Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction
Original name: The Flash
After a particle accelerator causes a freak storm, CSI Investigator Barry Allen is struck by lightning and falls into a coma. Months later he awakens with the power of super speed, granting him the ability to move through Central City like an unseen guardian angel. Though initially excited by his newfound powers, Barry is shocked to discover he is not the only "meta-human" who was created in the wake of the accelerator explosion -- and not everyone is using their new powers for good. Barry partners with S.T.A.R. Labs and dedicates his life to protect the innocent. For now, only a few close friends and associates know that Barry is literally the fastest man alive, but it won't be long before the world learns what Barry Allen has become...The Flash.
Aired 9 years ago - May 19, 2015
Wells presents Barry with a life-changing choice. Dr. Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond return to help the S.T.A.R. Labs team with this final fight.
and changed
the course of history.
You might never meet me.
Or Caitlin or Ronnie.
you're okay with that?
We'll be a family again.
Your honesty.
Your heart.
- Are you sure?
- I am.
Yeah, not mad
we lost that name.
Iris West-Allen, huh?
I've had a great life,
And if you can go fast enough,
Barry super-speeds
inside the accelerator ring.
So what happens if Barry
doesn't reach that speed?
He's been squirreling away
the parts.
into that little ring?
Okay. Fine.
We'll try that.
and you crushed my heart
with your fist.
If we make the slightest error
creating the wormhole...
But you, Mr. Thawne, might be
the most interesting thing here
You are the only person
in this whole story
If we create a singularity here
and then cannot control it,
in the middle
of Central City?
Most of the time,
parents do that.
saving her,
I was bummed 'cause I was
looking forward to it.
And it's you.
if all the events
of the past year
and now you you.
So you need to focus
on where you want to go.
No, no, no!
I don't understand.
Tell you that I'm okay.
We have to shut down
the wormhole quickly!
You are, Eddie.
You are my hero.
Aired 9 years ago - May 12, 2015
As Wells once again gets the upper hand on the S.T.A.R. Labs team, Barry realizes he needs to make a big move and reaches out to an old foe, Captain Cold, for help. Joe and Caitlin warn Barry that Cold can't be trusted. True to form, Cold has his
own agenda that involves the meta-humans trapped in the containment cells. As things seem to be going from bad to worse, The Flash gets reinforcements - Arrow and Firestorm.
- No.
- Are you gonna stand in the way...
- How far did you go to get your man?
- You have got to be kidding me.
You don't have loyal fans.
The only person on your side is me!
And you!
- Get him out of here!
- A few questions for the people out there...
Your agent? This is a new you.
- A whole trunk full of them.
- Mail call.
"I'll get you out. Prank."
But I'm sorry.
Laughing gas.
- Here we are. Home sweet home.
- Home?
He's old news.
And you're the Trickster.
Danny, I told you, quit bugging me.
This came for me special delivery
this afternoon.
No more being stuck behind test tubes
in the lab.
You assume a lot.
Let's face it, babe, this dog pile of a city
refuses to recognize genius.
It's time Central City started recognizing
its real heroes. You know what I mean?
Right, old buddy? Right.
Mine. Yes, you are.
I will make this bug house of a city
pay for the indignity...
- And Barry hated them anyway.
- Hated being on a leash, I bet.
Hey, dude, your hand is, like, smoking.
Well, I figure we drop the little woman
off at home, then it's boys' night out.
- Yes, sir. I'm driving.
- Yes, sir!
I'm ready to paint this town red.
But there's a bigger problem.
He's done something to Barry's mind.
Don't tell him I told you.
What is the meaning of this outrage?
You know who I am,
and I know you're not a killer.
Aired 9 years ago - May 05, 2015
Barry must deal with the Reverse Flash's latest threat to a member of the group. To make matter worse, Dr. Wells unleashes Grodd on the city in order to distract Barry and the team. Joe, Barry and Cisco head down into the sewers to catch Grodd but
the gorilla quickly gets the upper hand after he kidnaps Joe. Iris and Barry have a heart to heart talk.
And she is definitely dangerous.
- What, are you my social director now?
- Hey, somebody's gotta do it.
...then sneak out the back, all right?
- You're gonna hate me...
They call me Alpha
because I was the first.
- Out!
- All right.
Thank you. Thank you.
- Trouble sleeping, huh?
- No. I don't need to.
- Thank you, sir.
- Would you excuse me?
- Next time I have to book you.
- You won't regret it.
- Who are they?
- They're a top-secret government...
...with Dr. Jason Rossick
on a robotics project for the government.
...and I need to access
Dr. McGee's research.
She was the NSIA coordinator on a
project I worked on with Jason Rossick.
- What's back there?
- A storage room.
Let's move out.
Now give me your wallet, and maybe
I won't slice you up like a loaf of bread!
We'd better not let them find us here.
Look, I got a place nearby.
You were trying to disconnect it.
- Thanks, Fosnight.
- Yeah, sure.
- I'm alive. I'm a woman, just like you.
- I hardly think so, Alpha.
...I suggest you cooperate.
- His heart's racing like a train.
- Look, help me lift him up.
I needed to borrow your tools to make
an adjustment in my optical circuit.
- Could you do that again?
- Of course.
Gentlemen, the name of the game
is five-card stud.
Or you afraid
maybe she'll flatten your wallet?
A faint radioactive trace
from Alpha's power source.
No, you're not.
- Lieutenant, she's telling the truth.
- Allen.
We know your destruct frequency.
We have another transmitter.
Legally, Alpha may be government
property, but I know she's alive.
This should be a good place
to tap into their system.
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 28, 2015
While in Wells' secret room, Barry learns about his battle with the Reverse-Flash in the future, as well as key moments in his life that include marrying Iris, a promotion at the CCPD, and that he created the artificial consciousness known as Gideon
in the future. Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Joe set a trap for Wells. Cisco uses himself as prey which puts him in grave danger. Meanwhile, Eddie makes a decision regarding Iris, which leaves Joe a bit unsettled.
Damn! I don't believe these people.
A man dies in custody,
the department is responsible.
- It's some kind of computer error.
- Well, that's good.
Do you know how much money
we're going to make off of this?
Yeah, so stop griping.
You see, the wipers
are internally heated.
...but the reason I'm here is to talk to you
about your cousin Harry.
Yeah, sure, I will. And please
let me know anything that you find out.
- This did it.
- It's not the object, it's the rhythm.
Silent alarm activated.
Possible robbery in progress.
I heard the call, I was in the vicinity,
so I responded to see if I could help out.
Harry must have been hiding.
Farrow finds a bad apple in our barrel
and that makes his career.
Now, if we wanna expand,
we gotta find some help.
Smarter guys.
We better get out.
And it all hangs on this damn thing.
Anything new on it?
I've asked to be kept informed
if there's any more news. There is.
With a booster attachment, we could have
as big a signal as we want. Right, Roger?
I told you, Roger.
He must have been waiting for us.
He was killed with this.
It was in your hand.
You can talk, but don't talk too long.
Otherwise I'm in big trouble. Okay?
Are you sure you don't want
to tell me something?
- What's that?
- I had the Swede here set up a lock.
Thanks. Oh, and drop the habit, all right?
You're not the religious type.
Well, how about a mug shot?
Come on, you got any ID?
The suspect is requesting to see you...
Barry, are you there?
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 21, 2015
Joe and Cisco head to Starling City to continue their investigation of Dr. Wells. While in town, the duo enlists the help of Captain Lance, and Cisco meets the Black Canary, who asks him for a favor. Meanwhile, back in Central City, Barry races to
catch a meta-human named Hannibal Bates who can transform himself into every person he touches – which includes Eddie, Iris, Caitlin and even The Flash.
Oh, I did her homework
in high school.
As you can see, it focuses the laser
onto an even tighter beam...
Did you know the corn dog
was invented here?
Listen, Fletcher, the only reason
I came back to this town...
Or the rat?
I want two chili dogs with everything,
especially that orange, shiny sauce.
It's Stasia. Haven't seen her in 15 years,
since she streaked high school graduation.
...I gotta figure out
what I'm gonna do next.
...he's gone. Can't be human.
Ectoplasm, that's what I think.
McGee, you forget your keys again,
you're fired.
I'm losing my mind.
You know, all we did through dinner
was talk about the Flash.
Just friends. We're intimate,
yet platonic.
I saw a cowboy, complete with rope tricks,
evaporate in front of me.
Tina, what's this?
A prototype long-term generator was
taken from our Silicon Valley branch.
You know, maybe if I try splitting
the crystal on a different axis.
Hold on. You got the wrong guy.
What's the deal here?
It's me.
You left a trail like a tracer bullet.
...turn his whole world upside down.
In my case, it was Elena Tobias.
Until you get to her last arrest
four years ago.
I'll get that crystal back for you.
And the first step is to find Stasia.
- This city's starved for culture.
- I'm just starved. See you in a minute.
Scudder can't afford to pass it up.
- That won't be tough.
- Wait, wait. Wait a minute.
These you can believe.
I understand that you have...
Oh, excuse me, Father,
the gallery's closed.
Zoom. Or should I say...
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 14, 2015
Barry is surprised when Felicity Smoak arrives from Starling City along with her boyfriend, Ray Palmer, who flies in as the Atom. They’ve come to visit S.T.A.R. Labs as Ray needs help with his suit. Their timing turns out to be fortuitous because
it’s all hands on deck after a meta human named Brie Larvin unleashes hundreds of robotic bees to attack and kill her former co-workers, including Dr. Tina McGee. A group dinner with Barry, Felicity, Ray, Iris and Eddie turns into a disaster.
Note: Flash 1x18 takes places before Arrow 3x18.
If you don't slow down,
you're gonna collapse. You may even die.
Maybe this was just a test.
No morality, no sense of right or wrong.
And yet tremendously powerful.
I'm talking soldiers, intelligence agents,
He's burning up.
From the exertion.
They're at the deactivation
storage center, 20 miles away.
Barry, you and I need to take a walk.
I'll see you downstairs in a few minutes.
- Barry, are you okay?
- I can't breathe.
- Yes, I'm fine. We better get out of here.
- Yeah.
- Who is he? Where does he come from?
- I don't know.
Look, we almost lost control of him. our old age? Look, just shut up
and go back to your books.
- I'm afraid I'm not a good businessman.
- I see. That's too bad.
Thank you.
Yes, this is Barry Allen.
Is that your name?
- Barry, whatever you do, don't spook him.
- He's not human, Tina.
Those files are on the desk. Garfield
should be here soon to pick them up.
Barry Allen.
I don't like that.
Yeah, home.
I feel sorry for him.
He's like an abused child, Barry...
- Hi, this is Barry. Wait for the beep.
- Hi, this is Barry.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 31, 2015
A copycat killer who goes by the name “The Trickster” starts setting off bombs in Central City. In order to stop the villain, Barry and Joe meet with the original Trickster, a criminal mastermind named James Jesse, who has been imprisoned for 20
years. Things quickly go from bad to worse when the Tricksters unite and take Henry prisoner. Meanwhile, Iris asks Eddie for help with a case and flashbacks show how Harrison Wells came up with the idea for the particle accelerator.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 24, 2015
After going to the past, Barry talks to Harrison Wells about him time traveling and the consequences of changing the timeline. Meanwhile, the Flash learns that Captain Cold and Heat Wave have returned to Central City. This time Snart has brought along his baby sister Lisa aka Golden Glider to help wreak havoc on the city.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 17, 2015
Mark Mardon aka The Weather Wizard appears in Central City intent on avenging his brother Clyde's death, and sets his sights on Joe, who shot Clyde. When Mardon attacks Joe and Barry, Barry is able to super-speed them to safety but Mardon gets away.
Barry warns Joe not to go after a meta-human alone but Joe doesn't listen and ends up in grave danger. Meanwhile, Cisco looks into the night the team captured the Reverse Flash and realizes something doesn't add up and begins to wonder whether Joe was right about Dr. Wells. Barry and Linda end up on an awkward double date with Eddie and Iris.
Yes, ma'am. I'm on it.
The Flash has never shown
any homicidal tendencies.
...psychiatrist Rebecca Frost
and radical lawyer Chesley Keefe...
...the Flash is playing out
a macho adolescent fantasy.
I don't lose sleep over that either, Barry.
As a member of my staff...
Despite his blue blood, Dad was quite
the mobster in the '50s.
- ...are you free for dinner sometime?
- Oh, thank you, no.
- And given the good he's done the city--
MAN: No.
I'll get to you, Kline.
And you're the only other person I know
who wears the mask.
But I have been on the case
since Rebecca was on the Kline show. my war on crime in Central City.
It was something else.
I have taken measures to prepare
for battle with the Flash...
That Nightshade's nuts, walking in here
and doing John like that.
No need for protection from me,
So, what are you drinking?
Oh, I am starving.
FROST: Now, they're both
classic overachievers...
MAN: What do you think,
giving me all that hassle, Dr. Frost?
- I'll be good.
- Not part of the deal. playing executioner?
- This guy's crazy about me.
- Or just crazy.
Kline's show is live at 10.
If we could just talk.
KLINE: Then how about sharing
the real you with our audience?
Bohannan is probably in hiding.
You're my friend
and I am gonna get you out.
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 17, 2015
After the nuclear explosion separates Ronnie and Dr. Stein, Barry and the team believe both men are safe. Caitlin is thrilled to have her fiancé back and prepares to resume their life together while Dr. Stein returns to his wife. When General Eiling
targets Firestorm, Ronnie and Dr. Stein must decide if they are safer together or apart. Mason Bridge tells Iris that there is something secretive going on at S.T.A.R. Labs. Dr. Stein gives Barry some important information about time travel.
Professor Stein, I presume.
Yep... just when I forgot how awkward it was
my mind that would dominate our existence,
Uh... what should I say?
- I mean, recently.
- No.
Is the Flash.
If you travel back in time
to change something,
Why would he do that?
He just seems a little different, is all.
Would you be interested
in taking a trip into history?
smashes a hole in the space-time continuum!
I was thinking we could leave town.
I don't want it to take anymore.
(Man) Hands in the air!
Just don't pee on me.
Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta...
all your brain waves
Yeah, it's just not
the S.T.A.R. Labs I knew.
I was gonna make us dinner, remember?
I had a feeling you would be wheeling by.
Cold War, the war on terror.
We have been through so much.
You have... all your life.
How did you know that the blood
in the house belonged to me?
has taught me anything,
it's that my life's work
See, Harrison? We do work well together.
We have to get him back.
A temporary link to your time together.
And now, it's the age of Firestorm.
Nothing's happening to him.
Nothing. Nothing, just...just cold.
You can't.
Like all matter, it yearns to be whole.
As to our earlier conversation,
I believe in second chances.
Where is your cousin?
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 10, 2015
After Ronnie attacks a physicist, Barry and the team realize they need to go after Caitlin's fiancé who is now a dangerous meta-human. Barry struggles to balance his duties as The Flash and his relationship with Linda Park. Joe enlists Cisco's help to reinvestigate the murder of Nora Allen. General Eiling returns to Central City.
Sir, please, you have
everything to live for.
You found the body.
Look, I mean, you're fast,
at Concordance Research last night.
until we know something definitive.
Yes, I'm divorced.
How do we find him?
Yes, it's... Super cool.
That is what they tell me.
Don't turn it on! Don't turn it on!
The Conway Prize
for Scientific Advancement.
Yes, I have.
(Wells) So it appears Martin
Stein and Ronnie Raymond
(Sherry) Ahem.
(West) Sherry must have
bought it at the estate sale.
and say that he is super impressed.
No, thanks.
But it's not finished, and it won't be
[phone chimes]
Or how about I just...
I'll just do both, okay?
Yeah, of course.
And not more important than you,
Because he's simultaneously
surprisingly good at it
Looks like the tracker
Barry placed on him worked.
You could... you could never decide,
Well, Stein clearly thinks
Very clever, Cait.
Me and Iris, we're not...
No, no, no. Absolutely not.
Can you run them against a specific person?
a chance to change my life.
Are you comfortable?
That's where Ronnie proposed to me.
no more than a couple of hours.
knew the consequences
that we were all facing,
Plus, you all argue very loudly.
If I learned anything this past year,
Thank you.
so you get this device to Professor Stein,
I told you, he has nothing to do with this.
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 03, 2015
Caitlin takes Barry out to a local karaoke bar to help them both find new loves. Caitlin strikes out but Barry meets a sports reporter and asks her out for a date. Cisco considers Hartley's dangerous offer. The team searches for Shawna, a meta-human with teleportation powers.
I've had maybe an hour's sleep
a night for the last week.
Now, if I can transfer my alpha waves
to you, it can only improve the results.
Now, I don't like this setup
one bit, understand?
What spill? She attacked me!
- So you're on for tomorrow night?
- Tomorrow night?
We better jam.
That bell's been howling five minutes.
All dressed up, no place to go.
Rumor has it that the Black Rose women
frequented this parlor.
Well, I can't very well do that.
It's okay, Ed.
I can't stay down here much longer.
With a capital D.
So we gonna sit here in the car,
or are you gonna ask me in?
What, I'm lazy, I whine when I'm hungry
and I hog the bed?
You may be the Flash,
the hero of Central City...
...and let them know who
the mystery man in the red suit is!
A canvas like that deserves the classics.
I can speed him up.
I can slow him down.
So, what was in that package
she sent you?
I'll make it up to you. I promise.
So I had Sabrina call Lisa...
...I'm not after your money and I don't
eat broken glass for breakfast.
I'm fine.
- No! You guys, no!
- You're coming with us!
As a matter of fact, I find him--
I despise him.
That's why you need me.
No, go ahead. Go ahead.
I'll stay here and run the prints.
I'm warning you, Barry. Do as I say...
You are living out my nightmares.
- Yeah.
- So I can get the two of you out of here.
We need police
and paramedics now.
That's Ed's signal. All clear up top.
Let's split.
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 27, 2015
Dr. Wells’ former protégée, Hartley Rathaway, returns to seek revenge on his mentor after being affected by the particle accelerator explosion. Now able to manipulate sound waves, the brilliant Rathaway is a dangerous threat to both Wells and The
Flash. Meanwhile, Iris is thrilled when she’s hired by the Central City Picture News as their newest cub reporter. Unfortunately, her editor pairs her with a veteran reporter, Mason Bridge, who wants nothing to do with her. Cisco recalls his first day on the job at S.T.A.R. Labs when he met Hartley and Caitlin. Joe asks Eddie for a favor but asks him to keep it a secret from Barry.
Although, I'm really just going
to do that thing
- Oh...
This place is so sick.
Hartley, allow me to introduce
you to Cisco Ramon.
we could pretend you did.
- Because I already know
who did this.
- That's because Hartley had
a challenging personality.
- And just ignore Hartley.
We all do.
- Hi. I'm Iris West.
It's my first day.
Actually, any thoughts on
a piece about The Flash,
- I'm getting this feeling that
Wells is hiding something...
- I think I know why
you're calling.
Are they gonna hear you die?
is a long-time fantasy of mine,
so thanks.
My hearing was severely damaged.
- See you soon, Cisco.
- Not bad...
I know your deep, dark secret,
And yet I made the decision
- Why? Because you write a blog?
And I've been teamed up with
Mason Bridge,
Having someone believe in me,
it's, um...
- Unless he wanted to be caught.
You're lucky.
Hmm... now what were you doing
in my accelerator?
is teaching it to
high school juniors.
Or rather, you think you do.
By coming forward today...
- It's my pleasure.
- You said you saw something
in me... I know.
- Nice gambit, Harrison.
But this isn't over.
He is a master of distraction.
- Amazing.
He replaced me with you?
- Barry's on the travel road
of the dam, at rush hour,
- Fine! I mean there is
a little ringing in my ears,
It's because I learned how from
the people in my life...
As soon as I started AP classes,
you had
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 20, 2015
Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold returns to Central City with a new hotheaded partner in tow – Mick Rory AKA Heat Wave. The duo plan to steal a multi-million dollar painting, but Cold has another agenda while in town – to set a trap for The Flash.
Snart and Mick kidnap someone close to The Flash and threaten to kill them unless The Flash shows up for a battle of fire and ice. Barry tells Joe he isn’t sure he should take on Snart again after the casualties that happened the last time they fought. Meanwhile, Barry asks Dr. Wells, Caitlin and Cisco to help him double his training efforts so he’s ready for the Reverse Flash when he returns to Central City. Iris deals with the aftermath of Barry’s confession, and Cisco makes the CCPD a new shield.
How do you suggest you and I
- You do hear that, right?
- Got it.
Then I'll give him one.
And the police
and devise a way to catch cold.
But it did occur to me
that if we ever get in a fight,
To save someone from a burning
building, you would.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Bye.
- Bye, yeah.
I mean, that's what
we're both doing, so...
We took your ballistic shields
Tomorrow's a different thing.
- You know, barry
said the exact same thing to me.
- Bold choice.
There's a lot
of stuff in there,
- Sir, your son hartley...
he called again.
I'm the heat!
- I'll call you back.
I don't kill you right now.
But if you want central city
to be our home where we can do
- Please, call me caitlin.
Thank you for meeting me.
The ability to alter matter
on a molecular level.
- All I know is that the army
showed up the next day
Aah! Aah!
There was a time in my life
The heat gun successfully
reaches absolute hot,
I'm gonna make this very simple
for everyone.
- Do whatever you want to me,
but leave him alone.
[phone buzzing]
Yeah, not as easy
as it sounds.
I got him!
- Look out, look out, look out!
It took a little time,
but everything's back to normal,
Aired 10 years ago - Dec 09, 2014
Barry finds himself face-to-face with his nemesis, the man in the yellow suit, a.k.a. Reverse-Flash, who killed his mother. Barry is frustrated when the Reverse-Flash escapes, but Dr. Wells and Cisco come up with a plan to trap him. All they need is
bait, so they turn to Dr. Tina McGee from Mercury Labs to help. Meanwhile, it’s Christmas at the West household and Iris is in full holiday cheer. Eddie gives her a surprising gift but also leaves her with a question that could change her life. Joe joins the search for the man in yellow and ends up in the crossfire. Caitlin finds Ronnie.
You were devastated
when you lost the real one.
This is compliments of Iris...
Grandma Esther's famous eggnog.
that I am getting you something
shirt-related for Christmas.
Doctor, get inside!
Sound familiar?
and I quote, “prototypes for
the technology of the future.”
It's only noon.
you should probably just ask him yourself.
Listen, Tina, once this man is apprehended,
That was me testing out a name.
Oh, no, you're stalling.
Well, I mean, it's been a year.
Well, I guess
It was you.
But you do, Barry.
His speed, it is... it's beyond me.
it was quite the tour
of your facility, doctor.
I've got a task force
approved to capture him,
Look, Ronnie is not
like you remembered him.
Yes, you are. You're Ronnie Raymond.
Not today, son.
I used to play this game in my head.
He's out there, and I had him.
Every decision you've made
in the past 14 years
I love you, Iris.
I just... I kept it in.
Some would say I'm the reverse.
People with very powerful abilities.
He's the guy that saved
both of our lives tonight.
I don't know what I would have
done differently
I was the one that was scared.
You'd seen more darkness
than any man will in a lifetime,
Aired 10 years ago - Dec 02, 2014
Barry is thrilled when Oliver, Felicity and Diggle come to Central City to investigate a case involving a deadly boomerang.
Which means I believe in you.
- Mm.
You have to believe me.
- I do.
She writes fan fiction
about him.
If this meta-human can engender
irrational feelings of anger
I mean, you know, him... about
meta-human stuff for her blog.
- Did you guys break up?
Certo, what are you waiting for?
Cuff him!
What city you go to,
big belly burger is always
- Uh-huh.
- What, I was getting ready
- Huh.
Well, my team and I
- Oh!
- So what'd you think?
- Reinforced with carbon fiber.
Oh, that's weird.
- We don't trust him.
The man who rents
this storage unit...
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Because barry doesn't
really want my help.
- The point is that you engaged
snart on a commuter train,
You're going to come back at me,
- Eddie's making his case
for the task force again.
Playing professional baseball,
and thanking that lunatic.
The arrow is unknown.
I'll figure it out on my own.
- You're right.
You're not.
Encountering things
that you can't even fathom,
- That's your theory?
- Absolutely.
- Look, I work just as hard
as anyone in this building.
- I'm calm!
- Hey.
- I'm just sayin'.
You would both
give your lives for it.
- I heard you've been looking
for me.
Facial recognition picked him up
on a traffic camera downtown.
Barry can run three times
that fast.
- What oliver is trying to say
One of the things
we spoke of was you.
How do you feel about that?
Did to me, but I guess I had
Guys like us don't get the girl.
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 25, 2014
The Flash goes up against Farooq aka Blackout, a metahuman who can harness electricity. During their battle, Farooq zaps The Flash and siphons all his electricity, leaving The Flash without his speed. Dr. Wells, Caitlin and Cisco work to reverse the
effects on Barry, but their efforts are disrupted when Farooq comes banging on S.T.A.R. Labs doors in search of Wells, who he blames for his accident. Without Barry's powers to protect them, the group must figure out a way to save themselves from the metahuman. Meanwhile, Tockman manages a coup inside the Central City police department and takes several people hostage, including Joe and Iris. While Iris is sure The Flash will save them, Eddie has a trick up his sleeve.
Hold on, okay? I'm just gonna...
But there's still time,
while you would help us
research and develop
It'd take a serious electrostatic discharge
he siphons electricity,
thereby removing your power.
that I ever understand.
he can't do anymore.
I hope so.
Hello, Iris.
with Joe or anyone at the precinct.
Caitlin, with Farooq in the building,
And you are powerless
to defend yourself against him.
will be delivered on this roof
at exactly 53 minutes
Barry Allen must have a future.
and in this case
that something is your freedom.
We don't have time!
that I was struck by that
lightning for a reason,
If he lives long enough
to receive medical treatment,
Hey, Tony, what are you doing?
It's quite spectacular.
It seems the plan has failed.
We're all just pawns to you, right?
You have to hang on for me, okay?
- Did he hit you?
- I'm okay.
It's almost like he choked on you.
I find them misinformed, shortsighted.
Home, trying to eat all
the ice cream before it melted.
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 18, 2014
The Flash faces a new meta-human named Tony, who can turn himself into girded steel at will. While Dr. Wells and Caitlin are concerned about Barry’s safety, Cisco comes up with a plan to take Tony down. Meanwhile, Iris’s blog on The Flash gets her
into trouble, and Eddie witnesses Tony’s abilities firsthand and begins to ask questions that Joe doesn’t want answered. Joe asks Dr. Wells to help him solve Nora Allen’s murder.
- SO, UH,
- NO!
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 11, 2014
After a bomb goes off downtown, the army, led by General Eiling, rolls in and takes over the case, much to Joe's surprise. Suspicious, Joe tells Barry that he and his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs should look into the army's involvement. Wells informs
the team that Eiling was experimenting on his men to turn them into super soldiers. Cisco confirms one of Eiling's soldiers, Bette Sans Souci, was at the bomb site. The Flash tracks her down and realizes that she's not setting off the bombs, she is a meta-human who can blow things up just by touching them. Meanwhile, when Joe learns Iris is writing about “the streak,” he tells Barry to make her stop. Barry realizes Iris won't listen to him so he decides to have The Flash pay her a visit.
All right. All right,
all right, all right.
Barry? What do you got?
Let's let Barry do his thing.
General Eiling, this is detective West.
You can't be coming to every crime scene
Everything but the folder.
Bette Sans Souci?
It's... Gone.
and gets away with it...
That was not planned.
She caught me off guard.
I think he smiled at me.
is really about, then we can talk.
Good. Because I remember you, doctor.
- How?
- Because it happened to me too.
I was there defusing roadside bombs
I'm sorry. That was inappropriate.
you're the first meta-human
that we've tested.
Harrison Wells. How
the mighty have fallen.
Have they tried to help you?
She just posted another
story about the streak.
There are a lot of
people who need someone
So why do you?
has merged with you on a cellular level.
You have an amazing ability to help people.
We all do.
The streak may have talked to her.
whether it be giving a
young man lighting speed
The same accident that changed
you put me in this chair.
And general Eiling will never
stop attacking that flock,
- She left.
- What do you mean?
She's turning herself in.
Being a soldier doesn't
mean you're a murderer.
Oh, my God, a mass that size,
the explosion, it would be...
He murdered Bette right in front of me.
So I'm asking you one
last time, please, stop.
but it's about something
more than that for me now.
Some friendships feel
like they'll last forever.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 28, 2014
The Flash stops a robbery but the culprits get away after shooting a guard, and The Flash chooses to save the man instead of following the criminals. Joe shows Barry a book of suspects and Barry identifies Leonard Snart as the leader of the group.
Snart revises his plan to steal the Kahndaq Dynasty Diamond and gets a boost when he gets his hands on a stolen “cold gun,” which could kill The Flash. Dr. Wells is furious when he finds out that Cisco built the cold gun without telling anyone and now it's missing. Meanwhile, Iris is getting the silent treatment from Joe because of her relationship with Eddie.
Call the ER, tell them
they have an incoming GSW.
I saw his face.
Coffee break.
Rumor has it, he stopped
an armed car robbery earlier.
But you both already knew that.
Felicity is...
Food was for crap, but the view was great,
The heat?
She's just a friend
who actually has a boyfriend.
And by “it,” I mean your speed,
I'll show you.
Wait, do you know who The Arrow is?
want to see something cool?
and since we've never done
those things we ain't friends.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
check in, make sure everything's okay.
I bring you state of the art, my good sir.
Who else knows you took this?
I told her it started at...
cattle rancher Bobby “Bovine” Mcfeely.
[Indistinct chatter]
I'm gonna ask you again, Cisco.
Now, you are gonna figure out
a way to locate this gun,
Just go.
they are, your blood vessels
would have frozen solid
The faster they are, the hotter it is,
I mean, after all we've been through,
You did the same thing
when I tried to sign up
How you gonna look at me?
So what are you waiting for?
You should go back to your hotel.
We were this well-oiled archery machine.
This E.C.U. was receiving updates
wirelessly from my tablet.
When we put our minds to it,
who I mention because he's
the richest person I know,
but not fast enough.
Good-bye, Felicity.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 21, 2014
As Barry and the team at S.T.A.R. Labs work to capture Kyle Nimbus, a.k.a. The Mist, a dangerous new meta-human with toxic gas powers, they revisit the painful night the particle accelerator exploded and killed Caitlin’s fiancé, Ronnie. Meanwhile,
Joe decides to finally visit Henry in jail after all these years, but things take a dangerous turn when Kyle shows up looking to punish Joe for arresting him years ago. Meanwhile, Iris and Eddie continue to hide their relationship from Joe.
Why so public a meeting, uncle?
[Coughs] Those thieves...
I figured.
which is why we got to take our time.
So it was from the inside.
My gut feeling,
if we're gonna solve this one,
A meta-human prison. Sweet.
Dr. Wells, we just got
the latest weather report.
I feel like I've waited
for this day for centuries.
[Alarm blaring]
The lightning was in the house.
Detective. What are you doing here?
and now I'm going
to a crime scene with her dad...
might just work.
Okay, you stay here.
that you don't have to answer?
He wasn't supposed to be there that night.
I'll see you for dinner, sweetie.
You remember the last thing you said to me
I'm sure he's fine.
The meta-human. We were wrong.
that we would get your father
out of prison together?
It's gonna be that feeling of uselessness
I have never really had
a serious boyfriend.
But some days, the pain,
Cisco, we have to get him
out of there or he'll die.
You still there?
I wanted him to be my husband.
There was someone executed.
Somebody help!
So you've come to finish
what the gas chamber couldn't?
Just keep him coming at you.
which is about 100,000 times the strength
It's about the night that Ronnie died.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 14, 2014
Barry escorts Iris to a university gathering honoring scientist Simon Stagg. When six gunmen storm the event, Barry changes into The Flash and tries to stop them. While he does save a man's life, he passes out before he can capture the robbers,
which frustrates him. As Dr. Wells, Caitlin and Cisco scramble to find out what's wrong with Barry, Joe comes down hard on Barry for taking the law into his own hands and risking his life. Barry realizes that it wasn't six gunmen but a metahuman named Danton Black, who can make multiples of himself. Meanwhile, Iris becomes even more intrigued by the “red streak.”
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 07, 2014
CSI investigator Barry Allen awakens from a coma, nine months after he was hit by lightning, and discovers he has superhuman speed.
Oh, geez, the Mardon brothers are back.
I'm stress-eating over my dissertation.
You gotta get yourself a girlfriend.
Did you find proof of the impossible
in Starling City, or did you just...
than for you to meet the
right person that totally
Ow! Hey, my laptop!
It's got my dissertation.
Or do you want to find out the hard
way you're not faster than a bullet?
Wait, we are now being told
to evacuate the facility.
You were struck by lightning, dude.
many more were injured.
The hospital was undergoing
unexplainable power outages
- Can I keep the sweatshirt?
You kept dying and your
heart kept stopping.
"This is a robbery."
Hey, Allen.
Doctor Wells will be monitoring your
energy output, and Caitlin your vitals.
Mister Allen, while I am extremely eager
to determine your full range of abilities,
Everyone ran for cover.
It looks like you had a
distal radius fracture.
I saw what looked like a ball of lightning.
You can stop acting like you can't
stand me when your dad's around.
And it's good.
All right, something happened
to him that night. I...
I have done my best to take
care of you since that night,
But that's not true, so what
really happened that night?
All right? A man died.
Deep within your cells, and we cannot
the impossible.
What if Wells is right?
But I can't do it without you.
We just got a ping.
and I woke up on the ground, alive.
- What if I unravel it?
- How the hell are you gonna do that?