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Season 2

Aired 6 years ago - May 27, 2018

The FBI question Diane as part of a job background check on Kurt, leading to unexpected and serious consequences. The mayor of Chicago invites Adrian and Julius to join a 'think tank' tasked with figuring out how to spend funds that will address the "Kill All Lawyers" problem. Chaos ensues in the delivery room after Lucca goes into labor early.

Aired 6 years ago - May 20, 2018

Jay is arrested on a fraudulent charge while driving Maia and a witness in a case involving Colin Sweeney's fiancée, Naftali Amado, to court.

Aired 6 years ago - May 13, 2018

Heated debates occur at the firm when Liz and Maia represent a well-known photographer, Ron Williams, suing a woman who provided an account of their relationship to a website. Jay continues to investigate possible suspects in Adrian’s shooting while Diane receives surprising news from her accountant.

Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 11 (S02E11) - 1
The Neo-Nazi?
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You're pretty enough.
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Really? How soon after
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I'm not saying that. I'm saying...
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- Really? - Yeah.
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So, within a month of your date, a summary of your account
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and how they plant red flags where the ice is too thin
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How many male lawyers are at this firm?
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No. No, no, no. We handled it.
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Then we'll talk to him.
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We think it's someone who lost to us.
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Liz and I approve. It's done. Welcome back.
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A-a pang? Like a-a contraction?
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And you're going harder than usual because you know...
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You want to put $2.1 million behind Ron's suit, right?
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Or you could come to D.C.
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Hey, Glenn.
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I wouldn't mind getting a drink tonight.
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She didn't tell him that she didn't want to have sex.
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where guys think they can get away with anything.
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Yeah, and opponents.
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Maybe #MeToo has gone too far, Liz.
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So you dated Emily Chapin?
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but I don't think we're gonna find anything on her.
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It looked beautiful.
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I am great.
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Oh, okay.
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to... to make things up to you,
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I've spent too much of the last year just drifting,
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You are pregnant.
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I am not moving to D.C.
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Take everything with a grain of salt."
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Look where you got us.
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So Ron tried to sleep with you on your first date?
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No. That was a figure of speech.
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so when I'm being deposed, maybe they can use that against me.
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- if you didn't interview them? - We found the weapon and the silencer.
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- Do I ever face you? - Me?
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In person and digital... Workplace harassment."
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- I saw you at Carl Reddick's funeral. - Ah, good memory.
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I don't understand about what is going on right now.
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You mean because there's no money in it?
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Next time, hire a lawyer and do your list right.
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It means staying here.
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Aired 6 years ago - May 06, 2018

Reddick, Boseman and Lockhart is left in disarray after a partner at the firm becomes the latest “Kill All Lawyers” victim by an unknown assailant. The Chicago police chief causes a stir when he goes after the firm’s high profile clients Lemond Bishop and Colin Sweeney as potential suspects. Amidst the chaos, Colin is reminded of his true feelings for Lucca. MORE -LESS

Aired 6 years ago - Apr 29, 2018

Reddick, Boseman and Lockhart represent a Russian woman who claims she being deported because she may or may not have participated in a Trump sex tape.

Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 1
ne smeta vam ako odemo u ured? -Ne. -Ne želite iæi sa mnom?
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Uhitili su me. -Zbog?
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Ured senatora Warrena izjavio je da je trošak prijevoza koza prevelik.
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Hotelski menadžment. -Naravno.
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Trebala sam govoriti o imigraciji, ali otišao je partner, Will Gardner.
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i spremni. Spremni smo. -Zlatni tuš.
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Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 9
Moramo ti unajmiti odvjetnika na kojeg... -Možemo utjecati.
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Ne radim to ni zbog slave ni zato što je to ispravno.
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Što je bilo? -Ništa, bio sam gore zbog posla pa sam navratio.
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Ne mogu vam reæi, ne želi se upletati u ovo. -Istražili smo vas
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Izbjegli smo metak.
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Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 17
Kamo si stavila èaj? -U ormariæu je. -Nije ondje.
Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 18
Zašto je onda stalno stežeš? -Imala sam novac unutra.
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Mislimo da govori istinu.
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Republikanci... Rusi su upotrijebili snimku za ucjenu.
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Nisam gladna, hvala. -Lucca, ti jedeš za dvoje,
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Dobro. A ta se osoba opravdano boji Trumpa ili svoje domovine?
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Republikanci nisu uložili u jedinicu u kojoj æe izgubiti.
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Tvrdite da ste vi i Olga upoznale g. Trumpa
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Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 26
Isprièavam se, gðo Starkey? -Da? -Vidjeli ste snimku? -Molim?
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Nedostaješ nam na poslu. Trebao bi se vratiti. -Ne. -Zašto?
Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 28
Prijeæi æu na novi sluèaj, g. Kovac iz "Kovac i suradnici".
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Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 30
Oblutke. Kamenèiæe.
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Niste vrlo dobar odvjetnik, g. Kovac.
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G. Schiff. -Nagodba je postignuta izvan suda.
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Prijateljica vam uvijek toliko kasni? -Ne. -Uskoro moram iæi.
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Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 36
Jesmo. -Uèinili smo to za klijenticu, Dominiku. -Snimka je za nju?
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Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 38
Drago nam je što si došla, Lucca, ali ne brine nas vaša veza.
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Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 40
Dobro, kako si ti? Još si crna ovca u Reddick-Bosemanu? -Katkada.
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Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 42
Crnac? -Da.
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Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 44
Prijeðimo na nalog za uhiæenje. -Kako mu ide? -Oèekivano.
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i trenutaènim oslobaðanjem g. Savadora? -Tako je.
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Èekaj, kamo ideš? Duguješ mi veèeru. -G. Kovac, nisam zainteresirana.
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Eastmanica ima pravo, ogrtaèi u Ritzu su bež s modrim detaljem,
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Kad pogledam našeg neprijatelja, pitam se kako æe nas vrednovati.
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Klijentica æe se obratiti medijima i dati izjavu o snimci.
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Snimili ste porniæ u dolini San Fernando
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 22, 2018

Reddick, Boseman and Lockhart represent an African-American undercover cop, Rashid Clarkson, who was left crippled after being shot by another Chicago police officer in the line of duty. The case’s opposing counsel is legend Solomon Waltzer, whose tactics have the firm questioning the legitimacy of his evidence. Diane finds herself at a crossroads with both Kurt and Tully. MORE -LESS

Aired 6 years ago - Apr 15, 2018

A Democratic National Committee consultant approaches Reddick, Boseman, and Lockhart to develop a confidential impeachment strategy for the DNC against President Trump, leaving the firm's partners at odds. After an impromptu visit from Colin's mom, Lucca is left feeling suspicious of her motives. Maia is intrigued by Ruth's assistant, Carine.

Aired 6 years ago - Apr 08, 2018

Adrian becomes an overnight celebrity after his candid appearance on a cable news show goes viral. Lucca, who has yet to formally announce her pregnancy, worries about her future at the firm. Adrian’s newfound cable news fame grabs the attention of Chicago’s top law firm and the jury of his latest case.

Recap of The Good Fight Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 1
Yeah, he will. He hates my current lawyer.
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Franz, hello. It's nice to see you looking so well.
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A disgruntled client killing another attorney.
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This week. I told them no.
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And here we are, again.
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requires that we have at least...
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I will, however, caution the jury.
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Pain and suffering.
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Mm-hmm, Ms. Wood Lutz.
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Welcome, all.
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That's beside the point. Attorney-client privilege
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Five minutes to air.
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giving us their perspective for the week in law.
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No, I think I know as much as you, sir.
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It was nice meeting you.
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Are you?
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- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. - Go for it.
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White polo and khaki pants, like most of the other young men.
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It's just that we were able to retrieve...
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Provoke people like homosexuals? And provoke blacks?
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Come on in.
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And I'm especially eager to resume first chair
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I want to welcome Warren Hesseman, deputy to the mayor.
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Of course we sue them. It keeps the police honest.
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Warren Hesseman suggested that we tread lightly.
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There have been just as many prosecutorial motions.
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A few months is not a speedy trial violation, Your Honor.
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There's nothing nefarious here.
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Pinwheel, Winkler.
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And I really hate Nazis marching in the streets.
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That's my job.
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stop effectively representing our client.
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We have no news on the police investigation,
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arguing you could reduce their liability.
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Your Honor, we couldn't come to an agreement.
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Your Honor...
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no one can know your true reason for moving the trial date,
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Do you know how offensive this is?
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- No. No, I-I-I'm interested now. - No, I'll go.
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Adrian, how are you?
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You get the benefit of no-bid contracts
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 01, 2018

Adrian and Diane serve as outside counsel for a broadcast network planning to air a controversial segment that would delrail the career of a beloved male movie star. Maia and Lucca have vastly different experiences while on separate ride-alongs with the Chicago Police Department.

Aired 6 years ago - Mar 25, 2018

Liz decides to represent her son’s favorite teacher after she senses the school fired him for illegitimate reasons. Lucca enlists the help of Elsbeth Tascioni when an unanticipated lawsuit hits close to home. Despite the recent chemical scare, the firm throws a party to celebrate their new offices.

Aired 6 years ago - Mar 18, 2018

Reddick, Boseman and Lockhart represent a young woman who was assaulted while a contestant on a reality dating show. Diane fears she might be the killer's next target.

Aired 6 years ago - Mar 11, 2018

Tensions remain high when the firm learns another Chicago lawyer has been murdered by a client. Liz positions herself as a potential ally for Diane. Maia's trial takes an unwelcome turn.

Aired 6 years ago - Mar 04, 2018

An unfortunate event brings the firm together, along with the prospect of a new name partner, Liz Reddick-Lawrence. Diane struggles to grapple with the insanity of the world and Maia is confronted with another hurdle in her parents’ scandal.