Aired 18 years ago - May 16, 2006
The NCIS team must work on an assignment against a terrorist group without Gibbs, who is still recovering from the explosion. Gibbs has to fight with memory loss, while he's visited by his mentor and his former boss. His help is needed, expecially
when the team discovers that Gibbs is the only person who has informations about the terrorists' plans, so he needs to retrieve his memory before the terrorists attack.
lt could explain
the prolonged coma in '91 .
we have an Abu Sayyaf terrorist
to apprehend.
You take care of the big picture,
and let me handle the two-reeler.
l know all three of Jethro's ex-wives.
They had no children.
Shannon and Jethro's
8-year-old daughter Kelly
- Hands.
- Those too.
Two so far. One's dead.
No. My name is Jenny Shepard
and l am director of NClS.
Zits. Braces. Raging hormones.
A little closer to the bulkhead.
the bottom of the barrel
and Galib's lower body are atomized.
Exactly. We know Galib ran.
We know Gibbs pursued him.
Three times.
Don't get upset, Jethro.
You won't remember.
l liked the blue better, boss.
l didn't get calluses on my ass
flying from Mexico to argue, Jethro.
Another good reason
to live in Mexico.
Yes, he even was fired across
the Mexican-United States border.
Cervical vertebrae was cut
very deeply.
You got your knife, Mike?
- Are you all right?
- He's okay.
Yeah. South of El Rosario.
You didn't quit.
- They're all girls.
- Right.
Would Gibbs allow Ziva
to carry a loaded weapon in there?
Yes, l knew. l knew.
They paid me. l was quiet.
Both ships confirmed,
he was not onboard.
- Yeah?
- Ziva.
l've been trying to since l woke up
in this room.
- Boss, no, l'm McGee.
- Gibbs.
Pinpin Pula will blow the Cape Fear.
No one will survive.
l can't do that.
An accident at sea
is better than an act of terrorism.
Aired 18 years ago - May 09, 2006
While working on an assignment, Gibbs is seriously injured in an explosion, and taken to a hospital, where he recalls his painful past, which he has always hidden from others. The rest of the team must proceed with the investigation and put their feelings towards Gibbs's injury aside. Tony is left in charge, which may cause a bit of trouble.
- What do we got?
- Blast victim. Burns and abrasions.
Ziva, what happened?
l left a dinner at the White House
to come here.
He isn't dying, is he?
l don't know what l would do.
You're a really, really good person.
ls that why you're being nice to him?
Suicide bombers wearing
an explosive belt look like this.
l want to see what's under the hood.
l love you.
Suspected to be Abu Sayyaf.
Jethro's a lot like the Duke.
Gunny, they're both dead.
who actually cares about
the welfare of his crew.
Tony doesn't like coffee.
l guess that's rather obvious too.
A wise choice, Mr. Palmer.
Blowing up a port.
Did you ever hear of Port Chicago?
- So why are you doing it?
- Covering my ass.
l mean, his CAT scan didn't
reveal any cerebral damage.
Your wife and daughter
died in the crash.
They were afraid to open
the door
You know, you usually
play music in here.
l don't have an answer.
from the Czech Republic.
Khaddafi, before we bombed him
There's 250,000 Filipino sailors. That's
more than any nationality in the world.
l finish the autopsy on Agent Galib.
Why? Because he asked
if she was Turkish?
From the French word ''lier, ''
which means ''to bind.''
You profit from it, you swine.
Pinpin Pula.
but l was fascinated by your story.
Aired 18 years ago - May 02, 2006
The NCIS team must protect Ziva when a suspect dies while being in custody, and her tactic might be the reason why the person died. The things become much more dangerous when the suspect's brother kidnapps Jenny, and demands the release of his brother in exchange for Jenny, but he has no idea that his brother is dead.
Look, we all know that Ziva
has crazy ninja skills,
l'll zig.
Hardly at all.
much less prosecute his brother.
l think we've got enough
crime scene pictures.
A Papa Scrooge, if you like.
Was the blow fatal?
Hey. Will you stop doing that?
You're making me nervous.
''When you take the pebble
from my hand,
l need you at your desk making calls.
As long as you've got
Brian in custody,
- Driving down the 395.
- Were there any other calls?
l don't care. Get it done.
But look on the bright side.
What part of ''desk work''
don't you understand?
lt's not necessary, McGee.
Why didn't you say so?
and is demanding the return
of his drugs,
- Who's driving?
- Alex Rudd.
And you probably shouldn't be
down here.
You have anything to back that up?
Ah, tarot. The ancient art
of divination.
Yeah? Why's that?
Okay, we're connected.
Trace starts when you pick up, boss.
Leave that to my brother.
He knows where.
Maybe she's cold.
What's the point, Abby?
go through with tactical assault.
Friends are important, but in the end,
family's all we really have.
This is the second stupidest thing
l've ever done.
Work faster.
NClS does not negotiate
with criminals, James.
Looks like your people came through
for you after all.
Aired 18 years ago - Apr 25, 2006
While working on just a regular murder case with the rest of the NCIS team, Abby is almost killed by an evidence from the case and soon it becomes clear that the murder was staged, and that someone wants Abby dead. The team discovers some enemies from Abby's past, and they must find out who is the person, before the person kills Abby.
Talk to me, DiNozzo.
Find out what happened here.
Well, no doctors or surgeons stayed
at the lodge in the last two months.
l'll hold onto that one.
But the rest of these are worthless.
And a fitting one too, considering
the original term for jigsaw puzzle
if you looked into a medical
disposal bin after surgery.
McGee, no lurking without a permit.
but your red ears
are telling the truth.
Another three minutes in here,
game over.
And l'm embarrassed.
lt wasn't great taste in boyfriends.
''Free decomposition odour removal
included in all double homicides.''
Explosive decompression?
Never worked with NClS before.
l don't know
what you're talking about.
l meant it metaphorically, McGee.
But l can contact
the local medical-waste facilities,
That's all right. Your old toothbrush
is still in my bathroom.
- What'd you forget?
- My keys.
But l found this in his apartment.
And Cynthia gave me
the pepper spray.
Abby's been subpoenaed again.
- She does.
- You know her?
Yes. First eat a breath mint.
You want the e-mail that tipped us
to the restraining order?
- l'm staying if you're staying.
- l'm staying.
One good blow of this and your
attacker's eardrums are shattered.
lt's Mikel, Abby. Don't hang up.
- We'll find him, Abby.
- Well, then l can't stay here, Gibbs.
l thought l was.
What is wrong with me, Gibbs?
That's what l came down here
to tell you. DiNozzo called.
Gibbs won't let him crawl out
of anything.
After you guys came to see me, l
started to go through all my old photos.
You should scare people.
That's your job. You--
l only questioned you
on the restraining order
Aired 18 years ago - Apr 18, 2006
When a Pentagon cryptographer is found dead, the NCIS team has to discover whether the person was or wasn't a Pentagon mole, and if the person committed suicide. As the investigation continues, the team discovers that the person wasn't alone when
she died, so someone must have murdered her. So, the team has to find the person, a mole, who murdered the cryptographer.
- That way he can gauge the response.
- DiNozzo.
Well, what? She didn't show up
for her interview at NClS today?
No, and it wouldn't be.
Shut down your systems
and secure classified material.
You think that's funny?
l'll tell you how it got there.
And careful with that,
because it is evidence.
Hi, Miss Hill. This is Bob calling
with a special offer.
Vanity, Mr. Palmer.
- That's why l never had pets.
- You've never had any pets?
it does not make them
some kind of suicidal freak.
Well, l believe it's gonna be tough
to prove the suicide was faked
No one has earned dinner yet.
We'll bring her in now.
We'll eat dinner later.
How about her?
l have orders for Norfolk, sir.
Well, we have
another problem now.
- tell them we're heading out.
- l got it. Where to, boss?
- Did you ever have one, boss?
- Three, McGee.
Do you have any Super Glue, Abs?
- We bringing him in?
- We can't.
The Venezuelan
petroleum minister has threatened
Take Ziva. Find out.
You can't question him.
Ducky doesn't get in till noon.
l did.
Who is that with him?
- You can do this.
- This is not a good idea.
You're not mad?
You really think l smell?
What do we do?
you are the exact spitting image
Tell them there's
a possible security risk.
- l'll start the paperwork from this end.
- How long?
You may find it hard to believe,
but Donald was the cutest child.
l gave Abby some brain tissue
samples to check for CO2 levels.
You know, Lieutenant Hill
could barely drive her own car.
Before you ask: No, l haven't found
any physical evidence linking
lt's not the filing
of the accident report l object to.
- But you mean Simon Roca.
- He's got diplomatic immunity.
Aired 18 years ago - Apr 04, 2006
Gibbs and the team are called in when a couple of kids stumble upon the body of a missing Marine in a frozen lake. As the NCIS team searches the frozen lake bed for clues, they come across three more bullet-ridden bodies. During the autopsies,
Ducky and Gibbs discover that the three additional victims had gang tattoos. With this crucial piece of information, the team works to uncover the Marine's connection with a deadly street gang.
l think we can make an exception
in this case, Mr. Palmer.
before we speculate further.
Listen, girls like guys who like guys
but they like guys who like guys--
Oh, bless you, doctor.
First Sergeant Downing received
the most damage.
Back, front. Front, back.
- The day he was reported missing.
- No lD on the other ice cubes yet.
Rifling patterns indicate
it didn't fire any of the slugs
lt could be a bloodbath.
They have 30,000 members
He's been MlA since these three
disappeared a few months ago.
The first in a drive-by shooting,
the other in Rock Creek Park.
No? Who am l?
Oh, that's mature.
- But l did it.
- Which one was it?
Now your first sergeant
turns up dead?
We're working on the case
on this end.
Probably his mamacita.
l'll give you the summary.
l'll give you the summary.
Zepeda, the big guy,
U.S. citizen, made five calls today.
Do you want to hire me
as your secretary or something?
Estas muerto if you don't.
Juvenile record, suspected
pre-Corps gang activity.
ls that aftershave l smell?
How long does that take?
Your company,
your fellow Marines, are stuck in lraq
l wanted blood.
on November 26th
for the duration of his leave.
Two, l'm not even sure
that he exists.
- Abby, please, just run them.
- Okay.
That doesn't make any sense.
Another Marine was injured
in Captain Arvidas' group.
He was Cesar's lure.
What, do you think
l can't handle this guy?
must be a very smart man.
The autopsy of First Sergeant
Downing revealed four entry wounds.
l want to talk to my lawyer.
and l can keep you in this room
till you grow old and die.
Salvadorian authorities
have no record of him coming in.
You were all trying
to throw me off balance.
Aired 19 years ago - Mar 14, 2006
The NCIS team must stop a teenage student from detonating a bomb attached to his body, while he's taking the other students hostage at a Quantico base high school. Gibbs tries to stop him when he enters the classroom, only to realize that there may
be someone else controlling the teenage student from the outside. Meanwhile, while Gibbs is in the classroom, Tony is left in charge.
- Any other way into the room?
- One door and a wall of windows.
lt was strapped to his chest.
- But they screw with everyone.
- Okay.
Of course not. You've got a plan.
Will it convince Kody to surrender?
You're killing everyone!
- The kid is obsessed.
- So what's your point?
And these photos,
they show us nothing.
Well, of course not.
Nobody expects you to do nothing.
Captain, your teams are in place?
then everyone dies.
Kody took it--
Well, we all took it hard.
it's completely normal,
a coping mechanism.
l already did.
Hoping Sciuto and McGee
can tell us that.
Which means he either made it
somewhere else,
- in the back of the classroom.
- With webcams and mics.
- Why'd you just nod?
- What?
Abby, SRT is sweeping
The major was taken
to NClS Headquarters.
Someone went to a lot of trouble
to raise Angela Myers from the grave.
McGee, tell me
you're making progress.
- We're here.
- Kody, Agent DiNozzo here.
Do you hear those sirens, Kody?
You might just survive this after all.
Aired 19 years ago - Mar 07, 2006
When Marine dog tags are found in a national forest by a group of teens, the NCIS team is called in to investigate. While searching for the campsite of the Marine, the team finds out that there was another person, possibly a woman, with him. The
investigation takes them to an even more higher discovery -- there could be a serial killer killing women in the national forest.
You found the dog tags here,
Ranger Hendricks?
Have you spent any time in the woods,
Special Agent DiNozzo?
The sad fact is they're gonna
track down this bear and kill it
Listen up.
l want four-man teams in each sector.
but you know the diner
from Pulp Fiction?
l'll pass on that.
They're not exactly kosher.
No animal of equal size
is nearly so strong.
Little square, little square,
where have you been?
Thank you for the flowers.
l'll put the dooeywhacker in.
Right. l talked to the guys Riley
worked with at the Navy Yard.
Your Agent Gibbs asked
the same question last night. Nope.
These are every death
over the last ten years.
- They're from the same person.
- She drove with him.
The three dead women,
they all fit the same description.
we could be dealing with a serial killer.
One who uses park accidents
From the hair samples, we know
that the woman was brunette.
Duck, all three of these women's
deaths were ruled accidental.
We've got a list of the usual
troublemakers, poachers and vandals.
So would you like me
to email that or fax it?
Very unexpected. Very unexpected.
Shave your face, boy.
Cut your hair, boy.''
You baited the area
where that occurred.
but l'm not some psycho.
- l'm still here, yes.
- Okay, Edom's a hunter, right?
Why? You just agreed
he didn't kill the petty officer.
He's not planning on coming down.
Oh, hell, she's leaving a trail.
That's great work, Abs.
This is so Pulp Fiction.
- ls anyone there now?
- No.
l got me a log cabin
about a mile down the road.
McGee, l want you 30 meters
to my right.
Aired 19 years ago - Feb 28, 2006
When an ambulance explodes while carrying the remains of a Marine's body that was killed in a car crash, the NCIS team is called in to investigate what actually happened. The investigation leads them to some sudden discoveries -- the DNA of the
victim found in the ambulance doesn't match the Marine's DNA; the ambulance was set up to explode; and the family of the dead Marine is hiding a very important secret.
l just got the strangest lM.
l'm lsraeli. This isn't
my first exploding ambulance.
And his girlfriend is still in a coma
at the hospital.
iPod Photo.
- Who is this?
- Well, it's definitely not Agent Larsen.
The van also had
a short in the electrical system,
So maybe l should
get back to work.
Perhaps it's time
you made the jump.
l attempted to make
a identification myself.
Such as enraged acts of violence,
sadistic curiosity.
l was just gonna tell the director
you're here.
- More than usual?
- Yes.
You're saying
that it isn't Mr. Danforth's son?
Do you think Billy...
about a third injured party, doctor.
Billy had just landed stateside
after his second tour in lraq.
Doctors do that, don't they?
Nothing builds rapport
like a good game of ball.
You're wondering if Merrill helped
his buddy fake his own death
We only have Corporal Merrill's word
that the two of them drove off.
Then he has his buddy Corporal Merrill
come along and torch the evidence.
- And l'm with you, yes?
- l don't know, Ziva.
Can l help you, sir?
Abby found Danforth's blood
all over the windshield and hood.
Not mine, unless you want me
behind your desk again.
How well do you know
Corporal Kenneth Merrill?
Ricky Ricardo, you know,
''You got some explaining to do, Lucy.''
l managed to put a couple of bits
Can l at least get a drumroll?
Corporal Merrill gave your son
a kidney.
- Well, do you buy it?
- Well, it is possible.
Aired 19 years ago - Feb 07, 2006
While discovering an illegal automotive chop shop, the NCIS team stumbles upon a severed head of a Marine, hidden in one of the cars from the shop. When they find possible suspects, the team will have to find the rest of the body and find the murderer.
The guillotine.
Do you know how many people
the Nazis decapitated
Would you do the honours, Mr. Palmer?
l need to take care of the paperwork.
We traced the VlN
to a Mercedes dealership in Riverdale,
That's a good job, McGee.
Well, you're on a roll.
No, not exactly.
Another four to five
for selling stolen property.
All l saw was the chrome.
And where is the rest of his body?
Faith Coleman says that we need
to petition for a preliminary injunction
the ME who performed the autopsy
on our captain four months ago.
You'll have to excuse me,
Let's see: Wyatt, Winter and Wayne.
He was cremated that evening,
Furnace 2.
ln this room,
who is the senior field agent?
Hi. What's your name?
She couldn't understand
how her daddy could fit inside a jar.
at least not agents as old as you.
- What did you do?
- She overheard a conversation
l've hit a dead wall.
- Raised in New Orleans--
- Boss, barely graduated high school.
- What can l do for you?
- A favour.
That helps too.
- Perhaps a poor one?
- l'd buy that except for the fact
They're used in tribal ceremonies
in Africa. Friend of mine makes them.
Your contacts found out
who owns Epsilon Corporation?
l expected they would,
so l made a personal call
Special Agent Gibbs, l didn't know
the new director was punishing you.
We're more interested in
who was driving it before it was stolen.
- Boss, l was just about to call you.
- What a coincidence.
- Well, at least we have a warrant.
- Right.
l agree. Based upon the surgical skill
with which they were dissected,
- How about you, Tony?
- The slow rot or the fast burn?
- Can't hurt him.
- No. ''Can't hurt us.''
My client admitted
her involvement in the sale
- Sean. They can do whatever--
- He's one of them.
Anything to get out of Bethesda
for a couple of days, Dr. Mallard.
Table 2.
Aired 19 years ago - Jan 24, 2006
The NCIS team investigates the murder of two Marine wives, and must find the murderers before they attack their next target, another woman.
Unless you count
that Thanksgiving back in '98.
Probie's not gonna make a move
on his own, is he, boss?
l knew he was alive.
lt's hard to say which of these six
was the fatal wound.
l got some on you, here,
let me get this.
You look like you could use it.
l just wanted her to disappear.
l never laid a hand on Sun.
l tried to hold her off
Abby get the results of the GSR tests
on his clothing yet?
She's taking a nap with our daughter.
Why? ls something wrong, sir?
None of the neighbours heard
or saw anything unusual, boss.
When did you get into a verbal
altercation with the Marine captains?
He means green, Ziva.
And l think he's right.
One at Camp Pendleton,
the other is in Okinawa.
For instance, me and these women
have absolutely nothing in common.
- Can we get a fix on the phone?
- Negatory, McGee.
Well, we're scanning for targets now.
There are a lot of possibles.
Can't afford phone service,
so l take messages for them.
Sometimes she would use words not
common in my country since the war.
home and work phones, boss.
Or carry out whatever mission l was
assigned before l'm captured or killed.
Most likely part of her cover
or an occupational accident.
Oh, yeah? Then why was she
trying to convince me
She hasn't. She hasn't tried
to contact me, sir.
Have you no honour left, woman?
lf you kill me now, we all die.
Aired 19 years ago - Jan 17, 2006
When a Commander in charge of a shipment of fuel rods for nuclear power stations disappears, the NCIS team is called in. The team must solve the case in time, before the person who kidnapped the Commander finds out the secret location of the fuel rods or harms the Lt. Commander.
but the service provider
narrowed the call location,
Reporting for duty as ordered, sir.
Because they always hide one.
Thank you. lt was a very simple
pin-and-tumbler design.
Only a handful of people know
the exact route that train is taking.
Kids probably stole it. Don't move!
Exactly 3.4 seconds later,
the trunk is slammed shut.
We stopped the nuclear-supply train
in Pennsylvania, in a rural area.
- You're right, it won't. Help Abby.
- Help Abby with what?
Thank you, Ziva.
Sebring, Liberty, Jetta and Bug,
the whole VW line, all chick.
Play it back again.
You stole cars for the police?
Boss, it looks like she used
an lDEA algorithm
Well, they were spot on,
but something she said bothered me.
Navy can't risk moving it until
they find out what happened to her.
We never confront.
That's obviously your job.
- You got an address for this freak?
- Unfortunately, no.
No. l wish to improve
my computer skills.
but there isn't a second ''thunk''
or a ''thack,''
Crossed railroad tracks
20 minutes later.
The Fairfax police are now focusing
their search on this central area.
- William Lafferty, Fairfax, Virginia.
- Move it.
- Anyone else have keys to your car?
- No, l live alone.
You should be right by him, boss.
Phone's still in use.
We bought it from a guy
we know at school.
l'm thirsty.
Can l get you something to drink?
Yeah, l know. lt was kind of hot,
like Salma Hayek in Desperado.
- We don't have time for breaks, Abby.
- We don't, but you do.
- We know.
- l was gonna say 1 0.
Because he couldn't take them
with him.
that Winthrop Military Academy
is still accepting applications.
She's on her way
to Bethesda in a coma, Logan.
Aired 19 years ago - Jan 10, 2006
While on investigation at a shipyard, looking for smuggled weapons, Tony and Ziva dissapear and it's up to NCIS to find them. Abby tries to track them down by tracking down their GPS chips, but they seem to be out of reach. Meanwhile, Tony and Ziva, hiding in a container, find evidence which could help them solve the case.
We're still locked in a box
and freezing to death.
What we need to do is relax
and remain calm,
Most of them end up dead,
the lucky ones, crippled.
Are you waiting for me
to say please?
lt's low on the list of genres,
l know,
- to pick them up anyway.
- Should, McGee?
Let's find them before DiNozzo
blows both his arms off.
And what does this say exactly?
your life would have had
more meaning if you'd slept with me.
These DVDs were just decoys
to get through Customs.
Yes, like ink.
- Sir?
- Do me a favour.
l'm going to need more than chatter
before we disrupt the port.
- lf we burn these bills--
- We'll die of smoke inhalation, Tony.
Here we go.
Out the ventilation shaft.
- Abby Sciuto, NClS--
- Find Tony and Ziva, Abs.
You see, it's all about hot women
and brave men to you.
Maybe l like a little privacy.
Do you still think
this is just chatter, Lake?
Yeah, well, l'll bet Tony
and Ziva thought so, McGee.
- to search every container still in port?
- No, l'm ordering you.
The work is primitive.
That would be my third choice.
Sorry, Gretel, l left all
my breadcrumbs back at the office.
Cell phone antennas are vertical.
The wire can't dangle.
l've got it. Just give me one
of your little hair squinchie things.
l just got to figure out
how to attach it.
lt's a complicated language.
She shot me!
Keep the damn phone on.
Abby will find you.
He's not here right now.
lf you want, l can
That's a solid copy.
We're heading that way now.
- According to the GPS fix--
- Not according to DiNozzo.
- Do it! Agent DiNozzo. Agent David.
- Lake?
Aired 19 years ago - Dec 13, 2005
While filming a reality show on a Marine base, a supermodel dies and the NCIS team must discover who is the model's murderer. They discover a love triangle between the model and three other men, all suspects. Meanwhile, Jenny is disturbed by Gibbs when he doesn't want to attend an award ceremony in his honor.
ls this on? l have a speech. l didn't--
- l'm listening.
- Well...
No, sir. But l do have
public-affairs experience.
- Phencyclidine. Angel dust.
- Yeah.
l've got an entire agency to run,
and sound bites like these do not help
He's been up in her office
for the past half an hour.
- l guess that's what all this is about.
- You'd be guessing right.
l think we're looking at
death by Klowny Kake.
Perhaps she thought
someone was chasing her.
l'm sorry.
Well, l'd say it backfired. Large time.
My daughter's dead, staff sergeant.
You know, l'm a big fan of the show.
You guys are really beautiful and great.
Yeah. l see him now, DiNozzo.
This is a Dear John letter.
l can't call the general
and tell him we have nothing.
Well, not for good.
''Laugh now, cry later.''
The x-rays indicated a severe fracture
of the left scapula and a clavicle
That's not TV.
We used to sneak into the Limelight,
like, every weekend.
l just stopped by to drop you
something off, Jethro.
She knew where the cameras
were placed, knew how to avoid them.
When's Gibbs planning on starting?
Thanks, boss. l could've used
a little more prep time, but that's--
- l'm guessing you thought about this.
- On and off for the last 25 years.
But you'll be all right now.
- And the other?
- No owner yet.
- Yeah, right. You've got to be joking.
- No, we're not.
Aired 19 years ago - Nov 29, 2005
While on duty, McGee kills a man who is later discovered to be an undercover police officer. When Jenny decides to approve the investigation on McGee, the NCIS team is forced to prove that McGee is not guilty, pushing Gibbs' relationship with Jen to the limit. Meanwhile, Tony is troubled by his past.
- This guy's a mess.
- Yeah, you don't know the half of it.
- Abigail.
- Ducky.
The third bullet removed
what was left of the fourth rib,
- That are registered in Virginia.
- Yeah, so?
To go back to work.
McGee is a probie.
one in every hundred
begins with the numbers 89.
l'd like to ask Sergeant Archer
some questions.
l shared our preliminary report, and
you'll have full access to our findings.
DiNozzo, look at this.
Got a possible.
of where McGee was standing
when he--
Gibbs says search the alley again,
we search the alley again.
What is that smell?
The first time l shot at someone...
l had an epiphany.
A different way of tracking the SUV.
- l'm a donor.
- Oh, a donor, right.
Her title is director of critical issues.
A second-tier pusher
released from Elkton this morning.
We think that Halligan was the guy
your partner was talking to in the alley.
Lamborghinis, Ferraris,
1 965 Aston Martin, the Goldfinger--
He's on the lam.
There's no B in that, by the way.
l convinced Captain Karzin
that he wasn't a flight risk
Then l remembered
rule numero ocho.
The person l saw arguing
with Benedict was a passenger.
lf you ever Gibbs-slap me again, David,
and l will slap you back harder.
- Well, have a nice day.
- Thank you.
- Where did you two find the bullet?
- Miss Abby Sciuto.
- What do you think?
- What's going on?
Well, maybe Archer doesn't know that.
Pull an old warrant.
Aired 19 years ago - Nov 22, 2005
Tony is accused of murdering a woman whos body was found at Quantico and the team must prove his innocence. All the possible evidence prove that Tony is guilty and the team will give their best to set their agent and a friend free.
Well, the muscles have gone
through all three stages of rigor mortis,
l've learned that trash indigenous
to an area is not worth collecting.
Yes, nobody had the bad taste
to verbalize such a thought until now.
Yes, after Theodore Bundy
lt's Charles.
Okay, 1 1 1 .1 86 for adipose.
Density of musculature--
You know fun. Fun, Chip.
l must have ripped a glove
at the scene, boss.
l am suspending you
from investigating this further,
l like to refer to it as a lateral move
into the recreational sector, Jethro.
You know,
maybe you should expand the list
- He's being framed.
- l believe you.
Worked till 7, went for a run,
drove home.
And the way they fit their tiny
little bodies into those tiny little outfits.
You didn't screw up, Abs.
While you're being so forthright
and insightful, Mr. DiNozzo,
but, you know, those are the breaks
when you're a homicidal maniac
Mike Macaluso. Still in jail.
Lieutenant Pam Kim.
Surgical nurse.
- Then you know l feel.
- You found them--?
lt's kind of like a ''you break my heart,
l break yours'' thing.
Tony wasn't murdered, was he?
- Translate.
- A little fire burns a great deal of corn.
l managed to find it
between kissing asses.
l used the FTlS and the mass spec
to determine its chemical composition.
Look, what the hell
do you two want?
Sure we can't take
a quick look around?
The bite mark? l guess you could steal
dental records, create your own mould.
How? All the FBl left me was
a speck of blood and a carpet fibre.
But now l know that forensics
was just testing me.
- Really, really, really pissing him off.
- Open it.
You know what l found
in the little fibres, Chippy?
Aired 19 years ago - Nov 08, 2005
When bodies of two hired assassins are delivered to the NCIS team, Ziva & Tony go undercover assuming the victim's identities in order to find the person who hired the assassins for their mission. While working on the case, Ziva & Tony spend some
quality time in a luxury hotel and the attraction between them arises. Gibbs discovers that his team is not the only one working on the case.
Aired 19 years ago - Nov 01, 2005
When a 6-year-old boy informs the NCIS team that his father was kidnapped, the team discovers that the missing father is actually a Lt. Commander working on a secret project named Honor, and that he is the only one who has the code that can open the
project. While Gibbs gets closer with the boy, the rest of the team discovers that the project has been hacked in and the information inside has been deleted. Is the missing man innocent or is he actually the guilty one?
Do you always respond to
missing persons cases so promptly?
That's a smart thing to do,
calling NClS. Good boy.
Sad, but enlightening.
l put a call to the head of security over
there. No one's gotten back to me.
l can take care of myself.
They should snap back on.
Key doesn't sound very high tech.
And it gets worse, boss.
lf Project Honor's compromised,
it will cripple our intelligence networks.
- Crypto processors, ACLs, firewalls.
- Hey, hey.
- Under the circumstances--
- Chip.
Well, listen.
but considering
what a brave little boy you've been
How'd you find out about that?
How are you going to get this
out of here when it's finished?
l promise you.
l got a trace
on the Chevy Suburban.
Now that, my young friend,
is magic.
lf a professional did this,
he would have not left his weapon.
the pieces fit together quite well.
- Any prints from the .380?
- Dead guy's.
l'm simply trying to solve
your case here, director.
Tanner is a close friend.
l was hoping for information.
Boss, so did you tell him
we think Tanner's innocent?
Someone's tampered
with this hard drive.
Gibbs wants to know if you've got
anything he can use on Connell.
Has anyone considered the fact
that Gibbs may be wrong this time?
Most people get obsessed
cleaning the grip and trigger.
He might be,
but Zach's our only link to him.
Listen, l spent half the night taking
Frank Connell's hard drive apart.
But the evidence we have
against Commander Tanner?
Tracking down the store
where our dead guy
lt's Laura Osgood.
Frank Connell's assistant.
Commander Tanner's been gone
for 4 7 hours.
lt was a three-man team.
Please, they'll kill me.
Aired 19 years ago - Oct 25, 2005
The NCIS team takes upon a strange case - a Marine's wife was murdered live on the Internet. The investigation reveals that two housewives were running a live Internet sex site and now they are both missing. While looking for them, the team will try to track down the webmaster and solve the alleged murder case.
Why would anyone want to buy
somebody else's junk?
- Today, DiNozzo.
- On your six, boss.
- ls crime a problem around here?
- Are you kidding?
Twist the end, Tony.
Boss, l don't need an hour.
l scanned through Jamie's hard drive.
l saw the exact same dog
skateboarding on Letterman.
When Naughty Naughty Neighbors
You really believe this
is an obsessed voyeur?
- Who?
- This guy?
Anyone with any kind of training
would have used far more pressure,
Aren't you a little too old for toys?
These aren't toys, they're investments.
Yeah, that's good. Sounds like
the girls are ripping you off.
lt's been like a month.
l mean, with a design like mine,
l filtered through all of Jamie's files,
- Nice shoes. Who are you?
- Charles Sterling.
- l know Tony's story, what's yours?
- Do you want the long version
that would have covered
her entire torso.
the rubber bands
from the supply room.
- for the past six weeks.
- South Beach is an exotic place.
Look, l-- l'd feel more comfortable
being assigned to another project.
Oh, yes. Video's done.
We're done.
Most of the subscribers for Naughty
Naughty Neighbors are out of state.
We know about the sex site,
- Where's my wife?
- l don't know. l swear.
not madam.
You killed her and you killed her
website partner, Jamie Carr.
A Cayman account set up to put into a
U.S. account on the 1 5th each month.
Because it's obvious.
Okay, this guy's not smart enough
to cover his tracks.
- High bid was over $1 ,200.
- Was?
lt's hair dye.
Two hundred and forty-three dollars
at your local magic shop.
- What about Carter--?
- Finch? Dead.
Aired 19 years ago - Oct 18, 2005
When an officer is shot to death on the freeway, the NCIS team takes upon the investigation. The first lead, a fact that the victim was leading a double life, takes them to a possible solution of the crime, but the tables are turned when the victim's dying message is discovered and it leads them to a totally different clue.
ls there a problem?
l have a driver's licence, Mr. Palmer.
Good hustle, Palmer.
- They thought that was a miracle.
- lt'll be a miracle if you still have a job
So l recommend we search the area
along this path looking for spent brass.
This has something to do
with your personal life?
A buddy of mine was shipping out.
He was in a bit of a bind.
Okay, it looks like
Petty Officer Smith--
Smile. Talk about the weather.
Tell her to call me.
Just to be clear, are there any more
of these rules l should be aware of?
We know. A very special occasion.
Jerry was the first truly decent man
l had ever met.
You think Epsom salt
reduces swelling faster?
could ever truly know another person
or their secrets.
- Who the hell is he, Abs?
- Petty Officer Jerry Smith.
His empty desk.
He didn't report for duty today.
Did you really think
my driving was that terrible?
She's right, Tony.
Did you find anything useful?
The blood here is darker,
and the pattern is random.
Do you realise what we have here?
wine cellar, Robin Masters' estate,
Rick, TC and the helicopter.
We know that your husband
and John Kirby served together.
When he left, he said
l should forget l ever saw him
According to this, there's
a drop scheduled for this afternoon.
You know, like when your gut
is telling you something?
The seams are filled with something
that looks like an epoxy material.
The bomb squad is gonna pick this
up, they'll do their thing
charging porn and tractors
on your credit card is a Smith,
l know. We checked.
he couldn't keep it
in his damn pants.
And they connect together.
Now, step back and squint.
Sometimes people in the throes
of death try to communicate.
Surveillance camera at the main gate
has Commander Morris
Was Petty Officer Smith
wearing a seat belt?
The one decent man you've ever met
wasn't really decent at all, was he?
Aired 19 years ago - Oct 11, 2005
When a corpse of a man is found inside a tomb that comes from the Civil War, the team discovers that the victim, a Sergeant, was buried alive. During the investigation, Abby tracks down the last phone call of the victim. Meanwhile, Gibbs is informed by his new boss Jenny Sheppard that Ziva David is assigned as a liaison officer for Mossad at NCIS.
l want her with you, Jethro.
l learned from the best, Jethro.
l want Ziva to as well.
l always thought
that was urban legend.
You'll find most NClS agents
are like that. lt's our training.
They think that this Marine
was killed recently
this young man
is Warren Sorrow, USMC.
Yes. lt is. How are you?
but you can't be certain
until you get it out.
going up near the Bull Run Battlefield
in Manassas, boss.
- Hey, not so fast.
- l always drive fast.
Find out what was on the cell phone
we found in the casket.
- during a conference once.
- Yeah, what doctor was that, doctor?
Yes. Yes, l think that we fixed it.
What's wrong, Duck?
at the iron sides of his casket,
Not at all.
l was referring to your manners.
And in the immortal words
of Leroy Jethro Gibbs,
See, l don't think
she really looks that bad.
- l can't work like this, Gibbs.
- l'll take care of it, Abs.
l assume he was trying to dial
another number and hit random keys.
Staff Sergeant Sorrow
has a safety-deposit box
- And Gibbs?
- Oh, yeah.
Do you know where l can find
a Kelleher Avenue?
- our dead staff sergeant belonged to.
- Get an address?
Abby, Ziva was amazing. l mean,
she's got a photographic memory.
Usually worn by Southern gentlemen
to telegraph wealth and status.
l could run the vectors between
these features and satellite imagery.
During times of war,
mapmakers often add terrain
- Fast.
- You think?
l didn't sign up for this.
Aired 19 years ago - Oct 04, 2005
Gibbs is ordered to talk to a convict that is about to be executed, in order to discover information about the place where he hid his victims, but when the plan doesn't work, the team must solve the case in their own way.
- Agent Cassidy.
- Okay. Good answer.
Probie, let me handle this.
lncluding himself.
People, sir. Maybe.
We've got a high-priority transmission
coming through for you in MTAC.
lt doesn't sound very healthy, Tony.
No matter who's asking.
we found two human female tongues
in his refrigerator.
l always thought you were padding
your count.
Me, personally?
l'm hoping it takes a lot longer.
There's more than 22, Jethro.
Well, of course you wouldn't.
You're not a doctor.
- Boone family farm.
- Wants me?
Did you weigh and measure me
in my sleep?
- She did that on purpose.
- Okay. Oh, no. l got--
That's his calling card, McGee.
You are about to witness the transfer
of a maximum-security prisoner
l knew l could
count on you, Jethro.
You know what's even nicer?
Go find out how many victims
she lD'd from Boone's scrapbook.
but you'd be wrong because l know
who the first victim is.
The one that stands out the most
is the first victim.
- You caught the son of a bitch.
- l should have killed him.
Wow, l never realized how sensitive
you were about your desk.
l believe that requires some form
of communication.
Now all we have to do is scan
through 800,000 miles
Yeah, maybe. Gibbs.
He wanted to move me back to prison.
But don't worry.
Come on, Jethro.
Well, usually, you add
some kind of insult at the end.
- We found Boone's dumping ground.
- Good work.
Not what you were expecting,
was it?
The Polaroid of Cassidy is clean.
No prints, no DNA. l'm sorry, Gibbs.
- Good job, McGee.
- Good job, McGee.
That's gotta be him.
Aired 19 years ago - Sep 27, 2005
Still stressed over Kate's death, Gibbs is even more hurt when Ari kidnaps Ducky and decides to play with his mind. Gibbs sends Tony to follow Ziva, and after Jenny and Gibbs are almost shot to death, he is even more determined to finish once and for all with Ari, and Ziva's strange connection to Ari will be just the help that he needs.
Maybe he heard about Kate
and he called Ducky.
are also capable of restoring life.
At least to a machine.
- She definitely intimidates you.
- Does not.
Because Ari dumped their cell phones
in the park, not their bodies.
- l've never driven a stick.
- Are you serious?
Did you warn him?
Mind if l join you?
- What's the name?
- Well, the--
Well, let's make sure
he doesn't get that far.
Yeah. A cab keeps going.
Picks him up. They're gone.
But he's right.
One of us is gonna die.
Take it.
l lost my little sister, Tali,
in a Hamas suicide bombing.
lf you don't peek at the back
of my head, l'll look like l'm asleep.
That's the rooftop.
Slow down, McGee. Take a breath.
Ziva knows that.
Remember that stakeout
in Marseille?
- Shooter.
- Stay down.
--two years ago. Mohamed Esfiri
was a homegrown terrorist.
That guy was sent to die, not to kill.
Kid was terrified.
So you don't know.
- What's the name of this film?
- The Peacemaker.
where a small amount of plutonium
is missing.
Lapua .308 casing. Boat-tail.
From the moment of my birth,
he groomed me to be one thing,
You never did give me enough credit
in our game.
Aired 19 years ago - Sep 20, 2005
After the terrorist's attack, the NCIS team is shocked and is trying to cope with Kate's sudden death, each in their own way. Now, their mission is to collect all the possible info on Ari and find a way to stop him before he does any more damage.
While feeling guilty over Kate's death, Gibbs is informed that the NCIS director is leaving, and the replacement is Jenny Shepard, a woman Gibbs worked with in the past and had a romantic history with.
Tony, you're soaking wet.
No. No, not at all, Probie.
l couldn't believe
you were a forensic scientist.
the batch number
and, perhaps, where it was sold.
- l don't know. lt's my first time.
- Abby.
l appreciate your keeping me covered
in front of the others.
Ari fired into Abby's lab.
But you're right.
Right here.
to award the Presidential Medal
of Freedom to Special Agent Todd.
Anyway, you're not my problem
anymore, Jethro.
l missed you, Jen.
Your mother should have washed
your mind out with soap.
Then why did you imagine her
NClS needs someone who can shake
the money tree on the Hill
People who should know
don't believe Ari Haswari is the sniper.
- So?
- Well, don't they play jazz at funerals?
How would you know that?
since 9/1 1 .
You saw one today in MTAC.
They promote control officers
young in Mossad.
Why don't you arrange
a meet and he can tell me?
Shadow him and call me.
You think Ari looked sweet
when he shot Kate?
No, Gibbs. Come on.
How are you, my dear fellow?
Gerald is free to go if you'll listen