S2 E12
The CW

Season 2  "Sanctuary"  2x12

Aired 9 years ago - Feb 02, 2015

After a series of strange encounters, Rebekah becomes intrigued by a mysterious girl who has recently arrived to the insane asylum. At the bayou, Hayley struggles with coming clean to Jackson about the secrets she’s keeping and is surprised when he shares his own secret involving Hayley’s parents. Meanwhile, after learning the details of a particular marriage ritual that Hayley and Jackson must complete, Klaus heads to the bayou to put an end to it, but not before running into Jackson’s grandmother Mary. Elsewhere, Vincent remains determined to uncover the secret he knows Klaus is hiding and sets his eyes on Marcel for answers. Lastly, when Davina discovers that Josh and Marcel are in danger, she enlists the help of Kaleb and Aiden to rescue them.

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Recap of The Originals Season 2 Episode 12 (S02E12) - 2 #2 Recap of The Originals Season 2 Episode 12 (S02E12) - 3
coming out of that room in waves.
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Ha ha!
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How long was I asleep?
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You led them to this, but then, perhaps,
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I'm a hybrid, dear, half wolf.
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I think I'd like to congratulate the bride and groom.
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hell-bent on waging war with vampires.
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No. I didn't know until Mary told me.
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Doesn't change a thing, least of all how I feel about you.
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Well, it's not a risk if I trust Jackson.
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It's a good thing that I don't take orders from anyone,
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I'm not gonna stand here quietly
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Need I remind you I killed my own father
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He confided in her, but she knew
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as long as you don't mind knowing that you are a chump.
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Are you trying to give me a bloody heart attack?
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I'd prefer if you spared me the tedium
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Well, you...
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I never had the luxury to live among my kind nor the chance
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but I heard about how you turned dear, old dad
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put him to sleep for centuries.
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And I told them that they had to deal with you.
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The others were just ignorant bullies,
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How did you do that?
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Till I'm dead.
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Go on, then. Tell him.
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Well, I'm smart enough not to be found.
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and I expect nothing less than their best behavior.
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The little witch, she asked me to be a distraction.
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He'd end up surrounded by enemies, alone.
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Yes, assuming you're willing