Aired 5 years ago - May 14, 2019
Barry faces off with his oldest, and most formidable nemesis, Reverse Flash.
When they least expect it.
Is there any progress on Ralph?
We find Cicada.
to take photos of the meta-humans
You never told me your
lab was S.T.A.R. Labs.
to have two lives like this.
It's about you.
One who takes a do-over
after every mistake,
his body back to its original
form using vulcanization...
- We need a better plan.
- I've got one...
What a bunch of sentimental crap.
Not on my watch.
because a lot of people are
gonna die unless you help me.
Take the cure just like your uncle did.
But the other dark part
of you is out there
Consider this a parting gift.
15 years.
no matter what you try, the
Flash will always vanish.
Team Flash, back together again...
It's not my father's legacy
that's gonna disappear, Thawne.
You can still save her, Barry.
If I go back in, the
Negative Speed Force
It's okay. It's okay.
We're so sorry.
No one feels that way.
Being a great friend.
you care for the people of this city,
Isn't that right, Flash?
Now I know what my
dad meant when he said
She was my legacy all along.
No matter what changes
with the timeline,
I always wanted to be a hero,
Aired 5 years ago - May 07, 2019
Team Flash is on high alert after Cicada II threatens to unleash a dangerous virus that would put all meta-humans at risk.
...with the cure prototypes
she stole from Cisco...
So we just up and release
some game-changing wonder drug?
You know, some of them are doctors
and students and cops.
While I'm away, you're in charge.
I mean, well, actually I haven't checked
my phone all day, so...
Except what she did steal
was a Quantum Tunnel Converter.
Because of what you are.
No, Nora, it's too dangerous.
Open it and checkpoints should be
two blocks on either side of the CCPD.
Joe, I just felt a huge wave of panic.
...only for a newer Cicada
to appear who's harder to stop...
lending him notes, helping him study,
I think it's best for you to just
stay out of the field until we stop her.
-but you've got to hear this.
This is Cecile Horton
and Detective Joe West.
We need to keep this line moving.
I can't stand around and do nothing.
Okay, did I just catch you on the phone
with Singh...
And that is because everyone
of them knows...
All I wanted to do...
make you feel safe.
Right. You're so smart.
You catch on so quickly.
You know, Team Flash, they're like...
And we can't hold your hand
through all of it.
Good ones? Bad ones?
Myself and everybody else here
at CCPD are here to help you.
Your Flash family created meta-humans.
And now their end begins.
it could detonate the virus.
I never had it before I came to this time.
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 30, 2019
Barry continues to struggle with how he feels about Nora’s betrayal. Brie Larvan, Joss Jackam and Peter Merkel return to Central City. Meanwhile, Cisco makes a bold decision.
I can decode these
emojis no problem, huh?
I'm gonna tell her when I'm ready.
Look at these hard drives.
That's what Thawne taught her how to do.
Don't call me that. That's their name.
I was surprised that the
Flash isn't already here.
So why does a speedster need our help
Uh, number 10: go see
your dentist because
were gonna buy the Toastmasters.
I mean, even if she's mad at Barry
Is that Nora?
Are you talking to someone?
and walked away!
and then her eyes...
I've done this exact same thing before.
No. No, don't you get it?
The same way you helped
Cisco get over Gypsy
And that's okay.
I think this might be the fridge
she's a meta-human.
and the second part curing powers.
Actually, Cicada's dagger
dampens the abilities
We're just gonna push her away.
Barry, Thawne is the one that
convinced me to come back home
that she did the same thing to Thawne?
I didn't leave town at first.
But whenever you guys
step out of bounds,
Come on, Barry. You
know that's not true.
Do you think Iris is right?
So if we move very, very slowly...
That's all of them?
in our state-of-the-art demo room.
That's one serious meta-dampener.
Unless the Flash comes down
here in the next 30 seconds
Show us your true identity. Mask off.
What the hell is that?
No, no. Dad, it's too dangerous!
Are you okay?
steal the weapons back
after we lifted them,
I knew how angry Dad was.
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 23, 2019
When Icicle returns to enact the next phase of his devious plan, Caitlin and her mother, Dr. Carla Tannhauser, must resolve their long-combative relationship to defeat the icy monster. After Barry makes a big decision about their family without consulting her, Iris decides to take matters into her own hands.
Well, perhaps not.
I need to see my father.
Yes, I did.
Uh, I honestly don't know.
Man, he says you've done enough.
Judging by the thermal
warping in this glass,
Or working early,
depending how you see it.
meant for the coldest reaches of space.
I don't know. You could
try telling me the truth.
I even tried Kritschgau
at the DOD. Nada.
I want Nora to stay here, he doesn't.
But there's something more. I feel it.
You're not gonna stop me.
You're part of something different now.
Wait. You should use
a modified field array.
Our best bet is to break
me out of these meta-cuffs
instead of working in the
same zip code as my lab.
I remember, and why is that scaring you?
This guy's such a dick, I got to think
Nora, listen to your mother.
To make him proud?
She's trying to kill me.
She needs you both united.
Hey, Mom, that was pretty
clever what you did.
no reads on facial recognition, nothing.
This is great. I'll start
retasking the satellites.
All right, if it's
just us, it's just us.
All in 3/10s of a second.
I may have finally
banished this monster.
Aww, Caitlin and Thomas
infamous Periodic Table.
You can tell me more about
elements you invented.
Oui, I did.
like time travel.
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 16, 2019
After discovering that Nora is working with Thawne, Barry and Iris disagree about how to handle their daughter in the wake of this shocking news. Team Flash isn’t sure they can trust Nora, so they go through her journal to find out exactly how she came to work alongside their greatest nemesis.
Not a date, date. Not
that I don't date, date.
- Benzene Methanol.
- That's what they stole.
in the highly unlikely.
I mean, trillion FPS,
captures light in motion.
There was never a speedster
with white lightning.
It's fine, Mom. I'm researching a case.
- Nora?
- ♪ No, he can't read my poker face ♪
She freaked more than
normal. Um, I had to.
The only thing is no
one's gonna believe us.
No, no. You can't do that.
That is a bad idea.
Oh, um, I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Cut yourself a slice of slack pie.
The dampening capabilities
of this cell can negate
that question for you?
Oh, I know that windburn.
It's possible I might
have made that a triple.
Because I wasn't honest with her.
I'm giving our daughter the chance
If you don't wanna talk
about it right now,
To dampen my powers?
How did I get my powers?
If you need some time off,
I'm sure Captain Frye...
I promise you this guy's
gonna get what he deserves.
of the illegal speed-enhancement drug,
Schway. It worked.
Yes, you can.
You're part of something
greater now, Nora.
Tell me what you see around you.
Holy shrap.
Aired 5 years ago - Mar 19, 2019
Team Flash finds out that a suburban mom named Vickie Bolen is in danger and they race to save her. Upon meeting her, they discover she’s a meta-human who is hiding her abilities from her family. Barry encourages Vickie to share her secret with her family, which makes Nora realize she needs to come clean with her parents about Thawne.
And I remember everything
you taught me, Uncle Orlin.
I think Ambres was the only
one working with Dwyer.
Nora West-Allen, let's
see what we have here.
How about now?
Something really, really, not good.
that someone who looks like
Cicada kidnaps Orlin Dwyer.
I can't even believe I just said that.
I'm supposed to tell you that
Barry wanted to talk to you.
I mean, even this ATM is,
like, brand-spanking-new.
And another Cicada shows up
targeting her parents' killer.
put out a search party or an APB?
In the time I'm from,
their plague spreads
Cisco saw the last PIN that
was entered into the ATM.
Listen, we'd like to put
you in federal protection
I took a break from serial
killer kidnapper madness
You don't think she'd
make a good Spider-Person?
Dr. Harrison Wells.
Said he didn't want to create a panic.
from making their own decisions.
I don't see Cicada anywhere. Do you?
- Murderer.
- Grace, stop.
that Grace could hear
Dwyer, even in her coma...
And being with somebody
has never felt so...
and Craig was a tax accountant
and a freelance bull rider.
We gotta get you to Dr. Ambres.
That's all I ever wanted.
Good evening, Dr. Wells.
Until now,
I thought it would be too hard for you.
Detective, we need to
get her somewhere safe.
That doesn't change that they're dead.
Guys, we need you two at the hospital.
And that hate turned into
something even worse.
She definitely ghosted.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 12, 2019
With the meta-human cure ready to use, Barry and Team Flash must figure out a way to subdue Cicada long enough to take it. Killer Frost steps in to help with the plan. Meanwhile, Joe eases back into work, and Nora isn't happy about the way her dad plans to stop Cicada.
or meta-gene bursts
or Element X?
I've... I've got
some loose thoughts.
- You two did this.
- You made her.
you ever seen this woman?
- Partner. I like that.
- Yeah.
[Phone Vibrating]
- Let's go get him.
and he starts killing again.
- Well...
[Energy Zaps]
is why it warrants the interest
of the DA?
That's enough for now.
he said he didn't want
to be saved
- So, when you think about it,
an anti-dampening array
- I will miss you both
very much.
- This is it.
- Just like in the photo.
- We have a way
to cure meta-humans.
- [Grunting]
I'm gonna check
the Cicada files at CCPD.
- Honestly, I'm more worried
about what happens when we do.
Meta-human, superpowers,
But Cecile and these powers,
I mean, she puts me to shame.
- What are you listening to?
and all day you've been
trying to pull me away.
♪ ♪
You do what you do best,
I'll take care of the rest.
I mean, why would I condone
a vigilante murderer?
- No, so we can cure him.
and patients
that I can save tonight.
[Dramatic Music]
- Guys...
- No, La Machine à Mémoire!
Your wedding,
Auntie Jenna's baby shower,
not fighting big bads
or getting my own XS-presso.
- Um, so I heard Dad
has a lead on Dwyer?
- There's no more talking.
you can't come back from.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
so you don't bleed out.
[Energy Pulsating]
- I'm just supposed to trust
that that thing works?
[Loud Beeping Continues]
- Cisco, we need power.
♪ ♪
[Dramatic Music]
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 05, 2019
When Gorilla Grodd attacks Central City, Barry and Team Flash find themselves teaming up with an unexpected ally to defeat - King Shark. However, when they hit a snag, they bring in Dr. Tanya Lamden to try to reach the man behind the shark, Shay Lamden.
Dark matter levels vary from
meta-human to meta-human,
You know, I never understood
why Wally went there.
for far too long, Joe West.
he's still getting help from somebody.
his neural pathways to regress.
to King Shark and curb
his violent behavior.
a meta-cure for your condition.
W-What was all that feedback? I
thought he was under control.
Look, my lips went numb,
and then they swelled up
- Let me give you his number.
- No, Dad, it's fine, really.
my workstation, and I'll get this going.
They are actually talking. You see?
Well, remember, we gotta
talk to him first.
It's okay.
Where I am? Who are you?
Yes, I should.
but since then,
to wait for his permission,
but you didn't even do that.
And as terrifying as that was, I mean,
the telepathic crown was
working the whole time?
I went through our security footage.
Forgive me. I'm intruding.
it was seeing the face
I learned there is one thing
Did you know sharks are colorblind?
Yes, I do.
Is that why you were gone for so long?
the will of Grodd!
for you to transform them
back into human cells.
And it will also attract
electricity, right?
Long live the king.
Add in newly-enhanced AI power dampeners
and yet you do not seem like
you're really celebrating.
And so, you must be open to that.
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 12, 2019
After Iris lands in serious danger, Nora races to save her mother. Barry puts the finishing touches on the metahuman cure, leaving Cisco with a rare night off so he decides to take Kamilla on a date.
Eh, with what happened to Mom
because of Cicada...
so now it's time for...
- not an incursion.
- Trust me, Grasshopper,
The types of guys
that she's into?
Hey, Kamilla.
a science businessman.
You said you were gonna beat me,
Uh, could we just have,
like, a do-over, please?
Ooh, nah, that's all you, man.
They'll help you,
and you'll know what to do.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Sorry, I just...
- It's I-an.
- Sorry, I-an.
When we met at the bar,
Will you get me a Zoom, please?
Yep, gotta go.
Um, I'd ask if we could have
I have to fix this.
- I-an.
- Sorry, I-an.
but I can't.
I don't know how to.
I'm not having déjà vu.
It doesn't matter what I try
to do. Nothing works!
I'm so worried about
my first date since Cynthia
I know every move.
- None of them were Cicada's?
- Exactly.
- Looking for me?
- I know you did your research.
Come on,
you gotta get a move on.
- Kamilla, hey.
- Cisco, wow.
- Oh, my God, I am.
- I'm so excited about it.
Listen, I know I screwed up
royally showing up late
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 05, 2019
Barry and Ralph must go undercover as criminals in an illegal black market to purchase a device that could help them stop Cicada. Once inside, Barry and Ralph find their morality tested as they slip deeper into the criminal world, eventually having
to choose between committing a crime, or losing the means to defeat one of their greatest foes. Meanwhile, Iris investigates a lead on Cicada’s whereabouts and ends up in a dangerous situation.
You can't listen to this.
Then we can use it
- How long will that take?
- Best guess, a minute.
Oh, will do.
I'm working, all right?
I don't have time for this.
- Great.
- Thank you very much.
I don't know how long
you've been watching me,
in case you're both metas.
A lot of people were scared
when DeVoe attacked last year.
Okay, this guy has got
crates of cop-killing guns.
There's nothing proper about
the way we're gonna use it.
But your partner,
I don't sniff nothing on him.
I came up with an
Well, she's the one for me.
You can't help a man
who thinks he knows everything.
Yeah, seriously.
Sherloque, I...
I-I'm looking for the
owner, Robbie Byrne.
a few questions for me.
And I've got to get to bed soon,
Barry, let me check your rifle.
Yeah, how about two?
- Cover me!
- Break, break, break!
Don't move!
Why you so mad at him?
Thanks to you.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 29, 2019
When Sherloque wants to use a memory machine on Barry and Nora to help gain access to Grace’s memories, Nora panics, fearing her parents will find out the secrets she’s been keeping from them. Nora secretly decides to use the machine on her own,
which ends in disaster after she gets trapped inside Grace’s mind. Barry and Iris go in after their daughter and Iris is brokenhearted by what she finds. Meanwhile, Ralph tricks Cisco into going out for a night out on the town.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 22, 2019
During a battle with Cicada, Nora is severely injured. Due to Cicada’s dampening powers, Nora’s speed healing isn’t working, leaving Barry and Iris scared for their daughter’s future. Upset about his injured child, The Flash is filled with rage and
confronts Cicada in a brutal battle. Meanwhile, Killer Frost keeps interfering with Caitlin’s work on the cure.
Well, and the depressed skull
fracture points to impact
Alter-ego confab.
so he could concentrate.
He says it's quiet there.
The lone decrypted entry
Not at the moment, but any
time I run into a road block
in her L3, L4, and L5 vertebrae.
- What?
- So I'm paralyzed?
He should finish the cure
he's working on.
More commonly known
as prison wine.
I want this guy.
Let's go get him!
No, we do not.
Okay, well, Cicada's dark
matter has left your system,
With speed healing,
mine should be over 100.
Some of these guys are bad news.
I need your help.
So, yeah, leave if you want,
After the blast
shattered all the cages,
Come on, he's clearly terrified.
- Bar's not open yet.
- Not even for you, Flash.
When a breach opens,
jump into it.
I have felt it before...
Why, you'll be back
on these feet
- The Speed Force?
- Speed Force. Right.
No one's investigating Nora.
That track is the wrong one.
I just don't understand why.
all Caitlin talked about
was getting you back.
Thank you, Flash,
Tuck your arms.
- Aah!
- Dad!
How's it feel
to be up and running again?
Care to tell me why you decided
The metas in this city
have no respect for human life.
until you get old and grey?
This is a DNA sample from
a recently created meta-human.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 15, 2019
While Nora grapples with the revelation that Thawne killed her grandmother, Team Flash must stop the formidable team-up of a newly sprung from jail Weather Witch and Silver Ghost, a new meta-tech villain who can control engines and motorized technology. Meanwhile, Caitlin and Cisco discuss creating a meta-human cure.
The good news is that CCPD
is still stationed outside
Joss Jackam's trial is later today.
so we better not be seeing
any invoices from you
I am very happy to be back at work.
Caitlyn/Killer Frost thing down pat.
I wasn't sure if any of
us were gonna make it.
as you enter the cell.
was saturated with unstable dark matter.
It's my first day back. Okay.
ranging from 150 to 250 miles per hour.
isn't it also possible it
could corrupt the defendant?
- What you doing?
- Get a load of this.
You think we need a meta-human cure?
and created God knows how many metas?
So Joss Jackam never
made it to Iron Heights.
Former air force, ace pilot, mechanic,
Hey, guys, any way
a billion jolts of electricity.
I get that, but it's too late.
So, um, last year, you
came out of the Speed Force
I'm a detective. I see
mystery everywhere, so...
What, no Flash today?
Look, I will tell you everything.
No! No, no! This is a misunderstanding!
and then she spent two
months on desk duty,
Yes. Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
and so were you until Cicada
got all up in your head.
Just having a hard time believing
What about Eobard Thawne?
Offer you a second chance...
Whatever phase-trick they just used,
Joss? Joss, it's XS. I
hope you can hear me.
in your biometric scans.
I went to go see Joe in
Tibet, and I ended up in Fiji.
- I'd ship that.
- Put that on.
would give you a second
chance at a normal life.
Aired 6 years ago - Dec 09, 2018
Part one of the crossover event with Arrow and Supergirl.
Synced & corrected by MaxPayne
== ==
No, no.
I'll meet you guys
at S.T.A.R. Labs.
You have failed this city.
Cops are on the way.
Just feel like we're being
very insensitive to all of you.
what I'm going through.
I'm the Green Arrow.
Suit up.
You believe that you are not
Barry Allen,
We're telling the truth.
The FBI just showed up
and took him away.
Whoever you are, we need
to get you to a safe place
that we're not crazy!
Okay, I'll run
their scans again.
That's a good idea.
You're gonna have to phase
us out of here.
Iris, you're my lightning rod.
You need a new muffler.
on what's left of Krypton,
Okay, just be careful
on that ladder.
Oh, and then I left you
to defend Earth alone
Well, about that.
Okay, come on, man. I mean, I've been
shooting paint cans all afternoon.
it's not gonna work.
to build a unit capable
of identifying meta-powers.
Guys, I felt like I was
really talking to Barry.
it comes with a painful memory.
Hey, Supergirl, Barry...
Only we're not gonna
weaken it, Iris.
AMAZO has been dismantled and every piece
locked up in a S.T.A.R. Labs vault
but until I do, I am confident
To my ex-wife, my third ex-wife.
I realized that you,
Aired 6 years ago - Dec 04, 2018
Barry and Team Flash come up with a plan to stop Cicada. However, the plan calls for Barry and Nora to travel back in time to gather some key necessities. However, Barry hesitates, concerned about his daughter seeing certain parts of his life.
Meanwhile, Sherloque takes his concerns about Nora to Iris, and Caitlin turns up a key asset in the fight against Cicada.
No, it's not. Savitar's suit,
the transmitter,
Quite an off-the-cuff plan
you've come up with.
I just want to fix what
I screwed up.
is make sure no one's in there
when he takes it.
Great, let's go show Barry
and see what he thinks.
- Of course.
- Of course.
Hey, game face.
What was that?
but everyone's here to help.
the Reverse-Flash.
Way later.
Oh, that's nice.
You want to destroy
Cicada's dagger, don't you?
You know, Allen,
for your plan to work,
- Can you hurry up?
- Yeah, I'll hurry up.
Thawne's been planning
this night for 14 years.
Especially you, Cisco.
He's gone.
Do you not know what he did?
that's not in The Flash museum.
he's lost all feeling
to his lower quadrants.
Is Dwyer still at the hospital?
The destruction they cause,
the death,
or 'cause you're just now
realizing you didn't kill me?
this one I don't recognize.
what's about to happen?
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 27, 2018
While Nora grapples with unresolved anger over her father’s disappearance in the future, Barry and Team Flash must stop a powerful new meta, Weather Witch, from killing her own father, Weather Wizard.
Yeah, today's actually
the first time.
Wow, I feel famous already.
terrifying to be there.
That is what I love most
about him,
I don't want this kid.
- Please explain.
- It's very simple, actually.
It's not working!
He shouldn't have
needed rescuing.
Will do.
- Why should I sympathize?
- You lost your father, right?
You called a kid a rat bastard?
with an MO similar to Mardon's.
And you expect me to believe she
woke up this morning and was like,
once we build it,
and, you know, you can...
I do hate me.
fed us some old bull,
wrapped in lies,
Dad, that weathervane,
- You're a poet.
- Awesome.
who abandoned his family.
My best guess...
Come on.
It's the only way to guarantee
Okay, you got me.
but there's interference.
We can't locate Joss.
No, she's damaged the terminal so badly
- Last chance.
- Where's my Dad?
and meta-weathervanes.
All right, boys, I'm tapping in.
Wait, are you actually saying...
What they want,
they just take what they want.
Not exactly.
- It's Thanksgiving, Doc.
- I'm here to be with my family.
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 20, 2018
Caitlin, Barry and Cisco learn something new about Caitlin’s father. Meanwhile, Iris and Sherloque follow a clue about Cicada.
I mean, we could check with
FEMA to see if any fathers
whilst giving birth
to my daughter,
It smells like science in here.
I did in the periodic table
we made together.
its capabilities is only
as a one-way video,
for the sake
of everyone's safety.
because we can get you
out of here.
and we're going to need
to take a look at the names of
That was my war face, Ralph.
The sunsets here.
Hey, I'm happy.
with me or anything like that.
Because, um, you're not here
to investigate, are you?
Yeah, Mom used to hate it
when you made those.
All these years...
They went by and I...
And it's spreading.
So my powers came from you?
but she's still a part of me.
But the problem is getting
to absolute zero.
And I know that little girl
laying in a coma
but they all had
one thing in common.
You're... you're the Deanna Troi
of Team Flash.
You know, to stimulate
the brain, but also, frankly,
How you will retrieve it?
made out of these skin grafts?
Dude. Hey dude,
we need to talk.
- Yes, you did.
- Thanks for that.
That's everyone.
He is the only family
that I have left.
If that's your father's
alter ego...
But no worries.
We'll get him.
- It's too cold.
- There's no moisture in the air.
- Guys, 400 degrees.
- We got 20 seconds.
Well, we have to find him.
All this time, we've been
trying to figure out
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 13, 2018
Nora lets something slip about the future that devastates Iris. In an attempt to distract his wife, Barry asks Iris to team up to stop a new meta, Rag Doll. Meanwhile, Caitlin learns something about her father.
and stop seeing her as who she
becomes in the future.
and I might not be able
to get to him...
What's on the walls, what's on
the desk, what he was wearing.
Can you describe the man
that you saw?
I mean, we're working
on the same case.
most especially your mother.
a complete record of
all of Dad's accomplishments.
and we could see for ourselves.
- What...
- What did you see?
I always wanted to be Soledad
O'Brien or Christiana Amanpour.
the Pritzker Prize three times?
Got him.
Peter Merkel.
Well, well, well.
Liquid nitrogen.
Listen, my mom may not be
the best person,
- Hmm.
- I'm Barry Allen.
Enjoy the party.
Hey. You okay?
- I'd hate me too.
- Iris.
It's remnants from Cicada's dagger.
See, this is...
It was stolen
almost immediately...
You're doing it
to keep her safe.
there was a kid in his class
that lost his folks.
The Jewelry, the building,
Damn it, Nora pick up.
The night of the enlightenment,
You guys still have
those meta-cuffs?
- that boneless bozo too.
- Mm-hmm.
Exposing a corrupt school
teacher at the age of 15.
I want you to be a part of mine.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 30, 2018
Barry and Iris face the ultimate parenting test when Team Flash battles Spin, a savvy millennial armed with meta tech, and a dangerous agenda for their daughter, Nora. Ralph is feeling defeated until an unlikely source issues a challenge to help boost his confidence.
You know, it'd be
easier to text and call.
Where is the little, uh...
Well, we know that
he's killed two people
We unravel this puzzle,
- We got to get going.
- Yeah, yes.
- I mean... Good luck!
- Yeah.
Wow, he really is slow.
she didn't last very long.
- Cecile? What's wrong?
- Something's not right.
Uh, we're up. We'll meet
you back at S.T.A.R. Labs
We're here to find out
why Cicada wears that mask.
- So?
- So the Internet told me
Yeah, for sure. What's up?
from writing about The
Flash back in the day.
and the next thing I know,
I wake up in the field
Enjoy this news, Flash.
You need to move them
in opposite directions,
Great job, Nora.
I guess you'll always be
the first one to the scoop
- where Cicada's mask is from.
- Google for the win.
Do any of your employees wear them?
Press that button. If
Spencer's a meta, it'll beep.
after that new female speedster, XS.
- What?
- Hold down the fort.
I would never lie to you.
So I'm trying to use
the quantum computer
for her entire life.
Right here, above the... um,
dee-aphragm. How do you say?
- Nothing, you?
- No.
The code is an exact match.
What I have to do is kill you.
I can't ping her phone. CCPD
disabled all the cell towers
Yes, we can.
has hit a new person and injured...
Well, you were right, and I was...
That's not what I mean.
has nothing to do with
what happens in the future.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 23, 2018
After Cicada’s attack on The Flash, the team realizes they need to think outside the box to stop this dangerous new foe. Desperate to help her parents, Nora comes up with a plan that ultimately puts a member of Team Flash in danger. Meanwhile, Caitlin delves into her past.
on the wrong thing?
this guy who must be Cisco.
- Hey, man, thank you for this.
- This is great.
at your service.
- Shh.
- Just let him...
It was a mutual decision, okay?
something removed.
A tattoo, right?
Shrap, that's a lot of money
even from when I from.
Oh, cool,
so you're like a detective.
takes me seriously.
Oh, yeah.
had your best interests
at heart.
- No, I'm impressed.
- Your mom is a really good liar.
All this, plus the census data
Okay, I'm gonna gather
everyone up,
He's just a masked do-gooder
Oh, my God.
He would teach me
the periodic table, but...
It's a suicide note.
trail always leads back
to that Earth's David Hersch.
Yes, since Nora got here
You're not gonna
let Hersch off the hook
She's been hearing about
the ripple effects
Nora says there's an emergency
in the pipeline intake.
- Ugh.
- Mm.
Come with me.
and I can't stop thinking
about it.
For all of this.
No, Cecile don't.
It's not working.
All right, now I need
you to hold your breath.
I've thought this through.
puts a little pep in my step.
crash with us.
Anything you want to talk about?
when I looked in his eyes.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 16, 2018
As Barry helps his daughter, Nora, become a better speedster, he and Team Flash also track down a meta stealing high-tech weapons, only to cross paths with a new foe named Cicada, who is hunting the very same meta with nefarious intent.
we are gonna deal with
it when it gets here.
Well, I guess now I know why
But it's okay that you are
still thinking about her.
I'm sorry. I'm just...
Oh, my God, you stop it, girl.
- Hello, Bobby.
- Vanessa Jansen.
Captain David Singh. Oh I've
read so much about you.
- Like, not a prob.
- Ah, got you.
That is so schway.
Four guards, they are
still in the hospital.
Then I think it's worth trying.
No, Cisco, after Ronnie and Jay
Um, Officer Matthews?
Everything went black.
You know my powers have
been fading in and out.
since before she was born.
And now they're going away?
are even slower than the ones
in storage at the Flash Museum.
Yes, time to take down my first baddie!
I'm tougher now, Bruno.
Didn't know I was a meta.
- You sure you feel okay?
- I'm totally okay.
Vanessa Jansen's concentrated
air squares are dense
It's this thing we're
working on with Cisco.
- My training is math?
- Yeah.
Even a Ferrari needs a
tune-up every once in a while.
Great, now that that's
over and done with.
- Yeah.
- Question.
Uh, just because I'm your daughter
Hey, I need your help.
pretty much set the gym on fire.
Well, show her it's
okay not to be perfect
What was that for?
Why don't you want to investigate
The truth is, it's too late for
me to change things with her.
Um, do you think one day
I will be great like you?
I want what's mine, Vanessa.
An officer requesting
to go on a coffee break.
in a six block radius
around Pacific and Davies.
Well, my work here is done.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 09, 2018
After an unexpected guest from the future appears at their home, Barry and Iris must figure out how to get her back to the future without disrupting the timeline.
Look, we just need to be
responsible, all right?
And what does it say?
to see if they have any insight?
"A few"?
like ice cream in the
cracks of a waffle cone.
All available units,
like some kind of...
or another Earth where
there's no world hunger,
I'm gonna go to CCPD,
I... well, I just, I...
We're... we're schway, baby.
Yeah, yeah.
Exactly, and they're
saturating Nora's body
I can come help.
You don't have any other leads?
His dark matter levels increased.
I wasn't asking about the science.
to figure out who Savitar was,
and 2015 to train with Wells.
have this one little
thing the normal way.
And we are gonna have
all of those firsts.
I'd imagined so many different
things to say to you.
the second I walked
into Grandpa's house.
What about your mom?
I came up with the name.
so sit back and enjoy...
I can't even phase myself,
let alone at G-Force.
Feel the rumble of the plane.
maybe we hit pause on this thing.
So promise me, when you find
what you're looking for,
I died in that particle
accelerator explosion.