Aired 7 years ago - Aug 14, 2017
Jace and Clary rush to make a final stand, but when a traitor is revealed, Jace and Clary may have a bigger fight on their hands than expected. Meanwhile, Alec and Izzy must fight off a large mass of demons that have unexpectedly shown up, as Luke and Simon head to the Seelie Court to deal with some unfinished business with the Seelie Queen.
Aired 7 years ago - Aug 07, 2017
With Valentine and Sebastian on the loose, the Downworlders come together to make a surprising choice.
Aired 7 years ago - Jul 31, 2017
After a devastating attack at The Institute, everyone is on high alert as the Shadowhunters close in on their hunt for Jonathan. Meanwhile, Simon and Maia help a new downworlder as the Seelie Queen demands an answer from Magnus and Luke.
Aired 7 years ago - Jul 24, 2017
With two of the three Mortal Instruments missing, everyone is on the hunt for the last one – The Mortal Mirror. Jace and Clary are on the hunt to recover it first before it could fall into enemy hands. But along the way, Clary realizes that her
brother Jonathan may be closer than she thought. Meanwhile, Isabelle has a hard time accepting the fact that her little brother Max is growing up, and Maia struggles to bring her guard down with Simon.
Aired 7 years ago - Jul 17, 2017
With everything that Simon has gone through this past year, a family dinner for Yom Kippur – the Jewish Day of Atonement – poses as a real challenge. How can he come clean about being a vampire and especially about what just happened to his family?
And if he is stressed out, what if he can’t control his vampire urges? Looking to take care of this himself, Maia insists on helping him out whether he likes it or not. Meanwhile, Clary and Jace go on an unsanctioned mission and test out their newfound rune powers.
While I was torn up about
everything that happened
My Bubbie Helen's coming in
from Florida, so I have to go.
Yeah, you have, Clary.
This isn't your fault, it's mine.
You'll remain Head of the Institute.
this is Idris?
I was thinking, if I
could find a warlock
C'mon the portal's about to close.
but... with it I have power
that you could only dream of.
You still don't understand, do you?
You can activate your
runes without them, right?
You've barely ever raised your voice.
but think about it. Valentine
escaped under our watch,
- I had no choice but to send you away...
- Don't lie to me!
Ah, so no more fake
blood glitch hop shows?
but we could never get
Simon to go in that water.
And now we keep it alive in his memory.
But none of it makes sense.
Seems like he went anyway.
I will...
And eventually I ran away
The next, she was gone.
Oh, I was so proud.
♪ Took breath from my open mouth ♪
They'll be in Valentine's cabin shortly.
- Yes, but...
- Whatever it is,
I didn't tell you
If you truly, truly cared about me,
I haven't been to this cabin in years,
We're too late.
I'm pretty sure you're right.
♪ Because I won't always have friends ♪
Aired 7 years ago - Jul 10, 2017
Simon goes down a dark path while Alec and team prepares to transport Valentine.
The new wards in Idris won't
let him pass with it on.
I am so sorry.
Don't make this harder than it already
I raised you to use that blood.
I taught you...
whatever's going on
between you two,
Wow. No, I haven't heard anything.
Valentine's Circle rune has been
removed and I've assembled my team.
Raphael, I think I killed a mundane.
Put your hands on your head!
I mean, if for some reason it
turns out he really did do this...
but since I'd run out of
leads, I thought, hey, why not?
Seriously? An anti-foot fetish?
That's your defense? If I were you,
I'm telling everyone,
Luke, the Shadowhunters...
I'm not gonna let you rat me out.
I murdered my stepfather.
I don't want people to think I'm crazy.
I'm not sure.
I may be in a cell, but at
least I'll be in Alicante...
Aired 7 years ago - Jun 26, 2017
Alec has big plans to mend fences with the Downworlders, while Jace and Clary are summoned by the Seelie Queen.
Aired 7 years ago - Jun 19, 2017
After several Shadowhunters are killed, The Institute turns to controversial methods to prevent a Downworlder uprising.
Aired 7 years ago - Jun 12, 2017
Everything is turned on its heads as Azazel remains at large. Meanwhile, Simon asks Isabelle for help.
Aired 7 years ago - Jun 05, 2017
The downworlders retaliate after Valentine's attacks. The New York institute deals with the repercussions Valentine caused. New faces immerge from the shadows to help the Shadowhunters.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 06, 2017
The New York Institute is under attack as Valentine's plan for The Soul Sword is getting dangerously close to coming to fruition. The Shadowhunters must act fast to save their loved ones and the rest of the Downworld. Meanwhile, some of the Downworlders have their own plan to stop Valentine and their target is Clary.
Luke, Clary, you know me.
- The star in the sky.
- Yeah, I remember.
for the Downworld, what, yesterday?
It's true.
That's not bad... for a diplomat.
was to get to know your old man,
Portal me to the Institute.
What the hell is she doing here?
I don't care what happens to me, Clary.
You better be right about this, Luke.
The power core's up here on
the roof, behind this access hatch.
I fell in love with a woman.
None of this is her fault,
but she needs to be stopped.
Here! We have to destroy
the sword. Come on.
The bypass must not apply
to exterior access points.
- so thanks. A lot.
- Hey, you know how you can thank me?
I... I don't know.
Take them underground.
I'll deal with Valentine.
I'm not your father.
Jocelyn is not your mother.
Magnus, on every mission
I've ever been on,
No, she never was.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 27, 2017
With word getting out that Clary is a key part of Valentine’s plan, the Downworlders are at odds on how to handle the issue. But when Iris activates her blood oath, Clary has more to worry about than hiding from Valentine and the Downworlders. Meanwhile, Isabelle and Raphael get closer as Alec tries to figure out what’s going on with his sister.
- Magnus...
- Look, you don't have to explain yourself.
I can get rid of the
pain, but that's about it.
Isabelle, you look... recovered.
If not tonight, how about tomorrow?
All right, we'll start there.
If killing Clary is the price
of saving the entire Downworld,
- You need to find Madzie.
- SIMON: No problem.
But powerful beyond her years.
Hi, Madzie. I'm Dot. It's nice to meet you.
Yet I can't forget about her.
I know.
That's not what I'm saying.
Whatever it is, we can't
have him get to Clary.
You've been seeing Isabelle, haven't you?
(STAMMERING) What am I gonna
do? Protect her with my teeth?
We don't. Okay?
Oh, I never read it. Or saw it.
the last person to know about it?
and you can't kill your sister now.
you can't separate your
feelings from your addiction.
I'm not your baby sister anymore, Alec.
Stay awake just a little
longer... Don't go.
If you have any shred of humanity
left, you would stop this.
I can explain later, but
right now, I need your help.
Fan out. Cover as much ground as you can.
And you're one Clave investigation away
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 20, 2017
Tasked with arranging his brother Max’s Rune Ceremony, Alex decides this would be the perfect opportunity for his family to get to know Magnus. But with tensions flying among the different Shadowhunters, Max’s big event quickly becomes an evening
where they all must face their biggest fears. Meanwhile, Simon makes a bold move as Isabelle finds an unlikely new ally.
There. They said that was the angel.
I was following orders.
Dad called to see how we were.
I hear you've met my daughter, Clarissa?
It's Clary. It's not like
it's a... Another cobra.
No, see, that's... That's it!
We did.
Anyone who cares about Max
you can win over just about anyone, huh?
Apparently Magnus has a thing for Spain.
Well, I guess congratulations are in order.
Sangria for the lady, a Roy
Rogers for the guest of honor.
We were just, I don't
know, having a moment.
- I made sure of it.
- Please. I just need to leave.
- You don't understand.
- But I do.
Magnus gave me the strength to
Are you sure you don't want to come up?
Good, because I really need to talk to you.
I think we have different
idea of courtship.
all smiles, it makes me sick.
Hey, hey, hey, don't let her
up. She's out of her mind.
All those times you told me
I wasn't a good Shadowhunter...
It's okay. I sedated him when
I pulled him from the ledge.
It's an old French dialect.
Old French spells.
Release them.
Valentine was going to use
him to activate the Soul-Sword.
That they could communicate
from afar through visions.
Clary, you might be a Shadowhunter
with all kinds of crazy abilities,
because I have been out of line.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 13, 2017
Luke’s sister shows up at the Jade Wolf claiming innocence about the recent attack. But with Luke not trusting a word Cleo says, he finds himself at odds with Clary who sees an opportunity to get to Valentine. Yet how far will Clary go to prove she
is right about Cleo? Meanwhile, Simon gets dating advice from a surprising source as Isabelle takes a dangerous path.
Never mind.
You know, as much as I
love Tokyo and Prague,
Well, since Casanova and I spent
the night in the Doge's Palace.
Yeah. I'm hanging out
with, uh... with Maia.
this really strange
experience at the Institute,
I wouldn't exactly call this hiding.
Heard a big storm's moving in.
Always increases demon activity.
You should know what it feels like when
the people you care about shut you out.
What you got there?
Yeah, I could track some
down. Won't be cheap.
There's been a spike in the
demand for yin fen
Uh, no, she's so dedicated
to the Iron Sisters.
Well, um... Well, you
know how the F train is.
Only you?
She's not that convincing.
what you do when you approach a girl.
Okay, I'll try again. Um...
Clary! What is it? What's wrong?
The angel is crying out for help.
No! Please.
...which is what I... What
I should have said to you.
and you spend eternity obsessing
over how stupid you were?
I can't believe that you
are siding with this dog.
think about what will happen
to your sweet baby sister.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 06, 2017
To help get answers to what Valentine may be planning, Isabelle and Clary are sent on a mission to visit the Iron Sisters. Once there, more truths may be revealed than Izzy and Clary planned. On a mission of their own, Simon and Maia are determined
to find Luke who is still missing after the demon attack at the Institute. Meanwhile, Magnus and Alec finally go on their first date.
Just wanted to see how Clary was doing.
to imbue our blades with their energy.
A welcome reprieve from work.
Injected her with demon blood as well.
I know I tell you everything,
with Shadowhunters than his own pack.
but it was the only way
to get your attention.
What do you have in mind?
It's just my natural disposition, I guess.
He experimented on my brother.
We must begin the purity trial.
It's a shame you won't have
much time for tutoring anymore.
- Best friends, huh?
- Mmm-hmm.
I will raise you one.
I suppose we both have a healthy
dose of the competitive spirit.
have you ever been in a relationship?
But she's fine now. She's healed.
No, no. She... she'll live.
The first time... that's always the worst.
And everyone else here is
questioning my allegiance.
Its primary purpose is to compel the truth,
And an angel to you, perhaps.
That was the grief.
I have to admit, nothing beats a
late night stroll through the city.
Look, I... I should go.
I hear that relationships,
they, um... take effort.
that was, like, seriously inspiring.
There was a purity trial.
She passed with flying colors.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 30, 2017
After the recent attack on the Institute, the Shadowhunters are left devastated and wounded. Trying to regroup, each of the Shadowhunters deals with the situation their own way. Meanwhile, Simon moves home but finds it is not so easy to pull off his new life with his family around.
Magnus, tell me, can it be done? Yes or no?
When was this?
What? No, no. I'm...
We face a new threat.
Valentine has the Mortal Cup,
Clary, I spent my whole
life fighting my emotions.
all magic is equal.
When that time will come, I'm not so sure.
Oh, thank God you know that about yourself.
I'm sending a team to the Adamant Citadel
It may take you a minute,
but I've seen it up close.
So none of this behavior seems...
It's quite strong. I
don't usually recommend it,
Any warlock worth a damn can see
through Shadowhunter glamour with ease.
Okay, I'm gonna need
to see some credentials.
repel any demons that
dare come near her soul.
It was... I know...
Cool gills.
You are going to host one
of my finest creations.
Pregnant? I think I finally discovered
an elixir that makes it possible.
She takes our memories. I just
remember little bits at a time.
I... I don't know. I...
Yes, so please, can you have
him call me as soon as he can?
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 23, 2017
Clary continues to struggle with the new Shadowhunter order as Jace is being held in The City of Bones with an unknown fate, and all suspicion in the Shadowhunter world continues to rest on Valentine’s daughter. When duty calls, Clary gets a little
reprieve from the family drama as she helps Alec and Isabelle hunt down a powerful demon. But what starts out as a routine mission quickly puts the Institute on high alert, and what happens next will change everything for the Shadowhunters and their Downworlder friends. Meanwhile, Jocelyn has a proposition for Clary as Raphael and Simon ramp up their hunt for Camille.
And it did make a difference.
So... thank you.
Hey, Alec.
And we'd have a fresh start...
Well, this is one nasty Demon.
- Patience.
- Easy for you to say.
Believe me, I was hoping to resolve
our little Vampire Den dilemma.
it seems you have a hard time
controlling your urges.
Even more intense than sunlight.
Come on. When was the last time
we had a nice family dinner?
Don't be afraid.
I never should have
given the cup to Valentine.
Hey, don't look
at your hand, okay?
When Valentine took you,
Show some respect for the dead.
So, can you help me
deliver Camille to the Clave?
Anyone for a Martini?
Ouch! What the hell?
The Demon's in the institute.
So we continue to scan for
venom and heat signatures.
I wish.
We've got a Demonto Hunt.
Be thee innocent or guilty,
may the truth free thy soul.
I can show you phone shots of the
den she created, 'cause it's...
Then on one
particular stormy night...
The kind of father who wouldn't
kill a young boy's Falcon?
Can you pledge your unconditional
loyalty to the Clave?
There will be no martyrs here.
Off to Catarina.
Simon, where are you?
with that boy toy Shadowhunter.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 16, 2017
Already cut off from the Institute and his friends, Jace finds his situation worsen when he becomes a target for the New York wolf pack who believe Jace to be a killer. And don’t forget about Aldertree and the Shadowhunters who continue their own
hunt for Jace! With Jace becoming the most wanted man in New York, can his friends get to him before everyone else? Meanwhile, Simon is on a search of his own as Raphael puts pressure on him to find Camille.
She was a sweet kid.
I can't believe you lied to Aldertree.
Look, Isabelle...
I'd ask what happened to yours,
but I'm guessing it got wet.
Don't bother. Aldertree already
has people tracking him 24/7.
It's not like that.
I know you're upset that we
haven't talked in a while,
There's a civil war brewing,
and Camille is gaining power.
and there hadn't been alcohol
in the house for years.
You're just using Alec
as bait to arrest Jace.
Almost there.
- Hey, let's go tell Izzy.
- Yeah, sure.
This is the woman who put up
with your endless band practices,
or I can remove you myself...
But we still need to run a few
tests before we can clear...
I can't change what happened.
I was hoping to protect
Jace by bringing him here,
Are you nuts?
Is that really a risk
you're willing to take?
Simon? Oh, thank God!
Don't make me stoop to Camille's level.
Don't thank me yet.
Entreat me not to leave thee,
When thou diest, I will die.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 09, 2017
The hunt is on for Jace Wayland, and Alec and Isabelle hope to reach him before the rest of the Shadowhunters do. With orders from the Clave of “shoot to kill,” the Lightwood siblings must act fast. Also on his own search, Simon turns to Magnus for
help when he finds himself at odds with both Raphael and Aldertree. Meanwhile, Clary struggles to find where she belongs since she doesn’t seem to fit into the Shadowhunter world, yet can’t go back to her mundane life.
It's okay. Mommy's just cutting
some pretty flowers. Okay.
But we did see what
Jace did to that vampire
I'm not exactly in on
the management decisions.
I had nothing to do with that,
Alec. I would never hurt Jace.
Valentine must've realized
that even with the Cup,
Nice to see how well you had
things under control here.
I'm not one of you.
And that's not gonna change.
Good. Then we're on the same page.
Doomed? I'm not doomed.
to vampires who violate the Accords?
You should join them. They
could use a good leader like you.
He said the best fighters
in the city come here.
I don't fight girls,
especially hot ones.
I know her better, in fact,
Break you like a twig.
- I was trying to protect you!
- Trying to protect me?
All right. Let's go.
Ming dynasty.
And even if I did, I'm
Valentine's daughter.
Alec, I know you're
upset, but this is just...
No. I want to find Clary.
I... I wanted to be
so angry at you, but...
I never wanted any of it.
We just got intel on the wolf
that killed Jeremy's father.
He didn't scare you, did he?
I've already lost both parents to
Idris and a brother to Valentine.
You brought me gelato from
Little Italy to cheer me up.
We may not be able to go
back to the way things were,
Whatever it is, it has wards
keeping warlocks like me out.
Jace, I need you to listen to me.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 02, 2017
Only hours have passed since Jace left with Valentine and all hell has broken loose at The Institute. Alec, Isabelle and Clary are desperate to find Jace, but are quickly stopped in their tracks with the arrival of Victor Aldertree, who means
business about getting the Institute back on track. But getting the New York Shadowhunters in-line with The Clave may be counterintuitive to Alec, Isabelle and Clary's plan to rescue Jace. Meanwhile, Jocelyn has a lot to catch up on now that she is awake.