A tough, brilliant senior resident guides an idealistic young doctor through his first day, pulling back the curtain on what really happens, both good and bad, in modern-day medicine.
Aired 6 years ago - May 14, 2018
In a final and drastic attempt to save Nic from Lane's acts of sabotage, Conrad must call in a favor from the one person he promised he never would. Meanwhile, Mina's partnership with The Raptor takes on new colors when Micah is rushed back to
Chastain with major heart complications and Dr. Bell's alliance with Lane is put to the ultimate test when one of her patients is readmitted.
Aired 6 years ago - May 07, 2018
Devon and Conrad race against the clock to save the life of a woman who is deteriorating fast from undetermined symptoms. When the patient turns out to be a hero who helps previous criminals get their lives back together, the team relies on her
family of ex-cons to help diagnose and treat her. Tensions rise as Nic continues her search for evidence to incriminate Lane, but must simultaneously tend to her sister, Jessie, who is rushed into the ER. Meanwhile, York returns to the hospital with his mother, who is in need of a risky procedure, and comes face-to-face with the stone-cold Dr. AJ Austin.
in that big, shiny hospital.
He'll probably save her life.
Dr. Bell said,
Are you done? Are you ready
to listen to the person
I just need Lily's
original blood work.
- And this must be...
- My beloved mother, Yvonne.
I have Narcan.
I want updates every five
minutes. Keep this one quiet.
Claudia's visitor, Felix,
in a gang.
she's hired
at her catering company.
It's in urgent need
of replacement.
- Hallway, sidebar, now.
- York.
I have a troubled loved one
in my family as well.
I don't know
what happens to everyone
Dr. Austin, where are you going?
You talk.
but you mind your
Ps and Qs in the OR.
The little "C"?
You mean big "C."
- Yeah.
- Yo, why are you asking all these questions?
Saddest part is,
I can't even tell you why.
I really do think you might need
to make Conrad some pasta.
a heart attack during surgery.
This isn't about me.
Because I was just like you,
Then you will make
a great surgeon.
Yeah. Yeah, there is.
And listen, Allie,
I know this is hard,
that supplies miltefosine.
Uh, the time it takes me to pull
on my pants and drive there.
This one's a doozy, huh?
It slows its progress,
No, you are not needed
for this surgery, Dr. Nolan,
you either exit or evolve.
Yeah. My little sister Nic
what I need to keep the lights
on and the drug stocked.
- You're all right by me.
- Thank you, York.
for the last time,
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 30, 2018
Conrad and Devon work tirelessly to save the life of Bradley, a fellow doctor who has fallen through the hospital skylight. As the team contemplates how and why he fell through in the first place, Dr. Bell looks back to when he benched Bradley for
falling asleep during surgery. Amidst the madness, Mina is tasked with showing Chastain's new star cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr. AJ Austin, around the hospital, but is caught off-guard by his volatile personality. Meanwhile, Nic finds renewed enthusiasm when she uncovers an oncologist who used to work with Lane, but while paying him a visit, she fears that she's being followed.
It says, "I'm going to pounce on Bell."
- stuff.
- Okay. Yes. I love stuff.
I'll be leaving in the OR
is one of them.
His pulse is thready.
- Heart rate's 94.
- Vitals are stable.
Is he even gonna fit into the CT machine
with that thing in his chest?
Tell me about Nashville.
- Said Noni might even be the one.
- She is not the one.
made by a mentally unstable resident.
I gotta, I gotta go.
This is good. You want some of my pie?
But I don't like smoke
anywhere near my ass.
behind Bradley's fall, no matter
what story serves our new CEO best.
Lily Kendall. 26.
I would like your observations
on a recruiting matter.
I was accused of self-prescribing,
Dr. Bell pulled me from a mass casualty
to give you the royal treatment.
Well, if I'm gonna come to Chastain,
to survive the pressures, the hours.
and my appointment
was scheduled on Tuesday.
Wow. Oh, this is my lucky day.
I thought she was doing
the surgery. Who is this guy?
I mean, I also own
a-a used Pilates reformer
guess who's gonna starve and die
right next to your corpse?
We know he was struggling.
Well, if it is, he'll be just fine.
Okay. Let's get him on cardiac bypass.
Or maybe I need to speak slowly.
Yeah, whatever you have
to tell yourself, pal.
Pressure's dropping.
Two units, wide open.
Not that we knew of.
I'm sure you've heard
some things about me, too.
but there's no proof
that his heart caused the fall.
and caused him to faint and
crash through that skylight.
Dr. Nolan is just filling me in
- to Chastain's surgical staff?
- Absolutely not.
says to another nice person,
I am so sorry, you guys.
You know where to find us.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 23, 2018
When Nic finds herself under investigation in Lily's death, Conrad comes to her defense, but ends up making the situation worse. During a routine surgery, Bell's patient accidentally catches fire, leaving the hospital to start an immediate
investigation into his medical records. However, hospital CEO Claire Thorpe doesn't realize what she's up against when Bell plans a counter attack. Meanwhile, Devon deals with a series of ER patients, including a hypochondriac whom he fears could end up under Lane's care.
Um, what is this about?
He had a latex allergy. I was
double-checking nothing was missed.
And I-I was, I was closing, and then...
It helps with my bowel movements.
- She's a cyberchondriac.
- Hmm.
That's a big deal.
I'm calling in a favor
I promise.
I wish Dr. Hunter hadn't given
her that last treatment.
After Dr. Rand has worked his magic,
Oh, dude, he's a total badass.
so they need a scapegoat, and I'm it.
I could run the blood work here
like they're for our John Does.
Well, she's worried about
Dr. Okafor's complication rate.
- Well, it can be either two things...
- Dr. Feldman.
Okay, um, you're angling it
a little too high.
I'd let you have a gallon
of my blood for one of these.
Don't jinx us. Here.
Not bad for a Harvard grad. Huh?
She convinced them
that you can't be objective
Overdosing patients with chemo,
discharging patients too soon,
Perfect. The Hands of Death
and Destruction is her alibi?
♪ What's that cooking? Oh, it's me ♪
A human interest story, maybe a
kid from a... war-torn country.
Can't wait to watch
your NetTube channel.
Damn it.
Then how do you account for
the lethal levels of potassium
My best interest?
I cared for Lily the same way
I care for all of my patients.
It is. Specimen jar!
There must be something in Lily's files
Dr. Hawkins call Dr. Bell
And this is not only about Bell.
- How's he doing?
- He's doing great, actually.
by listing "complications"
as the cause of death.
See this machine right here?
right after she began here at Chastain.
is when hospital leadership has an MBA
- You have to hustle back to the clinic?
- Yeah.
The doctor who turned a PTSD army medic
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 16, 2018
Conrad is hit by a bike and badly sprains his ankle, but works through it when he takes the case of his old medical professor, who is hallucinating visions of her old patients. Devon is tasked with admitting Conrad, who refuses any sort of
treatment. Nic tries to navigate her emotions while mourning the loss of a patient and Bell operates on a foreign dignitary with unforeseen complications. Meanwhile, Lane and Bell's relationship grows closer.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 26, 2018
Conrad's ex-fiancé, Catherine, is admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain that proves to be quite the medical mystery. As Conrad doggedly tries to figure out her diagnosis and fights the idea of Bell performing her operation, Nic gets some
insight into Conrad's past. Meanwhile, Bell panics when Claire announces that she will be installing cameras in all operating rooms, Devon wracks his brain for the perfect birthday present for Priya and Lane realizes that Nic is suspicious about her clinic.
I just want to take a look
at your eye, okay?
I hear your heart donor's family
wants to meet you.
I will be admitting her,
I'm just trying to...
You got lucky.
The painting.
Yeah, it is pretty.
They've done it before, conrad.
That we'd get her the best care
in the city.
Atlanta general
has the only one in town.
Is your fiancée
in a different caste?
Limited view of the aortic root
from shadowing,
What happened?
Found her hypotensive.
Okay, through the cords.
It's worth $148,000.
Wait, how does the daughter
of one of the most.
I was too embarrassed
to tell anyone.
And, your parents, theythey
immigrated here, right?
Where'swhere's priya?
Of this building, okay?
Thank you, dad. Enjoy the show.
Um, we'll cover all
of her expenses.
Dr. Hawkins, could it be?
You put her on the 16th floor,
I hope.
Randolph, if you came to us
with the same problem,
Thank you. Carry on.
Her parents are here, with their
doctor and their private jet.
Okay. Ii can buy you,
I don't know, maybe an hour.
Now, are you... are you confident.
As it turns out,
there is a reason for you.
These are tidal marshes.
You painted this.
It explains the psychosis.
At that early stage.
It's that obvious? Yeah.
Folks hear the accent,
As a sign of purity,
because cloth, when cut,
You know, ii don't
have any children of my own,
I was...
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 19, 2018
Much to Bell's dismay, Nic and Conrad decide to admit a homeless Jane Doe, whom they suspect was dumped off by another hospital during Chastain's big Charity Ball. Elsewhere in the hospital, Devon and Irving care for a male escort who offers
surprisingly good advice, Micah returns for a checkup and falls even harder for Mina, and Devon's parents are in town.
I just want to take a look
at your eye, okay?
I hear your heart donor's family
wants to meet you.
I will be admitting her,
I'm just trying to...
You got lucky.
The painting.
Yeah, it is pretty.
They've done it before, conrad.
That we'd get her the best care
in the city.
Atlanta general
has the only one in town.
Is your fiancée
in a different caste?
Limited view of the aortic root
from shadowing,
What happened?
Found her hypotensive.
Okay, through the cords.
It's worth $148,000.
Wait, how does the daughter
of one of the most.
I was too embarrassed
to tell anyone.
And, your parents, theythey
immigrated here, right?
Where'swhere's priya?
Of this building, okay?
Thank you, dad. Enjoy the show.
Um, we'll cover all
of her expenses.
Dr. Hawkins, could it be?
You put her on the 16th floor,
I hope.
Randolph, if you came to us
with the same problem,
Thank you. Carry on.
Her parents are here, with their
doctor and their private jet.
Okay. Ii can buy you,
I don't know, maybe an hour.
Now, are you... are you confident.
As it turns out,
there is a reason for you.
These are tidal marshes.
You painted this.
It explains the psychosis.
At that early stage.
It's that obvious? Yeah.
Folks hear the accent,
As a sign of purity,
because cloth, when cut,
You know, ii don't
have any children of my own,
I was...
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 12, 2018
Conrad goes head-to-head with Lane when he disagrees with her over a treatment plan for a terminal cancer patient. Tensions rise when Jude inserts himself in the middle by offering to perform the invasive procedure Conrad is fighting against. When a
VIP patient crosses the line with Nic, she must devise a strategy on how to stand her ground and combat the situation. Meanwhile, Bell realizes he'll need Mina's hands more than ever.
was to help sick people,
not save sick people
"CT scan and tumor markers
Well, I know where I'm going.
who've been through this hell.
on the U.S. News & World Report.
Okafor is not a problem.
First time I've been
in the VIP wing.
- for a possible thrombectomy.
- Like surgery?
I don't even need to salute you.
You were right,
what you said at my M&M hearing.
When it's published, it could
bring in even more patients,
I'm your oncologist,
This conversation's not really
constructive right now.
- I'm happy to help.
- Thank you.
Hey, uh, just curious...
Were any of the cancer patients
so... I would ask you
to just, please,
Conrad, I'm serious.
I don't want you going up there.
Go ahead.
...then she can come
and tell me, all right?
Not the Chinese billionaire
next month,
and then put a plan together
to present it to Dr. Smooth.
it will impress your doubters
on the board of directors.
for twice-a-day treatments.
Where's Jude?
Well, we need you
out there, so...
I will never again remove
the wrong organ from a patient,
- Damn it. -Uh, we are
suggesting an angioplasty
Massero wouldn't care
if a candy striper
Devon, you know how much
I'm sorry.
What does 25% longer
survival mean?
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 05, 2018
As Conrad battles a group of overly aggressive attending physicians on behalf of a patient with a mysterious chronic ailment, he also must face off against his father who has shown up at the hospital unannounced. When Mina goes out of her way to
help a young man from her neighborhood who almost mugged her, Nic offers her assistance and discovers a secret that Mina has been keeping behind closed doors. While away from the hospital, Nic enlists the help of Devon to keep an eye on Lily, which leads him to an incredible find that has him questioning Dr. Lane's motives. Also, Renata's plans to poach a renowned surgeon from another hospital hit a standstill when Bell decides he doesn't agree with him.
You know, I've done a lot of research
Are you sure you don't want even
a little local to numb it up?
- And you're gonna help him?
- I did. I brought him here.
Okay. Sorry.
Is all this really necessary?
Dr. Davenport asked me to stop by.
Only thing that matters now
is my career.
- Wasn't lookin' for you.
- Ouch.
If the tremor is really interfering
with his quality of life,
Oh, my God. I didn't even
realize it had fallen off.
That's fine, but after I get
nerve condition studies.
He's already had every test
you're coming up with in there.
Doc, are these restraints necessary?
Why you care so much about me anyway?
I'm-a stop talking now.
Ah, Mr. Levine's
parathyroidectomy. How was that?
You sure it's just Wilmot
that's bothering you?
just how isolated am I gonna have to be?
I need a transplant, so I'm
going to get a transplant.
Or to come home and find
your baby alone in a soiled diaper,
Dr. Hunter handles all
of her patient labs through
- under 20%? -It's actually been
22%... -This is not the time
You really think
you're untouchable, don't you?
At least he's safe for one night.
- (CHUCKLES) I was joking.
Wilmot can't test a patient
he can't find.
Just my stomach.
So, what's the plan beyond hiding?
And, you know, for the best of the best,
Except me. I noticed.
Those drugs are all free samples
from reps.
He was a surgeon here
in the U.S., and...
- Don't get used to it.
He'd train me by making me run
stadium stairs
Was that the first time
you felt pain like that?
Oh, my God. How did we miss that?
Where the hell have you been?
Actually, I won't be investing
Of course it does.
for a bone marrow transplant right now.
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 26, 2018
Three concurrent surgeries at the hospital push its staff to the limits. Determined to ease the pressure, Nic requests Jude for one of the operations, making Conrad jealous. Dr. Lane Hunter sets out to discredit Nic's claims, Devon struggles with a
patient who has an embarrassing problem and a charitable contributor comes to the hospital wanting to donate a lot of money to Dr. Lane's oncology program.
Will it just heal by itself?
Dr. Pravesh will show you some
excellent prosthetic options.
Or a heart attack. You-you smoke, right?
What I'm saying is our ORs
are rarely at capacity,
Dr. Simich and his team have
just set the bar unusually high.
That's okay. Honest mistake.
- a syrup bottle from someone's...
- York's rectum?
And when she's sick, she doesn't.
Still alive today thanks
to Lane's high dosage protocol.
(ECHOING): In terms of...
BELL: A group of diseases involving
It's kind of like bad wheel alignment.
- Dr. Hawkins' diagnosis.
- A seven centimeter
You know, I feel like you're not
really present, Dr. Pravesh.
NIC: Whoa, wait, he just
completed a 30-hour shift.
Hey, uh, do you have a minute?
- or Bell will come for my head.
- Of course.
All funded by cancer patients?
I'm happy to give you a breakdown
Okay, okay.
I don't need you to hold my hand
You know, Dr. Hunter caught my cancer
when other doctors missed it.
But perhaps you're intimately
aware of those details.
your procedure today, but, uh, first...
if the aneurysm ruptures, will she die?
Yes, sir.
"Is it the collective attention
deficit of a generation,
A lot of this review is
nonsense. I'm having it removed.
And that's not a warning.
- Everyone agree?
- ALL: Correct.
BRADLEY: Love the choice
of music, by the way.
His vitals are stable. Go.
BELL: More laps.
Trevor, I'm gonna need you
to stay here, sweetie, okay?
I need Bell.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
When I returned to OR One,
his young protégé to greatness.
simply could not have been predicted.
for the mistake we made.
And how was it received?
Wouldn't you agree?
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 05, 2018
After a mix-up in the ER causes Conrad to deliver a death notification to the wrong family, he sets out to fix it. Nic struggles to find a patient's records who has been under Lane's care, Devon forms a bond with an elderly patient. Mina is benched after overreaching in the surgical unit.
Brent Carter?
The bleed must be compressing
his brain stem.
He had a head injury.
All you.
Um, just since this morning.
Right now, we have no idea
how that backpack even got here.
I'll increase your pain med dose
without a wife, you figure
nobody could ever love you.
The ER doc diagnosed gallstones.
I have nothing to learn.
I miss the putt, thousand bucks
to your son's school.
I thought we had
Well, my office sent it over.
The problem is on your end.
Okay, well,
add calcium to his IV.
She'll be back in the ER
within the hour. She's wheezing.
With Lily's infection,
I don't want to keep her off
we might not be able
to stop it.
This is a highly
aggressive cancer.
I'm gonna speak to you now
as a dear friend and mentor.
* Dollar, dollar *
is better when I'm beside you.
Oh, I was just, uh,
admiring the facility.
Well, you're certainly
welcome to observe,
and on hold for over an hour
and 20 minutes!
marrying the love of my life.
But I can't get his family
out of my head.
I'm so happy you're my wife,
Mrs. Green.
Change the music,
something upbeat.
* To dust 'cause I'm reckless *
-It took me years to pay off
my student loans. -Yeah.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 29, 2018
An old army buddy and fellow surgeon visits Conrad at the hospital. Meanwhile, the team is put to the test when they have to save the life of an uninsured and undocumented patient, while simultaneously battling the hospital's administrators, who
fear the patient will cost millions. Also, Dr. Bell experiments with a new medication for his tremor and Nic swears to investigate the mystery surrounding missing medical records.
Lily, hey.
Don't want a spin
around nothing.
Plus, I have to cram.
Midterms next week.
Well, you miss it so much,
why don't you go back?
For example: ear infection.
Yeah, the fish
weren't biting. You?
Monitor her rhythm. Where were
you and Dr. Silva deployed?
Of course. The bike shorts.
Pain that, uh, radiates along
the affected nerve.
We need a full workup.
- is more than sufficient.
- Actually, it isn't.
with a 20cc syringe.
God, I hate that woman.
Two dozen.
That's easy to say, pal.
It's hard to do.
All right.
Then it gets worse and worse,
and you throw up.
Which would explain
the fluid in her heart.
undocumented immigrant.
Okay, best-case scenario,
Good person. She's uninsured
Lily's in good hands.
♪ And you can't hold me down.
Yes, but Atlanta General and
Our Lady of Mercy's fixed costs
Stuart, Our Lady of Mercy
has a charity fund.
and my dad moved back
to El Salvador.
Cancer wrapped around
a lot of organs.
and got a fast, hard no.
So today,
we're going to have a race.
Rules are rules.
We need to deal
with the new reality.
Hours, staff.
I'm guessing you didn't
come up here
Rapid response, 5922. Let's go.
to operate on a patient
right away.
Open the microphone.
Hey. Well, you look good.
Two million.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 22, 2018
Conrad receives the call he's been waiting for when a heart becomes available for a patient who has been on the transplant list for two years. But when a congressman is admitted to the hospital after a heart attack, he is prioritized and derails
Conrad's patient's surgery. Meanwhile, Nic grows suspicious of one of the doctors after a file goes missing, Dr. Bell tries to manipulate Mina and Devon is put to the test when a patient's condition requires a split-second decision.
She saved my sister-in-law's life.
- That's not why I'm calling.
- I don't care
Transplant team has been called in.
- Is that Congressman Dunlap?
- Yep.
your shirt here, check things out.
I think Dr. Feldman could
use some help in Trauma Two.
Sorry. Got a situation here.
You excited?
- All right, go ahead.
- 39-year-old male with a history
finding the right match can
take weeks, sometimes months.
Is everything all right?
How many exes have we got between us?
His body's far more
likely to reject the heart.
Most people take a few hours
to fail Independence Day.
- Nic is really good.
- You just noticed?
I think it's a possible
pulmonary embolism.
This isn't like you.
I never stopped believing in you.
Let's get him out of there. Mitch?
Am I going to die?
- Want me to speak to them?
- No.
Her child is gone.
No, please, Dr. Pravesh.
I just want to go home.
Excuse me.
he fractured a rib,
lacerated his spleen.
Hey, Noni.
Randolph, this HLA result means that...
No, I believe the credit's all yours.
And if you don't ligate it,
the field will get bloody fast,
Beer. Whatever's on tap.
Most of her people
are in clinical trials,
Irving. Nice to meet you.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 21, 2018
On his first day as an intern, an idealistic DR. DEVON PRAVESH faces the harsh realities of medical care, as third year resident DR. CONRAD HAWKINS takes him under his wing and teaches his unconventional ways for treating patients. Meanwhile, Conrad
goes head-to-head with Chief of Surgery DR. SOLOMON BELL, who uses power and intimidation to cover up his mistakes.
Not this time.
Yes. There's some family history
of heart disease.
Did you see that?
No, no, no, no. It's not like that.
All you'll have left from that
fancy Harvard medical school degree
Good afternoon,
we need to explore your rectum.
- You got Conrad.
- Yes, I did.
Conrad's the guy who tightens the bolt.
Tell me about the new admission.
Guess where he went to medical school.
You tell me, Conrad, where is she today?
Hey, hey, hey. See these?
See these? These are Osler's nodes
- Get them out of here.
- No, no!
Now the repercussions on Chloe's
family will be catastrophic.
Chastain Park Memorial
You're kidding.
Does that mean everyone knows
Have you met your surgeon yet,
Dr. Okafor?
I'm so happy you're with us again.
in the United States
after cancer and heart disease.
Oh, he... he left a few hours ago.
I don't have time to give
updates on how the surgeries
Does he have a death wish?
Given the political unrest
and the quality
I've arranged for a very wide audience.
Do you think you can sleep?
- He's in the ER. Why? What's wrong?
- Lily's BP is 70/38 and dropping.
Only upside is
this should be a career-ender.
This represents the union of human
ingenuity and cutting-edge technology.