S4 E21
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2 years ago
Thursdays 8:00 PM on NBC

Season 4  "Mr. Kaplan (1)"  4x21

Aired 7 years ago - May 18, 2017

In part one of the season finale, facing a crippling siege on his criminal organization, Red tracks a high-end thief enlisted by Mr. Kaplan for a mysterious assignment. Aram faces a difficult choice when Agent Gale takes extreme measures in his investigation into the Task Force's conduct.

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Recap of The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 21 (S04E21) - 2
You've been subpoenaed
Recap of The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 21 (S04E21) - 3
Please, we can discuss that later.
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Uh, Mr. Reddington, whatever this is...
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- You get an ID? - Oh, yeah.
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After everything that Reddington did.
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If I can prove that you or anybody else on the task force
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That's all you need.
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the currency of politicians, dog trainers,
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Everything ran through a business manager.
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- Red, I can explain-- - Phillip Roque.
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Kaplan wired him $300,000 two days ago.
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[ Door creaks ]
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Based on the resulting investigation,
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Granting you immunity in exchange for your testimony
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I mean, um, it's not good,
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A necessary evil.
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he won't be around to give it to us.
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in the hands of Julian Gale,
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He did, and if he's in trouble, then so are we.
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If the information you provide leads us to your brother,
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Wouldn't it go great with the chaps and the spurs?
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You ever have one of those days when nothing goes right?
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[ Door creaks ]
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- How great is that? - Oh, it's great if he talks.
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- [ Grunts ] - Why did she take your eye?
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[ Cellphone rings, beeps ]
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♪ started going under ♪
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♪ who will live and die for you ♪
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Let me get this straight. You think I'm going to jail?
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Meaning what?
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Disfigured for life, caught up in all this nastiness.
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- But-- - There's a "but."
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anyone else's feelings but your own!
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I'm sure that's largely my fault. But this is different.
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- If I don't come back-- - You always come back!
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Mr. Cooper.
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and ownership papers for a private 96-acre island
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Whosoever opens that lock with this key,
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[ Silenced gunshots ]
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You can have the island.