S2 E10

Season 2  "By the Light of Dawn"  2x10

Aired 7 years ago - Mar 06, 2017

The New York Institute is under attack as Valentine's plan for The Soul Sword is getting dangerously close to coming to fruition. The Shadowhunters must act fast to save their loved ones and the rest of the Downworld. Meanwhile, some of the Downworlders have their own plan to stop Valentine and their target is Clary.

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Recap of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - 2 #2 Recap of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - 3
Luke, Clary, you know me.
Recap of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - 4
- The star in the sky. - Yeah, I remember.
Recap of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - 5
for the Downworld, what, yesterday?
Recap of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - 6
It's true.
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Recap of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - 8 #8 Recap of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - 9 #9 Recap of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - 10
That's not bad... for a diplomat.
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was to get to know your old man,
Recap of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 10 (S02E10) - 13
Portal me to the Institute.
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What the hell is she doing here?
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I don't care what happens to me, Clary.
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You better be right about this, Luke.
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The power core's up here on the roof, behind this access hatch.
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I fell in love with a woman.
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None of this is her fault, but she needs to be stopped.
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Here! We have to destroy the sword. Come on.
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The bypass must not apply to exterior access points.
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- so thanks. A lot. - Hey, you know how you can thank me?
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I... I don't know.
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Take them underground. I'll deal with Valentine.
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I'm not your father. Jocelyn is not your mother.
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Magnus, on every mission I've ever been on,
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No, she never was.
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