Aired 6 years ago - May 22, 2018
Team Flash gets help from a surprising ally in their battle against DeVoe.
Aired 6 years ago - May 15, 2018
When DeVoe assaults an A.R.G.U.S. facility to complete his Enlightenment Machine, Barry realizes the only way he can stop him is if he allows Cisco and Caitlin to accompany him into the facility. Still shaken by Ralph’s death, Barry isn’t sure he wants to risk any more of his friends’ lives and considers taking on DeVoe solo.
And whether or not
he's still moping around
- Ramon.
- Cisco.
When you said, "Harry...
will you proofread,
to send people out there
to do our jobs for us.
That is usually caused by trauma,
I'm so sorry. I have to go.
Neil Borman, the man we left with you,
I could use each
plate's electric current
- Yeah, but...
- Damn, where is this boy?
That's the 'za I ordered.
'Chovies and pineapple.
have sent in hundreds of tips.
I-I don't feel helpful that much anymore.
you want to help, but we
can't split up in A.R.G.U.S.
that gives us just enough
time to rescue the hostages
Maybe if I shift my weight.
It's Joe and Cecile.
Great. That's great. I mean that's just
I don't think we can
until you give birth.
Marlize Malan.
Psychopath now, not then.
Marlize isn't a monster.
Hey, watch out!
I don't know. Something
pulled your focus.
Love. Exactly.
- more of a loft.
- This is my home, okay?
This a whole new level of weird. Stop.
Okay. I need you to take a deep breath.
- Joe?
- Oh, God.
you lost your damn mind?
Look we all lost somebody, okay.
Was he worse?
This is our last extrapolator.
You can destroy a thousand
more and you will still
Will save this godforsaken world.
I learned this from
experience, Mr. Allen.
just that I was young
and I was terrified.
The particle accelerator
hadn't exploded.
I got this.
Aired 6 years ago - May 08, 2018
With DeVoe’s Enlightenment device nearly complete, in order to disable it The Flash and his team must put their faith in an unlikely ally – Amunet Black. Meanwhile, Harry hits an all-time low when the “Council of Wells” kicks him out but then Cisco introduces him to the “Council of Harrisons.”
Tell me, Harry, how does
your "hypothetica"
I put you in the box.
Put the box in the pocket.
Are you telling me you're gonna betray
I try to attack it from
a different direction.
- That's not...
- I mean, you're right.
a nosedive, she's been out of
the meta trafficking business.
Maybe she's operating
under her real name,
Okay, well, I'll run the idea by them.
They gave me the boot.
Hello! Yes, bonjour.
And, uh, what is this poem about?
And as Wellses, you
know how very important
Well, Caitlin you got to tell the team.
Everybody out of the room.
Oh! Flash. You really do stop
Oh, no, my dear. I
find it very troubling.
You see, in life, I have found
Sorry, excuse me. Where are you going?
Remember last year when I came to you
Oh, that is a tempting offer.
Why you so hung up on this mamalooch?
Oh, mais, Harry. Go on, allez.
- Oui, oui, c'est fini.
- No, no, no.
This... was a colossal waste of time!
Oh, oh! Is it anthrax?
- Hey, did you find anything?
- Nope.
Amunet has splicer
technology that she used
Well, I can tell. There's no snark.
The best way for me
to understand DeVoe...
they will do the right thing.
And so I put that piece
of tech on your head, and,
A placebo...
30 times stronger than steel.
- No killing.
- That was not a stipulation
Amunet, I've got this.
You always underestimated me.
won't reach you. If you leave now,
If I'm not acting, then I don't have
Aired 6 years ago - May 01, 2018
Barry and Team Flash team up with Gypsy to try to thwart Thinker’s plan. Meanwhile, Cisco and Gypsy have a heart to heart talk about their relationship.
Well, I mean, like any hypothesis,
across the speed lab.
I did this to myself,
All right, Allen.
can harness power at 400% efficiency.
was a 24-year-old,
apparently shot himself.
So we need another way to learn
- That's a good idea.
- No, not.
You're welcome. All right.
disagreeing with my professional opinion.
That must be what DeVoe
is gonna steal next.
for the workout, brief as it was.
What if she doesn't want
the same thing as me?
require extreme ideas if ever we were to
now you just... you just sit.
that the more I try to use my brain...
Yeah. Well, that part's
not so easy, so...
CCPD is reporting two more break-ins
He's stealing pieces of
tech, for God knows why.
He's not building one thing,
he's building multiple.
- Fingers crossed.
- Yep.
I need you.
I want you too.
I know what DeVoe's doing.
It's not one machine.
Polynomial time computing.
DeVoe is creating a sonic pulse.
You know, he said something
about the Enlightenment.
DeVoe wants to remove the intelligence
and I want more.
Then why does it hurt so much?
that this technological
menace was capable.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 24, 2018
When Barry needs help transporting a dangerous meta, he calls on a new friend for help – Leo Snart; Cisco becomes suspicious of Harry.
that, as you know,
deals on its own terms.
There's been no decline
in your metabolic processes
a second thinking cap.
That doesn't make sense, I mean,
Tell her we're coming for Borman, okay?
about the other two problems?
I will fight until every last one of you
and his true-believer lover,
a radiation hazmat suit
- Few more tweaks.
- Okay.
on my Earth, had 'em there,
but I'm all out, unfortunately.
being a part of the
fight against the Nazis.
3,769 were under my watch.
Suits ready.
Honestly, Neil, we don't
know, but we want to find out
tracking any pocket dimension en route.
It was a good speech, Barry.
where joy is a scarce commodity.
it's okay to miss someone we've lost.
An elite assassin gone mad,
Hey, are you sure you're okay?
I still haven't found a replacement
You used dark matter?
because The Flash failed!
We destroyed her protectors.
This is for destroying my world!
Fight it! I'll save you.
He's burning up!
Well, Lyla said she had some people
wants to see how the other half lives.
You're welcome, again.
How you doing?
- I already did.
- And?
while I'm still of somewhat sound mind.
learning quadratic equations at age five
maybe not today.
I was raised to believe
that people are good.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 17, 2018
When Barry and Team Flash find a way to enter The Thinker’s lair, Ralph considers crossing a dangerous line to defeat DeVoe. Meanwhile, Joe is concerned by Harry’s recent behavior.
a heretofore impenetrable
force field of DeVoe.
in my body?
Okay, stay ready.
Just a couple of backpacking
photos on an old message board.
If he has Edwin Gauss's powers,
he won't need it anymore.
I give you Edwin Gauss's
pocket dimension activity.
Yeah, and you only need it
How much do you wear that cap?
'Round here, we call him...
Allen, I'm just saying,
- I give up.
- We're not cops.
Hey... shouldn't you rest?
watching the metas drop
like flies, one by one,
You strike me as a munchies kinda guy.
and there was this bald dude
in a Professor X floaty chair,
Edwin, can you get us back there?
unless you do have it?
But I was sure.
You know I can take it away
from you if I have to.
I know you're worried about DeVoe,
and Team Flash...
You may not care about
losing who you've become,
so if we go, everybody needs to sign off.
"If DeVoe was here, where
would he be going?"
You first!
I'll find him.
it appears I have been bested.
You already did, Barry.
I think I know where he's going.
¶ I'll move through you ¶
I know that you're... you're here for me
¶ Have you ever seen her? ¶
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 10, 2018
Barry and Ralph take different approaches to finding the remaining bus metas before DeVoe gets to them. However, Ralph’s cavalier attitude frustrates Barry and the two clash over what it means to be a hero. Meanwhile, Breacher returns to ask Cisco for a favor.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 13, 2018
Team Flash confront a new bus meta, Matthew Kim aka Melting Point. He has the ability to swap people’s DNA, so during a battle with Team Flash, he transfers Barry’s super speed to Iris. Now, with a new threat unleashed on Central City, Barry must
act as the team leader while Iris takes on the mantle of superhero speedster in order to defeat their new foe.
just like Thawne in order to stop Barry.
How many more metas have to die
before we finally stop DeVoe?
Not this time.
and each time we almost
get DeVoe, he gets away.
putting our lives on the line.
- All right.
- Anyway.
'Cause I got a bad feeling one
of them's gonna show up soon.
Oh, I don't think you will.
♪ ♪
I guess we have one less to worry about.
You have any idea how this happened?
So, I'm safe. Safer, I'm safer.
An EMT out of Central City General.
Can you... Do you mind...
all within four seconds.
Which is?
We all know you're fearless.
Any reason you left
without making a statement?
So, what about Barry?
And if DeVoe gets Matthew's abilities,
You know, somebody out there
All he does is eat.
whose innovations are warping his brain.
Hey, you okay?
What if I never get it back?
a bigger problem.
Guess you're on comms.
So unless we find him and get
him to reverse what he's done...
I'm gonna help you finish!
that you're not afraid?
it's my turn to do what
all of you have been doing.
No. You guys are on point.
Iris, I need you to
run as fast as you can.
♪ ♪
Well, we stopped him.
I think so.
We could use all the help we could get.
All right.
Last year when I thought that
Savitar was going to kill me,
I was wrong.
♪ ♪
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 06, 2018
When a nuclear bomb detonates in downtown Central City, Barry, Jesse Quick and Jay Garrick slow down time by entering Flashtime. As everyone in the city is frozen, the three speedsters push themselves to the breaking point to save the city and everyone in it.
I'm sorry, but, I mean, we've
been at this for months,
someplace very romantic.
I didn't do it, actually. Ramon did.
That and keep an eye on Ralph,
using the old buddy system.
That is a... mental activity dampener.
Look, Dad, when Mom died,
you didn't talk about it...
We're talking hundreds
of thousands of people.
That would make this an
inertial confinement cage
I think I breached one
too many times today.
I hope so.
- She's... no, she's fine. She left.
She went to... - Okay.
- The speed's affecting me.
- I know.
All right, back to basics.
All right, let's give it a whirl.
So if we all throw a lightning bolt
No, Jesse, we can't do that.
Barry, I don't have any more ideas.
I've got to think of something.
What... I'm...
Hey, as soon as I stop, it's gonna...
You're my lightning rod, Iris.
that you were still in there.
This was to air after the city fell.
Thanks. When I get back,
Yeah. We'll figure that out.
would help you move on...
- What is that?
- It's the streamlined version
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 27, 2018
Barry is let go from CCPD, due to his connection with the DeVoe case. The team encounter another Bus Meta, named Izzy (aka The Fiddler), who has the ability to manipulate sound; a power, which the team hope she can use to help them in their fight against DeVoe.
Fallout is safe with Tracy.
Well, clearly you've
never had to stay over
No, no way. I hate country music.
She's improving, but
she lacks refinement.
that we needed to find another.
now do we?
Now the person
responsible for doing that
I guess now we know what her power is.
- you get...
- Molecular shrapnel.
"He"? I thought Alan said
you were having a girl.
- Yes, it does.
- Okay.
- Iris!
- Yeah, I'm... I'm on it.
Oh, yeah. 100% dude.
and I have put up with more
crap than you could imagine
Yeah. Ralph.
I don't talk to creeps in dark hallways
Kinda like yours.
So? Who's gonna be my buddy, then?
I couldn't idly stand by
and watch you be injured.
unless you're dueling the devil.
Oh, okay. Just...
Thanks, Bare, but we kinda got this
I mean, Izzy's just trying to survive.
But Barry, we can't be
ruthless like DeVoe.
- That's the...
- Mental activity dampener.
Wouldn't be my first, doc.
You're not my buddy, Ralph.
I'm totally on board.
All right.
Hey, Ralph, I'll keep DeVoe busy.
Ralph, we can't.
- Because of me.
- We all tried to protect her.
Space. The final frontier.
Can we track him?
Someone looks busy.
Are you doing that thing where
you're reading my mind?
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 06, 2018
After hearing that Amunet has struck a deal to buy all of the metahumans in Iron Heights, Barry must decide if he should expose his powers in order to save his cellmates. After a visit from an old friend, Ralph is reminded of his shady past and wonders if he’s really a changed man.
with someone who can
help him keep up appearances,
every single time.
everyone involved is
in isolation for the week.
he can make some
inmates disappear
He's always sticking his nose
in my business.
You somehow willed your body
I'm gonna ask to be sold early.
My mind is consumed
it's not about what
we are going to do.
Barry's life is in your hands,
Next, we need to work
on his motor skills.
that stuff that you used, so...
Aw, my bad, tiny.
once again.
I forget nothing.
That's on you, bro.
or I'll pull on your eye snake
Hey, easy, easy.
of those good
emergency meetings--
What the hell's
that supposed to mean?
There isn't.
Allow me.
So, what are you gonna do
when you're free?
I didn't kill that teacher.
unless you do something worse
about surviving
right now is you.
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
What? Barry...
Repeat, we have a Code X.
As for Barry Allen's appeal...
I'm feeling great, yeah.
You okay, Barry?
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 30, 2018
A meta who can shrink anything he touches battles Team Flash. Cisco and Ralph get caught in his crossfire and are shrunk to miniature versions of themselves. Cecile realizes her pregnancy has caused her to have temporary powers and discovers she can
hear other people’s thoughts, which unnerves Joe. Meanwhile, Barry meets someone with a mysterious connection to Henry Allen.
"I'm worried about Cecile."
Well, Barry's in gen pop, so worst case,
I'm dealing next round.
That's right. You
only shoot unarmed men.
that matched the cartridge
of a gun you owned.
That guy could still be out there.
sonic vibration defenses,
Cecile, hey, babe.
What are you doing here?
- Hm.
- And that lady right there.
- Look at that.
- Did he just...
Yeah, I mean, um, we've
already got a lot on our plate
What do we wanna do about this case?
That's not really...
I mean, my... my case...
Sylbert Rundine!
This is a perfect replica.
- This is...
- Ridiculous.
I was gonna go farther than that.
the space between atomic bonds.
Oh, it takes a long time to breach here.
What, was electron-degenerate
sub-atomizer taken?
The reason that we're here today is,
You just think that I'm in the wrong.
for a crime he didn't commit, right?
It is a three-dimensional model
Come on! Take me!
within... ten hours.
- This is real life, man...
- I...
Yeah. I guess I have.
but he is unquestionably a monster.
would make our relationship
stronger, not push us apart.
- Guys!
- What?
- What?
- Your face is huge.
What do you mean we only have
20 minutes until we explode?
We're heading into the hanger now.
We've gotta figure out how
to get him to fire at us.
I'm gonna shrink you down
to the subatomic level, boy.
You did it.
I'd rather rot.
You know, I-I made you a promise and...
When you hit one of those walls,
is what got us into all of this.
vulnerable thoughts.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 23, 2018
Barry is occupied with his trial when a familiar villain returns to terrorize Central City, leaving Ralph to strive to defend the innocent. Can Barry keep his optimism alive in his new circumstances?
Don't worry, though,
they're totally safe.
Yeah, just, uh, wicked heartburn.
No, Ralph, I meant you, okay?
DeVoe framed Barry yet?
but it won't go any faster.
To be murder buds.
The first week in Iron Heights
It's not as bad as I
thought it would be.
I don't want this to be our lives.
that this nurse might be a criminal?
- What are you doing here?
- Axel Walker escaped.
- Detective?
- Sir.
including the destruction of
Come on, use Killer Frost's credit card.
Axel, I wanted you back in my life.
While you were watching him
terrorize the city on TV,
Everyone walks away
safe, and so Central City
I don't want any trouble.
It's been far, far too
long since my beautiful face
He's downtown, corner
of DeMeo and Bilson.
Ooh, look at that cutting wit.
It's acid, with a little ingredient X.
and all it did was
burn through your skin?
is that you're safe.
I was just wondering why you helped me.
What's gotten into you?
It requires none of those things.
So, why don't we meet
our first contestants?
Beebo has an owie.
I'm going to have
CCPD create a perimeter
Ralph, last year, I thought
I was going to die, too.
and feel like there's nothing
I can do to help anyone.
There's a lot of
repressed anger in there.
to do the surgery.
Okay, let's deliver these
delivery people to safety.
Harry, it's a trap. They've
got Caitlin and Cisco.
Like father, like son, eh?
Actually, I did.
Now let's melt yours.
You know what they say, detective?
No, I don't stretch, I contort.
- Like The Flash.
- Exactly.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 16, 2018
As Barry’s trial for the murder of Clifford DeVoe begins, Iris and Joe must decide how far they are willing to go to keep Barry out of prison.
- Oh, ha, no offense taken.
- Come on.
And you don't care for it.
that one person can
carry out against another.
the most joyous moment
in a couple's lives.
No data breach, nothing
stolen. Everyone just collapsed.
but I have to tell them what I know.
It was really something
he said in the interview.
It says here in his personnel file
That whether you realized it or not,
Now, do you still think that
he's one of the good ones?
I can go to Slater, I
can ask for a plea deal,
Barry, if the court
knows you're The Flash,
No, radiation poisoning.
Mr. Allen showed up at my
house almost two months ago
He left...
I'll run it any way I see fit.
another man you convinced
to kill your husband.
Whatever it is that you are up to,
Nuclear waste tanker.
would have a target on their back.
and slip inside and open the door?
and sleep as sound as a
millennial after Burning Man
Your colleagues won't talk to you,
There's a massive spike
in radiation downtown,
Few men in this city are as honest,
to be present during closing statements.
- You need to stop.
- I don't want to hurt anybody.
Oh, good Lord, Caitlin.
Allen, I don't know long
in the matter of The People
vs. Bartholomew Henry Allen,
guilty in the murder of
Professor Clifford Devoe.
Yes, I think you will miss Iris.
Thank you all for coming
on such short notice.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 05, 2017
Amunet kidnaps Caitlin and puts meta-dampener handcuffs on her to keep her from turning into Killer Frost. Amunet tells Caitlin she needs her to perform a tricky medical task and if Caitlin fails, Amunet will kill her. Meanwhile, The Thinker traps
The Flash in a speedster-proof prison. With the clock ticking, The Team doesn’t have the time or resources to track both Caitlin and Barry so Iris is forced to choose who to save.
I would use any excuse to use them.
Maybe. but I will never grow tired
I swear I will stand beside you in no time.
that she was gonna hurt people, but now,
Amunet black abducted Caitlin.
Here we are.
And I'd intended on selling him,
And risk him bleeding out,
Hello, Mr. Allen.
Dominic, do you know what a meta human is?
Can you hear what I'm thinking right now?
So, where are we? This is your sanctuary?
You made sure that we turned all those people on that bus
Devoe? - you should learn to lose
Thinly veiled threats aside, Mr. West,
in missing children cases. - And what would that be?
A mindless Minion carrying out her master's bidding?
His body may be human,
Oh, boy.
with your fat mouth! - Maybe I should have
I made a call.
this surgery here. And I don't have any powers
So I spent my days in a quaint little skirt
Caitlin Snow, are and have always been
Although Sally here clearly doesn't wanna be encouraged.
I suck at being a friend.
to Jerry-rig and mri machine so that I don't hit an artery.
Extracting the foreign object.
Well, that's the thing.
Why do you think he took you? - I'm not sure.
Wells told me about the tough call you had to make yesterday.
I realize that I don't usually say or do the right thing.
Ramon, that's not a break up cube.
Bitchin'? - festive.
I told you I have a very important buyer, dom.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 28, 2017
Barry and Iris’s wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West and
Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth’s mightiest heroes – Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and White Canary – lead their teams into battle to save the world.
- Are they gonna do that the whole time we're in here?
They're not going to be alive much longer.
- And it's just gonna get worse
- Iris, I'm all for girl power and everything,
- In line, now.
- Because I like men
- Move! now!
- Up!
you might want to close your eyes.
to worship, to lead.
By yourself.
You're not using it.
- I'm from Earth-1 too.
- Yeah, well, we've faced worse, so...
for an opportunity like this for years.
But he is the general, and he's issued his commands.
for the same causes their grandfathers did.
if you don't let me get back to save her.
my Earth.
I found myself unexpectedly with a son.
- You don't understand.
what happened to my sister happen to yours.
We just let these poor strangely dressed individuals
So the entire facility
I am not giving you more time.
- My--my cousin...
- Well, everyone in the building has been accounted for.
My doppelganger...
We discovered this jewess
Did you really think I would hand you a loaded weapon...
- Guys, we have a problem.
Sometimes we think we're more clever than we are.
Nobody's gonna die because of me.
Barry, ray-- - we know.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 21, 2017
Barry comes face to face with DeVoe. Devoe’s past is revealed through flashbacks. Meanwhile, Iris puts the final touches on the wedding, which is a week away.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 14, 2017
When collectors of Native American artifacts are attacked by a meta named Mina Chayton who can bring inanimate objects to life, Barry turns to a surprising ally for help. Determined to crack the identity of The Thinker, Harry enlists Cisco’s help to
summon the ultimate think tank: “The Council of Wells’,” a roundtable of the brightest Harrison Wells’ from various Earths.
If you've miscalculated
- Five...four...
Somehow they're connected
to DeVoe's plan.
to recover memories.
What do you see?
we got guac,
we got beer.
your tiny world matters
here at the mansion
on dress-up night.
- Sorry.
It's a bad connection.
So, you are unnecessary...
- I'm gonna...
- Hm?
The good thing is,
our rifles have
You ready to suit up?
- Oh, yeah.
Don't fight crime naked!
Had to have it taken apart
and repaired
¶ ¶
of dark matter from this
- She was trying to reclaim
several Sioux art pieces
under "superhero lesson
of the day," you know?
You know what I mean.
It belongs
to the Sioux people...
- EMTs are almost here.
¶ ¶
I hate them.
I hate them all.
I'm fantastic.
I'm talking about them.
'Cause sometimes, you're
a hard-ass, you're a hero.
- All right, well...
that's unfortunate.
- Ja. Obviously.
Yeah--hey, well, um,
when I was a P.I., I...
- I...don't always
handle it well.
¶ ¶
It's up to us.
Are you ready?
- That belongs in a museum.
- This is a museum.
That movie is filled
with lies!
¶ ¶
¶ ¶
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 07, 2017
Having received an ominous threat from her old boss, Amunet, Caitlin fears that her past time as Killer Frost may be back to haunt her. Felicity comes to Central City to help the girls celebrate Iris's bachelorette party, while Cisco, Joe and the guys take Barry out for a night on the town.
I know, well, you
always wanted a sibling.
Ah, you two were so young.
This weinerfest is
about to indulge in some
So fancy.
Oh, no, the last time
we did anything that
I was hoping to see you again.
There ain't nothing
golden about any of this.
God, I wish I could have a drink.
her taste in men... Both terrible.
being manipulated by
Savitar, and in the end,
Great, I'm gonna try and
call for backup again.
Let's get you back to the table.
Oh, hell no.
You should know by now
I don't ask for anything.
♪ ♪
Not realizing who has
the power in the room.
♪ ♪
She got desperate, so
she decided to use it.
She's too powerful. We can't stop her.
Because we live in a society
Start over. Escape Amunet.
You're just as afraid of being Caitlin
Rose make room for Jack on the door?
[SLURRED] I'm the Flash!
And why it took you
six months to come back?
Words uttered by everybody
who's ever had too many.
- Mm-hmm.
- And seeing Joanie?
You've always been there
for us when we've needed you,
It's like a love drug.
If I lose control, I
could become a liability.
♪ ♪
One, two...
It's... it's too late for that, Caity.
to be able to kill anyone today.
And I'll never be free unless she dies.
♪ ♪
You know what? We
actually had a few scrapes.
I was not trying to tell you what to do.
do you wanna do breakfast
in the morning and just talk?
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 31, 2017
Cisco is shocked when Gypsy’s father, Breacher, shows up on Earth-1. Breacher takes an immediate disliking to Cisco and decides to hunt him. Meanwhile, Barry runs into his old nemesis, Ralph Dibny.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 24, 2017
Barry and the team are hit by a string of bad luck and realize it is the handiwork of a new meta, Becky nicknamed Hazard, who has the ability to give others bad luck, while cashing in the benefits for herself. Meanwhile, Harry Wells returns to Earth-1 to give Wally a message from Jesse.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 17, 2017
Barry has his hands full when he takes on a dangerous meta who can control technology, while also confronting an obstacle in his personal life: the ramifications of abandoning Iris for six months to balance the Speed Force. Meanwhile, Gypsy breaches in for a hot date with Cisco, but she gets annoyed when his work keeps them apart.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 10, 2017
With Barry in the speed force, Iris, Kid Flash, Joe, and Vibe have taken over protecting Central City. However, when a powerful armored villain threatens to level the city if The Flash doesn’t appear, Cisco makes a risky decision to break Barry out of the speed force. However, the Barry that comes out isn’t the same Barry that went in.