
Season 5

Aired 20 years ago - Jun 06, 2004

Tony faces pressure from his own crew to give up his cousin to Johnny Sack. Tony does some soul-searching on Melfi's couch and finally decides on a course of action. A.J. proves himself to be a schemer, while Christopher tells Carmela that he and Adriana have ended their relationship. Tony meets with Johnny Sack to restore peace between Jersey and New York, but the Feds play a surprise card that sends Tony fleeing to safety. MORE -LESS

Aired 20 years ago - May 23, 2004

The FBI finds new evidence that they use as leverage against Adriana. Adriana relents and tries to persuade Christopher to go into witness protection with her. Tony and Carmela meet over lunch and work toward a reconciliation, which includes a new real estate project for Carmela. Johnny Sack delivers a stern ultimatum to Tony, who is hesitant to give up his cousin. MORE -LESS

Aired 20 years ago - May 16, 2004

Tony escapes to the Plaza Hotel for a night of rest and relaxation, but his dreams are haunted by past faces. Another casualty falls in the war between Johnny Sack and Little Carmine, and Tony B. heads to New York for revenge.

Aired 20 years ago - May 09, 2004

Janice attacks a mother during her stepdaughter's soccer game and is forced to attend anger management classes. Tony must deal with his own anger as Johnny Sack launches payback against the Sopranos. Christopher and Tony B. overcome their differences when they are sent to dispose of several incriminating corpses buried in the country.

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I will say, very interesting timing, T. You and John had that chat at the funeral...
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I just feel so bad for the kids.
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My name was all over the fuckin' TV because of your bullshit!
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On the other hand, she called Sophia her daughter.
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I told you, but we can't live like this, me and the kids.
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Two craps tables, blackjack, roulette.
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- Our friend with the orchard. - No shit. He OK?
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I think your luck's been fuckin' great, and listen to you cursing it out.
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How would you like it?
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I worshipped these two guys... Tony Soprano especially.
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I'll get back to the writing some day,
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- You couldn't play fair. - I didn't want it!
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We gonna throw 'em an engagement party or what?
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Doris, can't you keep Billy's bike out of the driveway?!
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I come from a biased family, but I was different.
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That's all he's saying.
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Changed, though, you know, Pat's,
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My sister...
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I think it's, "Revenge is a dish best served cold. "
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OK, right, I agree. "The centre cannot hold.
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Wears me out. I'm fuckin' exhausted all the time.
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And do me a favour, be as polite as you are when it's just the two of us?
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When he first heard the term "pie in the sky," he volunteered for the 82nd Airborne.
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This is the second time I'm moving him.
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But I went away for a long time, stood up for this family,
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It's the best thing that ever happened to me.
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but I feel so much better now about everything.
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Who's that... Anthony?
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Yeah, we were just saying that.
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Met some pretty nice college girls the other night.
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If you recover your fuckin' balls, give us a call.
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I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was being a jerkoff.
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Well, if beaks could kill, that one certainly would.
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yet fewer than two per cent of them are opened and inspected by U.S. Customs.
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- It wasn't even detected. - Please, my ears.
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- Be careful of the alligators down there. - All right, tough guy.
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I can't even think about it.
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You lose 'em for a little bit, but he'll be back.
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You know that song,
Aired 20 years ago - May 02, 2004

Rumors about Tony B's involvement in the Joey Peeps hit reach Johnny Sack, who considers going to war with little Carmine. Meadow looks out for her boyfriend's financial well-being and turns up the pressure on him when their relationship stalls. Carmela finds that Tony has made it impossible for her to hire a divorce lawyer, while Tony explores his guilt over his cousin's incarceration with Melfi. MORE -LESS

Aired 20 years ago - Apr 25, 2004

Carmela invites Tony to participate in her father's surprise birthday party, and the evening ends in a romantic encounter. Two of Little Carmine's men try to recruit Tony B. for a retaliation against Johnny Sack's crew. Tony B. is reluctant, but his boredom soon gets the better of him.

Aired 20 years ago - Apr 18, 2004

Tony pays a visit to his father's gravesite and meets a woman who claims to be his father's mistress. Tony forges a relationship with her as he learns more about his past. Christopher takes a friend from rehab to the executive poker game, but he soon goes from sponsor to strong-arm man when his friend can't pay his debts.

Aired 20 years ago - Apr 11, 2004

Tony B. makes an honest effort to go straight as he prepares to open his own massage studio, but a mysterious bag of money tempts him back to his old habits. A.J. moves back in with his mother after a fight with Tony, while Carmela pursues her relationship with her son's guidance counselor.

Aired 21 years ago - Apr 04, 2004

Tony's intense new feelings for Adriana sends him back to Dr. Melfi; Tony may have skin cancer; While Christopher is on a business trip, the crew discusses a rumor involving Adriana.

Aired 21 years ago - Mar 28, 2004

Tony and Carmela quarrel after A.J. spends a wild night in the Big Apple. Tony is forced to make a decision about Feech when he continues to overstep his bounds. Carmela finds a romantic interest in A.J.'s guidance counselor, while the war in New York claims its first two casualties.

Recap of The Sopranos Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 1
It's goin' away.
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Encourage extracurricular activity, you said.
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Feech has forgiven, even if he hasn't forgotten.
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The maid walks in. She says, "What's goin' on?"
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If it was a black couple or a gay couple they'd be in.
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If we can nudge Lem's verbals past 760 on the next round,
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He says he's tryin' his best.
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all in all he seemed to be handling the split well.
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What's going on, Mary?
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- I'm gonna catch shit at school. - So what do you wanna do?
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He had the concept of sharing before any of the other toddlers.
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I'm running a fucking business not a popularity contest.
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The desire to cleanse himself of the deed.
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"Drum solo"? That's the basic four-four.
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Then he shows the C.P.A. where he's gonna live.
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All right, all right, bet two.
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So, you guys like your job?
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Apparently there's been an armed robbery.
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She's just gonna call back.
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I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but he was pretty zapped.
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Come on, open the fucking door!
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I'm not really in that business, Ira.
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I told you I can't put you through. Room 417 has a block on the line.
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- Later. I don't feel good. - What happened to your face?
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She's covering for him. It's what sisters are supposed to do.
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- We were right by the hotel. - Enough of your lying.
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- He can go live with you. - Don't get dramatic now, all right?
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or I never would have let him stay in New York. I knew he wasn't ready.
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- What the fuck are you talking about? - The lawn cutting.
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Come here.
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No, we gotta do this shit. You don't wanna know, it's all fucked up.
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I'm not so sure now.
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You know, he would be drawn right in... you know.
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- And the honey balsamic chicken. - Thank you.
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- In 15 minutes. - No, now.
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Aired 21 years ago - Mar 21, 2004

Feech begins to overstep when he moves in on Paulie's landscaping deals. Tony worries about Junior's mind when Junior wanders around his old neighborhood searching for long-dead friends. As the hostility in New York intensifies, Johnny Sack dispatches the Leotardo brothers to send Little Carmine a clear message.

Aired 21 years ago - Mar 14, 2004

Tony throws a welcome-home party for his cousin, Tony Blundetto, who is released from prison on parole. The FBI continues to pressure Adriana for information and she nearly confesses at Carmela's film club. Carmine's passing leaves the field wide open for Johnny Sack, but Little Carmine has ideas of his own. Tony smells yet another rat and leaves a clear message for the Feds. MORE -LESS

Aired 21 years ago - Mar 07, 2004

Tony, now separated from Carmela, takes a romantic interest in Dr. Melfi. Carmela is forced to call Tony for help when a wild bear keeps visiting their home. Johnny Sack sees an opportunity for advancement when Carmine suffers a stroke, while new parolees readjust to life on the outside and Janice adjusts to married life with Bobby. Christopher and Paulie face off when Christopher is constantly stuck paying for dinner. MORE -LESS