S3 E7
Sony Crackle

Season 3  "Limited Liability"  3x7

Aired 5 years ago - Nov 01, 2018

Araknet receives horrific news, spurring a moral debate within the company and forcing Ronald to undermine Nick; Izzy tries to uncover Stroud's true motivations while wrestling with her own duplicity; Wes hopes to repair his relationship with Mara.

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Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 2 #2 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 3 #3 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 4
-Wes: Huh...
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 5 #5 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 6
-(seagulls cawing)
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 7
She tried to turn Ronald, probably a whole bunch of other shit we don't even know.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 8
-Like, legally? -No, go after her digital trail.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 9 #9 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 10 #10 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 11
Would've been sketch if I'd just split early.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 12 #12 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 13
that there gonna be another 9/11 type attack on U.S. soil.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 14 #14 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 15
Okay c-- yeah, let me know, please.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 16
-Hey! Hi, Ronnie, nice to see you!
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 17
-Drummond: We really appreciate your help here.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 18 #18 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 19
-What'd you mean?
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 20
Did the NSA come to our office? Yeah, they did.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 21
-I'm sure you do. -That's not--
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 22 #22 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 23
Right, we want to have it ready by the time we hit.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 24 #24 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 25
What, do you expect me just to stop caring about this company?
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 26
-You’re the head of PR in a company that I own.
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-They changed the lock while I was gone.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 29
-(dramatic music)
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 30
-(elevator dings, doors open)
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 31 #31 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 32
-(sniffs) Shit gettin' real heavy with Declan's crew.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 33
go handle business. You would strap up,
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 34 #34 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 35 #35 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 36
E and them, they in a really bad spot right now.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 37
-I am pretendin' that you ain't sittin' on that bed...
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 38
-Oh, Tam. How it work?
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 39
-Ronnie, I don't-- -Since when you care about--
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 40
And that's real talk.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 41
-I'll do what I can. With Saginaw.
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We made our ass important to them.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 44
for one damn second, bruh. And just come holla at your boy.
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 45 #45 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 46
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 47 #47 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 48
-(door handle moves aggressively) -Stroud: You okay?
Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 49 #49 Recap of StartUp (2016) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 50
That I did not have your best interest at heart?