S2 E9

Season 2  "Two Hats"  2x9

Aired 11 years ago - Nov 25, 2012

Brody makes a necessary phone call. Saul teams up with Virgil and Max to dig up some information on one of their own. Carrie finds herself preparing for the most important meeting of her career.

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Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 2 #2 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 3
Allah knows more than anyone can...
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 4 #4 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 5
- What's been going on? - I'll call you back in an hour, once it's done.
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 6 #6 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 7
This is bullshit.
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 8
Remember where we first met? And I don't mean your office.
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 9 #9 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 10 #10 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 11 #11 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 12
All I know is that your husband is working with the C.I.A. on it.
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 13
Of course.
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 14
So they wire you to the car battery.
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 15
You have become unsure of your commitment to our mission.
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if you stay true to yourself.
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 18
300 soldiers to be reunited with their families.
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No. That's it.
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 20
Elite troops just back from killing Muslims on the battlefield...
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In 90 minutes, the vice president will be in your office...
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 22 #22 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 23
I don't think so. All we know is that he's helping them with something for now.
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 24
We all come back from that war with some kind of wound.
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A few hours ago, we received intelligence from two separate sources in Beirut...
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 26
that not only is Ms. Hammad the delivery mechanism for this attack...
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 27
Sir, there is, uh, one more thing.
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then there'd be no better time and place to do it...
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That woman was right. This is only half-decent.
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Well, I'm sorry to bother you, Officer.
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What did he look like, this man?
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 36 #36 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 37 #37 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 38 #38 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 39 #39 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 40 #40 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 41 #41 Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 42
Dar Adal.
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Here she comes. Apart from a D.W.l. and a minor drug charge, they check out...
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Where's he going?
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Who's really running this operation, David?
Recap of Homeland Season 2 Episode 9 (S02E09) - 50 #50