S3 E6

Season 3  "Homecoming"  3x6

Aired 19 years ago - Oct 31, 2004

"Just a gangster, I suppose." -- Avon Barksdale Stringer Bell gets an education in construction management; Bunk uses shoe-leather to catch up with Omar and deliver a searing message; a frustrated Colvin unleashes the troops on the corner boys ignoring his new edict; Avon sends Cutty and Slim Charles against Marlo; Bubbles refocuses the picture for Greggs; Donette receives Brianna's blessing of her hookup with Stringer and lets slip that McNulty visited about Dee. Daniels keeps up the front of marriage to Marla, as she pursues a new career at City Hall; McNulty backdoors Daniels with a visit to Colvin; and Burrell hears from the mayor that he should take Baltimore's rising body count very personally

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Recap of The Wire Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 2 #2 Recap of The Wire Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 3 #3 Recap of The Wire Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 4
We'll start the interior construction within the week.
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and find out he's on the greater Baltimore committee.
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And I sincerely mean your girl no disrespect but...
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I guarantee they won't breathe a free breath
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I dunno, there's just no excuse for what happened.
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Sound to me like he involved already.
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with the drug trafficking you see outside.
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Hey, look, pick your targets, drop 'em and move out quick.
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She's witnessing against a violent drug crew.
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Or Mickey Pepper would give him a fight.
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- We saw them meet. - I don't know what you saw
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The one tried to turn Dee on Avon when he got pulled up in Jersey.
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It's just for show until the election next year.
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was going to turn into some kind of big deal
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Two our people are chalked and we ain't got shit to show for it.
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And they got crews over there
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This is no longer about Stringer Bell.
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Ain't no thing.
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so much as knowin' what to do with your hands.
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And out where that girl fell, I saw kids actin' like Omar
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I'm telling you, String.
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if you don't have no toothbrush, you gonna be usin' some other boy's brush
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Black, white, green... people are pissed off.
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He has to see it. I know he sees it.
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I had that as a promise.
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close enough to take off his Kangol and half his dome with it.