Aired 8 years ago - May 24, 2016
Barry vows to stop Zoom after learning Zoom's true plans.
Aired 8 years ago - May 17, 2016
After Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans on Central City, Barry is shaken when he sees their leader is the Black Canary’s Earth-2 doppelganger, the Black Siren. Meanwhile, Wally takes to the streets to help The Flash stop the meta-humans, which worries Joe. Iris and Henry are concerned about Barry taking on Zoom.
Aired 8 years ago - May 10, 2016
With Barry gone, the team must figure out a way to handle the return of an old enemy - Girder. Realizing Girder is retracing his steps from his last attack, Iris volunteers to act as bait to trap him in S.T.A.R. Labs. Meanwhile, Barry fights to return to his old life.
Aired 8 years ago - May 03, 2016
Zoom arrives back on Earth-1 intent on taking over Central City. Barry and Wells come up with a plan to stop Zoom once and for all but it’s extremely dangerous. Unsure if he should take the risk, Barry reaches out to both fathers for advice. Henry
is adamantly opposed to Barry risking his life again but Joe thinks he can handle it which puts the two men at odds with each other. Meanwhile, Cisco is shocked when he vibes the Earth-2 villain Rupture, who happens to be his brother Dante’s doppelganger. Rupture came to this Earth seeking justice for Reverb’s death. Iris decides she’s finally ready to open up to Barry about her feelings for him.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 26, 2016
A meta-human with super strength named Griffin Grey mistakes Harry for Earth-1 Harrison Wells and kidnaps him, demanding that Wells cure him from his current condition. Realizing another brilliant Wells could help track Griffin’s location, Barry asks Jesse to help. Meanwhile, Wally corners Joe about The Flash.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 19, 2016
Equipped with the tachyon device, Barry believes he is fast enough to stop Zoom and wants to open the breaches to catch him. Harry strongly advises against that plan but after Barry convinces him, Harry reveals that Cisco has the power to re-open the breach. Meanwhile, Hunter Zoloman’s painful story on Earth-2 is revealed.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 29, 2016
After the shocking revelation that Zoom is Jay Garrick, Barry is more determined than ever to get back to Earth-2 to stop Zoom forever. Desperate to find a way to increase his speed, Barry decides to travel back in time and masquerade as his earlier
self in order to get his arch-nemesis, Dr. Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne, to teach him how to run faster. However, things don’t go as planned and Barry is stunned to face familiar foe Hartley Rathaway, as well as old friend Eddie Thawne. Iris makes peace with her past in order to embrace her future.
- With who?
- The new editor at CCPN.
You're the only person who's gonna know
with smaller propulsion systems.
Does it look like I found Jesse?
And only you will know
what those differences are.
Cisco: Okay, you're gonna
go back to the time
if anything gets altered,
so get what you need
♪ ♪
Whatever Hartley's using
must be shorting out his comms.
Got ya again.
are generating any low level
electromagnetic pulses.
That was quite an observation you had
This is quite the... speed equation
Go back to his house. Search everything.
♪ ♪
- Hey, Bar.
- Hey, Eddie.
Let me just take care of all this, okay?
It was earlier today,
actually, when I was running
Yes. I've figured it out.
Scary, aren't they? [chuckles]
♪ ♪
who can teach me.
Because when I got back,
a singularity had formed.
You probably should've thought of that
[dramatic music]
[Wraith roaring]
- Where are they?
- Okay, let's step back.
Speedsters... we're not the only
two out there, you know?
- Me.
- What, why?
Talk as if... talk as if
[suspenseful music]
"I have been and always
shall be your friend."
You stop talking too, all right?
Tachyon enhancement.
- Barry...
- Not now. When I get back.
♪ ♪
It was interesting.
I don't know what I've done.
Now, I don't know
if I'll ever see that again.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 22, 2016
Having arrived in town intent on creating maximum chaos, Trajectory’s antics are misinterpreted as having been perpetrated by the Flash himself. Barry thus must quickly uncover the mystery of who is the girl under the mask — as well as what is driving her mad desire for speed and destruction.
Pop music would never be the same
He's terrorizing a whole world
full of people, your world.
Look, what happened to trying
new things, meeting new people?
Oh, right.
The tic-tac-toe theme is cool.
Hey, so I know I'm
practically your brother,
Don't worry, we'll figure it out.
You were there last night.
You've seen him in action.
And I was not going to lose you.
You see what I'm saying?
pushing myself to the limit,
We could run her through
the facial recognition.
I only gave her three
of the eight components
Don't you ever take a break?
We think that it was somehow involved.
Thank you.
compared to dozens of eyewitnesses?
I'm so tired.
I took it, but I haven't taken it yet.
Be like Jay.
Time to have some fun.
Look, your cellular system...
A little too much, if you ask me.
to ensure that people, even heroes,
I'm sorry, I didn't
know that this was...
making it up to you for the...
It is my job to keep you safe,
She's creating friction,
Barry, to make that jump,
you'll need to go Mach 3.3,
but it's a cop-out.
The lightning, it's turning blue.
Hey, Dad.
and his lightning didn't turn blue.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 23, 2016
When King Shark escapes from an A.R.G.U.S. holding tank, Lila and Diggle travel to Central City to warn The Flash. King Shark shows up at the West house and attacks Joe, Iris, Wally and Barry.
Bury it. Move on.
I'm sure the new director of A.R.G.U.S. will clean up
Anyway, I'm gonna go meet up with some friends.
He's part of the family now, Bar.
You've been working around the clock.
You haven't mentioned anything about about Earth-2, have you?
Barry, this thing is a killing machine.
Okay, well, all these locations are next to a body of water.
Could use some improvements.
What does this have to do with me?
Yeah, well, that's one way to describe it.
Let's just hope Wells is doing better than we are.
It is a jet, so it's gonna burn through a lot of fuel.
'cause you have this icy look in your eye
Cisco, I'm not a meta-human.
What about mobility behaviors?
reverse rotation and send more power to the torque converter.
Where is he?
but they never mentioned anything
And that's when everything went wrong.
And Jay warned me not to get emotionally sucked in
Yes, it's how they sense the bioelectric potential
Caitlin, I don't understand why
Yes, Harry.
Think of this as your first step.
Hey, I got to thank you, Barry.
Say hi to everyone for me, all right?
But Barry gave me a lot of help, so...
and become the man he is now.
Caitlin, your hands are freezing.
I don't even have the meta-human gene,
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 16, 2016
On Earth-2, the team races to find Zoom's lair and asks for help from the most unexpected source. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Caitlin rushes to perfect Velocity-9 so that Jay can stop the Geomancer.
You're welcome.
except you have a slight fever of 100.6.
Meaning, you weren't the most
conscientious body-mate.
Barry, I... I know I can be
difficult, but thank you
Did what Joe, what are we doing here?
No, Barry. Not that you.
So. Is it possible?
Right. So what's the answer?
- Is he?
- Yes.
Theoretically, to travel through time,
and we recently discovered
some evidence that...
to that night, then...
it means that I didn't save her.
- And it's dangerous.
- It can be.
but getting you... that's just gravy.
I'm so stupid.
Impossible's just another
Tuesday for us, remember?
Tell me about it.
Well, there's plenty for everyone.
Tell me.
We'll seem like cave men
fighting with sticks
We have been through so much.
You have... all your life.
How did you know that the blood
in the house belonged to me?
has taught me anything,
it's that my life's work
You want the secret to Firestorm.
media relations division and asked,
Unfortunately, I'm not
in the position to take on
Whatever this is, it doesn't have
My father had me convinced
that our greatest threat
Last time I did this was to a gorilla.
You show remarkable grit for a teacher.
- 27.
- What does it mean?
You will always risk your life
to try and help people,
That I need you alive.
Barry, I'm picking up some
serious pH numbers on your suit.
Once more unto the breach, dear friend.
Pittsburgh, maybe.
- Ready, Ronald?
- Please stop calling me that.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 09, 2016
Barry, Wells and Cisco journey to Earth-2 to rescue Wells’ daughter, Jesse from Zoom. Barry is stunned when he runs into Earth-2 Iris and Joe, but nothing prepares him for meeting Killer Frost and Deathstorm. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jay has to take over the Flash’s responsibilities when a meta-human nicknamed Geomancer attacks Central City.
but I know what I have here.
If that happens,
Okay, let's go.
Welcome back.
- My mojo.
- Yes, all right.
Yeah, it is.
but I've always wanted to meet you.
I can handle it.
I'm not the best shot
in the department, but...
Where do you people get off
Are you okay?
Um, it was just good to talk to my mom.
wealthy, famous inventor,
Being a cop like grandpa is what I love.
But there were some unforeseen side effects.
So which one of you lounge lizards
I haven't heard that name in a long time.
I've been dying to kill The Flash.
is alive and safe on your Earth,
Yeah, yeah.
Every single one.
Uh, please, I should really take this.
Yeah, uh...
I don't think he will show.
You don't ever want to see all I have.
No, they work for me.
when you... you could be a god.
What did I say you should do
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 02, 2016
Barry teams up with Wells to figure out a way to close the breaches, but they are distracted by a meta-human nicknamed Tar Pit who can transform into liquid asphalt. Iris is concerned for Wally's safety after she finds out about his drag racing hobby. When he refuses to stop she makes a bold move that puts her in danger.
Isn't that a little dangerous?
Look, Dad, I'll play along
if that's what you want,
I could begin... collection.
Do it by myself.
Our reigning champ: Tail Lights.
particle accelerator explosion
two years ago,
but I could still hate.
Oh, not for the same reasons,
Yeah, how's that going, you and him?
then why don't you use it
to find the next Ms. Right?
and Wally could be the next one.
but I am learning a lot from you.
Hey, I ran your crime scene
samples six ways from Sunday.
I bet right now you're not thinking...
Uh, Stanley wouldn't
answer any of my questions.
that can play this game?
You got a death wish?
You don't know what I'm feeling.
Just going over some research.
I... as much as you all want me
to be part of your team,
a notion rather, on how we could
close the breaches for good.
Yeah, see you later.
You're not in the position
In this case, I am facial recognition.
I'm good though.
Look, I know you just lost your mother
you got a Tar Pit popsicle for dessert.
yours might have diminished?
Let's go find this tar freak.
Yeah, at any cost, right?
What about your daughter?
You know... growing up,
because if I do...
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 26, 2016
When Cisco gets a vibe of Eobard Thawne, Barry and the team don’t believe it. But, after an attack at Mercury Labs, Christina McGee confirms that the Reverse Flash is back. Meanwhile, Iris and Francine share a nice moment that brings Iris closer to her brother, Wally.
Maybe that's where we should start.
She's moving in two days.
You realize this Earth
is my Earth-2, right?
Meet me in the Time Vault.
but since Thawne is from the future,
I got to go check on Iris.
A man in a yellow suit tried to steal
is not to hold anything back.
Because I would have forgiven you then...
No, but there's still
more databases to check.
You're just rolling with the
whole “me leaving” thing.
Put 'em on.
Concentrate on The Reverse-Flash.
She's dead.
Cisco, you're sure that's what you saw?
All of them involved The
Flash saving the day
Nice nitrous kit.
One moment he was here, the next... gone.
It'll take a few minutes for
the device to reach full power
- Maybe you should tell her.
- No.
Yes, I did. Didn't I?
You really think you're
fast enough to stop me?
He killed my mom!
Because you need to see for yourself.
I have powers.
Okay, look, what...
I've learned what time
period you're from, Flash.
you got to do it!
Don't worry about it.
Right here, right now.
I could throw him three
centuries from now.
Hunter Zolomon?
I think you vibed one
too many dimensions.
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 19, 2016
Now that they've grown closer, Barry considers telling Patty that he is The Flash. Meanwhile, Joe and Iris try to get to know Wally, and the team hunts down a meta-human who can slow time itself.
Aired 9 years ago - Dec 08, 2015
When Mark Mardon AKA The Weather Wizard returns to break Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold and James Jesse AKA The Trickster out of Iron Heights, Barry must stop these rogues from taking over Central City during Christmas. Meanwhile, Joe and Iris meet Wally West.
But I have, like,
a 4:00 to 12:00, but...
for not telling me that
you were The Flash,
When I found out,
I told her to leave
an unstable neutrino burst
into the individual breaches,
and then the Romans killed him
so we give each other gifts...
I mean, thank God
nobody was killed,
Look, Barry,
you're a sweet guy,
because I was looking to make
some new friends.
He's vulnerable.
He's weak.
Oh, yeah.
all of Central City.
I have something
I have to deal with.
When she left us...
Short for Wallace.
the core goes critical.
You mean there's no money
in it for you?
Merry Christmas, Barry.
and the nurse said to me that
she was just about to call me.
I was protecting myself.
I couldn't stand it anymore.
I can't even say his name.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm not sure where Joe is.
My stocking won't be
completely stuffed
I gave one to my daughter
when she was six.
I made you out of C-4!
because I was being stupid
and silly with my friends.
You know, even if you get
this guy that wronged you,
hiding a lot of pain
behind her smile.
You see this wand here?
Guess what?
There's no way
for you to to all of them,
- Was that you?
- No! Gut him!
What are you doing?
regenerative healing
capabilities won't cure.
I've always said that one day
I would give this to my son...
- Thank you.
- Of course.
Aired 9 years ago - Dec 01, 2015
Vandal Savage arrives in Central City and sets his sights on Kendra Saunders. After Vandal attacks Kendra and Cisco, they turn to Barry for help. Realizing how dangerous Vandal is, Barry takes Kendra to Star City and asks Oliver and team to hide her
until he can figure out how to stop Vandal. However, things quickly go from bad to worse when a man with wings AKA Hawkman shows up and flies off with Kendra. Meanwhile, Harrison develops a serum to make Barry run faster and asks Jay to test it out.
This cross-over episode concludes on Arrow's season 4 “Legends of Yesterday” episode.
then these three were stabbed
Dude, come on.
is going to be able to protect her.
But how do we even know Oliver and them
I really thought we'd be
doing this dance a lot longer.
Nice new digs.
I mean, it hasn't happened since last week.
since Zoom showed up on my Earth.
Then all we'd need is
heat to release the oxygen.
I mean...
I'm always here for you.
As I was saying, it's good to see everyone.
I have this great thing going with her.
This is why we ask questions.
I get these vibes from people.
It's not something you can create in a lab.
Some say he was the most
trusted adviser to Genghis Khan.
Hey, Joe, it's Patty.
I remember feeling that exact same feeling,
Don't worry. We're going to find her.
I got them! 57th Street tower.
- You're making a big mistake.
- I'll take my chances.
Yep, comes in handy.
- She did see you.
- Christina McGee?
You're Priestess
Chay-Ara. I'm Prince Khufu.
and get rid of him.
I'll, uh, work my magic,
see what I can find.
and then she can give you
a lift back to Central City.
If this guy's immortal
Blood flow's returning to his lungs.
You tried those arrows
once before, remember?
Carter was right.
I used to enjoy slow deaths.
I'm gonna have to learn
how to use these things.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 17, 2015
Grodd returns to Central City and kidnaps Caitlin. Barry and team race to find her before it’s too late. Meanwhile, Cisco plans his first date with the new barista at Jitters, Kendra Saunders and Patty begins to suspect Barry is hiding something from her.
I'm just not myself right now.
Look, I made a big mistake coming here.
'cause then you'd be stuck here.
Well, let's see if that's true.
Okay, Brian, let that sit overnight,
That ain't a coincidence.
Oh, heading to see him right now.
Oh, yeah, you know, I'm not great right now.
I'm supposed to be their hero.
but have you read any reports
or anything recently
Just don't know what to do about Barry.
Uh, apparently they were all
over the other crime scene too.
in the middle of the day
without anybody noticing.
You... Remember me?
from the particle accelerator explosion?
- Yeah. Look, Dad...
- Hey, guys.
that he's Wells, that he's his father,
In many ways, you've shown me
what it's like to have a son.
Now we wait.
feeling the shame of losing.
that I had killed the woman I loved
in their first few years of life.
But now that I'm back,
What do we do?
Grodd, I made you a promise.
I know somewhere we could send him.
Won't you, Flash?
Right on time.
Now you, too. No.
I can't believe something good
finally came from that suit.
that we've sent Grodd, what is it exactly?
Together, we defeated Grodd,
and if we stay that way,
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
When the CSI's away...
No, I know, I should've
given you more credit.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 10, 2015
After recent events, Barry decides it’s time to confront Zoom and comes up with a dangerous plan. Caitlin sides with Jay and deems it too dangerous for Barry to engage with the speed demon. However, Iris shows her support and brings forth a surprising ally. We see what Earth-2 Harrison Wells’ life was like before coming through the breech.
and then we'd have Sergeant Slow.
and, by the way, the sole purpose
What The Flash said about you
at the press conference?
Don't worry. I got my education today.
The Doctor Light case is closed.
Yeah, yeah, although the memory...
my pretty little head about it.
You should have listened to me
and sedated her.
I'm gonna figure out
another way to get Zoom.
get me killed, and we can't just sit around
You're not trying to give me a compliment.
I mean, I think Joe's right.
Hey, Jesse, it's Dad. Can you...
She must be terrified.
and she deserves the chance to help us.
This is ridiculous.
So just hit the ones of me. Okay?
Yeah, I'll go talk to him.
Look, all I'm saying is,
Listen, I just want to bury the hatchet
It's a bit complicated,
I... I would. Joe and I actually...
I'm here to kill The Flash,
and no one can stop me!
- You're okay, right?
- Yeah, yeah.
No, Linda, you did great.
that he still won because I wasn't happy,
I know. I don't want that.
I wish I could have kept
the gloves at least.
we should probably join
CrossFit or something, you know?
Maybe he can't see through the breaches.
He's not. He's not scared.
- Run, Barry.
- No.
making the net force zero, making...
- He's killing him.
- Barry.
You, too, weren't fast enough.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 03, 2015
Barry learns a new breacher, Dr. Light, has come through the portal and sets off to capture her. Jay tells Barry that Dr. Light was not a threat on Earth-2 and that Barry can reason with her. However, during a fight with The Flash, she blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom. Meanwhile, Barry and Patty go out on a date.
- Hi.
- Hi.
but I want to run
some tests on you.
We lost people we cared about.
Be careful.
After all our losses,
I thought at least
that everybody thinks
is dead, right?
Hey, Barr, did you hear I
was right about King Shark?
- Yeah! Coolio.
- Yeah.
We capture Doctor Light and
use her to lure Zoom here.
Zoom can make people do
things out of character.
Yeah, this isn't gonna
be one those things
You and Wells prime have very
different musical tastes.
- That's gotta be Doctor Light.
- Could be a trap.
Always an excuse
with you, right?
No, no, no, come on, here's
the little rail here.
Yeah, I know, but
really, I'm fine, okay?
Or someone.
Not that kind of reputation.
That's not what I meant.
Yeah, whatever it is, that
color should thank you
Something has changed and not
just because I disappeared.
When I was nine, I
actually drowned.
I think you can't see me.
Never been, but I
do love Atlantis.
- Everybody out, now!
- Go!
We, uh, have arrived
at my car, so...
- Sorry.
- No, it's mine too.
Barry can stop Zoom.
Maybe you should be
hard on Jay too.
is capture Doctor Light.
You never got an
alert on your phone.
What if I become like him?
I'm telling you I don't
know how it works!
By running so fast, you
create multiple afterimages
Show Light what that means.
You can't be serious.
or even worse,
Yeah, I know, this
is supes awkward,
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 27, 2015
Barry and the team look for another Firestorm match for Dr. Stein. When the team meets Jefferson “Jax” Jackson, Caitlin has her reservations about whether Jax is the right match for Dr. Stein. Iris surprises Joe while Barry and Patty grow closer.
I think I might know
how to do that.
sounds like the biggest
"swipe left" of all time.
What do you need to do that?
You kept saying,
"She pinched me."
But, I mean,
If I didn't know any better,
There was no agglutination
in the blood samples,
I think he'd be open to
something like this.
Could indicate a strong
technical aptitude.
'cause of that stupid
thing going wrong.
Let's just sit.
but that doesn't mean that
it's the right time for me.
Man finally achieves the
promise of the Atomic Age.
Absolutely, becoming Firestorm
is a huge life change.
So all this was for nothing?
because I've always appreciated
your discretion in the past.
Supposedly it's pretty
common among ex-addicts.
You got some kind of "Billion
Dollar Man" technology
and turn it into these
massive nuclear blasts.
Is this the type of guy you are?
Exactly, which is why we need
someone who wants to do this.
What... actually, I have to
go, but thank you so much
I don't know. She's
not Iris, I guess.
Hewitt, you have those
nucleosome results?
erupted last night at
Eikmeier Technologies.
isn't the only one in question.
and only says that she's dying
after I told her to stay away.
That desperate?
Football was my way in, until
that got taken from me.
This thing, it ran out,
like, 30 minutes ago.
Calm down, Jefferson, focus.
You have no idea what
this means to me.
He was born eight months
after you left Central City.
Cisco, I know you're scared,
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 20, 2015
When Barry and the team find out Captain Cold has been kidnapped, they form an uneasy alliance with his sister, Lisa. However, Barry feels double-crossed when he finds out Snart is working with his father, Lewis Snart on a heist. Meanwhile, Joe is faced with a difficult decision.
Clarissa's already on her way to pick me up.
Now I'm ready.
Well, all the things you do, rebuilding this place,
He'd be here in like two seconds--probably one.
I would have.
only instead of infrared heat signatures,
Then why does your sister think you've been kidnapped?
Are you sure it was my dad?
he is in serious trouble.
I am so happy for you.
Why are you working with Lewis?
And so did Iris.
Now we'll go up in the service elevator to the 27th floor.
but I have a better way to get past the lasers.
The victim is David Rutenberg,
without residual radiation.
and this dispatch came on the radio.
This wasn't the first time something like that had happened.
I was sure.
The mother you thought you remember--
Maybe I can get them to tell me.
I hope you got that gun of yours ready to blast
your sister turned out to be a disappointment also.
Told you Draycon was my jam.
Operating pressure on this is over 1,000 PSI.
Ha, now what?
How do you feel?
Only fair I break his.
There's good in you, Snart.
you know, my people call your people.
Just kidding.
Mr. Garrick, I am quiet impressed by what you've accomplished
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 13, 2015
Jay Garrick, a mysterious man from Earth-2, appears at S.T.A.R. Labs with a dire warning about an evil speedster named Zoom, who is set on destroying The Flash. Barry and the team must decide if they can trust this stranger even as they face yet
another powerful meta-human. Meanwhile, Joe must deal with a determined officer named Patty Spivot who wants to join his meta-human task force.
We're gonna...
do some tests on you.
with parallel universes
was plausible.
This is where Jay
claims to be from.
I'm still trying to wrap my head
We don't even have proof
that he's a speedster,
Yes, Officer...?
I know that he died
and the one before him,
that he sent Rothstein here
to kill you,
Two days in a row, Officer.
What a coincidence.
And look.
Yeah, you too.
have migrated to
the cell's periphery.
I think we'll be fine
on our own.
the exotic matter leak.
What's happening to me?
You know, like acetone
or something.
He's like the permission Sphinx.
A doppelganger? I don't know.
Right now, that's just,
you know, a story
What has happened to you?
And a whole lot
of other people in this city,
I guess you're gonna have to
trust me now, huh, kid?
All right.
You can't beat him.
Getting those powers
didn't change who you are.
The last person that
helped me like this
He's actually used one
on me before.
I wish you would have just
told us you lost your helmet.
Found your way here.
You okay?
It was more than a few.
we didn't all realize it
a little bit sooner.
Who is this guy?
I'm okay, sir, really.
to make his weekly deposit,
Why are you here?
Something's happening to me.
I'm seeing things
I don't want to see.
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 06, 2015
Picking up months after the Singularity attacked Central City, Barry is still struggling to forgive himself for Eddie’s death. Concerned about putting his friends in danger, Barry has pushed everyone away and has chosen to protect the city on his
own. When a meta-human named Atom Smasher attacks the city, Iris tells Barry that he needs to let his friends help him protect the citizens of Central City. Meanwhile, Cisco helps Joe with his Meta Task Force.
I'll let you know
It's been six months since
the Flash saved Central City
You are not getting a badge, Mr. Ramon.
the less he's gonna want to do it.
They've read the articles.
He's contained the Singularity
Well, I'll be.
You all right?
- The Boot!
- Right!
And get this, the night
the accelerator exploded,
I'm going to go make that 100. Excuse me.
which is so weird.
I've just, um...
And at that point, I'll have
everything ready to execute.
near a hazardous waste reclamation plant.
He's on his own.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
You've tapped into the
surveillance cameras, correct?
It's okay, son. I got you.
You're not gonna do this anymore.
So stop with this hogging
all the blame and regret.
What are you doing here?
I don't blame you for Ronnie's death.
What are you, 80?
that means something
has gone horribly wrong.
I freely confess to the
murder of Nora Allen.
You think the video's enough?
So how are we gonna beat him?
I don't know, I think I saw
it in a comic book somewhere.
if I killed you.
thinking how far we've all come,
- You good?
- Ah, yeah.
Are you not planning on sticking around?
It needs you to be the Flash.