The CW

Season 4

Aired 6 years ago - May 28, 2018

Clive, Ravi, Peyton and Major work together to help Liv.

Aired 6 years ago - May 21, 2018

Ravi and Clive work together to solve a case. Meanwhile, Major pulls a surprising move on Liv.

Aired 6 years ago - May 14, 2018

Liv does Clive a solid and agrees to consume germaphobe brain during flu season. Ravi continues his role as surrogate father to Isobel. Major finally gets to the bottom of things, and Chase continues to spiral out of control. Lastly, Peyton struggles with a very important decision.

Aired 6 years ago - May 07, 2018

When Liv consumes the brain of a vice detective who doesn’t play by the rules, her newfound recklessness gets her into trouble. Meanwhile, Major is coming really close to discovering Liv’s secret.

Aired 6 years ago - Apr 30, 2018

There’s a zombie serial killer on the loose and new Seattle is on lockdown. Liv is trapped in the morgue on white rapper brain and Clive and Ravi are playing Dungeons & Dragons. Meanwhile, Blaine concocts his most sinister plan to date. Lastly, Major is on the hunt for the killer.

Recap of iZombie Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 1
and do the Mr. Burns thing with your hands.
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I'm sorry, Mr. Schwartzman, my partner should be along soon.
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'Sup, shawty? What is good?
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You say you come dirty, rain,
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Some hater was throwin' mad shade.
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You're hunting zombies, you go to their watering hole.
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People are making a big deal about them.
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he could have me on the house, and we'd go all night?
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Blaine DeBeers, you are
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that makes its Y-Series brethren look like a little...
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You now have the ability to make us invisible, impenetrable.
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Seems he got his hands on a shotgun
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We almost didn't make it out alive.
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So then, adventurers... Shall we commence?
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and no one will ever trace it back to us.
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Oh, my God. This is gnarly.
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They got beef, Major. Let 'em sort it out.
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Renegade was breaking the law and fully aware of the consequences.
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"I have to work a bit on Saturday afternoon
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Take it from me. Five years happily married to my best friend.
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My lack of regard for worldly possessions?
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All my information's there.
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Quite a police emergency.
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Oh, she'll get the text I'm sending right now.
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Recap of iZombie Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 30
you decided to climb in one of the drawers where we keep the dead?
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who will have one less mince pie to bake during the Feast of Belbuck.
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If that's your plan, just take my gun and shoot me.
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What happens in the Misty Dunes stays in the Misty Dunes.
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Is that Lil' Bones Jones?
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Recap of iZombie Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 38
Recap of iZombie Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 39
Limped around like...
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Recap of iZombie Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09) - 42
Scratching humans is a capital offense, you know.
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Maybe. Isobel's had several experimental treatments.
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had a threesome in your brain.
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Feeling good? Relaxed?
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You can't deny me my dying wish.
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I caught her red-handed making fake zombie ID cards for her clients.
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Aired 6 years ago - Apr 23, 2018

Liv consumes the brain of a murdered live-action role-playing knight in order to solve his murder; Peyton uncovers a truth about Liv; Major embarks on a mission.

Aired 6 years ago - Apr 16, 2018

After consuming the brain of a bachelor playboy, Liv heads to a club to meet up with Clive and Ravi. Meanwhile, Major is assigned an enormous task. Lastly, Clive is still struggling with the arrangement he’s made with Bozzio.

Aired 6 years ago - Apr 09, 2018

Liv and Clive investigate the murder of a pretentious theater actor. Meanwhile, Ravi makes a huge sacrifice for Peyton. Lastly, Blaine makes a startling discovery.

Aired 6 years ago - Mar 26, 2018

While tracking the murder of a hockey player, Liv stumbles onto Chase Graves’ evil plan. Meanwhile, Major is forced to make a horrible decision. Lastly, Peyton tries to contain a volatile situation.

Aired 6 years ago - Mar 19, 2018

Liv and Clive discover the murder they are investigating was the work of a serial killer. Meanwhile, Major enters dangerous territory.

Aired 7 years ago - Mar 12, 2018

Love is in the air after Liv eats the brains of a hopeless romantic, and she can’t stop herself from meddling in Clive’s relationship. Major and Liv continue to try to work through their differences. Meanwhile, Blaine is approached with an interesting offer.

Aired 7 years ago - Mar 05, 2018

It’s a real-life game of 'Clue' for Liv after she eats the brains of a despicable dowager and must determine which one of her disgruntled servants killed her. Clive and Bozzio are struggling to maintain a healthy relationship. Meanwhile, circumstances place Major and Liv in opposition to one another.

Aired 7 years ago - Feb 26, 2018

While investigating the murder of a Seattle Seahawk superfan, Liv has a surprising vision. Meanwhile, Major is assigned the task of mentoring young, homeless zombies, and Ravi is still carrying a torch for Peyton. Lastly, Blaine is dealing with a threat looming from his past.