S4 E8
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Fridays 8:00 AM on Netflix

Season 4  "48:1"  4x8

Aired 3 years ago - Nov 15, 2020

As many nations condemn apartheid in South Africa, tension mounts between Thatcher and Elizabeth over their clashing opinions on applying sanctions.

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The aurora was breaking.
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- What? - Just kidding.
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- Morning, James. - Morning, sir.
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Tear gas, followed by rubber bullets, and then bird shot.
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and one country remains against.
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"a frank conversation about the way forward in South Africa."
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- Oh, that will raise some eyebrows. - Good!
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Let us be quite clear about this.
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I recognize that for your family,
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I am aware you probably don't share that view.
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Think of it as a question.
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I've told them I won't accept anything with the word "sanction,"
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No. No! No…
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did one person move to the 48,
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what is undeniable is that you write vividly, catchily…
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tensions between the United Kingdom and other nations of the Commonwealth
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for Your Majesty to make some kind of preemptive statement.
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- It's reckless, Martin, and irresponsible. - I'm as surprised as you are.
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on an article entitled…
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- Something which I never imagined feeling. - What is that?
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They misunderstand, misquote,
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I am… ma'am.
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that of the two of us,
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if he only had good intentions.
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The Queen continues to have an extremely cordial
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and whilst we could continue to deny it,
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And… to see it…
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