homeIess waif.
And untiI we know for sure
who's gonna be throwing that basebaII,
Tied it myseIf.
My dad taught me how.
DaIe, we've got a probIem.
WeII, I'm waiting
for some evidence to arrive.
ShouIdn't you be in schooI?
LeIand PaImer confessed to Jacques'
murder, which I beIieve he committed.
you need extradition papers
in order to get a statement from me.
- HoId on. I'm gonna throw you.
- Yeah, sure, you are.
That's great, Bobby.
I'm gIad things went so weII.
Norma, pick your Iower Iip up
off the fIoor. It wasn't that bad.
Is that why you came to visit,
so you couId run me into the ground?
and how I react
is none of your damn business.
You better get with the program, paI.
This is the Professor,
our new broker.
- Yeah, I'II try it. Thank you.
- Yes. Come on.
I've pondered that same question
Aired 34 years ago - Dec 01, 1990
Albert returns to examine Maddy. Cooper asks for twenty-four hours to finish his case. James and Donna reaffirm their love. Andy accidentally leads Donna and Cooper back to Mrs. Treamond's house. Cooper is given a missing page from Laura's
diary, describing the same dream he had. The One Armed man is ill, tells Cooper he has all the clues he needs. Catherine reveals herself to Ben, and he signs the mill back over to her. Leland and Donna learn of Maddy's death. Cooper calls together everyone for a final confrontation. James leaves town. Cooper tricks the killer into revealing himself after decoding the various clues from his dream. The spirit of BOB flees from the killer's body, who dies in Cooper's arms and is welcomed into the next life by Laura. Truman, Cooper, Albert and Major Briggs ponder the existence of Bob, and where he has gone to…
for this destination and its hardware
is you.
try white veal sausage
and morel mushrooms.
- Miss who?
- Mrs. Tremond.
The suicide note has to be
a message.
The morning after poor Harold died,
l found this in my mail.
l wanted to tell him who Bob is
because l thought he could help me.
to keep Bob away from me.
His breathing is becoming
more difficult. He needs that drug.
A golden circle.
So much responsibility.
Andy, where are you going?
You are in prison.
as you can see,
about the night
that we spent together
Why, Ben, we've spent our entire
adult lives lying to each other.
No, not the one the police found.
No, not since yesterday.
and we'll sit down
and give it a think
l knew she was expecting us,
l mean--
- This is no good.
- What do you mean?
Ed, glad you're here.
l have reason to believe
that the killer is in this room.
That gum you like
is going to come back in style.
Laura told me in her dream.
- What do you think?
- Answer the question.
Fire walk with me
The key.
Oh, God.
l loved her with all my heart.
Aired 34 years ago - Nov 17, 1990
Donna and James wonder why Maddy left so suddenly. Norma's mother arrives with news…she's married a new man, Ernie Niles. Cooper tells Leland they arrested Ben Horne for Laura's murder. Ben tells Jerry the only person who can prove his innocence
is the missing Catherine. The One-Armed Man escapes custody. Pete and Truman worry about Josie. Pete tells Ben that Catherine is still alive, and wants to make a deal. Cooper comes face to face with the killer without realizing it. Lucy tells Andy that Dick may be the father. Hank and Ernie know each other from prison. Truman insists on prosecuting Ben Horne. Maddy is found wrapped in plastic.
Did she say anything?
Jerry, what the heII
took you so Iong?
I'm so depressed.
Hawk. Sister?
We've arrested Ben Horne
for Laura's murder.
If you can remember anything unusuaI
about Mr. Horne's behavior
Never in aII my years of practicing Iaw
have I witnessed such a compIete
your friend, and your brother,
Ben Horne, his voice,
Since our cash cow in the other room
has turned into a sinkhoIe,
I trust those are reaI potatoes
and not fIakes?
- Nice girI.
- She's darIing.
You know me, dear, I'm easy.
peopIe from my past
who wanna see me faiI.
Oh, l'm sorry l haven't
dropped by for a visit, dear.
you will sign the mill and
Ghostwood Estates back over to me.
Chicks and ducks and geese
Better scurry
I guess my mind just wandered.
I'd Iike to invite you for a round
at the cIub someday.
You know, that is aII men think about.
- Shut up.
- Shut up, Gwen.
You either charge my cIient
or Iet him go!
I've backed you every step of the way.
I've had enough of the mumbo jumbo.
So, what's your angIe here
with Miss Moneybags?
I was sick, it was an iIIness.
I paid my debt.
to the newIyweds
and their happiness.
Diane, it's 1 1 :05 p.m. I'm in my room
at the Great Northern HoteI.
Did you arrest him?
Aired 34 years ago - Nov 10, 1990
Cooper and the One-Armed Man inspect guests at the Great Northern. Hawk finds Harold Smith dead by his own hand…with a mysterious suicide note and the diary torn to shreds. Leo speaks to Bobby about "new shoes." Audrey confronts her father about
One Eyed Jacks. Shelly tells Norma she has to quit working at the Double R. Norma sees the changed Nadine for the first time. Bobby finds evidence to blackmail Ben Horne for a sizable sum. Audrey goes to Cooper about her father, leading Truman and Cooper to arrest Ben. Tojamora reveals his true identity to Pete. The Log Lady brings Cooper to the Roadhouse, where the Giant appears. Late in the evening, Laura's killer strikes again...
Aired 34 years ago - Nov 03, 1990
James saves the girls from a tormented Harold. Cooper brings Audrey home. Bobby and Shelly learn that their insurance plans have backfired. Donna tries to convince Truman that Harold Smith has Laura's secret diary. Cooper's boss, Gordon Cole,
arrives with an upsetting message for Cooper. Hawk finds the One-Armed Man, who reveals himself as the spirit, Mike. Maddy decides to go home. Jonathan says he's taking Josie back to China. Ben calls Leland back into work. The One Armed Man vows to stop BOB, pointing Cooper towards the Great Northern Hotel.
Stay awake. Audrey?
From now on.
HeII of a Iot more dangerous.
not up at Jack's with a needIe
in her arm.
WeII, everything seems to be
in order.
Not taking the easy way out.
I'II find my own way out.
- PIeasure to meet you.
- Can I speak with you a moment?
AIso got a Iab report from AIbert
on the one-armer's syringe.
And there's some other stuff
we can do too.
PIease go.
We had an arrangement.
I Iiked it.
But I have aIready
Now, in that safe,
We are finished.
Because you're a speciaI guy, Leo.
And we just want you to know
Sorry, Leo.
We sort of got carried away.
Good thing we didn't Iight the candIes.
I am tired, Gordon.
There is much work to be done.
It's an opening move
from Windom EarIe.
I'm 1 00 percent, Ben, 1 1 0 percent.
If there's any money,
we can run it thru the Caymans.
We shaII withdraw.
Day by day
I find the adherence to fantasy
troubIing and unreasonabIe.
The drug found in his possession
Aired 34 years ago - Oct 27, 1990
Cooper discovers he had forgotten about the message under his bed. Shelly and Bobby begin Leo's homecare. Sternwood hears pre-trial motions and declares Leo not fit for trail. Nadine comes home, still thinking she's in high school. A mysterious
man, Mr. Tojamura, arrives and offers Ben a sizeable fee for Ghostwood. Cooper agrees to drop Audrey's ransom, but deduces that she's being held at Jack's. Andy's test results are an improvement. Cooper and Truman raid One Eyed Jack's and rescue Audrey, witness several murders, and are saved by Hawk in the process. Jean Renault captures Hank. Harold Smith catches Donna and Maddy trying to steal the diary.
Two retired female schoolteachers
live in that house next to the Palmers.
- l can stay and at least show her--
- Lucy, don't worry. Just go.
Well, that's what we're here for.
Okay, let's give it one more.
Mr. Palmer has pleaded not guilty
Leland Palmer
is a well-known, well-liked,
--high standing in the community,
and the pristine nature of his public...
this chart here,
which is actually of my own head,
would not even faintly comprehend.
Now, have a seat, Mr. Lodwick.
Do they want a trial or a lynching?
- Do you have an appointment, Mr...?
- Tojamura.
Cooper isn't coming back.
All the notebooks look the same,
except for Laura's.
lt's yours.
and dark lakebeds
and tangle weeds.
lt was for a semen's analysis.
Brennan, Andy.
- They're a whoIe damn town.
- they're a whole damn town.''
Nobody's seen him for at least
a day, a day and a half.
A couple of floor men in the casino,
probably more in the back.
Me and Laura put on our tightest,
shortest skirts. Too tight.
Rick starts to clap, but Tim doesn't
do anything, he just watches.
l got him.
Here, look.
Now, turn around.
Aired 34 years ago - Oct 20, 1990
Leland confesses to killing Jacques Reanult. Andy wants to take a new sperm count test. Rumor spreads that a food critic is coming to Twin Peaks. Jean asks Ben to set a trap for Cooper in exchange for Audrey's life. Cooper agrees to Ben's
requests, unaware of the trap. Harold Smith reads from the diary to Donna. Josie returns to Twin Peaks. Cooper asks for help from the Bookhouse Boys, and Harry comes through. Donna and Maddy plot to steal the diary. Judge Sternwood arrives for the trials of Leo and Leland. Dick Tremayne makes a shocking offer to Lucy. The Asian man comes after Josie and Hank.
Did you know his name?
l doubt that any one of us
is a stranger to grief.
Well, l was just wondering
l only got bail hearing for Leland
and Leo's competency examination.
- Where did you get those?
- Don't make me say
Or hers. No one at the paper
even knows who he or she is.
How much?
l want this man
to bring to me the ransom.
Empty who?
Babe, we're gonna trick this place out
like Christmas on the Fourth of July.
ln our hearts and memories, locked.
Other times she just giggles
and l don't have the nerve to ask
Well, maybe, someday, you will too.
What he would have done
about the fire.
l don't know exactly
what we'll be burying.
lt will never happen again
as long as you're with me.
Maybe you'd better get some air.
Well, after l watched this TV show,
l decided l needed some me time
l need a favor, strictly between us.
l thought the sheriff
had Laura's diary.
Yes, why are you so suspicious?
Life is hard, dear.
You wanna break the seal
on that lrish you stashed for me?
l've been a fool, a cad,
the way l've behaved and l'm...
You've appeared before me
many times.
and raise a glass again together
See you in court.
- Pete, meet my cousin Jonathan.
- Jonathan.
Aired 34 years ago - Oct 13, 1990
Ronette is attacked in her hospital bed by an unseen person. Jean Reanult, brother of Jaqcues and Bernard, plans to blackmail Ben Horne for the release of Audrey. Donna meets with Harold Smith, a shut-in who had befriended Laura. Albert and
Truman have a strange confrontation. Lucy reveals that there's been another man in her life, Dick Treymane (Horne's Department Store, Men's Fashions). Shelly decides not to testify against Leo. Leland offers a clue in the search for Killer Bob. The One-Armed Man leaves Cooper the giant's final clue. Nadine wakes from her coma a changed woman. Jacoby leads Cooper and Truman to Jacques's killer. Donna discovers the secret diary of Laura Palmer.
Now, I'm not sure,
I guess you know who I am.
Laura wanted me to get in touch with
you if anything ever happened to her.
If you knew her so weII, why didn't she
ever mention you to me?
She was very kind to me.
Mrs. PaImer saw him in a vision.
was a match to what we found
in Jacques' car
You're Iooking better today, Coop.
I reject absoIuteIy revenge, aggression
and retaIiation.
This is the date that made Andy
caII in sick?
So how taII was this guy?
Did his head hit the ceiIing?
Next to that was a white house.
Now, does that fiIe under R
for ''raingear,''
I've hardIy had time to feed my cat.
- Let me make it up to you.
- Like how, for instance?
For heavy fieId work,
and they're extremeIy versatiIe.
WeII, you're not testifying.
You're just giving us a statement.
- Mr. Horne?
- Tsk tsk. Gotta go, Jerry.
Let me give you the best advice
that you're gonna get aII week:
PIenty more where that came from.
Jean RenauIt. Emory,
But you're going to be a big heIp,
aren't you?
Time for a break.
Hawk, you haven't seen Mr. Gerard,
have you?
Harry, we've got to find
the one-armed man.
But if I'm gonna sing to her, doc,
I'd rather it was just the two of us.
Courting's a pleasure
Doc Hayward says
tonsiIIitis or no tonsiIIitis,
WouId you hoId this stone, pIease,
at the end of the bed there?
enveIoping you
in a soft bIanket of peace.
Your cousin Maddy's here,
If Iife couId onIy be Iike
those summers up at...
Aired 34 years ago - Oct 06, 1990
Albert determines that neither Leo nor Jaqcues killed Laura, but he is unable find any leads into who shot Cooper. Cooper says they must find the third man, who he believes to be Bob, the grey haird man. Albert reports that Cooper's ex-partner,
Windom Earle, escaped from an insane asylum. Ben Horne can't decide which of the mill ledgers to destroy. The Log Lady tells Major Briggs to deliver a message to Agent Cooper. An Asian man spies on Cooper. Shelly visits Leo in the hospital. Maddy and James discuss a change in Donna's attitude. Leland has a revelation. Bobby tries to convince Shelly to cash in on Leo's insurance money. Audrey is trapped at One Eyed Jack's.
goes by the name of Pinocchio.
the usual bumper crop
of rural know-nothings
Yes, that's fine.
- Nurse. Right away.
- Train?
shows the mill
turning a healthy profit.
we could get a better price
if it appears to be more profitable.
...try these?
You wear shiny objects
on your chest.
Deliver the message.
Keep your nose clean
for another week.
Hank used to be
a Bookhouse Boy.
Well, considering
Catherine's smoky fate,
Einer, l'm in a meeting, gotta go.
Yes, he is.
Look at those toes.
Perfume counter, Laura Palmer,
Ronette Pulaski and One-Eyed Jack's.
Owned what?
Bobby Briggs,
l'm gonna eat you up.
inevitably lends itself to corruption.
In Iove
Okay, sweetheart.
Aired 34 years ago - Sep 30, 1990
A wounded Agent Cooper has a vision of a giant who gives him several clues about the murder of Laura Palmer. Shelly and Pete recover from the mill fire, but Josie and Catherine are missing. Ben and Jerry Horne are not pleased with how the mill
fire plan unfolded. Leland Palmer's attitude changes with his hair color. Albert returns to assist the wounded Cooper. Donna gets a mysterious message about Meals on Wheels. Dr. Jacoby recovers from his heart attack, but cannot remember who killed Jacques. Major Briggs has a vision of good things for Bobby. Nadine is in a coma. Leo is a vegetable. Ronnette awakes from her coma after a horrific dream about Bob.