Aired 7 years ago - Mar 10, 2017
With the fate of Mystic Falls at stake, Stefan and Damon must fight their greatest enemy for one last battle.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 03, 2017
A wedding is quickly planned in order for Damon and Stefan to lure a dangerous enemy out into the open. This looming threat puts the fate of Mystic Falls in eminent danger and must be destroyed.
broke up with you, it wasn't Elena.
Ok, well, it's kind
of the same thing.
Of course.
Oh, my God.
unless not leaving
compromises her identity.
The only reason Damon killed him
was because we broke up, so,
Do you want to maybe meet up
for a coffee or something?
Leave it to me to tell Elena
everything you did after you thought
Now that the dust has settled, I was
hoping that, I don't know, maybe
And yet he's desperate to see her.
I can make my peace
with the universe.
Something tells me
that there's a little
was kind of her way of
slamming her hand down.
Actually, he's her cousin.
I'll take all the help I can get.
Huh. I take it the Augustine society
hit a bit of a rough streak.
I'm going to take your ring.
She's not at the church anymore.
She's with me at home.
You can always run, Katherine.
It's what you do best.
I... I don't want to die.
You would have outed yourself.
kill the elusive Katherine Pierce
once and for all?
Because we both know I made you
better by making you a vampire.
as a forgotten nobody
on a bloody battlefield,
Your feelings were real.
Your hybrid bite just killed someone
and no one even batted an eye.
I'm really starting
to get sick of Elena
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 24, 2017
Damon and Stefan must join forces against Cade in order to save Elena’s casket. Meanwhile, Caroline and Alaric deal with their daughters’ burgeoning magical powers.
But Kai being Kai, he
tried to cheat the devil.
and wearing these
dresses, and all of it,
♪ Mama, wipe the blood ♪
♪ On heaven's door. ♪
on a sidekick, huh?
that you were thinking
of him when you died.
by all my wedding stuff.
Well, in his... tiny human brain,
This guy.
Yeah, of course.
Well, then it's a good
thing Caroline did.
Kai said that killing Cade
will destroy hell, too.
happening to Jo?
We are in the hotbed
of supernatural energy,
She's a beautiful soul.
in exchange for Elena.
Elena's or your brother's?
Oh, what the heck. It's no fun
- I can't. I'm not saying the words.
- Fine.
His soul's already damned.
But she got scared.
Hiding ain't my style, Cade.
We taking an Uber instead?
I won't let you take
him without a fight.
You got to let me go.
For the record,
it's your call.
and other kids like them.
or that I love you
just because I say it.
But you're human now. Do you...
Well, I have been a bit psychic lately,
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 17, 2017
Damon and Alaric come face to face with an old enemy after they obtain a weapon that may be able to destroy Cade. Stefan is held captive by a surprising acquaintance and is forced to confront a dark secret from his past. Meanwhile, Caroline and Matt
try to keep Stefan’s violent history from destroying him. Cade focuses his attention on Bonnie and digs deep into her mind.
I can still do magic if I siphon myself,
You guys rang some giant bell,
- while they were still in utero.
- I haven't forgotten, Ric. Look,
really... not.
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, okay?
Okay, Dorian Williams.
What are you accusing me of?
I'm sorry.
Wait, wait, wait. Don't
hang up. Bonnie, I'm sorry.
and he's been dead for years.
Because I know you.
There was this murderer,
to you.
to make sure that their stories line up.
What is that supposed to
be, reverse psychology?
And until yesterday, I had
no idea what it felt like
I figured since you're
forcing me to hang out with you
But my job with the siren
Well, we still need to keep them safe.
Or to the heart,
of Enzo's death.
- Bonnie.
- Enzo.
Then why are you so upset?
You should see the
amount of "animal attacks"
I don't kill for kicks anymore.
and, finally, I have my answer.
but you believe Kai Parker
could be out in the world.
Yeah. I know how you feel.
Between this world
I'm talking about atonement.
Pretty sure that makes
me just as bad as him.
Or you can set aside the past,
You've only been this
person for two days.
your need to be a martyr
I'm here.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 10, 2017
In order to save Stefan’s soul, Damon makes a deal with Cade to retrieve the Maxwell journal. Alaric and Matt refuse to hand the journal over as it may contain the key to destroying Cade. Caroline desperately tries to connect with Stefan before Cade goes through with his plan.
Maybe those weren't nightmares.
It's best he's not alone
with all this right now.
immortal souls.
I believe your friend, the
occult studies professor,
maybe you'll... talk to me?
He's giving you until midnight,
and then he wants you dead.
I think not.
That's good.
You are too kind, Ms. Bennett.
By this time tomorrow,
the ringing of your bell
You can compel away all the evidence
But for how much longer?
From when the ash and burn
of Cade was forged into glass
The twelfth ring will unleash hellfire,
I don't know, but we
need to close that door.
Ethan can't warn Bea,
because he's been sirened
There is one way you can
escape the eternal fire.
Doesn't matter. It's just one person.
Thank you.
we're gonna be living
entirely different lives,
You're one of the
strongest people I know.
I heard they pumped you
full of three pints of blood.
Well, you'd be surprised.
Do you think that
there's a chance for us?
You know what, it can
wait till tomorrow.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 03, 2017
Cade returns to Mystic Falls and presents Damon and Stefan with additional assignments, each with unthinkable consequences. Even with tension growing in their friendship, Caroline and Matt do their best to protect the town’s residents from Cade’s
appetite for their souls. Bonnie and Enzo hit the road on a romantic trip, taking the bell with them in hopes to keep it safe.
on a local legend about a
time capsule buried in 1790.
Yeah, this morning's been a real mess.
you will win a Tony Award,
Exactly. No time like the present.
Where the hell is my brother?
But he hardly needed
prompting to go back to work.
kill 100 evil strangers,
Points for optimism.
beautiful girl.
But in the meantime,
Well, that's contrary to your task.
Asking yourself if you
can best my reflexes...
I haven't had a boss in a
while. I run my own office.
If you don't mind me asking,
- Oh. Damn it.
- Oh.
How about you prove
it by giving me a tour
humans will tempt death
for their own amusement
indoor hiding place, let's you
and me grab an empty syringe,
- Mm-hmm.
- He cannot be killed.
You realize if you take the
cure out of Elena's body,
Anyway, I've done the math.
If you have better ideas about
how to defeat the devil, Bonnie,
It's like there's a
code inside the code.
center field, like I did in high school.
Your choice was not.
- You stop him!
- The time for bargains is over.
Wait, you're doing paperwork?
We're so close to everything we wanted.
Your selflessness is part
of what makes you you.
playing games and burying old photos.
I invite you in.
That is why I want Elena gone.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 27, 2017
Sybil enacts revenge on Damon by putting him in a catatonic state. Caroline and Bonnie enter Damon’s mind and run into familiar faces from the past, only to discover Stefan is the key to Damon’s fate. It’s a race against time for the bell as both Sybil and her sister Seline jockey for its control.
in there?
a catatonic best man at your wedding.
Well, this phone call's not
gonna make it any better.
Oh, my God.
Well, how do we change his mind?
Um, but where is he... right now?
until I'd find him and tell him
everything was gonna be okay.
Damon's in here, all right.
Damon bit Vicki in that
exact spot, you remember?
Honey, I'm sorry, but I have no
idea what you're talking about,
I mean, at least, if
you want to kill a siren
accept the truth, and
this will all be over.
and all this suffering for him?
Forgiveness is the
key to reaching Damon,
I've never been this happy, Grams.
that the bell is capable
of destroying a siren.
doesn't just wipe out any siren
Who am I kidding?
I get to mark your
do-gooder soul for Cade.
you calling me isn't why I'm here.
Look, I just wanted to drop
in to let you know we're cool.
Okay, then.
Don't you get it, Dad?
Come on, man, you're not here for Cade.
I forgive you for making me what I am.
and trying to save you.
This is what you wanted, right?
for something that's
pretty much your fault.
Does that mean we're good?
And we will love each
other forever or we won't.
I know if I do,
Because you, Bonnie Bennett,
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 20, 2017
Stefan and Damon return to Mystic Falls at Sybil’s request as she is still in search of the historical artifact. Bonnie returns from Paris wearing a vile of Enzo’s blood making Caroline, wonder if she will become a vampire. Stefan, Damon, Caroline,
Bonnie and Enzo all attend the Miss Mystic Falls pageant where Sybil continues to taunt Damon with memories of Elena.
I could've just as easily called Damon.
Those of us who haven't
burnt every single bridge
Don't worry.
Thank God I don't have to
trust one of these townies
That is exactly what I need to do.
You're right.
Finishing touches, ladies.
but so far, this thing has
been nothing but trouble.
that a love that deep and real
Your brother's been
resisting my influence.
of what really happened
at Miss Mystic Falls.
when they realized who you were.
The memories.
You know, when I gave this to Elena,
And this event, this place,
And trust that Elena is
right here dancing with you.
for them to just... live.
If becoming a vampire just meant that
for sparing you so much pain.
For kidnapping Ric and
Caroline's children.
So please exit quickly,
and get home safely.
did you ever take the
time to understand Elena?
I know.
was to get this woman out of my head?
Well, I'm not gonna let
you drag me down with you.
You can go now.
Look in the mirror.
Look, if something happened to you...
You're still you.
I thought the point of stealing
this thing was to keep it a secret.
You and I had a deal, too.
to want to be with someone forever
No. You're right.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 13, 2017
Stefan and Damon attend an anger management support group looking for their next victim. Sybil is still alive and teaching a group of high school students who she’ll later use as leverage to get Caroline to locate a historical artifact that can be
used against her. Meanwhile, Stefan and Damon continue their commitment to Cade as they test the morals of a young doctor, Tara.
Are you sure you want to keep
testing the blood-soaked waters?
and trying not to think about the past.
You know? I could save you
a seat in the cafeteria.
Happy embedding.
it'sitctually called
the staff of Arcadius.
- to organize Miss Mystic Falls.
- Wow!
are gonna make it to their next class.
Maybe your spidey-sense
is wrong about her, pal.
Now, according to Dalton St. John,
of making church bells.
and I saw a list of all
these people... these really
Well, whatever you feel
about your brother's past...
You're supposed to be on task.
in this incredibly ugly building,
Who wants to go on a field trip?
Consider that a warning.
the full story. How the
hundhud witches really died.
One more thing to be proud of.
That's not ominous.
His blood pressure's bottoming out.
Your mistakes can never be undone.
causes another accident.
I appreciate you saying that...
When your dad lived in Mystic Falls,
from helping me, I
send a psychic command,
The Founders Day parade.
of everything they took from us.
Okay, I know you must be in shock.
Oh, fortunately, I
got a little pick-me-up
for weeks, haven't you?
Hang on.
Oh, my God, you are so full of crap.
Stefan made sure
It's doing the same thing
Candy wrappers and fast-food bags.
Never have to worry about
other people's mistakes.
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 09, 2016
Faced with the fallout from his interaction with Cade, Stefan is determined to have one thing go right – Christmas Eve with Caroline. However, when Damon and Sybil crash their Christmas Eve dinner, which had been joined by Alaric, Matt and Peter,
things quickly take a dark and twisted turn. Meanwhile, in a series of flashbacks to Stefan’s past, Cade’s attempt to entice him with his mysterious agenda leaves Stefan faced with an unimaginable decision.
Oh! Merry Christmas.
Well, I don't want them
thinking that she's safe.
to keep all my papers
from blowing away.
To ruin Christmas, I don't know.
I didn't have time to poison it.
some of the old family
tree ornaments, huh?
crazy on me did have
an unexpected benefit.
behind the veil.
you're the perfect person.
Cade. Hmm.
Anyway, it's filled with rich, sleazy men
and I don't have a scratch.
One more story, Daddy.
Matt! I thought you said
that you weren't coming.
♪ ♪
is for Damon.
I'm gonna kill one of you.
♪ 'Tis the season to be jolly,
fa-la-la-la-la ♪
Bring me your phone, Bonnie.
Look who's talking about murder.
Peter fellow?
Give my friends what they need.
STEFAN: I don't remember doing this.
My master has claimed your soul.
It's horrible, isn't it?
CADE: She altered your
subconscious enough
who found morality a hundred years ago.
But now, when I die,
the last 20-plus years.
(breathing heavily)
She already had enough
tragedy in her life.
with pearly gates by an inch,
Especially considering
I have forever with you.
And then after, when it's over,
That's what makes our wager worthwhile.
They sully the name.
Don't worry about it.
makes it worth it to him.
(car door opens, shuts)
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 02, 2016
When her children become the focus of the Siren’s latest plan, Caroline takes drastic measures to ensure nothing gets in the way of keeping her family safe. In a race against the clock, Stefan pledges to do everything he can to save the twins, while
tensions between Alaric and Caroline boil over, leading them to face some harsh realities about the future of their family. Meanwhile, when Enzo finds himself unable to fight off Sybil’s latest move, Stefan dives into his subconscious and along the way, sets off a chain of events that leaves him faced with a life-changing decision.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 18, 2016
Spiraling down a dangerous path of self-destruction, Damon’s latest actions prove he may be beyond the point of return. Unwilling to give up on his brother, Stefan is forced to make a gut-wrenching decision that threatens to change their
relationship forever. Elsewhere, Bonnie gets advice from Caroline on how to break through to Enzo, while Matt attempts to decipher a mysterious box of messages that he’s received. Finally, after tragedy strikes close to home, Stefan and the others are forced to remember what matters most to them.
And he knows he was loved.
than to be collateral
damage in whatever game
You can fix everything
that's broken inside of me.
You've been keeping a secret from me.
My psychic abilities have
been neutralized.
- Not while we're in the middle
of all this. - Agreed.
were gonna show up.
The only living boy in Mystic Falls.
Knows you better than you know yourself.
Drying him out didn't work.
Starving him didn't work.
I hope.
and wildly romantic.
I am trying to prevent that, you know.
and I'm not here to set you free.
That must've made them feel something.
Stop talking.
Hey, uh, somebody just
dropped this off for you.
and the fact that I have
vampire blood in my system.
It's ridiculous, and I've
learned nothing.
Aw, I think he might be dead.
Okay? You know it is.
Yeah, sorry. Can't help it.
But no.
Last time I saw you,
and I love you.
Congratulations, you nailed it.
Bonnie, wake up.
- Does he take the body, too?
- No.
Now... I need you to say the special word.
Someone had to save you.
- It's okay.
- I'm so sorry.
Maybe he saw what I see in you now.
Is she okay?
I thought we could give
the funeral another shot.
And he was my best friend.
and I told her how important it
was to appreciate these moments.
I remember the last time that
we were at this carnival.
The girls are doing a little arts
and crafts project before bed.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 11, 2016
Tasked with finding a mysterious artifact, Damon’s latest mission takes him to Texas where a violent run-in with Peter Maxwell leads to a surprising revelation. Meanwhile, after gaining the upper hand in their fight to save Damon and Enzo, Stefan
and Alaric team up and uncover the origins of the mysterious force they’re up against. Finally, Matt returns to the fray after his past and present collide in an unexpected way.
Hey, you know what,
He should be back in a bit.
but I still find myself
doing whatever it is
A long time ago,
But abandoned though she was meant to be,
Present tense?
I really wouldn't do that if I were you.
That's not an option, Pete.
My son was looking for it a while back.
Now, despite enjoying
each other's company,
Stop me if this sounds familiar.
Aah! I also think
- Drink.
- N-No...
God was good.
He is my brother,
What did you do to me?
one blissfully ignorant.
which siren is your
spirit animal, Stefan?
I didn't know he was your dad.
Am I lying or being completely truthful
Here she comes now.
or what the hell you're supposed to do,
You tell me.
How you can save your brother.
Answer me.
Oh... help... somebody help...
My sister...
All you have to do is kill the Devil.
did he see them for
what they really were.
all your pathetic attempts at atonement
keeps the vampires at bay.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 04, 2016
As Enzo continues to fight the control over him, Bonnie finds herself at the center of a deadly game and forced to make a heart wrenching decision involving two of the most important people in her life. At the Armory, Alaric researches a mysterious
artifact that he hopes will help in their fight to get Damon and Enzo back. Finally, Damon’s downward spiral leads him to Tyler Lockwood who attempts to talk some sense into him before it’s too late.
Well, he's a tough nut crack.
You've been waiting for
this your whole life.
You're welcome.
And what do they, uh,
think that they're doing?
Focus on A-lines and sheaths.
Damon, what are you...
but you don't want me to know.
What am I missing?
I mean, even if we do save him?
I'm starting to consider
a destination wedding.
I just want to know where Bonnie's is.
I can admit that, I'm not blind.
But I have a theory.
Okay, well that's all very interesting,
I mean, how far would you really go?
Damon and Enzo will fight to the death.
Why aren't you on a beach in Saint-Tropez
- Yeah, hardly a fair fight at that.
- Hey, man.
They have done the
worst things imaginable.
from having to make such
an untenable choice.
and allow Enzo to die?
Tell her there's something
I have to take care of.
The one risking his life to help us.
I hate all this.
that if you have gotten him back before,
I think you've seen the light, Damon.
Are you all right?
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 28, 2016
After learning that someone from Stefan’s past may be Damon and Enzo’s next target, Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline head to North Carolina. There, Bonnie takes drastic measures in an attempt to break Enzo free of whatever has a hold over him. At the
Armory, Alaric and Georgie stumble upon a mysterious symbol that may be related to the supernatural force controlling Damon and Enzo. Finally, Caroline gets an unexpected surprise from Stefan.
but it looks like he's on our side.
Ric will find a way to fight it.
That's a lot of fine print
for a walk to Town Square.
DAMON: Katherine.
of hundred years with little
shriveled-up eye sockets
It's time for fun.
CAROLINE: Yeah, and both
women died of neck wounds.
Hang on. I think know this story.
GEORGIE: Where's Harvey?
"My friends have forgotten
me, though I can
and he'd be the most amazing wingman...
on her mysterious master plan?
Thought I'd switch it up.
Nice to see you, too.
your fit of geek excitement.
in cuneiform.
Long silences and cryptic messages?
maintaining my own cover.
you feel bad it came to this,
Hiding my innermost thoughts
to make her believe
you were talking like a crazy person,
Uh, that's the opposite of decorum.
some guy I'd met, 'cause
I was a little drunk.
icy feeling of self-hatred.
near-death accounts. I basically
gave myself a PhD in hell.
and share with me this...
- Hey. Hey, you're gonna be okay.
- (panting)
You have to let me go.
That takes a lot of willpower.
no. I...
My brother's a lot
stronger than you think.
He's not. I, uh...
♪ I've been searching ♪
even if it's just to rage
at me and scream at me.
a series of tenuous connections
between a journal from 1790,
And my swagger is just hiding
how completely terrified I am.
I just need a little peek.
Want to talk about it?
You're making this into
a room for my kids?
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 21, 2016
Months after Damon and Enzo mysteriously vanished from the Armory vault, Stefan tirelessly pushes forward with their search, while Bonnie struggles holding onto hope that they will be found. Meanwhile, a dangerous encounter with an unexpected
visitor leaves Caroline and Alaric fearing that someone – or something – may be targeting their family. Finally, after following some mysterious clues, Stefan realizes that whatever has a hold of his brother may have a more damaging grip over him than he could have ever imagined.
you've ever done in your life?
I'll deal with this one.
only one person should
have to write about
BONNIE: No idea what
that means, but screw you.
every minute he's away
from Lizzie and Josie.
Maybe today will be better.
I blew through Caroline's
Monday to-do list.
Dorian, uh...
now you're gonna let your
fingers do the walking.
Why? She could have been dessert.
No free will needed.
I have flipped my switch.
no one... Not Caroline, not Elena...
I can't believe you guys found this.
Sorry we're early.
Princess Virginia St. John,
who expect me to come home in one piece.
Brace yourselves, it ain't pretty.
There was a news story about this area
Oh, yeah, fine.
(girl whispers indistinctly)
Uh, Georgie...
It shouldn't be much longer.
Go home, Stefan.
Fire and brimstone hell.
Be gone at least two hours.
I told you not to open it.
Because you flipped your switch?
I decide to go down one simple tunnel,
You haven't said a word.
You were right.
You're an incurable romantic, aren't you?
and then lashing me
to the mast itself."
Because it only takes one bad day,
why you are indeed
painting with human blood?
And if it knows who you care about,
buried deep inside.
STEFAN: I won't give up on him.
That someone would be me, by the way.