S8 E10

Season 8  "Badlaa"  8x10

Aired 23 years ago - Jan 21, 2001

An Indian mystic whose son died in a chemical plant accident smuggles himself into the United States and takes his revenge on two families in suburban Washington, D.C.

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Recap of The X-Files Season 8 Episode 10 (S08E10) - 2 #2 Recap of The X-Files Season 8 Episode 10 (S08E10) - 3 #3 Recap of The X-Files Season 8 Episode 10 (S08E10) - 4
- The body? - Yeah.
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Well, that looks like
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[ Woman ] The better the economy gets
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Big is a relative term, Agent Doggett.
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Massive trauma to the lower intestine
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forcibly extracted the drugs, tearing it from his stomach?
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Well, it would mean that, uh, Mr. Potocki here
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Leave him alone.
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I don't know-- letters I've never seen before.
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inside the victims as a...
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but so far this evidence supports it.
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Try to get some sleep.
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That it had no legs.
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I mean, he had none of the massive hemorrhaging
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[ Labored Breathing ]
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The subject is a Caucasian male.
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Agent Mulder consulted with Dr. Burks on occasion,
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Powers that help them manipulate reality.
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Well, this has been... insightful.
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and... please have a seat.
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I don't know.
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And one... fiinally caught my attention.
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No, I'm questioning the whole damn case.
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The man sitting there
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Come on.
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and I need to be certain.
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Well, I-I didn't expect to see you back at work.
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[ Creaking ]
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Stop him.! Shoot him.!
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