


Three top U.S. government and military officials scramble to prevent World War 3 from happening amidst the chaos of a geopolitical crisis.

Season 1

Aired 8 years ago - Aug 23, 2015

There is a looming global crisis, which Walter tries to avert with other heads of state via videoconferencing. Zeke and Glenn end up in a compromised state. Alex attempts to make a personal connection with Zaman.

Aired 8 years ago - Aug 16, 2015

Walter seeks to make a deal with Zaman's highest-ranking general. A grounded Zeke and Glenn find a way to pass the time. Rafiq's translation helps Alex determine how to go about implementing Walter's "Plan B".

Recap of The Brink Season 1 Episode 9 (S01E09) - 1
were taken to Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan.
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Locked in a small cabin with seven screaming teenage girls?
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Thank you for cleaning up the mess
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she says, "Papa, where are the giraffes?"
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This is Pakistan, after all.
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- Come again? - We bomb your house.
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My lease is up anyway.
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And before you go, General, put Talbot on the phone, please.
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It was a gift from Pierce to all of our ambassadors in the region,
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Let me know how it turns out.
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and my targeting intel is for shit!
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Sir, you gotta let me back up in the air.
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My best pilots don't get their asses shot down.
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and the time has come to toss that fuckin' shoe in the trash!
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- I hate plan B! - It's an honor to die for your country.
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Okay, as long as you can use your hands.
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to arrest him and take power in Pakistan.
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I am not Kendra. I don't work for you.
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I work for the DOD, and your pilot is an Air Force major.
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We got bombers in the air. I need to talk to Pierce.
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No, man, Blue Curaçao.
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thanks to... boner dude!
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The general has informed Zaman of his betrayal,
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US foreign aid will be reinstated immediately.
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Zaman is now arresting the general.
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- No, no, no, no. - You said we might have a deal!
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All right, Joanne, what is it? I'm right in the middle of a major operation.
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He has a crucial new piece of information.
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- turns to shit? - I've got a gun in the room.
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- No, I don't want to get closer. - Get closer.
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What's he saying?
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of watching his wife have sex with young men,
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Zaman's toast.
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You want proof? There's proof!
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- Over dinner? - Go!
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by forces loyal to the United States.
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We are a democracy.
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There's not enough gas in the mail plane to get to Ibiza.
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- That's good! - Ah!
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I didn't. We've been drinking mouthwash for the past half hour.
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- I'll take it out in the hallway. - No.
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he launched a fighter jet towards Israel,
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Yes, he's probably flying out over the water.
Aired 8 years ago - Aug 09, 2015

Alex makes amends. Zeke is forced to face the women in his life. Walter urges caution in the Situation Room.

Aired 8 years ago - Aug 02, 2015

Alex plans an escape for some Pakistani schoolgirls. Zeke is challenged to a fight. Walter fakes a medical emergency.

Aired 9 years ago - Jul 26, 2015

Walter runs into Joanne in Tel Aviv and tries to use her new position to his advantage. Zeke and Glenn, who are being held hostage by Martin and Vanessa, agree to participate in role-playing games in hopes of being released. Kittredge shares a revolutionary dream with Alex.

Recap of The Brink Season 1 Episode 6 (S01E06) - 1
His younger brother, Robert, had even served on McCarthy's staff.
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Wall St. firms as well as progressives and intellectuals, was labeled the
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At defense, Kennedy brought in a civilian outsider, Robert McNamara
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from Eisenhower. McNamara was appalled by what he found:
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find out that there was quite a huge difference:
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Kennedy was briefed on Eisenhower's invasion plan for Cuba by Allen Dulles
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3 days before the operation, in April 1961, 8 US B-26 bombers flown by Cuban exiles
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Ambassador Adlai Stevenson, in an embarrassing prequel to Colin Powell's
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Almost 1600 Cuban exiles arrived at the Bay of Pigs in 7 ships, 2 of them
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Kennedy refused this support, as he warned he would, fearing a Soviet counter move
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said it was reprehensible, almost criminal, to pull the rug out.
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Heads up America Let's stand, be brave, keep our defenses high
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through the statements, detailed discussions on not to conceal responsibility,
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they were military men, their opinions on military matters were worth a damn.
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the Joint Chiefs sons of bitches and those CIA bastards, threatening to
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After the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy had contempt for the Joint Chiefs. He dismissed them as
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The mood was dark when Kennedy travelled to Vienna to meet Khrushchev
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had fled through the open borders seeking a better life in west Germany.
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We have a much longer history with Germany. We have seen how quickly
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that we could crush Germany, in a few minutes.
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Kennedy's parting comment to Kruschev was: I see it's going to be a very cold winter.
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The source of world troubling tension is Moscow, not Berlin.
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The Warsaw pact nations responded in dramatic fashion.
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Despite the US's nuclear superiority the Air Force wanted to increase
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And the next week, a 50+ mega ton bomb, over 3,000 times as powerful
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in the summer and fall of '61 as the nation conducted an extended conversation
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In hindsight, the construction of the monstrous Berlin wall actually diffused
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In another part of the world however, Kennedy had given his commitment
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up-to-now bungled assasination attempts on Castro.
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Girls delightful in Cuba. stop. Could send you prose poems
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This plan included staging a Cuban government hijacking, shooting down of a
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In january, the US coerced Latin American countries to suspend
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The last one in october with 7500 marines set to participate was codenamed Ortsac
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As a young congressman he'd visited Vietnam in 1951 during the debacle
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he had already pointed out the contradiction of supporting the
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Embracing Eisenhower's dominoe theory Kennedy was now insisting that Vietnam
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and painting a bleak picture pressed for a much larger US involvement.
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The troops will march in, the bands will play, the crowds will cheer, and
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And he did approve his generals' other recommendations expanding military involvement
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contractors to flock to this new honeypot of enterprise.
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Vietnam in its early stages was sometimes referred as a CIA war.
Aired 9 years ago - Jul 19, 2015

Zeke and Glenn are rescued by an eccentric English couple after escaping their armed captors. Meanwhile, Alex and Rafiq find Fareeda hiding at her school with a group of female students who have nowhere to go; and Walter defies the president by flying to Israel to meet with the prime minister.

Aired 9 years ago - Jul 12, 2015

Alex gets advice from Walter before his crucial rendezvous with Raja. Meanwhile, Walter works around a medical emergency and interference from above to cut a deal with India's foreign minister; and Zeke realizes he's promised more than he can deliver to the women in his life.

Aired 9 years ago - Jul 05, 2015

Alex needs to get to the U.S. embassy to send a message to Walter, but he'll have to get past the ambassador to do it. Meanwhile, Zeke and Glenn land in the brig to await their disciplinary hearing, and Walter's desperate flight to India could be in jeopardy due to a medical emergency.

Recap of The Brink Season 1 Episode 3 (S01E03) - 1
What's the weather like in New Delhi? Let me guess, 100 fucking degrees?
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- Billy, leave. - Right.
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Not the two, like Europe, but the three, like the UK.
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Haroon Raja? The head of the ISI?
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Zaman's gonna blow up the world unless I get this message to Walter,
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- Come on, please. - Eh, maybe just something for the road.
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You have nothing to be ashamed of.
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- Mm-mm. - Mm-hmm.
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Okay. You are such a fucking narcissistic asshole!
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You teach? I have so much respect for teachers.
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Shalom aleichem.
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- Okay. - (chuckles)
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Mr. President?
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What does Raja want?
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Your plan is bullshit! You're nowhere, Larson!
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Shakira. Shakira. Shakira.
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Well, let's just say Raja was very good at convincing me
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This import license took forever.
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Sir, the truth is... Let the admiral finish, commander.
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No, we did not, sir.
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The results of both your urine tests came back.
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- Kidney stone. - Really? Is that all?
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Please, Mr. Ambassador.
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Considering your reputation, Talbot,
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One hell of a near miss.
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No, here's what you can't do:
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That's your dream, baby. Let's make it happen.
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But I think I can do it.
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From now on, he's gonna take it by the balls and make it his bitch.
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(stammers) I'd like to help, but you know I can't.
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He's completely losing it. This whole, destruction of Israel thing
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and will ascend to heaven, while you and everyone
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And if the Rapture does come, you're definitely getting good-killed by Jesus
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- If it's a girl... - Agatha.
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By the way, you didn't, by any chance, get around
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and I have a list of demands from Haroon Raja.
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Communication intercept satellite. What else?
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Enjoy being stationed in a city so thoroughly drained of its charm,
Aired 9 years ago - Jun 28, 2015

Alex is captured by Zaman's soldiers and subjected to intense interrogation when they suspect he's working for the CIA. Meanwhile, Walter begs the president to delay the air strikes until he can reach someone in the Pakistani government; and Zeke and Glenn continue their high-stakes mission under extreme circumstances.

Recap of The Brink Season 1 Episode 2 (S01E02) - 1
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It's too small to be a plane. It must be some kind of drone.
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He's claiming Pakistan just shot down one of their surveillance drones.
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- Ah. Rakesh? Rakesh? - Rakesh: You hung up on me!
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That's... very... specific.
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I am Vakeel Bashar,
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It could be a double shit negative. My apologies.
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Zaman is going to parade that ignorant jackass to the world as a spy,
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- No, no. - It was a misunderstanding, Harish.
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or get torn a new asshole by the president as soon as he hangs up?
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- I'll have someone get in touch. - Okay.
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Uh... didn't ask him.
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Well, there is that.
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(chuckles) Love you.
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It was a pleasure meeting you, Alex.
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Nah, they'd just have it checked and know we were lying.
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We are so fucking fucked.
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Polluted water, bad. Alex Talbot, good.
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(clicks tongue) Was actually looking forward to it.
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But, wait, wait, sir. Alex, his life
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Right, interesting, but how are we going to rescue Alex?
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- that I may feel you reign inside of me... - (speaking foreign language)
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Do I answer it or not?
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I fear it was a bit wordy and long-winded.
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But you understand that Israel is an important ally of the U.S.?
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That's all you Americans care about.
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If you fuck with me, you fuck with Walter Larson.
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How solid is this?
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Pick one and pray you're right.
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if JFK had launched during the Missile Crisis.
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Jammer: I can't tell if I put in the right coordinates, man.
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Otherwise, we relaunch the air strikes, and this time we don't recall.
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...getting some feeling back on the right side of my body.
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That was a dick move!
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You hope. And between you and me, I think Zaman might just be crazy enough
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Hail fucking Mary.
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Oh, man, what a time to finally start getting straight.
Aired 9 years ago - Jun 21, 2015

In the premiere of this black comedy about a military coup in Pakistan, an unlikely trio try to prevent World War III: the U.S. secretary of state in Washington, D.C.; a low-level diplomat in Islamabad; and a stressed-out Navy fighter pilot on an aircraft carrier in the Red Sea.

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I found him. Yeah, we'll be there in seven...
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Oh, yeah. I think I might have left them on the bar at Bobby Van's.
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Now, tell me everything I need to know about Pakistan
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Not for a while. We're underway.
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Sir! Shit just got real.
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Fuck me.
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(chattering) ♪ ♪
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Pleasure doing business with you.
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Look, I spend all day organizing clean water projects,
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- Whoa, whoa. - Why are you stopping?
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- (gunfire) - Go! Go!
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We're going to have to find a place to lay low for a while.
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Internet's down, too, which means there's no Twitter feed
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- into motion immediately. - Contingency plan?
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We're still checking on that, Mr. President.
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I should've asked for Secretary of Interior.
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Isn't it a little soon to meet your parents?
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No, I'm thinking of taking my FAA exam.
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Rafiq: Mm-hmm. And the last time he was here, I hooked him up with girls.
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- for your boss? - You know what?
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Come on. Once they're hit, it'll be too late.
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You're being singled out for something special.
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the one that I was telling you all about.
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- May I ask what you do? - I'm a writer.
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He's a renowned psychologist, teaches at the university.
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you and your fellow countrymen are not so famous for.
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ran in the last election, lost, contested the results.
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He's just playing to the cheap seats, Mr. President.
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There's going to be rioting.
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Whoa! Hey, my friend,
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"We will respond by using our long-range power
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- What the hell was that? - A Xanax.
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We're in the process of finding out exactly what he meant.
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of tracking down moderate elements in the Pakistani government.
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Recap of The Brink Season 1 Episode 1 (S01E01) - 42
(stairs creak)
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Recap of The Brink Season 1 Episode 1 (S01E01) - 44
- Alex: Damn it! - I'm sorry. What the fuck is going on?
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Well, he's working for you now.
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The man is psychotic and he's got his finger on the button.
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Recap of The Brink Season 1 Episode 1 (S01E01) - 48
I'm gonna reconfirm. Flight Op!
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Also, soup or egg roll? It comes with.
Recap of The Brink Season 1 Episode 1 (S01E01) - 50
Carrier Strike Group 16.