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3 years ago
Sundays 11:00 PM on Adult Swim

Season 4

Aired 4 years ago - May 31, 2020

An adventure with an invisibility belt, but a family that disappears together, must stay together.

Aired 4 years ago - May 24, 2020

Rick, Morty, Beth, Summer and Jerry share a galactic adventure.

Recap of Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 1
que não são, o melhor progenitor é a evolução.
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- depois do primeiro peixe. - Como? Você é idiota.
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Gaia, querida, preciso de ferro bruto e vapor.
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- Filha da puta. - Filha da puta.
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É por atitudes como essas que estamos aqui.
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pode parecer que você tenha algum valor.
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Se desviarmos o Duto Jurista, eles evitariam o Duto Ético,
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Pode deixar, Gai-Gai! Atire-os forte e no meio!
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Ativando o conversor!
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- Demitido! - Vai nos registros!
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Não acho que ele vai voltar. Estragou tudo, Summer.
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O que é isso?
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Ótimo trabalho, TickTock. Continue. Incrível.
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É uma casa! Sem casas! Sem portas!
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Bebi mais xixi do que me lembro.
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um navio para a geração de crianças meio pedra
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como o cantor de "O Ciclo da Vida".
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- São seus filhos. - É, sobre isso.
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Vou mandar um nevoeiro.
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e diz que nos perdoa. Que puta pé no saco!
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- Onde está a fé deles? - Reggie está certo.
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- Acampando. - Olhe, Jerry achou o povo dele.
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Ou se juntará às brasas onde deixamos os marshmallows
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Que filho da puta. Levante os muros!
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Quer brigar, cara? Acabarei contigo eu mesmo.
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- Dê uma surra nele, pai! - Testemunhe.
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Espera que eu lute assim com você?
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Ótimo. Estamos prontos. Vamos mostrar à mãe e o pai
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- Faça parar! - Não é igual no videogame!
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Não, é ridículo. Não é um bom sinal
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Talvez beba por não ser fácil ser mais poderoso que Deus.
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Não me importo com as crianças.
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Parece que as aulas acabaram de terminar, puto.
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Estamos mortos? Nós morremos?
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- Nós erramos! - Meus anjos.
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Está gerando uma nuvem iônica vinda de suas crenças.
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abaixar o portão e juntarem suas camisas anti suor.
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Use o espeto, Jerry.
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Nossa, aquele coitado.
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Você matou o pai deles.
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Aired 4 years ago - May 03, 2020

An anthology episode that follows Rick and Morty on a train with people who don't like Rick. They have to find their way out but they bump into unexpected situations along the way.

Recap of Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 6 (S04E06) - 1
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Szóval te miért kezdtél el járni Rick Sanchezzel?
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A vonat nyilván felerõsít és összeköt egymástól független narratív mezõket.
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Mert nem valódi vonat, csak egy történeti eszköz. Szó szerint.
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Ha egyperceseket akarnánk, arra ott lenne az interdimenzionális TV.
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Nem akarok spermát elképzelni olyan mennyiségben, hogy... Hé, hátra!
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Ki szán rá ennyi idõt, hogy ennyire jó... A faszom bele.
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Kétlem, de mit vársz, mikor egy árkádban vacsorázol.
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- Mondjanak egy történetet Rick Sanchezrõl! - Õ Rick!
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A halálos beavatkozás jogos volt, a tartályra viszont nem lõhettek volna.
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Mi? Dehogy, te ostoba, ez csak egy oktatóvideó.
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Na végre. Hát persze, hogy az egész csak egy kurva kör.
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- El kell hagynunk a vonatot? - Semmit se kell tennünk, Morty.
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Lassan haldoklik egy alternatív, nondiegetikus valóság élése közben.
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- Majd ez után. - Mi történik?
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* Igen, egy madár vagy és személy *
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- vagy a vér csak... - Pontosan van ábrázolva, igen.
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Azért maradsz szûz, hogy az univerzum tovább tudjon létezni?
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mielõtt a visszaszámláló a szkafandereden nullához ér.
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A nevem Mike Johnson. Elég jó ez a kávé.
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Nyugi, a sztorid szörnyû és ostoba kellett, hogy legyen.
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A "leszbikus" miért része a munkaköre megnevezésének?
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Az enyém most elég durva.
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Sztorilord. Tudnom kellett volna, hogy te állsz emögött, és tudtam is.
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felböfögsz néhány félig rögtönzött mondatot arról, hogy semmi se számít,
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Akkor ez most egy bõrlehúzás? Hát, tesó, én már csak így kalandozok.
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Szétrúgom a segged!
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- Hogy értve "teljes"? - Marcus, 3 órája tértem vissza a valóságba,
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Másokon fogok segíteni.
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Ostoba, a potenciálunk nem korlátlan.
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El se hiszem, hogy ez így megkönnyeztet.
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Nagyon is élek, és szükségem van a segítségedre.
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Hogy nincs remény.
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Elég sok elfuserált dolgot tettem az életemben.
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Várj egy percet, ne! Ti meg mit csináltok?
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A világért se hagytuk volna ki!
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- Ne, ne, ez valami szörnyû! - Húzzunk innen a faszba!
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Olcsó húzás? Morty, szó szerint Jézus Krisztus mentett meg minket.
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Hogy mi? Morty, dehogy. Imádom.
Aired 4 years ago - Dec 15, 2019

During one of their adventures in outer space, Rick and Morty's ship suffers a flat tire. While they carry out repairs, Morty suffers a potentially lethal snake bite that leads to a complicated, time-travelling encounter with a snake civilization.

Aired 4 years ago - Dec 08, 2019

Rick promises Morty he can get a new companion: a flying, fire-breathing dragon. Jerry meets a mysterious talking cat.

Aired 4 years ago - Nov 24, 2019

At the end of a treasure-hunting expedition, Rick discovers that the loot he and Morty sought had already been nabbed by the heist artist Miles Knightly. Furious at being upstaged, Rick recruits a crew required to gain entrance into Heist-Con as "professionals" so he can confront Miles.

Aired 4 years ago - Nov 17, 2019

Rick discovers that someone has been using his private "rest stop" and sets out to find them. Meanwhile, despite being warned not to, Jerry develops an app with Rick's alien intern, and chaos ensues.

Aired 4 years ago - Nov 10, 2019

Rick brings Morty to a planet containing crystals that show whoever is touching them all the ways they may die depending on their choices.