S5 E13

Season 5  "Patient X (1)"  5x13

Aired 26 years ago - Mar 01, 1998

Mulder and Scully meet Cassandra Spender, a woman who claims to be a multiple abductee and wants to deliver a positive message about the aliens. Mulder's new found disbelief in extraterrestrial activity is enhanced while Scully forms a special bond with the woman. A series of group attacks against abductees take place and the shadowy Syndicate believes that a rebel alien resistance is attempting to destroy all their work.

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Or scroll and see one by one:

Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 2 #2 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 3 #3 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 4 #4 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 5 #5 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 6
But of truths which are incomprehensible,
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 7
And that we are not simply breeding cows for them,
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 8
And if you suggest to them that these aliens are doing bad things to them,
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 9 #9 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 10
Almost five years. I came down expecting to hear...
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 11
I don't think you understand. There's just too much evidence that it's all been a lie.
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 12 #12 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 13 #13 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 14
[ Russian ]
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 15
And you were the only one who believed him.
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 16
I suggest you check yourself out of here as soon as you can...
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 17
I-I have been through the terror and the tests more times than I can count.
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 18 #18 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 19 #19 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 20 #20 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 21 #21 Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 22
This is going to sound weird. Uh, it's my mother.
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That what was taking place was a staging...
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 25
Knows how?
Recap of The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 26
You've been working on a vaccine... against the black oil.
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You look constipated, actually.
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You try to incite people with the facts,
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And, uh, I'd like to ask you some questions.
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I took the liberty of reading your medical file.
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I'd never dream of removing it.
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- Oh, my God! - Help me!
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[ Woman ] and there was no indication beforehand?
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I mean, this is Skyland mountain.
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What the hell is going on? This is our own backyard.
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Hoping relatives or friends will come forward...
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There you have it.
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Here and here.
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Those people were led to Skyland mountain.
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[ Picks up receiver ] Mulder.
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