S5 E9

Season 5  "The Trial of Jim Gordon"  5x9

Aired 5 years ago - Mar 07, 2019

After Gordon is shot in an attempt to establish a cease-fire, he hallucinates a trial for his life that could have deadly real consequences. Meanwhile, Ivy returns and puts her spell on Bruce, leaving Selina to defend herself. Lee has a life-changing moment as Barbara and Penguin consider their next move.

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Or scroll and see one by one:

Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 2 #2 Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 3 #3 Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 4 #4 Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 5 #5 Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 6 #6 Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 7
It is show-of-force time!
Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 8
You hear me?
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Maybe it's time to move on.
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Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 12 #12 Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 13 #13 Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 14
Protecting your boyfriend?
Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 15 #15 Recap of Gotham Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 16
Talk to me.
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I did the best... Silence!
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The prosecution would like to call
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Ugh. What did you eat?
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Forgive me, but I...
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I think you'll find that he needs you
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or we laugh at a joke that only he and I share.
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without Jim Gordon?
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'Cause I'll do it. I'll do it right now.
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I wanted to check on your progress.
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For Ivy? Anything.
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And you had two shots before everyone got here.
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so she can finish off Jim once and for all.
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Pretty nice turn-out, huh?
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I guess I'll have to settle for killing you.
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before people ripped down the trees and paved over the earth.
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Say good-bye... to Jim Gordon for me.
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I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
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or hydrogen
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What an idiot.
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Oh, I see.
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It's okay to be scared.
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I know.
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Except for the time when she was infected